I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 64

Three years ago.

The day Evangeline left home for the capital.

The Margrave, following his daughter, handed over his cavalry spear and shield to Evangeline.

They were family heirlooms passed down through generations. Though old, their quaint appearance and durability were unparalleled in the region, making them prized relics.

And they were the relics Evangeline had desired ever since her childhood.

"Take them," the Margrave tersely uttered.

"They’ll serve you well."


However, Evangeline threw the spear and shield her father offered onto the ground.

"I don’t need them."


"I won’t take such a thing."

After casting a sidelong glance at her father, a stern-faced Evangeline boarded the carriage.

The Margrave, looking at his spear and shield rolling on the ground, slowly opened his mouth.


Evangeline thought her father would yell at her in anger.

"The north is cold. Especially the Capital, where the winter is harsh."

But he didn’t.

"Don’t catch a cold and keep yourself warm."


"Whenever you want, you can come back."

His voice trembled.

Evangeline didn’t respond, simply closing the carriage door.

Soon, the carriage set off, and Evangeline, sinking into the seat, briefly looked back.

Her father stood there, alone.

He continued to stand until his daughter disappeared from sight, right to the end of the road.



With her dirt-covered hands holding the worn-out cavalry spear and shield, Evangeline bit her lip hard.

The spear and shield were heavily worn out. Just like her father, who had aged rapidly after losing her mother.

In her childhood, she had found these relics so cool.

Her father’s back, silently grabbing his relics and leaving home whenever monsters attacked... It couldn’t have been any cooler.

How did it come to this?



The Golem chasing her roared fiercely. Ash shouted urgently.

"Evangeline! Hurry!"


Evangeline hastily slipped the shield onto her left arm and grasped the cavalry spear in her right hand. Then she asked.

"You said we had insurance, senior!"

"Yeah, we do."

"Then get it out quickly! I’m at my limit. I can’t hold on much longer!"

"I’ve already used it."

Prince Ash had his uniquely cunning, confident, and exceedingly handsome smile.

"It’s right here."

Ash’s forefinger tapped Evangeline’s forehead.

"You are my last insurance."

Evangeline blinked in disbelief.


"Come on! Get up. My insurance sheep! Wield your father’s relics, and fight as he taught you!"

She wanted to argue, but there was no time. The Golem was practically breathing down their necks.

Evangeline clenched her hands around the shield and spear.

As if finding its long-lost master, the relic fit perfectly in her hands.

Then, for some reason.

’You hold the spear like this, and the shield like this.’

Memories of a time spent with his father briefly crossed his mind.

The time of her very childhood. That moment when she first learned to handle a spear and a shield.

Gritting her teeth and bolting upright- Evangeline charged at the oncoming golem, thrusting her cavalry spear.


The golems, battered from the ongoing battle, weren’t in perfect condition.

The worn chestplate, tattered and torn, was ripped open in a single blow from the old cavalry spear.

Evangeline struck the now-exposed magic core with her shield. The golem crumpled like crumpled paper, falling at once.

After that, four more charged at her.

Evangeline’s green eyes sparkled, holding a flash of light.

Was she mistaken? The enemies’ movements seemed to slow down.

She saw the glaring weakness in the enemy. She instinctively knew how to step, how to match the tempo.

Boom! Bang! Crack! Flash!

It felt as if a ’path’ had unfolded before her eyes.

Thunk! Thud! Wham! Bang-!

Block, stab, block, stab, block, stab, block, stab.

In an instant, she blocked four times and stabbed four times. Her refined movements, quick as lightning, incorporated defense and attack.

When Evangeline came to, the four golem warriors were shattered into pieces, crumbling to the ground.


A stunned gasp escaped Evangeline’s lips.

The backlash from the intense movements with her injured body came late.

Biting down on the pain that surged throughout her body, Evangeline recalled the sensation just now.

What was that?

Clap, clap, clap-

Then she heard applause.

Looking fiercely to the side, Ash was smirking, clapping his hands.

"Great job, insurance sheep! I told you I had faith in you!"

"Senior. That just now... what exactly?"

Evangeline stared down at her trembling hands.

"It felt like I saw some ’path,’ what is this?"

"Well, that’s because your weapon is your personal equipment. The characteristics apply even without upgrades. That’s the effect."


Personal equipment? Upgrade? Characteristics? Effect?

Evangeline blinked in confusion at the incomprehensible words.

But one thing was certain. Prince Ash knew the identity of this strange sensation.

"Ahem! But more importantly, we have something more urgent right now."

Ash, flustered, pointed to the sky.

"The last one."


Hovering in the air was the last of the stone golems.

Despite having lost its right arm and right leg, it was still ready to fight.

The gathering of red magic at its remaining fingertips was visible.

"How should we do this? It’s too high, our attacks don’t seem to reach."

The stone golem hovered at a height of about 10m.

But they had no long-range weapons. Ash had run out of ammo for his magic gun.

Evangeline could at least hurl a spear, but if she missed or if it was dodged, she would be left empty-handed.

"There is a way."

Ash gave a wry smile. Despite the situation, Evangeline thought unknowingly, how confident he was to be able to smile like that.

"The prince always has a bag full of tricks."

Ash looked at the western sky. The sun had almost set. Night was about to fall.

"Evangeline. This is the final order for today."


"Run straight at him. I’ll knock him down."

Evangeline decided not to ask how he would knock him down.

She follows when Ash gives an order.

Because she has realized that it is the most rational and has the highest survival rate.

"I’ll go."

"This is the end. Cheer up!"

"That cheer, it’s too old-fashioned..."

With a kick, Evangeline rushed forward.

Ping! Fizzing!

From the Stone Golem, the annoying red beam poured out. Perhaps because it only had one arm, the magic attack was much weaker.

Thud-! Crash!

"If there’s a problem...!"

The problem was that Evangeline was also extremely exhausted.

Still, she ran. Kicking the ground with her convulsing legs, she headed straight forward, towards the space occupied by the monster.


It was then. She had a similar feeling to before.

The optimal ’path’ to run while avoiding enemy attacks appeared in her eyes.

’What is this feeling?’

With her shield firmly held up, Evangeline ran along that path.

The moment Evangeline charged, the Stone Golem wildly showered magic.

But Evangeline managed to reach right below it without even a scratch.

"Well done, Evangeline."

And when the Stone Golem’s attention was completely focused on Evangeline.

In that gap, Ash, who had run towards the Stone Golem from the opposite side, took something out.

"This... is checkmate!"

It was a torch with blue flames flickering.

Ash threw it as hard as he could at the Stone Golem.


The sun had completely set by then. Under the dark sky, the blue torch soared high, emitting light,


...and soon fell powerlessly below.

It didn’t even hit the Stone Golem, let alone reach its feet. It merely cast a blue light over the Golem before going out.


The sound of the torch hitting the ground echoed feebly.



A silence fell. Not only Ash and Evangeline, even the Stone Golem stood frozen awkwardly.

Bewildered, Evangeline, who had been silent, opened her mouth.

"What on earth-"

That moment.


There was a flash of light from far away. It was from the walls of Crossroad.

And a few seconds later.



Suddenly, the chest of the Stone Golem burst open.


Evangeline stared in disbelief.

The demon bullet flying from the far-off city of Crossroad had pierced right through the chest of the magic stone golem.

’A shot fired from Crossroad?’

Had it been fired from such a long distance following the signal of Prince Ash?

’It’s impossible. It’s not something a human can do! It’s physically impossible!’

Amidst her disbelief, Evangeline heard Ash’s loud voice.

"What does it matter! It’s a one-time chance! Evangeline!"

The magic stone golem, caught completely off guard, was falling. Ash reached out his hand and shouted.

"Finish it off-!"


Before she knew it, Evangeline found herself following the man’s command.

She charged at the falling magic stone golem, took a step forward, and jumped into the air.


With all her might, she thrust her spear.


The worn-out knight’s spear of the Cross family emitted a dazzling white light and pierced the air - and passed right through the magic core of the last golem.

And thus, this long and dreadful battle ended.

Thump! Crash...!

Pieces of the destroyed golem fell in all directions.

Evangeline, having thrust her whole body through the golem and landed on the other side, soon collapsed forward.

"Ah... Huh."

She felt as if she could die from exhaustion. Without exaggeration, she lacked even the strength to lift a finger.

As she finally lay flat on her back, the world spun around her and Prince Ash appeared in her vision.

Ash sat down beside Evangeline with a tired smile.

"You worked hard. Ace junior. I never thought you’d actually do it."

"Is it really over now?"

"At least here, yes."

They had indeed defeated fifty large monsters by themselves.

Although the secret weapon Ash had brought out was from outside the game, it was still an incredible feat.

"Senior... you’re... amazing... You managed to do... something this impossible..."

"No one would believe it even if we told them."

Ash shrugged nonchalantly.

"Let’s keep this as our own little war."

Evangeline’s eyes began to close.

"Can I pass out now?"

"Could you keep going if I said no?"

"If that’s an order... I’ll... endure..."

With half-closed eyes, Evangeline strained to speak.

Ash reached out and gently closed Evangeline’s eyes.

"You can sleep, kiddo. Rest easy."


"Good night, good night."

With her energy drained, Evangeline closed her eyes.

Soon, everything was swallowed by darkness.

--TL Notes--

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