I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 12: My buddy is a pure civilized person, and he is best at winning people over with virtue.

Seemingly sensing the speechless thoughts of several people, the middle-aged man's mouth full of cracks in the palm of his only intact right hand immediately said:

"Before you, there came countless groups of trash who were as confident as you. They came one after another, and were easily killed by Laizan's men again and again. Our weapons, ammunition and blood have long been exhausted. It doesn't matter, Love it.”

"Is the Lai San you are talking about the so-called King of the Contaminated?" Yuan Shi asked, "You have to believe us, we are different from the people before us. We have a very powerful extraordinary person leading the team this time, and we will definitely be able to Solve each other’s problems.”

"What are you thinking about? Are all the soldiers in your world so stupid?" The middle-aged man said angrily, "Every time you come here with overwhelming confidence, and then give it away at the speed of light. I don't understand, what is your confidence? What is it? Awesome?"

"You old b*tch, you don't know how to speak unless you are arrogant, right? You really have the best of intentions and treat me like a donkey liver and lungs! Your wild father will teach you, this little son of a bitch, how to speak properly for free today! Why didn't I punch you against the wall back then?"

He was so arrogant that he immediately went over to teach him a lesson with a watermelon knife in his mouth.

Now everyone knows how he provokes others and causes monsters.

Although the Latiao duo were not angry, their eyes showed some dissatisfaction.

Lu Wenwu stretched out his hand to stop him: "Niu Niu, don't be impulsive. We are civilized people and we are reasonable."

"Fifth brother, this old man has always been..."

"Hey! You can't say that. I just said that we are civilized people and we must know how to persuade others with virtue."

Lu Wenwu walked up to the middle-aged man with his hands behind his back and a smile.

"When we meet someone we disagree with, we just reason with him. Why get angry? Brother, I want to ask you, is Laizan the king of the polluted in this city?"

"You can't understand, can you?"

The middle-aged man was extremely angry and closed all seven eyes.

Lu Wenwu pointed his swords with both hands and stabbed them down at the same time.

"Poof! Poof!"

Under the powerful force, the two eyes on the middle-aged man's chest exploded instantly.

Before he could cry out, Lu Wenwu pinched his neck with his left hand, making it impossible for him to scream.

The right hand punched twice in succession, breaking the bones and tendons of the opponent's two left arms and causing blood to burst.

"Why do you have to force me to reason with you?"

Lu Wenwu used his left hand to easily grab the middle-aged man's neck and lift him up.

The powerful force almost shattered his cervical vertebrae.

The remaining five eyes all over the body rolled their eyes together, and even the struggle was very weak.

According to the detection of the Eye of Insight, this middle-aged man is only D-level and is already the strongest person here.

With Lu Wenwu's monster strength, there was no way he could fight back.

"You're going too far!" The middle-aged man said reluctantly with his mouth in the palm of his hand, "You rude barbarian!"

Lu Wenwu still had a smile on his face: "Don't be embarrassed, am I not trying to reason with you?"

"What are you talking about!"

"Physics! What's wrong? Physics is no longer rational? You discriminate against physics, right?"

Lu Wenwu replied confidently, and slapped him with a loud slap in the mouth, which shattered the bones on the left side of his face.

"Come on, now ask for the elastic potential energy of the left half of your face and the acceleration of my right palm."

"Shameless!" The middle-aged man was still struggling, "Don't you convince others with your virtue? Where is your virtue!"

Lu Wenwu smiled and punched him in the abdomen.

A ring of scale-like shell exploded completely, revealing muscles and blood vessels without skin inside.

"Oh? Does it mean that my martial virtue is not strong enough? I am shaking with coldness. Is martial virtue not a virtue? I have such abundant virtue, why are you still not convinced?"

"Serve Nima"


One tentacle was crushed.

"Are you convinced?"



Another tentacle was crushed.

"Are you convinced?"



The middle-aged man's left shoulder was completely torn off, turning into a one-armed Yang Guo with three tentacles.


"I'm convinced! I'm convinced! Dad! No, grandpa! My ancestor! I'm convinced! I'm completely convinced!"

Before Lu Wenwu finished speaking, the middle-aged man started crying for his father and mother as fast as possible, for fear that he would be dismantled again for unknown parts.

"Hey, it sounds nice, but in fact I'm still afraid of death. If you really give up hope, you won't be able to commit suicide. Why are you pretending to be here?"

Lu Wenwu made a sound of disdain, threw it away like trash, and looked at Super Niu Niu.

"No, he is impressed by my strong martial arts and profound physics. This is called convincing people with virtue and convincing people with reason. Let's learn from it in the future."

The three of them swallowed their saliva, only Ye Hongyuan was thoughtful, his eyes even brightened.

An hour later, the assassination team unceremoniously packed away the few remaining weapons, ammunition and many living supplies, and left the survivor camp without looking back.

With Lu Wenwu's insightful eyes and furry nose, they easily found a good place to stay - the top floor of an old building.

Not only can you climb high and have a long-distance view, but there are also several low-rise buildings nearby that can be used for tactical transfer, which can be attacked or defended.

In the cabin on the top floor of the building.

Except for Maomao who was chewing dog food, the assassination team had seven or eight egg pancakes in their hands, eating like starving ghosts.

Extraordinary people are all gluttons, so it is normal to eat more.

"Fuck, the egg pancake cooking skills that have reached the pinnacle, it's worth it even if I die now!"

Super Niu Niu, who finished eating first, held his stomach, half-lying against the wall and groaning, even breathing hard.

Even the always serious Ye Hongyuan couldn't help but praise: "People who haven't eaten the fifth brother's egg pancake are destined to have a failed life."

He was completely impressed by Lu Wenwu's egg pancake and unconsciously used the honorific.

The spicy snack duo held the gun in their left hand and the pancake in their right hand, nodding their heads.

"You guys eat slowly, I'll tell you my plan first."

Lu Wenwu spread out a map in the middle of the crowd, and Maomao lay on the side to act as a ruler.

"According to the guy I convinced, Lai San is the king of the polluted in this city, and he is suspected to be of C-level strength."

"Of course, this group of polluters call themselves evolvers."

"Lai San has a C-level confidant, dozens of D+ level leaders, and the rest are all D-level, mostly distributed in different locations."

"Originally, Lai San had tens of thousands of younger brothers, but later on, there were fewer and fewer of them, and only this many are left now. It seems that there is a sacrifice method."

While speaking, Lu Wenwu took out a marker and drew a few circles on the map.

It happened to be in the center of the Evolution City.

It was about seven or eight kilometers away from their current location.

"Because the predecessors in front of us were too reckless, if we wanted to take the normal assassination route, there was no possibility of completing the task at all."

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