I Became the Richest Man with a Monthly Salary of 20,000

Chapter 791: Sure

However, this is also good. The fact that Chinese medicine can have documents entering the Longguo History Museum has a huge impact on the development of Chinese medicine. As a member of the family of traditional Chinese medicine, he is naturally honored.

"Congratulations to Xia Langzhong, once this manuscript enters the Long Kingdom History Museum, it will be a great thing for you and for Chinese medicine! Said that this is also a shortcut for Chinese medicine to go global.”

Chen Qingchi smiled and congratulated.

Anyway, I can't get it anymore, it's better to say a few nice words to win the favor of Xia Liang and Cao Yongliang.

Although his heart is very bitter at the moment!

But Chen Qingchi is not a pure ignorant rich second-generation, he still has some knowledge and shrewdness!

When Cao Yongliang heard this, he nodded in agreement.

"Yes, this little brother is right, Xia Langzhong, I have seen your live broadcast. Your ambition is to make Chinese medicine rise and bloom all over the world. If this manuscript enters the Longguo History Museum, it will be very important for the promotion of Chinese medicine. It's definitely a good thing!"

This young man is really good. He knows the general situation and knows how to help people from the sidelines. Cao Yongliang's favorable impression of Chen Qingchi is +1!

Xia Liang heard the words of Cao Yongliang and Chen Qingchi, and finally made a decision, he stood up and said.

"Director Cao, since you've said so, if I'm not sensible and reject your good intentions, I'll have no overall view! As long as I can develop and promote Chinese medicine, I'm willing to do it. Donating manuscripts to the Dragon Country History Museum is naturally no problem.”

When Cao Yongliang saw Xia Liang finally nodded in agreement, he immediately smiled.

"Okay! Xia Langzhong, I'm here this time, and I specifically applied for a piece of funding from my superiors for the collection of manuscripts! Our Long Kingdom History Museum, when collecting cultural relics from the public, will not be free of charge. In general, Under the circumstances, the donors will be compensated for a certain amount. Originally, cultural relics are priceless. It is unfair to measure the cultural relics, and it also means contaminating the cultural relics themselves, but the situation of the donors must always be considered, and the cultural relics cannot be forcibly collected Let's go! Originally, the value of this manuscript, even if you want ten yuan, one hundred yuan is not too much.

It's just that the funds of the Long Kingdom History Museum are very tight. Every year, a large number of cultural relics are damaged. We have invested a lot of money to repair them, in order to delay their decay time as much as possible, and strive to allow them to stay in this world for as long as possible. One minute, let the people all over the world look at them one more time. "

The restoration of historical relics requires a lot of money, which is very large, accounting for more than half of the expenditure of the entire Longguo History Museum.

Therefore, this time, Cao Yongliang has done his best to apply for one piece!

"Director Cao, it's not necessary. I don't lack money. If you know me, you should know that every time I see a doctor, I receive a lot of money. Donating this manuscript to the country is considered to be taken from the people. For the people! How can I ask for more money? Take this money back and use it for the restoration of cultural relics."

Xia Liang shook his head and smiled.

"Ah? This, how does this work? You have money, that's your business. If I ask for this manuscript from you for free, it will be a bit unfair to you!"

Cao Yongliang was shocked and said quickly.

"President Cao, let me say a word, please?"

Chen Qingchi next to him suddenly interrupted.

Cao Yongliang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Qingchi.

"you say."

Chen Qingchi sorted out the language and cleared his throat before speaking slowly.

"I just figured it out, now Xia Langzhong is standing on the tenth floor, we are now standing on the first floor, the layout is different, the thinking is different, if you insist, if Xia Langzhong gets angry, I will take this manuscript. I bought it!"

Cao Yongliang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, smiled and punched Chen Qingchi on the shoulder.

"You kid, hahaha, but, although your words are disrespectful to me, they are very reasonable. I think too much."

Immediately, he turned to look at Xia Liangdao.

"Okay, then I won't force it, this matter is settled like this!"

After speaking, Cao Yongliang took two steps back, bowed to Xia Liang, and said with a serious expression.

"Xia Langzhong, on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom Chinese medicine, the people of the Dragon Kingdom, thank you!"

Xia Liang hurriedly bowed back.

"You're welcome, Director Cao, this is what I should do."

Then, he turned back and walked towards the house.

After Chen Qingchi saw that Xia Liang had left, he hurriedly came over and said to Cao Yongliang.

"Director Cao, actually, to be honest, I came here this time to buy this manuscript."

"You know my grandfather, he is Chen Bo'an."

Cao Yongliang's eyes lit up and smiled.

"Good boy, it turns out to be the grandson of Chen Lao. Although your Chen family's "Compendium of Medicinal Herbs" failed to enter the Longguo History Museum, I express my regret, but I still admire the character and medical ethics of Chen Laozi. !"

What he said was not a compliment. Chen Boan's contribution in the field of traditional Chinese medicine can be seen only by his willingness to donate the "Compendium of Medicinal Herbs" for free.

Although there must be a large part of it, it is the expression of his love for vanity, but, in this world, who can escape the four words of fame and fortune, if there is such a person, then he is not an ordinary person, but Saints! No, not even saints can escape fame and fortune!

Since Chen Qingchi belonged to the Chen family, Cao Yongliang would be able to figure it out when he came to buy the manuscript of "Compendium of Materia Medica of the Dragon Country". After all, even a layman like him could see the value of this manuscript, let alone Chen Boan is an old man!

"Your grandfather asked you to come? But, I'm really sorry, this thing can't get into your hands."

Cao Yongliang said apologetically.

Chen Qingchi shook his head and said ~www.readwn.com~ No, it was my own idea. I planned to buy this manuscript as a birthday gift and give it to my grandfather next year. However, since you are here, it is none of my business. , and I also figured out that this manuscript remains in our Chen family, which means it has a collection value and commemorative significance! But in the Longguo History Museum, it will be different. It can promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine, so that people in Longguo and all over the world can see the charm of traditional Chinese medicine and re-understand traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, I agree with this article very much. It is stored in the Longguo History Museum, but I have a lot of requests. "

The manuscript is definitely not in his hands now, and Chen Qingchi himself understands it, and he can understand the value of this manuscript through the conversation between Cao Yongliang and Xia Liang just now, so he has no other ideas.

However, he is still not reconciled! I can't buy it, but can I take a picture?

That's right, he just wanted to take a photo of the manuscript and take it back to Grandpa.

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