I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Werewolf

Before the game officially started, a second-year little bear Aoi and a third-year senior sister Yoshida Saki joined the board game department.

There are eleven people, Dafuku Riko glanced at the people behind him, got up and gave a place, smiled, “Sit down with me, ten people, let’s play, I will be the referee.”

Little Bear Kui sat next to him. The more the number of Werewolves Killing the game, the stronger the gameplay. Using words and strategies, the werewolves and the villagers led by the clergy eliminated each other and won the final victory.

Dafuku-senpai shuffled the cards, and then began to issue the identity cards from Hideo Ishida clockwise. When it was his turn, Kirito and Hito reached out and took a look at the identity cards from an angle that could only be seen by themselves, and couldn’t help pursing their lips. I want to laugh at the bottom of my heart. I really don’t want anything. Although certain cards will add to the entertainment of many games, he does not want the “Wolfman” card alone.

The identity has been determined and cannot be changed. Kirito and Kazuto accepted the reality and glanced at the other people in the table game department. The face of the person who received the “special” identity card was either happy or sad, and some of them could be observed more or less. , But he miscalculated…

is worthy of being an old player, looking at the facial expressions is completely useless, and all of them have got the identity card, Daifuku-senpai also began to issue the following instructions, “Please close your eyes in the dark, and the werewolves, please open your eyes.”

Yukina, and Junko Kimiya, a first-year member of the board game department? Kirisu and Ren opened their eyes and looked at each other. This is his wolf teammate in this round. Give them time to discuss with the three wolves. Limited, they will attack one person on the first night.

Xuena is different from Rina. At this time, there is no independent opinion. However, if she is underestimated, she may lose miserably, she is more inclined to make a fortune in a muffled voice, hide her fangs, and kill with one blow.

Together with Junko Kimiya, who was in the first grade, they looked at him, waiting for him to pay attention, and Kirisu Kazuto also understood this. After thinking about it for a while, he pointed his finger at Hideo Ishida, not for anything else, Hideo Ishida. The senior is a third-year student. As an old driver of the board game department, he must leave first.

Xuena and Kimiya Village nodded and agreed with him.

“Werewolf, please close your eyes, seer, please open your eyes…”


The rules of werewolf killing in each place are more or less different, and their rules here are a little bit friendly to the werewolves.

The three priesthoods have prophets, witches, and hunters. In the first night, except for the witches who are killed, they can save themselves, and others cannot be saved when they are killed.

“Oh, I was killed on the first night.” When the night was over and the day came, Ishida, who became a corpse, touched his head and said regretfully, “Villagers come on.”

“Don’t talk to the corpse.” Dafuku Riko glanced at Hideo Ishida and warned, “Eat your snacks.”


Ishida was killed. During the day, everyone took turns to speak. Starting from Ishida’s next home, which is commonly known as “biaoshui”, to prove that he is a good person. Don’t let the last person speak and end his vote and cut himself off as a wolf, Fujiwara Qianhua glanced at the players in front of the table, especially Kirito Kazuto, but found nothing on Kazuto’s face, which was rather tasteless, and said, “I am a civilian, um…I don’t want to be voted. Wow, Rina will be on my side, right.”

Here comes, the typical “I’m a good person to sell cute”, and then pull a wave of teammates, it is the wolves and the gods who are showing, the priest does not want to come out so early, after a round or two, you can use the elimination method to find the wolf, this Fujiwara Qianhua has a problem! !

Kirito felt that he had grasped something, his thoughts flashed, and he also had a bold idea. Before Fujiwara Chika was next to speak, he interjected, “This is the prophet. I will report last night. According to the inspection, Fujiwara-san is a wolf.”

“Ah…” Fujiwara Qianhua was at a loss.

To support the courageous, starve to death the timid, and have no courage to gamble, then what game to play.

He jumped, the wolf jumped to the prophet, and took away the true prophet and packed a villager by the way.

“No, I’m the prophet…” Chika Fujiwara felt that everyone believed Kirsu-san, and said anxiously, “I checked Rina. Rina is a villager.”

Why is she a wolf? Tongxu-san is the werewolf. She obviously wants to go for another round. In the second round, she will report two inspections during the day. Tonight, let the witch save anyone who is dead, like the next day. You can use the elimination method to find out most werewolves.

It was exactly what he thought, but is it still useful to show your identity now? Moreover, Chika Fujiwara was also panicked. At this time, Qian should not drag Rina out. He was confident that a wolf took away the true prophet and a villager, and it was worth mixing the water.

This is not a game for one person. Once he is successful and retired, he can hand over the control of the game to a wolf teammate.

Now, it’s his turn, “Fujiwara-san, you didn’t say that just now. The villagers became prophets and only remembered after being checked and killed. Is it too late? Although I don’t have Charinai, Fujiwara-san is here. Cover for the Wolves teammates.”

“It’s not…” Fujiwara Chika still wanted to explain a few words, but seeing that everyone except Rina confirmed that she was a wolf in the eyes, UU reading www.uukānsshu.com Fujiwara Chika knew she had lost.

“Wait a minute.” When everyone wanted to give the votes to Chika Fujiwara, Kitahara Rina shouted, “I am a villager’s card here. What does Kirsu-san use to prove that you are a true prophet?”

She doesn’t know if Fujiwara Chika is a real wolf, but the tone on the court is completely controlled by Kirisu-san. It doesn’t matter if she is defeated as a wolf teammate. It’s just that everyone has been playing the game for so long, so I often ignore it. , The “prophet” with the team is not a good thing, and the prophet who lives to the end is most likely to be that wolf.

Tirisu and Kazuto frowned, but Rina came out and said that he was not surprised. According to the normal process of the presence of the double prophet, the second round can start to exit one after another-because regardless of true or false, there must be a wolf.

I can’t continue to take the rhythm. Kirito Kazuto didn’t care, nodded and responded to Rina’s words, “I have not proved that I can prove that I am a true prophet, and no one in this game can really prove that he is a prophet. If Rina’s If you are willing to believe me, I will look at you next round. If you are really a villager, I will return Rina’s innocence.”

Of course he won’t win Rina’s trust when he said that, but for others to see. Since the wolf pretends to be a prophet, he will pretend to be a little bit like.

Everything, for victory.

Rina frowned. If Kirisu-san is a wolf, it won’t be that simple after a while. She has a great chance of being attacked.

However, if she was attacked, it would be confirmed that Tongsu-san had a guilty conscience as a wolf. Here, the cooperation of the witch had to be needed, but she said that she would give the wolf warning.

Then, there is only one way, “Kirisusan, if you are a true prophet, don’t be attacked at night.”

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