I Became the Fiancé of a Crazy Heroine

Chapter 19-2

Alain Auction House, VIP Auction Room.

The auction rooms at Alain Auction House are divided into three categories: VIP, High Grade, and General.

The VIP room handles the most expensive items, while the High Grade room deals with slightly expensive items, and the General room usually handles ordinary or inexpensive items.

In reality, the General auction room was a place of little consequence, and in fact, the people who frequented the VIP and High Grade auction rooms were the most numerous.

“There aren’t many people here.”

“The prices here are a bit steep.”

“Hmm… looks like everyone here is wealthy.”

Hanette looked around with a calm expression.

Young people like her or Sion were hardly to be found.

Perhaps wealthy nobles or merchants affiliated with various associations had come here to spend their money.

“The items the nobles are trying to buy are already determined. It has nothing to do with me.”

“Is that so?”

“Pretty much. Nobody likes old gloves.”

“You never know. There might be someone as eccentric as you.”

“…I hope there isn’t. It’ll only make it harder for me if I stick out for no reason.”

The item Sion was after was the equipment used by the protagonist’s enemy.

It was unclear how he obtained it, but it was clearly described as an item acquired from the auction house in the capital.

In the end, the enemy was entranced by an evil power and went on a rampage, ultimately meeting his demise at the hands of the protagonist.

Of course, the glove of the demon was destroyed on the spot, making it impossible to recover even once it was lost.

‘Since it’s an early game enemy… I won’t be able to get it unless I buy it now.’

In about two months, the protagonist was expected to arrive in the capital.

Sion knew this in advance, so he had roughly guessed the time when the gloves would be sold.

“How much did you bring?”


“In gold coins?”


“…That’s quite a lot?”

No matter what store you go to, even if you only present one gold coin, the employees are surprised.

Compared to silver or bronze coins, gold coins are not easy to come by and have a very high value.

In fact, unless you were a wealthy noble or merchant, it was rare to see anyone use gold coins.

“If If can buy it within this money. And If there’s any left, I will buy some drinks for my sister.”

“You’re pretending to be good now?”

“I’m always good. It’s just my sister so eccentric.”

“You’ll be fine. How much do you think the person who sold this necklace to you spent on it?”


“Wow, that’s crazy.”

“Thank you for waiting patiently! I am in charge of this special auction…”

The auctioneer revealed himself and spread a cheerful voice.

Hanette was speechless and looked down at the necklace.

She never thought he would spend 30 gold coins just for a silly superstition.

“I will now introduce the first item! Do you recognize this painting? Originally, it was divided into four pieces, but two pieces are missing…”

The auctioneer unfolded the cloth covering the auction item on the podium, and the participants clutched their name tags with widened eyes.

Sion waits with an indifferent look, waiting for the appearance of the gloves of a demon.

‘Maybe it was the third one.’

“Okay, the starting bid is 200 coins. Please start bidding!”

“Oh, 400! You’re coming out strong from the beginning!”

“600, 700!”

“Just now, 1000 coins were bid!”

Despite large amounts of money being mentioned one after another, Sion showed no reaction.

The gloves of the demon were relatively low-priced and were not attention-grabbing items for people.

“Now, I will introduce the third item! It’s a bit worn out, but it’s made of a unique mineral. It’s not a piece of equipment that a person can use, but it’s a rare collectible item…”

Sion finally stretched out, lighty to look at the item.

The glove, which seemed to be stained with darkness, was placed on the podium.

It had many dents and scratches, but it could still be used for its intended purpose.

“Okay, the starting bid is 10 coins. Please start bidding!”

“20 coins!”

“30… no, 40!”


“50! Do you have any more bids?”

Unlike before, the amount of money decreased, but the speed at which the price went up was quite fast.

Sion thought for a moment, and then raised the plaque.

“Ah! 100! 100 coins!”

Hanette looked at Sion with a stiff expression, wondering why he chose 50 when he could have raised only 10.

Of course, if Sion was trying to fend off his competitors all at once, she could somewhat understand his decision.

“150! The current bid is 150 gold coins!”

This time, Sion and Hanette simultaneously exchanged startled glances.

They seemed to have feared that something like this might happen.

I can’t afford to look weak here…’

“Wow! 200… ! 250!”

Sion immediately raised the sign, but the price went up again.

Hanette frowned with concern.

“Do you have no more? If not, I’ll count down from ten. 10, 9, 8…”

Sion sighed and put down the sign.

He didn’t have any more money to bid on.

He might need to give up on this glove and find another way.

Somehow, things seem to be going well. Now I can’t believe my luck…’

“3, 2, 1… Oh? 260! The bid is 260!”

Sion looked around, puzzled.

It had been a competition between the two of them, but someone had suddenly intervened.

However, that someone was surprisingly close.


“Sigh… What can I do? I’m three years older than you. So It’s natural I help you.”

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