I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 9: Unleashing my dark side

Still shaken by the encounter with Luysia Camclair, I am in class, contemplating my next moves.
I can't focus on the lesson, and this day, which started on the wrong foot, seems never-ending.
I'm in a terrible mood. I'm angry.
I can sense Reis Vonner's hostile glances.
Perhaps the pain I inflicted on him during our encounter wasn't enough for him. I'll deal with him later. For now, I need to think about more important things.

How can I increase my level? I have several ways to earn experience points. The primary way "Ventures" gain experience points in this world is by winning battles. However, I've never won a match, and I haven't even entered a dungeon yet.
Still, I believe I'm one of the first in this academy who will level up.

I can earn experience points by implanting the curses I create. The experience points from curses depend on the difficulty of the conditions and the power of the curse.
Another method I've discovered is crafting potions using my alchemical abilities. When someone drinks one of the potions I've created, I gain experience points. The first time someone consumes one of my potions, I earn 12 experience points. With each subsequent consumption, the value is halved, eventually stabilizing at a meager one experience point for each subsequent use. While it may seem like a modest amount of experience points, by creating a steady stream of these addictive drugs, I've established a constant passive income.

Furthermore, the fortifying potions I've given to Rero so far earn me 50 experience points each time they are consumed. This is a very effective method for accumulating experience points, especially if I can persuade more people to drink my potions.

I can also earn experience points by unlocking achievements, but I have no idea what the unlockable objectives are or how to unlock them.

I check my status.

{EXP FOR NEXT LEVEL: 2318 / 3500}

I still need about 1200 exp.
It's not too many. At this rate, I'll level up in a few days.

I'm brought back to reality by the bell.
The bell for the change of the hour rings.
It's lunchtime now, but I'll cook something else.
I see Reis Vonner getting up.
He leaves the classroom alone.
Maybe this is my chance.

I follow him into the men's restroom.

I close the door behind me.
I wedge a mop handle across the door's handle.
This way, no one can enter.

"Look who's here: F-boy!" he taunts me.

"Wagner, weren't the beatings during our match enough for you? Do you have the guts to be in the same room with me?" he continues arrogantly.

"I've been waiting for just the right moment to be alone," I say with a sinister smile.

"Hahaha... Do you want to give me a blowjob, little slut?" Vonner sarcastically laughs.

"Vonner, you're making things too easy for me. I'm in a terrible mood, and I need to vent," I reply.

Reis Vonner laughs heartily. "Are you a masochist? Do you want me to kill you?"

"Do you think you won because I conceded? In reality, everything went exactly as I wanted. Now you're mine," I tell him with a wicked smile.

"You're out of your mind. I'm going to put you back in your place now," he says, approaching menacingly.

I snap my fingers.

The curse I implanted in him earlier activates.

Magical circles appear in various parts of his body where I had marked him before.

The explosion of pain is immediate.

Reis Vonner experiences excruciating pain in several parts of his body.
He groans and screams.
He falls to the floor.
The pain I've caused him feels like broken bones.
He loses the strength to stand and resist what I'm going to do.

Quickly, I stuff toilet paper into his mouth. He mustn't speak.

"Shhh! If you make too much noise, someone might hear us."

I kick him in the stomach, then again, and again.

"Mmmmh! MMMMMm! MMMMMMMMHHHH!" he mumbles desperately.

"Don't worry; I won't hit you in the face. We don't want any visible bruises."

I continue to strike him until my legs ache from exhaustion.

He's definitely suffering, but I don't have much strength, and he has a lot of HP.
I smile malevolently, thinking about the situation.

I stop just a moment before reducing his HP to zero and killing him.

The poor guy has wet himself, soaking his clothes and leaving a foul-smelling puddle on the restroom floor.

"Now is the moment when you beg for mercy," I say, removing the toilet paper, which is now soaked with blood, saliva, and mucus. Disgusting.

"P-please... d-don't hurt me... I beg you..."

"Ahhh... Music to my ears."

Methodically I place my "bag of wonders" on the ground, where inside I have all the paraphernalia I need.
I take a healing potion and force Vonner to drink it, pouring it into his mouth by force.

[[ 12 EXP EARNED ]]

I take a needle and draw blood with a prick.
"I don't really resent you that much. I understand why you do what you do: it's fun to pick on the weakest," I tell him as I tinker with a rag doll I took from the bag "But you see, I've had a bad day and you're perfect for venting stress."
"P-please, I won't bother you anymore."

"Too late, Reis. You're my plaything now."

With a scissor I cut off some of his hair.
His terrified eyes watch me as I tie the hair to the rag doll.


[[Curse Successfully Implanted: 150 Exp Earned]]

I could grind and inflict as many curses as possible to level up quickly.

"You know what my biggest fear is? That all of this might soon become boring for me. That's why I try to savor the pleasure in torturing. If I did it too often, it would become work, and all the fun would be gone."

"W-Wagner, I was wrong... I shouldn't have bothered you... I apologize."

With the needle, I pierce the right hand of the ragdoll.

"UARARARARARRARAGHHH! My hand!!!" he screams in pain.
"Shhh! Do you want me to put the toilet paper back in your mouth? This is the game, listen to me."

With tears in his eyes, Vonner watches me waiting for my words.

"If you don't scream at the next sting you will live, otherwise I will kill you."

"N-no, please... W-wagner... I'll do anything you want..."

"You'll do whatever I tell you anyway, so this supplication is useless."

"N-no... Please..."

"Are you ready? The next spot is where the sun doesn't shine. Remember: if you scream, you're dead."

I can see the despair in his eyes as he imagines the pain he will feel, as he struggles with himself to stay clear and focused.

With the pin I prick the doll's spot that I forewarned Vonner about.
I can almost feel his pain. It must really hurt.

With his hands he clutches his family jewels, and biting his tongue he tries to stifle the screams that would like to come out of his throat.
Tears stream down his face.
The color of his skin turns cyanotic because of the lack of oxygen, and I can see his veins swell from the exertion.
Finally, his feces leaks from his  anus, and the room fills with a nauseating smell.

After a moment that seems like an eternity, I remove the pin, and the pain Vonner experienced ends.

"Bravo! Way to go! You won!" I clap and exult in amusement.
"I didn't think you were so good at this game. After all, you're a rank C."

Vonner bursts out crying in despair like a child.
I laugh, enraptured by the grotesque scene.

"This was needed after such a bad start to the day," I think aloud.

"F-forgive me, please..." Reis continues the plea.

"I've already forgiven you, Vonner," I smile wickedly at him.

I take a piece of paper and a pen from my bag.
I lean on the top of a sink and begin to write a contract.
After that I hand the contract and pen to the man on the floor.

"Here, sign here."
"W-what is it?"
"A contract, by signing it you will become one of my slaves."
"That's right, you will obey all my orders. If you violate the contract the penalty would be activated and you would die."
Vonner whitens at the idea.
"I-if I don't sign it wh-what h-happens?" he asks stupidly.
"You die."

Without needing to be told twice, Vonner takes the sheet and signs it.

"Ah, feel free to write your phone number too, so I can send you orders directly via text."

[[Curse Successfully Implanted: 300 Exp Earned]]

I cast a healing spell and leave a healing potion next to him.

"We're done. Remember, when I send a message, I expect a quick response. I'm not patient," I say as I leave.

"Yes, master," he responds without hesitation.

"If you speak to anyone about this, penalties will be activated. You already know what happens when you violate the contract."

"I won't talk! I swear!"

"One last thing... You stink. Go clean up."

I unlock the door and exit the bathroom.
Some guys waiting outside are surprised.
They probably thought I was the victim of bullying and pretended not to notice, so they wouldn't get involved.

I walk away without wasting any time.

I check again my status.

{EXP FOR NEXT LEVEL: 2780 / 3500}

[[ SUBLIME! ]]
The system screen flashes in front of me.

"Who are you?" I ask.

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