I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 3: The Anti-Curse Professor

I leave the dormitory early in the morning and take the opportunity to stay in shape with a morning run.
In my previous life, I was never into sports or physical activities. Being physically unfit has always been a source of frustration in my old life, and the goal for this reincarnation is to fully enjoy everything this second chance has to offer. Additionally, I am in a world similar to the previous one but with fantasy and role-playing elements. In this world, there are monsters and dungeons.

Being one of the "superhumans" with levels and statistics, I need to be well-trained because I might find myself on the front lines. That said, I am among the weakest, and my fake class is only for support. However, I need to be able to defend myself against both monsters and, more importantly, humans. Soon, I will have others opposing me and my ambitions for dominance.

I'm not the only one who had the idea of a morning workout, as I see other students jogging around the Academy's perimeter. But what catches my attention is a more mature female figure. It's the teacher from yesterday, who seems to be keeping herself in shape as well.

"Good morning, Professor Merfal!" I approach her with a smile and greet her.

"Ah, you're the kind young man from yesterday! Good morning, Wagner," she returns the greeting with a warm smile.

Professor Merfal is nearly as tall as me, lacking only about 5 cm compared to my approximately 184 cm. She has a slender figure, with long black hair that reaches the middle of her back. She wears black prescription glasses, and her eyes are also black. If my "man of culture's senses" don't deceive me, she wears a C cup bra. Her curves are accentuated by the gym outfit she's wearing, particularly her ass is a sight to behold. I struggle to avoid staring too much.
I have to avert my gaze; otherwise, she might think I'm a pervert.
She would do well to think that.

"It seems like you also want to take advantage of this beautiful day for some exercise," I tell her as we run side by side.

"Yes, it's a habit I've had since my academy days."

"Congratulations. It's rare to see teachers staying in shape. I'm not particularly athletic, but I have a low rank and below-average physical statistics. To keep up with my classmates, I have to train a lot more."

"I can understand that. I had to compensate for the difference with others through additional training."

"Do you also have a support class?"

"Yes, I'm a Cleric Healer."

"What a coincidence, I am too! I hope you can teach me some tricks... haha."

From her expression, the professor is pleasantly surprised.

"What abilities do you possess?"

"For now, just [MINOR HEAL], but I also have a talent for Alchemy; I'm fairly skilled at crafting healing potions."

"I'm sure that as you level up, you'll learn more techniques," she smiles. "Today is my first day of teaching. My specialties are enhancement magic, healing from status ailments, and especially defense against curses and their cancellation."

"Curses?" I ask, maintaining a poker face and hiding my surprise.
This was unexpected. This professor is dangerous.

"They are little-known debuff magics. In fact, it's challenging to be cursed by low-level dungeon monsters. It's a type of demonic magic used by high-level demons and their servants."

"Wow, I wasn't aware of that! So, humans can't use them?"

"It's more unique than rare. However, there are historical accounts of wizards making pacts with demons to gain this power."

"What a fascinating topic!" I comment.

Professor Merfal is surprised by my reaction. She's probably not used to generating interest by discussing this subject.
After all, in a world where magic is common, demonic pacts and curses shouldn't arouse much interest.

"I'm pleased that you find it interesting. I could talk for hours about this topic."

"I enjoy learning new things, and this seems definitely useful. Is there a way to detect these curses?"

"Unfortunately, it's not straightforward. The distinctive trait of this type of magic is that it's undetectable. However, there are special rituals that can reveal if an individual has a curse."

A significant problem. If there were a situation where a student exhibited specific symptoms, this professor could discover the curse. Awareness would start to spread among the students that someone can cast curses. Knowing what to look for, I don't think it would take long before they uncover my existence. I'm not sure if I've been cautious enough in covering my tracks.
I need to learn more about Kanna Merfal's capabilities.

"Wow, I would really like to learn more about this topic."

"I'm sorry, but it's not part of the academic program at the moment. I'm working to introduce a special course on the subject."

I need to find a way to prevent that.

"That would be very helpful. I hope you succeed. I'd like to assist, especially because being able to defend against curses and learning how to counteract them seems highly valuable."

"Thank you. If I need help, I'll keep you in mind."

"Since this topic has piqued my interest, are there any books you could recommend?"

"Um... I don't think there's anything useful in the library. But I should have a book that might be suitable for you."

"Would you lend it to me?"

"Of course, I'll give it to you later after classes. Give me your number," she says, taking out her smartphone.

Great! In one fell swoop, I've obtained the professor's number without giving the impression of trying to hit on her and a source of information on curses that could be very helpful in improving my skills, as well as learning anti-curse techniques to counteract them. I give her my phone number and save hers.

"Thank you, Professor! I have to go now. See you later!" I bid her farewell and walk away.

She waves goodbye and continues her training.


After a rigorous workout, a refreshing shower is just what I need.
Who would have thought I'd meet someone who can challenge me right away, by chance? From now on, I'll have to be more careful.
One wrong move could mean a bad end for me. I need to find a way to neutralize the professor and her abilities. It's a matter of my survival and my ambitions.
It won't be easy... Kanna Merfal surely has experience I can't compare with. If I make a mistake, she'll expose me immediately.
Should I slow down my plans involving drug trafficking and Rero Sansanti? Professor Merfal mentioned that detecting curses isn't easy and that she performs a specific ritual to do so. So, it's not as simple as using [SCAN EYE] to find them. For now, what I need to do is ensure they can't be traced back to me.
Fortunately, the curse doesn't bear my name. However, drug trafficking could lead them to me.
That's why I need a scapegoat to take all the responsibility.

The doorbell rings incessantly. Who could it be at this early hour?

I hurry out of the shower, with just a towel wrapped around my lower body, and approach the door.

The annoying sound shows no sign of stopping.

"I'm coming!" I shout in annoyance.

I open the door with force, yelling, "What is it?!"

Standing outside my door is a medium-height female figure. She has bobbed dark hair, innocent green eyes, and a haughty expression. Her physique is athletic with generous curves. It's none other than Rero Sansanti.

"Eek! Why are you half-naked? Cover yourself!" she exclaims, covering her eyes with her hands.

I don't care about her embarrassment and ask her irritably, "What are you doing in the men's dormitory, Sansanti?"

Without looking at me, she doesn't answer and barges into my room.

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