I Didn't Get Into The Warrior High School And Had No Choice But To Draw My Sword.

Chapter 293 Is He A Suspect? Same Name, Right?

The monster crisis in Huai'an County ended in a roller coaster ride.

The early battle was like an extremely slow climb. After Wu Fan took action, bang, very quickly, a group of decades-old B-level comrades didn't even react. Thousands of Aoki Dryads and Qinling Giants were lying on the ground. On the ground.

After the battle, temporary workers from Huai'an County began to clean up the battlefield. The county magistrate, the blue-robed judge, and the captains of the demon-slaying team all came up to Wu Fan and boasted.

"This gentleman looks very young. He is really young and promising."

"We just sent a request for support and you arrived. You are so conscientious!"

At this moment, Judgment in blue suddenly said: "Why does this classmate look familiar to me? I think I've seen him there before?"

Wu Fan wiped the green dryad blood on the alloy sword, then threw it into the mask space and said, "My name is Wu Fan."

"Wu Fan, what a great name!"

"Yes, there is a sense of intimacy, as if it is always in my ears."

Just when a group of big guys in Huai'an County thought that Wu Fan was a strong reinforcement sent from above and were frantically trying to gain favor, the judge in blue suddenly said:

"The cult suspect who recently escaped from the Imperial Capital, Jizhou Province, and Yuzhou Province, and then offered a reward for [prefecture]-level disasters, seems to be named Wu Fan."

There was originally a warm atmosphere where everyone was building goodwill, but after the blue-shirted judge spoke, it suddenly felt as cold as falling into the Arctic Circle.

The smile and words froze for half a second at this moment, and then the county magistrate of Huai'an County waved his hand and said in a sonorous tone:

"The name Wu Fan is very common. This gentleman helped us deal with the monster attack on the city and protected the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the county. How could he be a cult suspect?"

"They probably have the same name!"

The captain of the demon-slaying team, the president of the martial arts association, and the principal of the martial arts high school all admired the county magistrate in their hearts. His ability to adapt to changes is really amazing. No wonder he can be a leader!


"This look and him..."

Just when the blue-robed adjudicator took out the wanted notice from within the adjudication office, the captain of the demon-slaying team took action directly and hit him in the face with an iron fist!

"Heaven's broken legs!"

"Wind and Thunder Fist!"

"Cut off your children and grandchildren!"

The county magistrate, the military officer, the president of the hunter union, and other 7 or 8 B-level strongmen took action with hatred, punching and kicking each other, and there was also a man holding an iron chair, raising his hands to the blue clothed judge on the ground. Thirteen fatal smashes!


A few minutes later.

When a purple-clad Judgment and a demon-slaying warrior with the Order of Thousand Slayers arrived with dozens of reinforcements, they found that in addition to a blue-clad Judgment lying on the ground who could not even recognize his mother, even the monsters No shadow was seen.

"How is this going?"

"You were beaten like this by a monster and you didn't even receive any treatment?"

The purple-clothed Judgment who came for reinforcements pointed at the injured and unconscious Blue-clothed Judgment on the ground and asked.


The president of the martial arts association spat at the blue-clad Judgment who was lying on the ground and said, "This was not beaten by monsters, this was beaten by us."


"Why did you hit him?"

The warriors from the Ziyi Judgment and Thousand Demon Slayer Team were confused. Could it be that they encountered mind-controlled monsters and then killed each other?

Just when they were confused, they heard the president of the Wushu Association say angrily:

"This guy..."

"Almost killed us all!"


To the west of Huai'an County is Anye County.


"My cancer treatment medicine was accidentally thrown away as rubbish while cleaning. Can you help me find it?"

"This medicine is very expensive and rare..."

At the door of the tribunal, a pale middle-aged woman said anxiously to several temporary workers of the tribunal wearing black uniforms.

"Sister, don't worry, we will contact the Environmental Protection Bureau immediately."

Later, several judges in black took the middle-aged women to a suburban garbage treatment plant, where garbage dumped from half the city was piled up.


The judges in black looked embarrassed. It wasn't that they were too dirty and didn't want to look for it. It was just that trying to find the special medicine inside was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Don't worry about it, let's look for it first."

A judge in black rolled up his sleeves and began to rummage through the garbage pile, and several other judges in black also started searching from other locations.

A few hours later, despite turning over mountains of garbage one after another, they still could not find a specific anti-cancer drug, just when they were about to give up.

"What are you looking for?"

A young man was passing by from a distance and saw a group of judges looking through the trash. He felt a little strange and stopped to take a look.

"This eldest sister's anti-cancer medicine has been lost, and we are helping her find it."

A judge in black opened a bag of garbage in front of him, and rotten melon peels and fish flesh slipped out like liquid. It was hard to imagine that they had been rummaging here for hours.

"That's it..."

The young man looked at the pale aunt, then looked around, and then said to several people: "What does the special medicine look like?"

"Young man, we have received your kindness, but please don't cause trouble." A judge in black pushed his hand and said impatiently.

However, just as the black-clothed judge wanted to continue searching, the ground suddenly trembled.


The boy stamped his foot, and the ground of the entire garbage treatment plant suddenly erupted with violent tremors, and then mountains of garbage piled up, like sea water pouring back, flying into the sky against gravity!


Seeing this scene, several judges in black were dumbfounded!


When the garbage mountain was being poured back, the young man's eyes flashed red, and then he pulled out a white plastic bag from the countless garbage. When everyone opened it, they saw that it was the special medicine that the aunt had lost!

"Young man! Thank you!"

The aunt clenched the special medicine in her hand excitedly, and kept thanking Wu Fan and the warriors of the tribunal.

"This little...classmate?"

"Can I ask for your name? We can give you an enthusiastic citizen award."

The black-clothed Judgment, who originally wanted to call the young man, couldn't help but become cautious when he thought about how the other party would send the entire garbage factory flying with one kick.

"No need, it's just a little effort." The young man waved his hand, and then said: "I, Wu Fan, never leave my name behind when I do good deeds."


Several judges in black looked at each other, what kind of anonymous person do you think you are?


Perhaps because he felt a little uneasy, Wu Fan immediately added another sentence.

"I never keep a diary either."

After one of the judges in black heard Wu Fan's name, he suddenly thought of the [prefecture] level disaster wanted order that had been circulated internally recently.

But he looked at the special medicine in Auntie's hand, then at Wu Fan, then shook his head and thought:

"How can a cult warrior do good deeds?"

"I guess they have the same name."

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