I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 25: Raid

The radio croaks.

A man in riot gear is loudly chewing on a doughnut.

From her telescopic sight, the green hair woman positioned on the roof observes her colleague in disgust.

"What the fuck are you doing, Chesterwin?"

"Um... I haven't had breakfast."

"You're a fucking cliché cop. Do you realize, we're about to intervene?"

"Come on, Deedee, it's just a bite!"

"If you fuck up my operation, I'll kill you with my own hands, Chesterwin."

"Okay, okay, what the fuck," the man complains.

"If you understand, say, Affirmative Detective Lang."

"Affirmative, Detective Lang," Chesterwin responds stymied. Then he whispers 'Bitch.'

Another voice calls them to order over the radio. "Lang, Chesterwin are you in position?"

"Affirmative captain, I have a visual from above." Deedee replies.

"Ready to go in, captain!" confirms Calpho Chesterwin.
The captain's voice crackles through the radio, "Alright team, the operation is a go. Remember, we need to apprehend the suspects alive."

Deedee Lang takes a deep breath and adjusts her grip on her bow.
She peers through her scope at the building across the street, where their target is hiding out.

"Copy that, captain," she says into her headset. "Moving into position now."
Chesterwin lingers behind her, absentmindedly tapping his nightstick against his riot shield.
Deedee rolls her eyes and makes her way down the fire escape ladder.
As she reaches the ground, she checks her gear once more before silently signaling to Chesterwin to follow her.
Together, they move towards the entrance of the building.
There are at least two policemen at each entrance, the building is practically surrounded by a dozen men.

The helicopter is ready to get in the air if necessary, also there are several ordinary patrols ready to intervene if necessary.

"Captain, Epsilon is ready to intervene!" informs Deedee.
"Bravo is ready."
"Alpha is ready!"
"Delta is ready."
"Charlie is ready!"
The various groups confirm that they are ready.
"Let's go, enter now! GO GO!" order the captain.
Chesterwin kicks the door in and enters the dimly lit lobby, gun at the ready. Deedee follows closely behind, bow drawn and fingers twitching in anticipation of firing an arrow. They head into the dimly lit hallway where the suspects are holed up.


In front of them, a man charges them armed with a sword.

Deedee fires an arrow, striking the criminal in the armed arm and knocking him to the ground.


Chesterwin pins him down, turning him on his back and handcuffing him while Deedee covers him.

Sounds of shattered glass, and screams can be heard.

The two policemen continue on, arriving at a large hall.

There waiting for them is a big man.
"FUCK, the police!" exclaims Reis Vonner.
Panic ensued throughout the building as the criminals attempted to flee the scene. Grasping his war hammer, Reis drinks a potion and throws the empty vial at the police officers.
Unleashing a battle cry that echoes throughout the area, Reis charges towards Chesterwin, swinging his hammer with all of his might and shattering the policeman's shield.
Chesterwin yelped as his shield exploded into tiny fragments. Recovering from his shock, he points his gun at the raging barbarian.
The officer fires a shot from his pistol.
Antother man cast protective magic on the criminal.
The bullet bounces off Reis Vonner's stone body.
The green-haired woman in response to the protection magic, fires an arrow in a flash that strikes the druid who cast the spell, incapacitating him.
"Come on then, fuckers!" Reis yells at the police officers.
Suddenly an arrow embeds itself in the stone wall of the building, narrowly missing Reis' head.
"You fucking bitch!" exclaims Reis as he feels a slight sting of pain upon his scalp.
Glaring at the woman he advances, while Deedee takes aim again at Reis.
Before Deedee can get a clear shot, Chesterwin charges towards Reis, swinging his baton at the barbarian.

Reis sidesteps the attack, then shoulder-charges the officer to the ground.

He then raises the hammer to finish off the policeman on the ground.

"DIE, SON OF A BITCH!" shouts the barbarian.


Detective Lang casts a restriction spell on him.

Reis remains motionless, blocked by the magic vines.


Deedee quickly fires an arrow and shoots it toward the immobilized criminal.

The arrow is enchanted with a magical spell that increases its sharpness and penetrates deeply through flesh.
Piercing through Reis' body, the arrow lodges itself deep into the wall behind him.
"UARARGH!" the man shouts angrily in pain.
Reis is stunned by the attack, but is unable to dodge the resulting scuffle.

With her bow in hand, Deedee quickly closes the distance between her and the victim.
Before Reis had time to recover, Deedee kicks her bow into his solar plexus and attempts to pull out her handcuffs to apprehend him.
Reis' eyes widen in surprise as he feels the air rush out of his lungs, he never expected the female officer to use her bow to spin him around and leave him open.
In a panic, Reis swings wildly at Deedee, but she easily evades his attacks.
Chesterwin approaches from the other side and attempts to help his partner catch the suspect.
Fighting 2v1, Reis realizes that he's outmatched.
"FUCKING COPS!" screams Reis as he swings his warhammer.

The man begins to spin on himself as he wields his hammer, destroying everything around him and getting rid of the magical vines that were blocking him.

The two policemen are forced to move away to avoid being shredded by the criminal's destructive fury.
With an acrobatic backward somersault, the woman reaches an elevated position.

Moving to a position where the man cannot reach her, Deedee pulls out two arrows from her quiver and draws her bow.
As she fires, the barbarian notices the movements of her bow and attempts to raise his warhammer for a block.

The arrows spray into Reis' chest, one of them piercing through his left lung.

"G-GRAAAAAAUUUUHHH!" the man screams in pain as he drops his hammer and places his hands on his bloody chest.

Chesterwin pulls out a pair of handcuffs to apprehend the severely injured criminal.

Deedee shoots another arrow, this time into Reis' left knee.

The barbarian's screams of agony sound as if he is being skinned alive.

"UARARGH!" the barbarian screams as he falls to his knees.

Calpho Chesterwin quickly reaches the criminal ready to handcuff him.

With a feline leap Detective Lang reaches the two and aims his bow ready to shoot directly at the criminal's head.

"Make a move and you're dead." warns Deedee.

The man spits blood on the ground with contempt.

"Don't move a fucking muscle!" Deedee orders.

The police officer forces the now visibly frightened Reis to his stomach and shackles him.

Deedee approaches and places a finger on Reis' back, ready to cast another spell.

Reis turns his head to look at the policewoman, his eyes filled with terror and his gasping for air.

"Not a word or I'll kill you." Deedee whispers.

"You better be fucking grateful, you dirty son of a bitch!" Chesterwin exclaims as he lifts the barbarian up by his hair.

The man groans in pain as he is lifted.

"You're under arrest for crime of smuggling and production of narcotic substances, resisting arrest, and possession of illegal goods." announces Detective Lang.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." Sergeant Calpho Chesterwin recites to him.

"Who the fuck are you?" the handcuffed criminal insults them.
"Detective Deckara Demora Lang, Special Team for Anti-terrorism and Dungeon crisis management with Anti-Ventures police unit." tells him, showing him the badge with the acronym STADAV.
"Fuck!" he swears.
The radio starts croaking.
"Bravo, Clear!"
"Charlie, Clear!"
"Delta, Clear!"
"Alpha, Clear!"

Deedee picks up the radio and confirms: "Epsilon, Clear!"

Just a week ago, this mission was just an idea, but now it was a reality. The team tracked down a possible drug-making operation in the form of potions and surrounded the premises.

The operation was a success.

"Man, that son of a bitch was tough," Chesterwin complains as they load the criminal into the police van.
"He probably drugged himself with pain-inhibiting substances," Detective Lang replies.

After clearing the area of human waste, the woman can finally remove her body armor.
Calpho Chesterwin nods, but as the woman takes off her armor, his gaze fixates on Deedee's ample bosom.

Deedee Lang knows she's a sexy bombshell. "Quit staring at my boobs, or I'll gouge your eyes out."

Nevertheless, she prefers her rubber dildo to a beta male like Chesterwin.
Only a man who can keep up with her can truly enjoy this splendid body, Deedee thinks without a hint of humility.

Her standards for men are sky-high, and as a result, her love life is lackluster.
Deedee not only has a fabulous body but was considered a genius during her academy days.
She's an accomplished A-rank Venture skilled in combat and possessing great intelligence.

Despite this, her career has currently hit a snag.
The police force isn't very meritocratic.
She should have joined a guild, she thinks with a sigh.

Even though she's discouraged, she knows she would have chosen this career path regardless.
Deedee Lang is a hunter.
She loves the thrill of pursuing prey, tracking it down, and taking it down.
She can't give up this pleasure.
As a cop, she can do it legally.
The pay sucks, but the joy of the hunt is priceless.

"Now all we have to do is interrogate these scum and see if they feel like singing," the woman says, foretasting the interrogation.

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