I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

Epilogue 3. The cornered mice always resist


I desperately tapped on another ship, cause this guy is clearly not going to let me live.

Unlike the young kitsune, this one is a huge chunk of meat and bones, also referred to as ‘warrior’.


A split second before I was cut in two, a longsword appeared in my hands, and I managed to block the katana. For several seconds we stood against each other with our swords clashed. That was long enough to notice that I am not fighting someone human.

The samurai’s glowing red eyes were looking at me with deep hatred.

I subconsciously felt that I need to step away, before the samurai overpowers me.

I jumped away far enough so as not to let him attack me immediately.

Hey! Why would you charge at me so suddenly?!” My voice was weird, low and domineering, suitable for a female warrior.

The samurai responded nothing.


He charged at me with the tip of the blade aimed at my throat. I barely shielded myself with the shoulder.

WHY THE HELL?!” I shouted, and tried to return the favor by piercing him too.

The samurai pulled the katana out of the wound, and rapidly turned around, to gain momentum for slashing me.


I parried him, and counterattacked, while the katana was not in my way.


I severed his arm, and made him fall back.

While I was catching breath for a new fight, I noticed that Akagi-sama was finally paying some attention to my moves.

[Well, either way, I should ask. She may even answer.]

Come on! I already wounded you! Just surrender and that would be it!” I shouted at the samurai.

The loli kitsune glanced at me, and at the samurai, without a glint of interest.

Still, she gave the answer.

“He is the champion. He chose a chance to free himself from servitude. Either he fights and survives, or he dies and perishes. There are fates worse than death. One of such awaits him.” When she was done answering, she continued playing the flute.

Suddenly, the champion grew agitated.

Perhaps after being reminded of the imminent doom, he charged at me again, as if losing his arm was nothing.


Contrary to my expectations, he only became faster.

I too started fighting for my life, because I noticed that the loli started to get bored.


He-he-he’ I felt like I heard a chuckle somewhere.


I continued exchanging blows with the samurai, all to no avail. There was barely any gap in skill to be abused.


After another heavy exchange, we both stepped back from each other. We started waiting. Either for the other to make a mistake, or just to catch a breath.

I was the first to move again, because I felt a chill on my back, the part which was visible only to the certain someone.

The melody changed from a Japanese-styled tune, to something more suitable for a Japanese action film.


I blocked the champion’s katana, and kicked him between his legs.

Previously we were only fighting with our swords. Now I brought another dimension to our fight. Earning me both the champion’s glare of contempt, and a fleeting chuckle of the flute.

[Really, now?]

After my successful attack I continued pushing forward.


I tried to cut off his leg but the champion managed to avoid the slash, at the cost of losing his balance.


I pierced his chest, and pushed on the sword with my entire body.

While I was defenseless, the champion managed to kick me, and pull the sword out.

He was bleeding profusely but still stood up.

Once again, the music changed, now to something suitable for a mourning.

I guess she gave up on you.” I prepared for a fistfight.

The champion lightly shook his head, as if saying ‘she gave up on us long before this’.

He picked up his katana, and took stance.

Instead of charging at me, he waited.

Waited for a death suitable for a warrior.

“I shall not hold back.” I approached and picked up the sword.


The samurai grumbled something incomprehensible, and we clashed for the last time.

After we exchanged blows, I noticed that for a split second his eyes lost their glow.

I went for the kill.


I cut the samurai’s side.

The champion fell on his knees, and grumbled something. Then his body fell down.

It was my honor.” I sheathed his katana, and put it closer to his body.

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