I Became the Fiancé of a Crazy Heroine

Chapter 26-2

The Marquis Laird residence, office room.

Fred sat in his seat with an important guest in front of him.

Because a major incident had occurred, and he had urgently dispatched his troops, including those under his command.

Fortunately, the two had returned to Kelidos and ensured their safety, and they were able to return to the capital only after troops from both families had arrived.

“…I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”

“No, it’s not. Who would have thought such a thing would happen near the capital?”

Fred politely responded and observed the other’s reaction.

He seemed quite angry, but he was barely holding back and continuing the conversation.

It must have been because not only his daughter but also his fiancé had been involved, causing him to be engulfed in anger.

“I didn’t know my family would be so underestimated. I must catch those b**tards and find out who’s behind them.”

“You’re absolutely right. I’ll help too.”

“Ah, no. It’s a problem in my family, so I’ll handle it myself. I must do it for your son’s sake.”

Robbins clenched his fists tightly with anger in his eyes.

At first, he thought he had misheard the news.

There was no way anyone would attack the Duke’s carriage unless they’re crazy.

Moreover, the fact that the Duke’s daughter was almost killed made him feel greatly insulted.

“My son understands the Duke’s feelings well.”

“What good is your son’s sympathy? This is my fault, and I’ve caused you great concern, haven’t I? I’m so ashamed that I can’t even show my face.”

“… There are many unexpected things in life. The Duke must have experienced it several times. Since no one was hurt on this trip, we can consider it lucky, can’t we?”

Fred tried to calm Robbins down in a gentle manner.

Any parent would be emotional if their child was attacked. And if the knights or maids who were with their child were also injured, it would be hard to contain their anger.

“Fortune seems to have hit you. Isn’t your son the lucky one?”

“… You’re too kind.”

Fred had already heard about Sion.

However, it was so sudden and unexpected that he couldn’t believe it.

Sion had just awakened his magic powers, and even used swordsmanship, which he had never even tried before.

“No, if it weren’t for your son, what would have happened to my daughter? And what about the knights?”

“I’m glad he was helpful.”

“…I’m just asking now, but didn’t you know about him? I thought you would have known.”

“Yes. I only heard about it for the first time.”

“I see. Hm…”

Robbins falls into doubt while suppressing his questions.

If even Fred didn’t know, it meant that Sion had just learned how to use his sword, or had kept it a secret all along.

Of course, regardless of which one it was, his talent would not change.

‘He must have used his youngest son, who was considered the most useless, as a means of strategic marriage…’

Robbins knew very well that Fred was being forced to make a choice.

Whatever happens, he had to choose between one of the Duke Adelaira or the Duke of Tyrone.

Therefore, he set his daughter Hanette’s marriage, who was called the ‘Crazy Young Lady’ noble, and Fred offered Sion, who looked the most lacking among his children.

‘Now that the marriage has been decided, we can’t treat it as if it never happened… I should show sincerity from my side.’

It was a strategic marriage that progressed based on their mutual understanding.

If balance was disturbed from one side, the entire understanding could collapse.

Of course, they couldn’t undo what had already been decided, but they needed to tie up the loose ends firmly to avoid any lingering regrets.

Sword skills could only be used by high-level swordsmen, and Sion was still young.

“I am greatly indebted to your son. I want to repay him somehow. What do you think would be the best way?”

“There’s no need to do that. My son only did what he had to do.”

“It wasn’t something that just anyone could do. Since he is also my daughter’s fiancé, so I should take care of him even more.”

“…If that’s the case, why don’t you ask my son directly? I don’t really know what he likes.”

Fred completely handed over the choice of compensation to Sion.

Of course, he could guide it in a direction that benefited his family, but his pride wouldn’t allow it.

He had already forced an unwanted marriage and had unintentionally exposed Sion to danger.

Since it was something that originated from Sion, it was only right for him to take care of it himself.

“You’re not wrong. Just because we’re parents doesn’t mean we know everything about our children.”

Robbins nods his head and falls into thought.

He had to offer a reward that would satisfy Sion as much as possible.

Only then will you realize that it is worth building a relationship with the Duke’s family.

‘I have to completely make him on my side at this point. It’s not easy to find someone as talented as him…’


The Duke Adelaira residence, Sion’s room.

Sion lay on the bed, organizing his thoughts.

He was thinking about ways to utilize Exceed Rain, how to conserve magic, and the direction to learn swordsmanship.

Exceed Rain was powerful, but if not used properly, it would just waste mana.

‘Having a good sword technique is great, but it’s meaningless if I run out of magic every time I use it.’

Sion had not awakened his magic for long, so he didn’t have much of it. Moreover, since he was not skilled in manipulating magic, efficiency was inevitably low.

He thought he should increase his mana to make the best use of Exceed Rain.

‘I need to save some mana if I want to use other abilities too.’

Exceed Rain had various abilities besides absorbing magic and creating sword techniques. They were useful and effective, but if he didn’t restrain himself, it could backfire on him.

Exceed Rain gave him immense power but took away more in return.

‘I need to learn swordsmanship too. It seems like I’ll have to spend a lot of money.’

Of course, he wasn’t worried about the money. He already had a promise of support, so he wouldn’t be short of money for a while, and he could use it for various purposes.

‘I should receive as much support from Duke Adelaira as possible. Opportunities like this don’t come often.’

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