I Can Give Talent

Chapter 108 – Fifi

Valenia nodded, taking a deep breath as she approached the bed. As she lay down beside him, she felt the warmth of his body and the softness of the sheets. She closed her eyes and focused on the instructions.

But as soon as their bodies connected and Leyvi formed the Qi Vortex, the intense pleasure overwhelmed her. Her body was twitching uncontrollably, and she found it difficult to control her Qi much less forming a Qi Vortex. "Ahh...I-I can't!" she gasped, her body quivering with every wave of ecstasy.

Leyvi frowned as he noticed a huge problem. It seemed that it wouldn't be that easy after all to use the Yin Yang Heavenly Bliss method. It was fine with Anda because she has strong willpower and can resist intense pleasure but Valenia lost her mind to the pleasure in just a few seconds. 

Basically, to use the dual cultivation technique he and Anda created, the user must have a certain level of willpower or mental strength first. So right now the first thing to do is to train their willpower to resist pleasure first. If the ladies can't do this, they won't be able to enjoy the effect of this method.

Leyvi sighed. It can't be helped. An amazing method like this obviously would have a certain requirement. Not to mention they had just accidentally discovered this and it was far from perfect.

At this moment, only one person in his opinion might be able to resist the overwhelming pleasure caused by the Qi Vortex, Nala. She was a very flirtatious woman and frequently masturbated, so she should be able to do it right?

After Valenia orgasmed multiple times, she lost consciousness and only regained clarity half an hour later. She was ashamed that she couldn't help Leyvi and Anda improve the dual cultivation method.

Leyvi smiled while patting her head. "Hahaha, don't be sad. You did a good job. Don't worry, we are going to do this more frequently later so you can get used to it." He gently comforted her.

"More? Really? Okay, but later I want to do the normal battle first! This new method is too scary." Valenia requested. 

"Alright, I promised. Now go down and tell the maids to get ready. They are all going to become a real woman today! Let them decide who would come first and pass the jade slip to her." Leyvi instructed while caressing her body.

Leyvi won't hesitate anymore. Since they had desired him for quite a while, he would do his best to grant their wishes. It would make them happy and at the same time, they could help him perfect the dual cultivation method.

A cultivation method that doesn't require cultivation resources. Leyvi doesn't know if there were similar methods out there, this would definitely cause an uproar if it was made known to the public. 

He wanted to create a new martial skill to increase his battle power but he ended up creating a dual cultivation method first. Was he blessed by the God of Harem or something? Wait a minute. Wasn't Lilian's garden has 'Goddess of Fertility' in the name? Hold up! Maybe there was actually a God of Harem or God of Sex somewhere.

As Leyvi's mind wanders, Valenia had already gone downstairs and told the maids Leyvi's instructions. They had been fantasizing about being with Leyvi for quite a while now but when it was really happening they got cold feet. They keep telling each other to go first.

In the end, they decided to go according to their age since that would be the most reasonable reason. So, the first of the maids would be Fifi since she was the oldest among them, age 31. 

Fifi blushed like a tomato as she entered the room and saw the half-naked Leyvi while the other half was under the quilt. With her round face and her top bun hairstyle, she did resemble a ripe tomato. She had always thought of herself as a mature woman but she was still a virgin. 

Appearance-wise, she was only average looking and if her life followed a normal trajectory, she might have to pay her debt until she reached the old age and be single her whole. But Madam Anda had given her a second chance at life and was even willing to share 'the best man in the world' according to her, with a lowly woman with average cultivation talent like her. 

Without a doubt, she was willing to lay her life for the sake of the Leyan Family if it was needed. Nala had taught her and the other maids about what to do in bed, but unfortunately, her mind blanked at this critical moment, and she didn't know where to start.

Leyvi chuckled as he realized what was happening. He got off the bed naked and picked up Fifi, carrying her in his arms. "Leave this to me. You don't have to worry about anything today, forget about the dual cultivation method. Okay?" Leyvi entered the Gentlemanly Mode as it was more suitable for a first-timer like her. 

Fifi's eyes widened and screamed internally as Leyvi's manly face was very close to hers. Madam! Oh my god! He really is the best man in the world! I did not deserve this happiness!

Fifi nodded with a blush so deep it was as if her entire body was on fire. She allowed herself to be carried to the bed, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. This was the moment she had both feared and yearned for, and she didn't want to disappoint.

As they lay down together, Fifi's heart raced like a stampede of wild horses. She felt his warmth, his manliness, and his gentle touch.

After she was wet enough from the foreplay, Leyvi entered her with his hard rod that hadn't rested since last night. His sexual stamina was ridiculously high for some reason.

An hour later, Fifi had gotten used to the act and she was actively moving according to Leyvi's wishes. Her huge mountains which were as big as Lilian's were flailing around from her proactiveness.

At this moment, Leyvi tested the Qi Vortex inside her to determine the extent of her willpower.


Fifi had a long orgasm and her body tilted backward. From Leyvi's point of view, he couldn't see her head anymore, only her huge mountains which he grabbed with both hands. Leyvi was amused by the way each woman had their own unique sound when they reached high heaven. 

Just like Valenia, Fifi passed out from intense pleasure. So far, only Anda was strong enough to withstand the pleasure given by Qi Vortex true to her title as the Succubus Panda.

Leyvi played with her huge mountains while waiting for her to regain consciousness. Although the size was similar to Lilian's, Fifi's nipples were hiding inside most of the time. Leyvi gently licked her areola to invite them out of the hiding place.

Soon, Fifi slowly regained her mind but it was still fuzzy. Her eyes were darting around and stopped at the ceiling.

"Did I die? I have no regrets. I did my best. It was the happiest moment in my life. I experienced the greatest pleasure in the world at the end of my life. Madam Anda, thank you for giving me a second chance in life. Leyvi my love, I was happy being your woman even if it was just for a moment. I wish I could do more for both of you. I wanted to be reborn in the Leyan family again if possible." Fifi murmured in her fuzziness. 

"I didn't expect that you are quite the funny girl." Leyvi chuckled. This was the longest sentence he ever heard from her as she was usually quiet. It was not that she was the quiet type, she was just being sensible as a maid.

Fifi's eyes were instantly wide open as soon as she heard that voice. "Mi-Mi-Mi-Mister Leyvi!! Ahh? I'm still alive??" 

"Pfffttt....Hahahaha Hahahaha! Do you really think you died?" Leyvi couldn't hold it any longer and laughed out loud.

Fifi quickly hid under the quilt but it made Leyvi laugh even more because the quilt made a huge curve around her huge mountains. 

What's going on? Am I still alive? Oh my god! Madam! I'm still alive! I'm a real woman now! She could still feel the shape that stretched her insides very vividly. 

Fifi pulled the quilt and peeked at Leyvi. A very charming face appeared in her sight staring at her with stars glittering and sparkling around him. 

Ah...I'm going to faint...I must be the luckiest girl alive right now.

"Mi-Mi-Mister Leyvi. Are we done?" Fifi asked shyly, blushing, no different from a tomato.

Leyvi pulled the quilt and exposed Fifi again. "My dear Fifi, why are you still calling me Mister Leyvi? I am your husband now." Leyvi said with a seducing tone as he positioned himself at her sweet entrance once more.

My dear Fifi....Husband....My dear Fifi....Husband....My dear Fifi....Husband....My dear Fifi....Husband....My dear Fifi....Husband....My dear Fifi....Husband....

The words rang in her mind again and again.

"Request and I shall give it to you," Leyvi said.

Fifi had heart-shaped eyes now as her hands slid down and spread her entrance wide open.

"Husband, please put it inside. Please love me." 

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