I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 67: Very good, you are now a qualified wastelander

The priests were almost numb.

What the hell is egg-filled pancakes!

Finally, after a cordial and friendly exchange, Lu Wenwu blackmailed, no, he was about to receive a generous compensation from the mechanical dragon gathering place.

Twelve pieces of fifth-level muscle-transformed meat, and one hundred pieces of fourth-level muscle-transformed meat.

There was really no more.

Lu Wenwu did not comment on this and was ready to wait until he arrived at the mechanical dragon gathering place to see.

Both parties agreed to go to the mechanical dragon gathering place together tomorrow.

The mechanical dragon believers needed to clean up the battlefield and check if there were any omissions.

Su Qinghong and the others needed time to recover and regain their combat effectiveness.

While waiting, Lu Wenwu did not go back to his comrades, but instead chatted with the chief priest.

He once again brought out the rhetoric of the God of Natural Redemption.

Unexpectedly, the chief priest was extremely excited after hearing it.

Compared to those guys in the giant bone gathering place who have only heard of the legend, this guy who is in a high position in the core of the big power knows more, has seen more, and knows more.

In his cognition, the God of Natural Redemption is the most mysterious, and has the fewest and most secretive believers.

Unless they come out by themselves, no one can find the entrance to the kingdom of God.

This information attracted Lu Wenwu's attention.

So, he began to ask more questions without making a sound.

After a deeper understanding, Lu Wenwu was surprised to find that in addition to the [Great Evolution God], [Glory God of Eternal Life], [God of Natural Redemption], which he currently knows, there are actually three other so-called gods in this copy world.

For example, the God of Infinite Mechanical Dragons that this group of people believe in now.

The believers of the Mechanical Dragon God believe that all technological creations in this world come from the grace of the Mechanical Dragon God, and it is He who has given people the power of technology.

And the head of the priests claimed that the Mechanical Dragon Gathering Place is the strongest existence in the entire wasteland in terms of technological strength and the source of countless technological creations.

In addition, the Immortal Sun God, who is extremely generous and can often grant divine power for grace, is said to have a close personal relationship with the Infinite Mechanical Dragon God.

The followers of the Mechanical Dragon God often exchange some food and technological creations with the followers of the Sun God in exchange for the Sun God's endless and powerful divine power.

The last one is the one that the head priest just took advantage of, and is also the God of Heavenly Punishment and Destruction that everyone talks about with fear.

This is why the ghost gathering place is divided into a full seventeen pieces in a discrete form.

If the gathering place is too large, as long as it exceeds a certain range, it will be destroyed by the God of Heavenly Punishment and Destruction after a certain period of time.

That kind of powerful power will wash away all sins, just like when he launched the Great Purge nearly two hundred years ago.

Yes, the wastelanders, at least the followers of the Infinite Mechanical Dragon God believe that all this is now caused by the anger of the God of Heavenly Punishment and Destruction.

And the most benevolent Great God of Evolution couldn't bear it, so he gave all humans and deformed beings the ability to continue to survive and reproduce in the wasteland.

The God of Glory and Eternal Life brought new abilities after the nuclear war, allowing people to control spirits and giving birth to ghost riders.

The Immortal Sun God hung high in the sky, generously bestowing his own divine power on all humans, allowing them to still use the gift of the God of Endless Mechanical Dragons.

The most mysterious God of Natural Redemption forcibly cut off a piece of pure land with his kingdom of God, retaining the appearance before the nuclear war.

After listening to the worldview of the wastelanders, Lu Wenwu was a little puzzled, so he asked: "Do you understand what nuclear war, nuclear weapons, nuclear radiation, nuclear energy, and electrical energy are?"

The chief priest answered as a matter of course: "Nuclear energy is the power of God, the great power of the gods, and nuclear radiation is the gift of God. Those who cannot bear the gift of divine power will die or become deformed."

"Electric energy is the power that belongs exclusively to my god, and my god also taught us how to convert the divine power extracted from the Eternal Sun Well of the Immortal Sun God into electrical energy that can be used for us. Thank you, Lord."

"As for nuclear war and nuclear weapons, they are artifacts created by the God of Heaven's Punishment and Destruction using his own divine power to destroy the world! My lord, we just borrowed his great power, didn't we?"

Lu Wenwu was speechless.

These wastelanders seem to have formed a strange and unique worldview due to the double fault of culture and technology.

But the good news is that after listening to the chief priest's story, Lu Wenwu probably has touched upon some of the ultimate secrets.

The Immortal Sun God, this is probably related to nuclear power plants or related institutions.

The so-called Eternal Sun Well is likely to be a controlled nuclear fusion reactor. Nuclear power plants that use nuclear fission as a means of production cannot last for so many years.

The God of Heavenly Punishment and Destruction is most likely the "Dead Hand" system or a similar product created by the civilization before the war.

Not only was the Dead Hand system not destroyed during the war, but part of the intelligent modules still exist today, and have been faithfully executing the final order - destroying all buildings that exceed a certain threshold and regularly carrying out nuclear strikes on xx locations.

This can also explain why the radiation cloud has not dissipated even after so many years of the nuclear war.

As for the God of Natural Redemption,

it may be a permanent underground base with a strong closed structure and a complete ecological cycle system somewhere?

Of course, this is just a vague guess.

Unless there is definite evidence, Lu Wenwu will not easily waste precious verification times.

For now, there are only the Great God of Evolution, who was known first, and the God of Infinite Mechanical Dragon, who was just known, and there is no clue at all.

For the former, his followers are too scattered and too many, and there is not even a clear headquarters.

As long as there is a mutation, it is assumed to be an evolver.

As long as there is a superpower, it is assumed to be his priest.

Even if you believe in other gods at the same time, it doesn’t matter, the Great God of Evolution will not be angry.

In this way, it greatly increases the difficulty of its exploration.

It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

For the latter, Lu Wenwu thought about it, and the countless situations in his mind did not match the description of the current priest leader.

From the limited information, the God of Mechanical Dragon, like the Great God of Evolution, had a true body descending, and his body was covered with silver scales that were countless times harder than steel.

Because it is so long that its head and tail cannot be seen, and it looks like a winding real dragon, it is named the God of Infinite Mechanical Dragon.

This illusory description is too vague to guess its essence.

Lu Wenwu even doubted whether He was a spiritual totem like the God of Glory and Eternal Life.

After all, this description was too magical!

After finishing the discussion on the issue of gods, Lu Wenwu returned to the place where his teammates were recuperating, discussed with them, and returned the grenade beads to their original owner.

The other four agreed with Lu Wenwu's opinion.

For now, going to the gathering place of mechanical dragons is the best choice.

Not only can they explore the secrets of the God of Infinite Mechanical Dragons, but they can also follow the clues and go to explore the situation of the Immortal Sun God!

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