I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 38

Aggo didn't care about the horsepower. Three days later, he encountered the affiliated village of Qarth City. Dany and the others had not yet set off, and the 300 camels walked towards the direction of Whitecloud.

Khalasar has been walking for four days and seventy to eighty horses had already died. The team had almost ran out of water and milk until finally they met the camels.

In this way, this 1,000-kilometer relay race had finally completed the process of handing over the baton.

Dany calmed down and started to focus on herself.

Maegi Mirri and this dragon seeker's prophecy have made Dany fully understand: besides dragons, this world really has magic and sorcery.

She wanted to ask Quaithe for advice.

As for why not go to the Warlock…well, the past few days merchant Xaro has been talking bad about the Warlock around Dany.

"Warlocks did have a strong period when even the Dragonlord of Valyria looked at them differently."

Xaro whispered to Dany in the absence of the other two guests: "But today is different. Those blue-lipped guys, like the weak old soldiers in the pier tavern, will only brag about their bravery and forget that strength and skill had long since left them.

They hide in the Palace of Dust, reading rotten scrolls, sipping Shade of the Evening until their lips turn blue, hinting that they hold terrifying powers, but they are nothing compared to their predecessors."

"What about Quaithe?" she asked again.

"That woman…" The merchant's eyes flashed with awe, and he said: "She is from Asshai in Shadow Lands, as the saying goes 'better a man should swallow scorpions than trust in the spawn of shadows', her power will only make her more dangerous, Khaleesi, don't trust her."

With this, Dany also understands who was the one who prophesized of her existence is.

It's not Warlock Pyat, who has been talking about mysticism to her, but Quaithe, who is so low-key that people ignore his existence.

That woman is not simple.

Looking for an opportunity, Dany leaned her camel towards the woman wearing the wooden lacquer mask and asked in a low voice, "Miss Quaithe, do you understand prophecy?"

Since there is camels that can be ridden, of course Dany wants to liberate her little silver horse.

Quaithe not only wears a wooden shell mask, but also has an Arabic scarf wrapped around it. Her head is turned in the direction of Dany, and her eyes and expressions are completely invisible.

"Daenerys, people in the land of Asshai are not popularly called 'Miss'," she said in a clear voice.

"Okay, Mage Quaithe." Dany continued, "Can you predict whether my future child will have another child? Well, my poor Rhaego, he…that Maegi, called Mirri, cursed me, saying that my womb could no longer give birth to life."

As she spoke, her eyes glowed with water, and her head turned away sadly.

Quaithe paused, and finally said something that made Dany couldn't help cheering in her heart, "Please put aside the sadness of the past, there are more important things waiting for you in the future. As for the child…Alas, I can't predict such a thing.'

"Why? You didn't even see me before you knew I hatched a dragon and stayed in Whitecloud?" Dany didn't seem to want people to see her crying red eyes , also pulled up the silk scarf around his neck and wrapped it around her skull a few times.

Quaithe said: "Prophecy is an elusive Magic, and when the Bleeding Star appeared, I sensed the magic's rapid recovery, like the tide sweeping the towns on the bank.

So, I opened my eyes and tried to see this world, the most essential of it. As a result, I saw you training dragons on the wasteland. So, do you understand?"

"I don't quite understand." Dany raised.

"Mortals fear and slander Magic and sorcery, but it is a kind of wisdom that ordinary people are not privy nor qualified to learn. In essence, it is like seeing the eastern horizon dyed crimson, and knowing that the sun is about to rise. Concise, and clear." Quaithe looked towards Dany, as if asking if she understood.

"Maybe I'm an ordinary person who is not qualified to master that kind of wisdom." Dany smiled bitterly, but she still didn't understand.

"He he he, can an ordinary person make this world set off Magic Tides again?" Quaithe laughed.

Then, for the third time, she explained: "I saw the eastern sky flushed, so I knew the sun was about to rise. If I don't see, or don't look, then I don't know anything.

The so-called prophecy is just that the world shows what's in front of my eyes, and then I see it, I know.

About whether you can hold another child's future, for that related information the elements have never appeared so it can't be generalized so it can't be speculated, so I don't know."

This time Dany probably understands that prediction is a bit like big data analysis, but the prophet is inductive in addition to collecting information by themself. In addition, the pan-world consciousness will also send vague messages to them.

Dragons bring Magic to this world, and its influence is too great, like a turbulent ocean, so Quaithe can clearly see the "waves", and then see the originator above the waves, Dany and her dragon.

The matter of a child may have a great impact on the future, but at this time, the "ocean tide" has not yet made waves.

Quaithe saw a calm sea before her eyes.

Unless there is a stronger presence, the line of sight can't penetrate the sea water and see the turbulent dark tide of the ocean abyss.

For example, Greenseer.

"Can you teach me about Magic?" Dany asked the Quaithe with expectant eyes.

"Yes, you can follow me to Asshai, there is all the knowledge you need." Quaithe replied quickly in a "just wait for you to say that" tone.

Dany hesitated, and suddenly woke up: no one will be nice to you for no reason unless he loves you.

Obviously Quaithe would never love her, so who does she love?

Her dragon!

"I am the Princess of Dragonstone of Stormborn, and it is my duty and mission to revive the dynasty of House Targaryen. My goal is in the West, Westeros in the West, and cannot act in a way that defeats one's purpose."

At this moment, she is not fighting alone, Murong Fu is with her!

If Murong Fu said to recover Great Yan, who wouldn't believe it?

Quaithe naturally.

So, she returned to her previous state of taciturnity, as if Dany didn't go to Asshai, she would ignore her.

Quaithe's way doesn't work, so Dany has to go to the fallback guy.

"Your Excellency Grand Warlock, I heard that Magic a incantation is a special language other than independent communication language?" At this time, she had no scruples, and did not secretly ask when other people were not around. Everyone was ready to rest after dinner. At the same time, she directly asked out loud.

Warlock Pyat Pree likes talking to Dany very much. In addition to boasting about the greatness and prosperity of Qarth, he also tells of bizarre Sorcerer stories that make it difficult to tell the truth from the fake.

Listening to Dany's question at the moment, he said happily: "Khaleesi, you have the courage and wisdom to explore mysterious knowledge. Yes, there are many professions involving mysterious power in this world, such as Shadowbinder, Warlock, Alchemist, Moonsinger, Red Priest, Black Alchemist, Necromancer, Aeromancer, Pyromancer, Bloodmage, Torturer, Inquisitor, Poisoner, Priestess, Nightwalker, Warg…"

Grand Warlock is just as rare as any family. Speaking of dozens of Magic careers, Dany's big mouth is all dumbfounded.

Is this the world of Ice and Fire of low magic and martial skill, or is she coming to a "Baldur's Gate" at the Faerûn Continent?

Pyat took a breath and said, "Valyria, where your ancestors were located, also had the Blood Magic system. Basically, every mysticism system with real power has a set of its own Magic language, which is it's incantation."

"Why don't we all share an incantation system?" Dany wondered.

"This…" Warlock blue opened and closed his lips, his expression hesitant, "Maybe the Place of Origin of each Sorcerer faction is different, just like our Warlocks and Valyria's Bloodmages, the two are of different civilizations, hence the language is different."

These words are completely unreasonable, even if two civilizations are separated by 100,000 light-years, the physical formulas they have developed will be exactly the same. In their math class, It is still "1+1=2", the truth may not be eternal, but it must have a certain...commonality, how can it be as random as he said?

Besides that they don't have the truth, their incantation cannot relate to the nature of the world, and it is a deceitful thing.

As if seeing what Dany was thinking, Quaithe spoke.

"What's this?" she asked Dany, holding a log.

That is a short, tawny stick with a smooth surface.

She told the truth about what she saw.

Quaithe nods

She looked at Jorah, and pointed to her palm and asked. "What is this?"

"A man?" Jorah hesitantly said.

Quaithe was nodding again, and for the third time she put her palm on the Dothraki's maid Irri, "What is this?"

"A woman?" Irri gave Shadowbinder a frightened look, and weakly said.

When Quaithe turned the wood in her palm towards Aggo, he said it was a lion.

Finally, Quaithe opened her palms completely, and under the torch's light, you could see a small and delicate wooden sculpture standing in the palms of her fair hands, a body with three heads, a roaring short-haired Warrior, and a long, gentle faced woman, and a roaring lion.

Now Dany understands that Quaithe only showed part of the statue to everyone before, so the four people made four different judgments.

"Now you understand?" Quaithe's wooden-hulled mask was facing Dany, and the firelight reflected a red light that was indistinct.

"The greatest Mage cannot grasp the truth." Dany nods and said.

Simply put, it is the "blind man touching the elephant" in the Sorcerer world.

Jorah suddenly asked: "Lord Warlock, when you said Warg, did you mean the former Children of the Forest?"

Every North person is in horror of Wargs since growing up with them in stories, they may not have heard names like the Moonsinger or Aeromancer, but Wargs are as impressive as the "Rat Cook".

"Once?" Warlock shook his head and laughed, "Andals, I understand what you're thinking, the Children of the Forest are a legend, Warg is a legend, the world is as your Maester expected, without a trace of the Wonders.."

"They've been gone for thousands of years." Jorah frowned.

"They never disappeared, they were just cut off and forgotten by you. When I left Asshai and went west to find the direction of my destiny, I also bought potion materials from a Warg. His partner the eagle can pick things from even on the top of the mountain." Quaithe said coldly.

"All the Wargs went to Asshai?" Jorah was surprised and sighed in relief at the same time, and seemed to be relieved: the Demons have all left, which is great.

Dany is not calm. She clearly remembers that it was clearly stated in "Game of Thrones" that Wargs are exclusive to Old Gods.

How could there be Wargs outside the Westeros continent?

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