I Can Download

Chapter 41: New ability!

Just as this idea appeared in Bruce’s mind, he immediately threw it out.

He vividly remembered that he had eliminated 10 people. As only 12 agents took part in this test, It was impossible for there to be a third person.

But then, why were there two?

Is this his special ability?

But now was not the time to delve deep into his thoughts, behind him, the person dual wielding guns had already begun his attack.

In less than a second, Bruce turned around, no longer hesitating over the matter.

“Bang bang bang!”

Several gunshots sounded out, and within such a short distance, almost no one could manage to dodge them. Bruce however, was the exception to this, as he had the Spider Telepathy ability.

Everything around him suddenly slowed down and was clear as day, even the track the rubber bullets would take was also on full display in front of his eyes.

He activated Super speed, and Bruce’s whole body began moving at an incredible speed. While he was dodging the rubber bullets, he took out several flying knives and threw them towards his opponent all at once.

In front of the gaping Coulson and Hill, Bruce somehow managed to evade every single bullet.

“This… at such a short distance too…” Coulson was stunned speechless.

Joe too, was stunned. Facing the unexpected flying knives coming towards him, he barely managed to hide behind a wall before they struck.

However, the power of Bruce’s flying knives exceeded his imagination, and the whole wall collapsed.

Seeing that he had Joe cornered, Bruce wanted to continue throwing his flying knives. Sadly for him though, he detected the other person behind him and Spider Telepathy was activated instantly.

No, the ‘person’ behind me seems to be the fake! Thanks to his activation of Spider Telepathy, he spotted the flaw.

The shadow behind him was very strange, It stood completely still and did not move a muscle throughout the whole thing. After figuring that out, Bruce completely ignored the shadow behind him, and his body directly catapulted out towards the real Joe.

With the help of Strengthened Hands, he smashed his way through the wall Joe was hiding behind.


Just as the sound reached Joe, Bruce began attacking him.

“Bang bang bang!”

Joe’s fighting technique was very strong. Regardless however, he couldn’t beat Bruce. With his Superb-level fighting technique as well was his Super speed, Bruce moved like the wind.


Soon afterwards, Bruce spotted a flaw in Joe’s technique and managed to land a punch, making Joe instantly cough out a large amount of blood.

Afterwards, Bruce jumped on him and grabbed him by the head.


[Name]: Rayleigh Joe.

[Identity]: Level 7 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

[Ability]: Top-level fighting technique (200mb), Firearms proficiency (300mb), Assassination technique (200mb), Clone(2gb)


Clone huh… This was a new ability that Bruce has not seen before. Clone, as It’s name suggested, was able to conjure up another Bruce.

The two bodies, whether in breath, expression or look, were exactly the same as each other.

But this was only an illusion, it was not a real ‘Clone’ of Bruce. It couldn’t attack, nor could it move. It’s function was to confuse the enemy, not attack them.

Without even thinking about it, Bruce started the download.

“Beep, connection successful…”

“Beep, Clone ability, size 2GB, download initializing!”

“Beep, current download speed is 2mb/s (valid within 10 meters).”

Bruce knew that Coulson and co. might be watching him, so he spent 100,000 USD to accelerate the download speed by 100 times. And just 10 seconds later, he heard that oh-so-familiar beeping noise.

“Beep, download complete.”

“Beep, congratulations, you have obtained the Clone ability!”

The moment he obtained the Clone ability, he shot again, knocking Joe to the ground. The yellow smoke appeared, which meant that Bruce had become the final winner.

At the same time, standing in front of multiple screens, Coulson and Hill simultaneously took in a deep breath.

The strength that Bruce just displayed was beyond their wildest imaginations. “If he completes this task with flying colours, he could very well be promoted to a level 7 agent.”

Hill smiled, obviously very satisfied with Bruce. If she was being honest, she even wanted to snatch Bruce away, but Coulson would obviously not let that happen.

“Don’t even think about it.” Coulson smiled and walked out of the room. The test was over, so they headed out to officially announce the winner.

Meanwhile, Bruce and all the others went out of the training ground. With the exception of Bruce, all the others were still releasing yellow smoke.

They all looked at each other and shook their heads slightly. A single level 6 agent managed to beat all of them.

Too shameful!

But regardless of that, they had to admit that Bruce was indeed very powerful.

“Congratulations Bruce, you have qualified.The task is yours.” Coulson’s voice was heard and all the agents immediately stood straight.

“Everyone else, follow me. You have different tasks.”

Coulson looked at Bruce, then left with the other agents. At this point, only Bruce and Hill were left.

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