I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 91

Chapter 90

The room was cold and damp, and mold spots appeared on the wet walls, as if water could drip at any time.

The resentment that was close at hand turned into a cold and manic form, almost touching Gu Zhisang’s cheek to cheek.

If it wasn’t for the ‘soul-locking array’ arranged in advance in the room to trap it firmly, I’m afraid it would directly rush into Gu Zhisang’s altar and tear Gu Zhisang’s spiritual wisdom apart.

“You have been swallowed by hatred, and you have entered the magic barrier.”

From the beginning to the end, Gu Zhisang was calm, and was not frightened by the sudden attack of resentment:

“Is it really worth it to drag the innocent people of the city to be buried with a few scumbags and become eternal sinners, and everyone hates the evil spirits who shout and beat them?”

“If you stop now, you still have a chance to cross the karmic flames of **** and regain a new life. If you continue to persist in your obsession, no one can survive you!”

Liu Chunxin is indeed pitiful and innocent.

But after all, it lost its mind in hatred and resentment, and made a big mistake.

It stands to reason that although the water ghosts who drowned in the lake also have a certain amount of yin and resentment, they will more or less affect the surrounding people if they flow along the “ladder” of the lake pavilion to the land.

But not so big.

Their abilities rely on Liu Chunxin’s grievances that were allowed to spread across the city wantonly in order to avenge the three of Liang Youkang, and they have been magnified several times, so that they can invade innocent and psychologically weak people;

In the end, these people went to the “Goddess Lake” to commit suicide and became substitutes for water ghosts.

This is true of the aunt who threw herself into the lake, and so is Wen Lisheng’s son.

They did not harm Liu Chunxin, but they ruined their lives because of Liu Chunxin’s resentment.

At the same time, the deaths of these people also left behind evil forces, entrenched on Liu Chunxin’s body, which was the ‘evil result’ caused by it.

The “hell karma fire” mentioned by Gu Zhisang means that evil karma harms the body like fire, and it is also a special kind of flame in the eighteen hells of the underworld, which is specially used to burn sinners.

If you have done many bad things and harmed others during your lifetime, you will go to **** to be punished after death and be burned by the “karma fire”.

After all the evil karma in the soul has been burned away and the punishment that should be received has been endured, these evil ghosts, bad ghosts, will have a new opportunity to reincarnate.

But when encountering ghosts who have committed serious crimes and implicated too many people in their deaths, they will not even have the chance to bear the punishment of ‘karma fire’.

Either they will be directly declared by the judge as “the soul is scattered”, or they will directly lose the right to reincarnate and stay in the 18th floor of **** forever, suffering from mountains of swords and seas of fire, ice and scorching heat.

Due to emotion and reason, Gu Zhisang did not want Liu Chunxin to end like this.

“The way of heaven… is unfair! Retribution, revenge!”

The distorted resentment let out bursts of weeping blood, and every time the wailing became sharper, the billowing mist in the formation became much thicker, and even the temperature in the living room became lower and lower.

Seeing this, Gu Zhisang frowned slightly, realizing that it was impossible for a ghost whose reason was swallowed up by resentment to listen to his own words.

She sighed softly, and could only choose tough methods.

Judging only by the strength of the resentment-shaped thing, Gu Zhisang guessed that Liu Chunxin’s body had already surpassed ordinary big ghosts, and was close to the most powerful ‘red ghost’ among the ghosts.

With her ability, she can only use magic spells to purify, and supersedation is also possible, but it takes a long time and energy.

Seeing that the walls of the homestay were full of moldy mottled filthy spots, which were about to spread to the furniture, she chose a faster method to purify Yin and resentment.

Gu Zhisang formed a seal with both hands, and his fingertips easily formed a three-finger tap and one-finger upright seal.

When she recited the mantra, her expression was extremely solemn, and the airflow around her body also changed slightly, her voice was ethereal and indescribably sacred.

“Yuqing is young, the true talisman informs the alliance, pushes the two, and mixes it into reality. Five thunders and five thunders will change quickly to Huang Ning, and the roar of electricity is swift, and it will arrive immediately when it is heard, and the sound of the sun will be released quickly.”

This mantra is called the “Five Thunder Mantra”, and its function is to attract thunder and gather yang.

And thunder and lightning are the most feared things by the evil things in the world.

The lightning that can be gathered after chanting the mantra is often based on the ability of the mysterious master. The stronger the ability of the mysterious master, the more and stronger the lightning that the “five thunder curses” will attract.

Gu Zhisang only made a gesture, and there was a slight ‘crack’ sound all over her body, and the hair-like electric arc swam around her body, immediately dispelling the resentment of the wild dance.

Feeling the masculine and masculine power in her body, the insane form of resentment and arrogance weakened a little, and she felt a little bit withdrawn.

Before it could try to escape, Gu Zhisang, who landed the last time, suddenly opened his eyes, and silver-white arcs gathered near the ceiling of the living room out of thin air, and slashed fiercely at the ghost in the formation.

Liu Chunxin let out a sharp scream from the transformed resentment, struggling crazily, shaking the surrounding talismans into a ‘hula la’ sound.

Even so, the ‘Large Soul Locking Formation’ under Gu Zhisang is still motionless, showing no sign of breaking.

The dense and powerful lightning struck only a few times, and the resentment in the formation shrank to the size of a fist.

The walls of the living room were originally covered with damp and dirty spots due to the resentment of the water ghost, but now they have been swept away, and the white walls are so dirty.

Since Gu Zhisang’s soul was too powerful, the lightning she attracted was also very powerful, and in the end even the sky around here was covered with dark clouds.

A few minutes later, there was a tendency to rain.

The B&B that Ge Liaochan rented for Gu Zhisang happened to be by the ‘Goddess Lake’.

The balcony of the room is a floor-to-ceiling window, and you can watch the sun rise and set from the window on weekdays.

At this moment, through the window, Gu Zhisang could see some residents walking on the bank and tourists who came here for fun walking hurriedly, as if they were all startled by the sudden change in the sky.

“The sun was still shining just now, why did it suddenly turn cloudy when it was so good, this **** weather…”

“Hurry up, it’s going to thunder, it’s going to rain!”


Looking at the faint gray mist on the lake like water vapor, invisible to human eyes, Gu Zhisang thought deeply.

Originally planning to stop here, he paused, then took out a drawn thin jade talisman from his bag.

This is a ‘God Invite Talisman’, which is used to invite the gods, and can use some of the gods’ abilities.

Having said that, it is impossible to come from the real god, at most it is a ray of distraction, or even just a little spiritual breath.

However, this does not prevent the ‘Please God Talisman’ from being the most difficult talisman with the highest failure rate in the metaphysics world.

Those who are not powerful mystics often ask nine silently.

Has shrunk to the minimum, very weak Liu Chunxin’s resentment saw Gu Zhisang’s actions, and felt a sense of panic for no reason.

Gu Zhisang, who held the ‘God-inviting Talisman’ on her fingertips, read out the ‘God-invoking Mantra’, and the talisman in her fingertips trembled slightly.

When she uttered the last incantation, she threw the talisman upward:

“Nine Heavens Respond to Yuan’s Thunder and Universalize Tianzun!”

The jade-colored talisman turned into dust, and in the next second the dark clouds over the city and the “Goddess Lake” surged. The tiny electric arcs that were just eager to try in the clouds condensed into a ball, and exploded in the sky over the “Goddess Lake”. Deafening.

The electric light with lavender streaks in the silver almost illuminated half of the sky, causing the common people near the ‘Goddess Lake’ to cry out in shock.

Another two thunderbolts with a lesser momentum struck down, and fine rain fell on the lake.

After about a few minutes, it stopped again.

This time, the dark clouds over the city dissipated extremely quickly, and passers-by who hadn’t had time to take shelter from the rain also slowed down, a little surprised.

After the rain, the “Goddess Lake” sparkled, far from the dead feeling before, and the air in the city was much fresher.

Even many people who stayed at home and felt irritable were quite surprised. The thunder outside the window was obviously disturbing, but now the dullness in their hearts was swept away.

What the people of this city don’t know is that in the eyes of Gu Zhisang, who possesses spiritual perception, the yin and resentment on the lake that was struck by the sky, and even the resentment spreading in the corners of the entire city, are gone.

In a short time, the water ghosts under the ‘Goddess Lake’ didn’t dare to be excited anymore.

Even she herself was a little surprised by the power of inviting God this time.

Gu Zhisang looked at the living room again, the walls and the overhead chandelier had returned to their original state, and the form of resentment in the formation had also disappeared.

She pinched a formula again and sat cross-legged on the spot.

A moment later, a light gray mist once again appeared on the open ground, but this time it was calmer and smaller than before.

After the fog condensed again, Gu Zhisang opened his eyes, and saw a completely different humanoid ghost.

The appearance of the ghost is fixed in his early thirties, with slightly long hair and a standard oval face, but there is an obvious impact depression on the back of the head.

It was Liu Chunxin at the moment before his death.

After regaining its sanity, it is no longer hideous and terrifying.

Its reddened pupils were filled with vigilance and astonishment, but more naturally, it was filled with resentment and sorrow, and it did not speak for a long time.

It hates mystics.

It was the mysterious master who made it look like neither human nor ghost, and made it suffer from heart-wrenching pain day and night, so it didn’t like Gu Zhisang either.

Liu Chunxin knows that she is much stronger than ordinary ghosts, and the water ghosts that have died underwater for more than a hundred years can be easily torn apart by it;

But even so, its body still couldn’t leave the prison, and couldn’t leave the bottom of the lake.

However, the young profound master in front of him can summon his soul body to the ground, his strength is unfathomable, how can he not let him feel jealous.

Liu Chunxin didn’t speak, but Gu Zhisang took the initiative to say: “Do you know that you have violated many laws of the underworld and harmed innocent people?”

Liu Chunxin sneered coldly: “Aren’t I innocent before I was alive? Was Wen Lisheng not guilty? But even so, I still ended up like this, and that beast, who is not as good as a beast, was protected by virtue and escaped justice. Where was the justice and law at that time? !”

“Since that’s the case, then I will seek justice for myself. As for those villagers in Xinquan Village who spread rumors about me stealing people and disrespectful, they deserve it! The rest… can only blame themselves for their bad luck.”

Hearing its cold words, Gu Zhisang understood that Liu Chunxin’s mentality had been completely distorted.

But fortunately it is not without flaws.

It still cares about someone, that is, its son Liang Cheng.

If it weren’t for this, Liu Chunxin wouldn’t have endured humiliation because of various concerns during his lifetime, and after his death, his resentment got out of control and he would stay in Liang Cheng’s school.

So Gu Zhisang said: “Since you don’t care about yourself, then you don’t care about Liang Cheng either.”

Liu Chunxin’s eyes suddenly turned hard, staring at Gu Zhisang almost tore her apart.

After a long while, it sneered: “You pious fellows only use children as threats, and I knew that you were uneasy and kind when approaching Liang Cheng!”

“Forget it, I also feel sick in the same world as you people, don’t you just want me to die or disappear…”

Anyway, Liang Youkang is not going to live long, and Wen Lisheng’s son was also killed by it. Zhao Hunhun admitted that he murdered and went to jail, at least he would spend 20 or 30 years in prison.

It can also be regarded as revenge for itself.

Gu Zhisang listened to the ghost’s expression of resignation to death, ready to fly away at any time:?

“Don’t you know that Mr. Zhao has retracted his confession, and now Liang Youkang has been confirmed as the real murderer of your murder, and all of Wen Lisheng’s actions have been exposed by him. We are now collecting evidence.”

“As long as the evidence is solid, you can order arrest at any time and give you justice.”

Liu Chunxin was stunned: “You, what did you say?”

Gu Zhisang said: “It’s true.”

Her tone was calm, and she told everything that happened yesterday, including the discovery of the evidence. It took a long time for Liu Chunxin to show an expression that seemed to be smiling but not crying.

It is obviously relieved, but there is no reason for people to feel its sadness and sorrow.

“So you approach Liang Cheng, you didn’t come here to deal with me?”

Gu Zhisang said: “I did see it in your photo. You are a very good mother to your children. You can’t worry about Liang Cheng. You do know that getting close to Liang Cheng can draw you out, but my The purpose is to get the evidence—the mobile phone with video recordings thrown at the bottom of the lake, in order to bring Wen Lisheng to justice.”

“It is also to find out the reason why you are stranded here, in the ‘Goddess Lake’, and then save you.”

“As for your own misery and guilt, whether to punish or disperse your soul, these will all be judged by the Palace of Hades when you arrive in the underworld.”

The more Gu Zhisang said, the more complicated Liu Chunxin’s expression was, which was also mixed with joy.

After a long time, the dark gray on its body became lighter, and it bowed deeply to Gu Zhisang, expressing that the reason why he was very angry was that he thought that Gu Zhisang mentioned his son Liang Cheng just like Wen Lisheng. threaten yourself.

Gu Zhisang: …

“You think too much, I just want you to think about Liang Cheng, just to tell you that the behavior of your ancestors will indeed affect the blessings of your younger generations. Liang Cheng already has such a murderer father. , will more or less affect his luck.”

“Besides, people and ghosts have different paths. Even if you stay by his side with the intention of protecting him, your resentment and yin will still damage his health in the long run.”

“But you don’t have to worry too much. I’ve seen Liang Cheng’s face. He is indeed a pretty good boy with a resolute temperament. Even without the support of his family, he will be promising in the future.”

Although one’s virtue and guilt can indeed affect future generations, it still depends on oneself what kind of life each person can live.

Just like the power of merit in Wen Lisheng.

That was his father’s lifetime blessing, but now he has lost it all.

After a few months, without the protection of merit, all the evil things he did in the past will be reflected on him.

Liu Chunxin had no doubts at all, and it lowered its head: “My lord, I plead guilty. I did hurt this city and some people for revenge, but to be honest, I don’t regret being able to punish the enemy with my own hands.”

“I am willing to go to **** to accept punishment, even if my soul is gone, I will admit it.”

It paused and then said: “As for the mobile phone you mentioned, Wen Lisheng was worried about Liang Youkang, so he asked Liang Youkang to give him the mobile phone after he gave him the money. He smashed it and threw it at the bottom of the lake. It was useless to fish it up, but I I know that person is a pervert, and after my grievances condensed into reality, I followed him back to Wen’s house several times, seeing him…”

Liu Chunxin didn’t know what to think of the following words, and her expression was disgusted and hated:

“I saw that he copied all the videos I took to his computer, and watched them by himself when no one was around. There are not only my videos and photos in the computer folder, but also several women’s!”

Gu Zhisang asked her to describe the location of Wen Lisheng’s computer, and said, “Don’t worry, you can convict him after you get the video.”

“By the way, I see that if you advance in your level, you will step into the ‘ghost general’. Why did you advance so quickly? Is your body not in the coffin, and there is another mystery?”

Liu Chunxin was a little dazed, and said: “I don’t know what a ‘ghost general’ is, but I know that the reason why I advanced so quickly is that I hate those people too much… The resentment keeps flowing, and the people affected will be more capable.”

“Master, you guessed right, my body is still at the bottom of the lake!”

Speaking of this, Liu Chunxin’s eyes burst out with hatred again.

According to what it said, the wandering Taoist monk three months ago did not perform any salvation for it, nor did he bury it.

The mysterious master exposed its corpse in the mourning hall. For some reason, its five senses were particularly strong in those few days, and it could clearly hear every sentence of ridicule and scolding from the people in the village.

Liu Chunxin lay in the mourning hall for three days, and only listened to her own “love affair” for three days.

It was already full of resentment, and it was even more aroused to hate.

Then it only remembered that the wandering Taoist had driven a blood-red nail into the heart of its corpse, and when the night was dark and the wind was high, it threw its corpse into the lake again.

This time it was not pressed by a stone, but by an invisible mountain. The corpse could not float up, and the soul could not leave the ‘Goddess Lake’.

No matter day or night, the nail made him feel pain and pain.

In short, all these incidents are driving it to the road of anger and madness. In the end, Liu Chunxin’s reason is finally overwhelmed by resentment, and he unscrupulously releases Yin energy to cause harm to the world.

Two days later, the police successfully found Wen Lisheng’s computer and obtained the evidence Liu Chunxin recorded himself from the computer.

In addition, there were several other victims who came forward one after another after being contacted by the police and identified Wen Lisheng.

No matter how much Wen Lisheng quibbles and calls for grievances, he can only remain speechless under the overwhelming evidence.

Surprisingly, it seemed so mysterious that on the day Wen Lisheng was arrested, the people walking on the shore of the “Goddess Lake” exclaimed and pointed to the lake not far away.

The body of the boy who disappeared for more than a week is floating on the water!

In the interrogation room of the police station

Wen Lisheng’s younger brother Wen Yongsheng sat on the stool, with his hands crossed and his lips pursed in silence.

Police officer: “Do you really not know what your brother is doing? Have you secretly protected him and covered him up?”

But no matter how they interrogated, Wen Yongsheng did not speak.

The anxious police officer in the listening room sighed, “This guy’s mouth is too sharp, I can bear it.”

Gu Zhisang sneered, “No matter how silent he is, it can’t change his guilty conscience and ridiculous guilt.”

Of course Wen Yongsheng knew that he was so smart and keen, how could a politician with a bright future at such a young age fail to discover his brother’s stupidity.

Judging from the faces of the two brothers, Wen Lisheng’s father was seriously injured because of saving someone, but the other family only expressed condolences and gratitude, and did not help Wen’s father to heal.

Wen Lisheng, who had just entered college at that time, went out to work several jobs every day to earn living expenses for himself and his younger brother, tuition fees, and medical expenses for his father. He was skinny and skinny in two months.

Even so, Father Wen passed away in pain.

This is also the beginning of Wen Lisheng’s mentality change, and he is determined not to be a good person in the future.

And Wen Yongsheng, who was dragged by his brother when he was a student, also determined to make his brother rich in the future.

So as soon as he had real power, he inserted Wen Lisheng into an idle position, and this was the only time he used this ‘privilege’.

Later, Wen Yongsheng also found out that his brother was misbehaving emotionally, and even became more and more excessive. He was angry and disappointed, but when Wen Lisheng cried bitterly and knelt down to ask him for help, he still couldn’t do it. Watching loved ones go to jail.

He ignored the tragic situation of those victims, and used work to numb himself, to do practical results, and to have a breeze in his sleeves, as if this would wash away the guilt in his heart.

It was Wen Yongsheng’s indulgence and cover-up again and again that finally led to the tragedy of “Liu Chunxin and others”.

So Wen Yongsheng is by no means innocent.

Whether he was implicated or dismissed, it was all atonement for his connivance.

According to the speculation of the police station, Liang Youkang murdered and dumped the body. The circumstances were serious and maliciously concealed. If he did not repent, he would be sentenced to death.

As for the other two, they were charged with multiple crimes including **** at the same time.

Zhao Hunhun was an accomplice and participated in the throwing of the body;

Wen Lisheng, on the other hand, forced many women, suspected of falsifying academic qualifications and abusing power.

In short, the punishment will definitely not be light in the comprehensive evaluation.

Wen Yongsheng is in an important position, but he did not report his knowledge and concealed it many times. In addition to being dismissed and investigated, he will also face legal punishment.

After the truth of the case came to light, it caused a sensation and attention in the local area, the whole Hunan Province and even the whole country.

The most gratifying thing is that Xia Guo just passed the new regulations on the **** law two months ago. For rapists like Wen Lisheng, physical castration will be implemented.

For a while, the whole network applauded.

As for the villagers in Xinquan Village who once spread rumors and slandered Liu Chunxin, they once again became fools on the wall, saying, “Little Liu usually looks quiet and quiet, and it doesn’t seem like he has the courage to do that kind of thing”, “Liang Youkang really Beast, drinking and beating your wife used to be a sign! ‘.

They appear to have broken no law and received little punishment.

But Gu Zhisang knew that every villager who had spread rumors had red bumps that were invisible to the naked eye, like eyeballs.

That is their ‘tongue karma’.

After death, in the underworld, these “tongue karma” must be paid back, ranging from going to **** to be punished, to pulling out the tongue and digging the nose.

After all the dust settled, Gu Zhisang decided to solve the problem of Liu Chunxin’s body in the “Goddess Lake”.

According to Liu Chunxin herself, the nail driven into the heart of its corpse was some kind of murderous thing, and under the torment of that kind of pain and negative emotions day and night, it was difficult for her not to collapse.

In addition, Liu Chunxin is now close to the “ghost general”, even if he is placed in the underworld, he can become a big ghost worthy of the name. The nail can hold its body, so it must not be a mortal thing.

Coupled with the excellent feng shui terrain of the ‘Goddess Lake’ where wind gathers energy and is surrounded by mountains and water, Gu Zhisang can almost confirm that the so-called wandering Taoist priest is treating Liu Chunxin as a ‘spirit’ conceived in the lake.

If she hadn’t accepted the case and discovered the clues, I’m afraid that when Liu Chunxin breaks through the ‘ghost general’ one day and breaks free from the shackles of the nail, the local people will not be able to find out.

At that time, the ‘Goddess Lake’ and its surrounding areas will definitely become a purgatory on earth.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhisang felt angry.

Hearing her speculation about the underwater corpse, the headquarters of the Lingzu was also very nervous, and contacted Gu Zhisang that day, asking if she needed support, or to move out the local residents as soon as possible.

Gu Zhisang said about this: “There is no need to spend a lot of trouble, now Liu Chunxin’s grievances have basically been resolved, and it is still easy to talk, he doesn’t have that much hatred for this city, and his son still lives in it. “

“After I discussed with it, it promised that until we find a way to break it, it will try its best to endure the torture of the blood nails in its body, and restrain the resentment and yin energy on its body to prevent it from spreading again. We just need to break it as soon as possible.

In addition, after the blood nail is pulled out and its body floats on the lake, it will not rely on the “ghost general” to do evil and cause cholera. If it breaks the contract, I’ll get rid of it myself. “

Lingzu asked: “Then how can Liu Chunxin’s body surface? Is Director Gu going to go into the water?”

Gu Zhisang curled his lips slightly, “We don’t need to go down, there is something in the water that wants Liu Chunxin to leave even more.”

According to Liu Chunxin, there are indeed spiritual beings in the “Goddess Lake”!

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