I Became the Fiancé of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 95: Marriage (1)

Chapter 95: Marriage (1)

[Physis’ POV]

The morning was bright.

Bathed in sunlight, I looked at Adilun, who had fallen asleep beside me, worn out. Just looking at her made me smile uncontrollably; it was as if I had a serious case of joy.

For almost a week, we had been passionately making love without a break. So waking up immediately would undoubtedly be hard for her.

I had unleashed all the pent-up desires that had accumulated within me, so even with her considerable stamina... it might have been too much for her to handle.

I carefully wrapped my arms around Adilun. It felt cozy and warm.

Happiness wasn’t something to be found somewhere else; perhaps this very moment was happiness itself.

After a short time had passed, Adilun stirred briefly and eventually opened her eyes. I had thought she wouldn’t fully regain consciousness until at least this evening, but perhaps it was due to the stamina she had built up last time.


Blinking in the sunlight, she looked at me.


“Yes. Did you sleep well?”

When I asked if she slept well, she puffed up her cheeks slightly and said,

“I feel like I couldn’t rest properly because someone wore me out. I feel tired.”

“So, you didn’t like it?”

“...No. I loved it. A lot.”

Her cheeks flushed as she spoke, and she looked incredibly adorable. Unable to resist, I pressed my lips against hers.


She accepted my affection without resistance. Although I felt myself becoming aroused again, I had to hold back this time, given that I had worn her out over what amounted to a week, both in real and subjective time.

She seemed to have realized that as well, and her face turned red as she spoke to me.



“Do you...still find me lacking?”

“...To be honest, while I was keep going, you fainted from exhaustion.”

“No wonder my back hurts more than usual...I guess I’ll need to work on building my stamina.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Hehe. You don’t have to be. I’m really happy that you still want me. So...”

Still drowsy, her sleepy eyes met mine, and with her next words, she completely stole my soul.

“You’re not allowed to look at other women. I’m the only woman for you.”

That settles it. I immediately grabbed her arm. Given that it was already morning and I was already aroused, hearing such words made it even harder to hold back.

“Yo-you? I’m having a hard time right now...”

“I’m sorry. I can’t help myself.”


Whether her shriek was one of joy or exhaustion, I couldn’t tell, but we ended up having a late lunch only when the afternoon arrived.





When we stayed inside our room for three days straight, the inn staff seemed increasingly concerned. The door was magically locked, and no sounds came from within.

They must have been worried that something had gone wrong. However, when we eventually emerged, refreshed and glowing, the staff seemed relieved that their concerns were unnecessary.

“So, do you want to eat some more?”

“Yes. I haven’t really eaten much... I’m starving after spending all this time with you.”

“Let’s go, then.”

The inn meals were quite exquisite. Considering many nobles frequented the place for leisure, it was clear that a great deal of care had gone into the preparation.

After a rather filling meal, Adilun and I went back to admire the sea.

“The ocean is really fascinating, isn’t it?”

“How so?”

“Every time you look at it, it’s different.”

“Is that so?”


Adilun was quietly gazing at the ocean.

“Look. The way the sunlight glimmers on the water—you don’t see that in the evening. It feels like a sight you can only catch in the middle of the day. And then at night, the ocean takes on the color of the night sky, reflecting the occasional stars above.”

“That’s true.”

“That’s why I love it. As time changes, so does the ocean. It’s different from Rodenov, which always seems the same. It’s a bit amazing, really.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. It might sound strange since it’s my first time seeing the ocean, but maybe it’s precisely because it’s my first time that I find it so affecting.”

“Could be.”

The conversation halted there. Adilun gripped my arm and nestled into me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

It was a peaceful moment. Even without conversation, wasn’t it enough just to have each other by our sides?

The view was more pleasing than I had expected. Indeed, I felt it was a good decision to come see the ocean.

“We should head back. We have to leave soon tomorrow.”






Returning to our room, we both freshened up briefly. Then, lying in bed together, I listened to Adilun’s stories, yielding to her fervent request that we take it easy for the night.



“So, at this point... It’s pretty much guaranteed, right?”

“What is?”

“Our baby.”


I was momentarily at a loss for words. Honestly, considering what we’ve been up to for the past week, it’d be more surprising if a baby didn’t happen. But having a child wasn’t something that came about just because you wanted it to.

“Well, I’m not sure, but... given what we’ve been doing, it’s likely, isn’t it?”

“I thought so too.”

Her smile was radiant, but somehow, I could sense a touch of anxiety in it.

“Why bring this up all of a sudden?”

“Ah, it’s nothing. I was just thinking... it would be nice if it happened sooner rather than later.”


“Yes. We’re getting married soon anyway, so who would mind if it happened a little early?”


“Aren’t you excited? To have a child with me?”

“Of course... I’d love it if they arrived sooner rather than later. Ideally, a daughter who takes after you.”

“I’d actually prefer a son who takes after you.”

“How about we have both?”

“Ah! That’s even better!”

For some reason, her innocently enthusiastic response stirred up my desire. But I remembered her words about taking it easy tonight, and I forcefully quelled my urges.

“Anyway... I hope it happens soon. I wonder how beautiful our child will be.”

“Wouldn’t it be difficult for you? I’ve heard it’s very hard.”

“I think I’ll be okay.”

Her tone was steady, and I could even sense a certain level of resolution in her words.

“If I considered having a child to be a hardship, then I don’t deserve to be a mother. So, I’m fine.”


“If it doesn’t happen this time, let’s keep trying until it does. What do you say?”

“I’m fine with it, but you should probably build up some stamina for that.”


I lightly kissed her flushed face and pulled her close. Within my arms, I felt her warmth and the softness of her skin.

“Once we return tomorrow, let’s start preparing for the wedding right away.”

She spoke cautiously from within my embrace.

“We will be very busy.”

“Definitely. We need to look at dresses and everything...”

“Well, I have plenty of time, so I’m not worried. Are you sure you’ll be okay? You have a ton of responsibilities, from heir training to other tasks.”

“I’ll be fine. If things get tough, I’ll just take it out on you.”

“...Hahahaha. Anyway, let’s get some sleep. We’ll be busy starting tomorrow.”






Finally, the day of departure arrived. In actual days, our eight-day journey was now over, and in real-world time, our four-day trip had concluded. We headed toward the teleportation gate that would take us back to Rodenov.

Before leaving, we made sure to take one last look at the ocean. At Adilun’s request to see the sea in the early morning, we beheld the scenery one final time and stored it in our memories before using the teleportation gate to return to Rodenov.

Ah, before using the teleportation gate, we also thanked Marquis and Marquess of Magnolia for showing us such a lovely inn and promised to recommend it to the northern nobility when the opportunity arose. We expressed deep gratitude for their hospitality and vowed to return.

All in all, it was quite a lengthy journey. Though the extent of our activities consisted of exploring the port city and passionately trying to conceive a child in our room, it was, undoubtedly, a series of happy moments.

As we returned, the visages of Duke Johannes and Lady Claudia greeted us warmly.

“You both look so happy; you must have had a wonderful trip.”

“Yes, we’re back.”


“Has everything been alright, Father?”

“Yes, nothing special happened.”

“Hehe, that’s a relief.”

“First, let’s have a meal. We’ll talk details later. Go unpack your luggage for now.”


At the dinner table that followed, Adilun began sharing stories from our trip. She spoke of the Magnolia family’s inn, the people in the port city, and the treatment we received there.

“Ah, so those things happened? Sounds like a fun time.”

“Yes. It was especially surprising to see that their culture also venerates dragons.”

“Wasn’t the sea originally a place where legends of dragons have been passed down? It makes sense.”

“And the ocean itself was stunning. The way it changes depending on the time of day was simply breathtaking. Some days, we spent the whole day just watching the sea.”

“Next time, we should all go together.”

“Sounds good!”

As light conversations flowed, smiles appeared on everyone’s faces. Sensing the relaxed atmosphere, Adilun seemed to decide it was time to bring up the topic of marriage.

Then, her lips cautiously parted.

“...We’re thinking of setting a wedding date.”

“You’ve made up your minds?”

“Yes. Our engagement has been long enough, and I think it’s time to put the final touches on it. I’ve already discussed this with Physis. We want to get married as soon as possible.”

“Very well. If that’s what both of you want, then so be it. Marriage is not only about the families but also the wishes of the individuals involved.”

“Thank you.”

“There will be many things to prepare. When do you plan to set the date?”

“We’re aiming for next month. We’ll have to invite people to match that date.”


To Duke Johannes, who nodded meekly, I opened my mouth and said.

“I will tell Ortaire. They’ve been waiting for a while, so it’s only right that I should be the one to inform them.”

“Understood. Keep it that way.”

And just then, Lady Claudia, who had been watching everything with a contented look, suddenly posed a question.

“How many children are you planning to have?”

At the question, Adilun blushed slightly before responding.

“Well, as many as possible.”

“Oh my!”

Lady Claudia’s beaming expression suggested she was eager to see grandchildren from Adilun and me sooner rather than later. Apparently, she had some regrets about only having a single child.

In any case, after the eventful dinner, Rodenov was buzzing with wedding preparations.

After dinner, I moved all my belongings into Adilun’s room: clothes, and various other items.

It was because the Duke and Duchess suggested that, as we were soon to be married, it made more sense for us to share a room.

As far as I was concerned, it was welcome news. I immediately nodded in agreement and followed their suggestion.

--- End OF The Chapter ---

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