I Became the Finance Director of an Academy on the Verge of Bankruptcy

Chapter 25


Crack! Thud!

All sorts of noise and screams echoed from inside the room. Thankfully, it was a private dormitory only accessible to a few students, so there was no risk of the dueling arena flying away due to noise complaints. However, the room, which should have been neatly organized, was now a complete mess.

And in the center of that room, amidst the traces of destruction…

The owner of the room, Chloe Pisty, gasped for breath.

“How… how…!!”

Her tied-up hair had come undone, flowing down; her eyes were bloodshot, and her hands were full of scratches and wounds.

Even amidst it all, Chloe, with her nails digging into her palm, muttered with bloodshot eyes.


Chloe Pisty had won the duel. She had fought Beatrice twice and emerged victorious each time.

But paradoxically…

Chloe did not feel like a winner. At least, that’s how she perceived it.

“Hah… hah….”

The spells that Beatrice had showcased in their second duel…

They were not the kind of magic that even a half-baked person, who couldn’t use magic properly due to a chronic condition, could just pick up and replicate. How much effort had Chloe put into applying multiple attributes on Fireball?

People called Chloe a genius. In reality, Chloe herself boasted that she was a genius capable of becoming the apprentice of the great mage.

It was a lie.

Chloe might be a prodigy, but she was certainly not a genius.

If there was someone who truly qualified as a genius, it would be…



The moment Chloe remembered Beatrice’s face, she slammed her already half-collapsed desk with her bleeding fist.

No matter how powerful a Rank 5 mage was, without harnessing magic power, they were no different from an ordinary person. Chloe’s fist burst open, causing even more blood to flow.

Had the pain been numbed by her excitement? No. Even now, Chloe felt vivid agony, a pain that seemed to sear through her brain.

Yet facing that pain was…

To remember.


I will never lose to you.

How many hardships and adversities had she gone through to be born as the child of a mere slave and become the apprentice of the great mage? It was a position she had barely, barely managed to attain. It was a place she had continuously worked hard for every single day.

But because of mere genius, Beatrice was threatening her position. She was stealing the attention of her revered mentor.

—If only your talent were on par with that child…

One day, Chloe had unintentionally overheard her mentor’s words.

Since then, Chloe had burned with anger toward Beatrice. When her magic was interrupted during the entrance ceremony, she nearly lost her mind, feeling it was just a show-off.

So she provoked Beatrice, and confirmed the chronic condition she had only heard rumors of. Only then did Chloe begin to feel relieved. As long as that chronic condition was present, it didn’t matter how genius Beatrice was; it would all be meaningless.

Yet in the second duel, Beatrice blatantly overcame her chronic condition.

Why? Was it because you were a genius? Because you had enough talent to be recognized by the mentor?



In the ruined room, looking down at her blood-soaked hands, pondered over the unanswered question.

“………There must be something.”

Beatrice’s chronic condition showed no signs of improving. Yet, within just a week, she had managed to learn how to overcome it, albeit imperfectly.

In the past, Chloe had failed while trying to solve it from the Delphia Kingdom’s dimension; if she could have overcome it herself, she would have done so long ago.

There was something.

Something, or someone, that influenced Beatrice during that week.

“………Let’s go.”

With her eyes glinting coldly, Chloe resolved to investigate Beatrice’s background.

As always, Chloe Pisty, merely a prodigy, knew she had to do what was necessary to maintain her status as the apprentice of the great mage.

Just like always…

It was time to practice and work hard.


I clocked out.

Thanks to the artifact the king supposedly grants, I finally solved this month’s expenses and found a small relief, and I was lucky that my workload wasn’t heavy today, allowing me to leave on time.

I had planned to leave with Laura, but she happened to have to work late today, so I had to go ahead.

‘It’s 10 PM.’

Having left much earlier than usual, shouldn’t I take a moment to enjoy a little leisure?

With that resolve, instead of heading to the dormitory, I turned toward the shopping district.

After a year of hard work since I entered the game, I came to realize that despite the existence of magic and various advanced fields, the era in Dark Kingdom fundamentally resembled the medieval age.

Basically, once sunset hit, the day was done. There were magic lamps and candles, but in regular territories, they were as expensive as the lord’s castle would be.

However, Grandis Academy was a whole different story.

True to our Headmistress, when the academy was built, money was lavishly spent everywhere.

“Head over there! There’s a famous late-night snack place!”

“Buying at night certainly seems cheaper. Maybe I should start shopping around this time from now on…”

“Hey, darling! Let’s go together!”

Even though the sun had set and night had fallen, the academy wasn’t dark. Rather, the magic lights installed everywhere shone brightly, creating their unique night view.

In the kingdom, there is a saying. Bright places at night are limited to two: the royal castle and Grandis Academy.

Honestly, every time I see those magic lights, I want to take them down and sell them, but by now, the night view and night market of Grandis Academy have been firmly established as attractions, so I couldn’t act on it.

At any rate…

With students enjoying their time off, merchants working late, and couples indulging in nighttime dates, many gathered in the night streets.

I quietly walked through the throng.

‘When I was a student, I used to hang out here often.’

Thanks to that, I was well-acquainted with the night market’s layout. I often went with Laura and that pesky junior. To be exact, I was dragged along.

Back then, I truly didn’t want to go, but now that I think about it, those were all memories.

Involving myself in sentimentality while strolling through the night market, I eventually arrived at the store I had aimed for.

Elijah’s General Store


After becoming Finance Director, I had planned to stop by several times, but ultimately turned back every time.

I bravely stepped into the general store.

“Thank you for coming!”

“Please sell a lot.”

That item, which I had always coveted but never bought until now…

I finally splurged.

‘I can’t wait to try it out.’

Originally, I wouldn’t have had the money to buy such a thing. Although I get paid, all but the bare minimum living expenses are returned to the finances.

However, today was a bit different.

It wasn’t out of goodwill as the Finance Director, but a courtesy from ‘Adam.’

That was practically an excuse given to me by Beatrice.

Would I be free of my greed? As Beatrice handed over the box filled with gemstones and gold, greed mingled with other thoughts.

──Wouldn’t this mean I could indulge a bit?

And I ultimately couldn’t shake off that temptation. I swallowed hard and sold my conscience off.

As I walked the nighttime streets, feeling the weight of the ‘item’ in my hand, a peculiar guilt also accompanied me.

“Ah? Finance Director?”

“Uh? Ah, Lisha Young Lady.”

“I wasn’t a student here before, but now that I’m a student of Grandis Academy, you can comfortably call me Lisha Student.”

“Then I’ll take the liberty moving forward. Lisha Student.”


This must be an indication to not be so formal. Interpreting it in noble speech implies that since we’ve already exchanged bribery, it’s okay to be more familiar.

Moreover, Lisha and the Claudia Family likely think of me as some fool who uses my position as Finance Director to accept bribes.

Perhaps if I acted friendly enough, they thought I’d fall for their trap like a naive fool? Given my age and experience, they could perceive me as more of an impetuous rookie than a high-ranking positionholder at the academy.

“I received the fruits you sent last time. They were firm, juicy, and tasty.”

“Is that so? I’m relieved.”

“Though I’d like to ask for more in the future.”

“The fruits are a specialty of the Claudia territory. As long as you want them, it’s no problem for the Finance Director.”

It’s true that the fruits are a specialty; I did receive a fruit box, but of course, the contents were different.

I roughly figured it out; they thoroughly laundered it through intermediaries, having changed the transportation several times using the territory’s fruit merchant. Quite the clever way to pass bribes, typical of a high noble family.

Exchanging formal smiles for a moment and walking on, Lisha’s gaze landed on the ‘item’ I was holding.

“Finance Director? Is that a fountain pen you’re holding?”

“You have a keen eye. It’s something I splurged on.”

As Finance Director, I interacted with documents and pens the most. However, due to the countless instances of needing to write and sign, the pens frequently broke or became unusable, so it had been quite a struggle since last year.

Sure, I could simply apply for new supplies since pens are also the academy’s property, but I had longed for a sturdy fountain pen with good usability without needing to go through those procedures.

‘But it’s not something I absolutely needed, so I didn’t buy it.’

Beatrice’s coaxing shattered my reason. To buy something so expensive!

However, Lisha’s expression while looking at the fountain pen was quite odd.

“But that’s the cheapest fountain pen. Even students don’t use it much…”

Oops, I’ve misspoken. I apologize.

“What’s so apologetic about that? It’s the truth.”

After all, due to only taking one gold coin from the box of bribes that Beatrice had given, this was my limit. The rest of the jewels and gold? Naturally, I included them all in the finances.

This is, without a doubt, embezzlement, but my position as Finance Director allowed me to keep this under wraps.

Is this what they mean by heavy is the head that wears the crown?

‘…It seems like there’s more responsibility than I thought.’

Honestly, even if it were a more expensive fountain pen, the appearance and decorations are merely flashy; it wouldn’t differ much from this one in practicality.

Rather than my spending being low, having worked as Finance Director for a while has made me extravagant in a more efficient way.

Now that I think about it, this is my first indulgence since taking the Finance Director position. I could consider this a gift to myself as a first-year professional.

Still, regardless of my own affair, Lisha looked flustered, having blundered, so I decided to speak first.

I felt that she seemed somewhat clumsy in areas like this, compared to handling spears when we last met.

“By the way, Lisha Student, what brings you to the night market?”

Cough. Rather than buying something, I came out to enjoy the night view… and to clear my mind a bit.”

“A mood refresh, you say?”

“Recently, there have been ridiculous rumors circulating among some students in my faction. As a member of the Claudia Family, I put an end to them immediately, but it was frustrating that there were fools who believed such conspiracy theories, so I came out to enjoy the night view.”

Grandis Academy offers equality of opportunity, but of course, does not provide social equality.

It merely gives nobles and commoners the same chance to learn; being part of the academy does not mean that the noble and commoners become the same.

Thus, students like Lisha Claudia, hailing from a great noble background, often formed factions with other noble family students closely linked to their households.

‘That’s honest, saying that they’re stupid and frustrating right in their own faction.’

Perhaps it’s because I feel they’re in the same boat since we’ve exchanged bribes.

For me, it was beneficial since the more information and connections I have, the better.

Ridiculous rumors?

“May I hear them?”

“They’re too far-fetched… and I’m worried it’ll only confuse the Finance Director.”

“I’ve already clocked out, so I’m not the Finance Director anymore; I’m Adam Keynes now.”

Huh, it’s really absurd, so please don’t laugh after hearing it.

What could it be?

Lisha, with a deep sigh revealing her disappointment in her faction, began.

“Apparently, there’s an organization planning to terrorize Grandis Academy soon.”

“Oh, really?”

“Isn’t that a laughable idea? Terrorize Grandis Academy? I, as a student, can’t even believe it, so I’m sure it’ll be even more ridiculous for the Finance Director. It’s just embarrassing.”

“Well… that’s true.”

After all, it’s not completely baseless, but those rumors are spreading already? Is there some foreshadowing?

‘Should I give a heads up?’

Considering Lisha’s personality, she likely wouldn’t wash her hands of it after receiving help, so it might be worth thinking about.

I briefly pondered, but my eyes landed on the spear strapped to Lisha’s back.

──Be careful of Lisha Claudia.

──Even if she herself may be a good person, you never know how she may be with her weapon.


After all, it’s something that will unfold much later. It’s better to gauge the timing and give a hint rather than share it now.

“Finance Director? Are you worried about the foolish rumors from our side…?”

“Pfft, what would I worry about? The academy has five guard units, and more than that, our Headmistress is here; what makes you think anyone can pull off a terror here?”

“I think the same. They just enjoy sensational stories, so please don’t take them to heart.”

“Understood. I have to head this way now, so I should take my leave.”

“It was an enjoyable conversation, Finance Director. Have a good night.”

Lisha Student, you too, be safe getting back.”

Leaving the bustling night market behind, I stepped back into the dark alleyway. What had started off as a whim at the night market had unexpectedly yielded a good find.

Academy terror? Isn’t that a guaranteed cliché? In fact, terror does occur in Dark Kingdom as well.

But it’s not something I had thought deeply about since it happens only after the protagonist reaches third year. If financial management goes awry, by then, the academy’s lifespan would be down to a year, so even without a terror incident, bankruptcy would be all but guaranteed.

Yet rumors circulating about it two years in advance now…

‘The puppet movements had already begun from first year, huh?’

A puppet infiltrated into Grandis Academy by a terrorist group. That ‘student’ must be making some moves.

Let’s keep that in mind. For now, that thought was sufficient. What I wanted more than anything was to try out my fountain pen.

As soon as I reached the dormitory, I entered my room and opened the thesis, immediately ready to use the fountain pen───


—Before trying it out.

On the desk lay a certain document.

I’m not suspecting an intruder. This was one of the urgent communications that passed between me and the Headmistress.

I’m not sure of the method, but since I’ve already clocked out, if there’s truly an urgent matter, the Headmistress would leave documents on my desk. Being Rank 8 means there’s surely a way.

Though I had the trivial thought of why she wouldn’t just come to see me directly, busy schedules could clash, and ultimately, if proper work is to be done, I’d have to head to my office anyway to meet with the Headmistress.

Anyway, I gently placed the fountain pen set, still unopened, to one side and began reading the document.

The content was incredibly simple.

I just received a response from Professor Circe. The research will start next Monday, and I can meet immediately tomorrow.

It seems that something has happened in the field of magic. The research funds appear quite insufficient.

And always… I am sorry.

The handwriting, seemingly penned by the Headmistress herself, carried several emotions, shaky as if it conveyed sincerity.

The meeting with Professor Circe must be the response I had requested earlier. Given that the appointment is tomorrow, it’s an urgent communication. I have to prepare for the meeting as well.

I will have to look into the internal magical affairs and the research fund issue in due time.

Additionally, the fact that the Headmistress included an apology at the end felt somewhat sudden. Each carefully written word bore genuine remorse.

And I knew precisely why the Headmistress penned those sentiments.

“I need to prepare.”

Of course, the one I would meet tomorrow would be Professor Circe, but there’s another adversary I must confront.

…The ‘convention’ deemed natural among the professors, particularly in the field of magic, at Grandis Academy.

Some call it history and tradition. Others call it remnants of old practices and bad customs. Some refer to it as welfare for the professors—that is exactly…

What the Headmistress had crafted decades ago.

And truly, it was a problem I needed to resolve.

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