I Contracted Myself

Chapter 62 – Choose

Situ Shibai heard this and replied, "Your situation is not unheard of."

"Is there a solution?" Zhang Ping asked urgently.

Situ Shibai answered, "Yes, the solution is actually not difficult. You just need to meditate, question your heart, and determine your own path."

"Meditate, question my heart, and determine my path?" Zhang Ping frowned, somewhat confused.

Situ Shibai explained, "In fact, your situation only occurs in Awakeners with multiple abilities. Those with a single ability often decide their path early on. The more abilities you have, the more choices you have, which can lead to a 'promotion stagnation' when advancing.

You just need to figure out what you truly want, understand the path you want to take in the future, and naturally, you will break through when the water reaches, the channel forms."

This situation is quite rare.

Although Situ Shibai himself is also an Awakener with multiple abilities, during his 'early to mid' years, the brutal rule of the Zhu Family forced him to become stronger quickly. The beliefs forged in countless battles had long determined his path, so he broke through naturally.

Therefore, Awakeners with multiple abilities may not necessarily experience 'promotion stagnation.' This is a problem encountered by only a very few.

Fortunately, in the past, the Sweep Team had Awakeners who encountered similar situations, so Situ Shibai could still provide guidance to Zhang Ping.

After listening to Situ Shibai, Zhang Ping pondered, "So, in simple terms, I have too many abilities, and I haven't decided which one to focus on, so my promotion is stuck."

"Yes, in the end, it's because none of your abilities are trained enough. If you had one highly trained ability, you would naturally advance. Now, all your abilities are at a low level, so even though you are ready to advance, you need to choose a path. This is the purpose of meditating and questioning your heart," Situ Shibai agreed.

Zhang Ping hesitated, "Mr. Situ, if I stay stuck like this, will there be any side effects?"

"Not sure. There aren't many cases to refer to, so I suggest you advance as soon as possible to avoid any adverse situations," Situ Shibai replied.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and said, "Then please, Mr. Situ, teach me how to meditate."

"Close your eyes, empty your mind, and carefully feel each of your abilities, letting them be in a state of 'about to be released but not yet.' Then, you need to question your heart, understand the path you want to take, and know your truest thoughts. Naturally, your abilities will respond to your thoughts. But don't aim too high. For example, if you have the Fire Eater ability, even if you imagine it can devour other elements, it won't develop such an ability. It can only evolve within the 'fire eating' scope," Situ Shibai said gently, guiding Zhang Ping into meditation.

Zhang Ping closed his eyes and felt the presence of a certain ability.

About to be released but not yet.

It was a magical state.

To use a somewhat crude analogy, it was like when you need to pee, and the urine is about to flow out, but you hold it back.

You can feel its presence, you can feel its warmth.

At this moment, Zhang Ping felt something similar.

The Contract Gem felt like boundless darkness, yet in his perception, its color was a crystal-clear emerald green, full of vitality, like a newly sprouted leaf.

The Appraisal Skill felt like a giant eyeball, half-open, ready to fully open and peer into the unknown when activated.

The Night Walker was a mass of gray mist.

It had no fixed shape, constantly changing, sometimes present, sometimes not, as if it could hide in the darkness at any moment and never appear again.

As for the Fire Eater, Zhang Ping initially thought it would feel like a blazing flame, but with his eyes closed, he felt it was not a flame but a red space, empty except for the color red.

Next, Zhang Ping moved his perception to other abilities.

Wind Whisperer!

It felt like a river, but instead of water, it flowed with ethereal wind. Zhang Ping couldn't feel the source of the river or trace its end.

After pondering for a while and getting nowhere, Zhang Ping shifted his attention to the next ability.

Unusual Eater!

This was one of Zhang Ping's most important abilities.

In the pure perception world, the Unusual Eater felt like a vortex, seemingly able to take in anything and transform it into something else through mixing.

Misty Body.

Zhang Ping had high expectations for this ability.

In the perception world, the Misty Body felt very similar to the Night Walker, both being masses of gray mist. However, this mist vaguely formed a human shape, constantly changing, with a faint skull face.

Zhang Ping guessed that the skull face was a testament to his frequent use of the Face of Death.

Lastly, there was the pure feeling of the Pure Water Body and the warm, moist feeling of the Pureblood Body.

Surprisingly, the Old King's Blood gave him a feeling of fiery intensity, as fierce as a tiger. He had originally thought it would present a masochistic image, completely different from his expectations.

After a round of meditation, Zhang Ping had only one thought: having too many choices can be a happy trouble.

"How is it? Have you made a choice?" Situ Shibai asked as he saw Zhang Ping open his eyes.

Zhang Ping sighed and shook his head, "There are too many choices. Isn't there a way to have the best of both worlds?"

"That depends on your heart. I can't give you any advice," Situ Shibai said.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. This time, he carefully felt each ability, savoring their differences, and finally focused on the Contract Gem.

His biggest hesitation was between the Contract Gem and the Unusual Eater.

The Contract Gem was his foundation; most of his abilities came from it. But the Unusual Eater also provided him with four powerful abilities.

Whether it was the Misty Body, Pure Water Body, Pureblood Body, or Old King's Blood, they were all top-notch skills.

In a way, although the Unusual Eater originated from the Contract Gem, its potential was no less than the Contract Gem.

So Zhang Ping was genuinely torn about which of these two abilities to choose as his core for advancement.

He decided to truly empty his mind and not think about these things.

Gradually, he found his answer.

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