I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 87

Chapter 86

A few minutes later, Gu Zhisang opened the door of the room, pointed his head at the police officers and Gel Liaochan outside the door and said:

“She needs to explain something, do you want to come in and make a record?”

The police officers showed surprise, and nodded, “Miss Gu and I will go in.”

There were recording and monitoring equipment in the room, and other police officers went to the observation room to turn on the equipment, and watched everything that happened in the room from the monitoring screen.

After the policeman and Ge Liaochan entered the room, what they saw was Gu Zhisang sitting calmly.

The suspect woman on the opposite side was in a trance, still tear-stained, as if she had received some heavy blow, and her whole energy was emptied.

After the two sat down, Gu Zhisang’s voice continued:

“The reason why I am sure that you have encountered a supernatural event is because I can see that your fate is stained with yin, floating gray on your face, but I can’t see the specific reason and cause and effect. What I encountered was not an ordinary collision with evil spirits, or being infected with evil spirits.”

“I don’t know the cause and effect, so I can’t see the whole picture, and I can’t help you solve your problems. So you still don’t want to confess?”

The policeman and Ge Liaochan looked at each other in surprise.

Judging from what Gu Zhisang said, the suspect woman was involved in buying and selling children to fill the lake as sacrifices. It is very likely that she has other cases on her back? !

The woman looked in pain, and after a while she choked up and said, “Okay… I’ll say it all.”

The woman knew that Gu Zhisang was forcing herself and making clichés, but now she was more afraid of being punished by the law than of being punished by the law, and she was also afraid that her family would be implicated.

For so many years, she has been restless and worried because of her past mistakes.

Making up her mind to tell the whole story made her let go of the boulder that weighed on her heart, feeling relieved.

The woman’s surname is Yao and her name is Fang. As Gu Zhisang saw, she is 35 years old this year. She has been divorced once and has no children. She currently runs a deli with her boyfriend and lives in the suburb of the city farthest from the “Goddess Lake”.

The reason why she lives there is not because of low housing prices or other problems, but because Yao Fang is very afraid of water.

‘Goddess Lake’ is a place she never wants to mention in her life.

Yao Fang sobbed, “The summer when I was eleven years old, my cousin took me and my cousins out to play, and the place I went was Goddess Lake to swim there…”

More than 20 years ago, most cities in Hunan Province had not been refurbished and rebuilt.

At that time, rows of trees had not been planted on the shore of the “Goddess Lake”, and there were no iron fences to hang signs reminding the common people not to enter the water casually and not to go to the deep water area. The lake shore was still a road mixed with sand and mud.

Due to the hot weather, there were very few people who could afford air-conditioning in the 1990s. The favorite thing for locals to do in summer is to take a dip in the Goddess Lake to cool off the heat and save money.

Yao Fang was not very old at the time, because she was naturally afraid of water. She learned to swim once when she was young, but she didn’t learn it, so every time she went into the water, she could only tread water in the shallowest area, and she didn’t dare to let the water go over her belly;

Or you can only rent swimming rings.

She clearly remembered that at that time, there were always a few uncles and aunts setting up stalls on the shore of the “Goddess Lake”, and all the swimming rings were inflated, and the styles were all the same—blue, white, red, and yellow four equal sections of rubber put together.

It costs RMB 1.5 for an hour to rent an ordinary style, and RMB 2 for the one with the Hello Kitty image printed on the rubber, which was not cheap at the time.

Many people think that swimming is just a matter of water, and you can learn it with just a few splashes, and you don’t need a swimming ring at all.

For this reason, Yao Fang, who was eleven years old, was ridiculed by her cousin a lot, saying that she was a landlubber and made a fuss about grabbing her swimming ring.

Yao Fang, who was sullen, swam away alone, and her cousin and aunt were busy teaching her younger cousin, who also couldn’t swim, to learn how to swim, so they didn’t have time to control her. They just told her not to swim. Far.

Yao Fang wasn’t so scared because of the swimming ring hanging on her back, she was bouncing and floating on the water, and when she came to her senses and realized something was wrong, the swimming ring under her body was half deflated!

The rubber did not know where or when a small hole was broken and air leaked.

Yao Fang was terrified, but the more she struggled, the faster the water leaked, and she could only cry and cry.

But she had drifted beyond the deep water line at that time, and it happened that in the past there would be a few big swimmers swimming in the water, and the deep water area in Zha Mengzi was extremely deserted today, and her voice could not attract the bustling people on the shore at all.

Just as Yao Fang was crying in despair, someone finally noticed her strangeness and swam towards her.

It was a young girl in her early twenties, also wearing a rented swimming ring, but she didn’t put it on her body, but used her arms to grab the water outside the ring.

She swam to Yao Fang’s side, dragged Yao Fang’s body to get her out of the limp swimming lap, put on her own, and said out of breath:

‘Little sister, where is your family? How do you let you swim to such a deep place by yourself? This is too irresponsible, and the quality of this swimming ring is also the same. Don’t be afraid that it will be fine. Let’s swim to the shore and I will take you to find the renter to talk about it! ‘

The young girl’s face was full of righteous indignation.

She only learned how to swim this year. She came to the “Goddess Lake” to practice swimming. In order to prevent her physical strength from getting out of shape, she rented a swimming ring and swam. When she saw a little girl waving in the deep water area from a distance, she swam over. took a look.

So the two of them prepared to swim towards the shallow water with one in the circle and the other holding the circle with one arm.

Yao Fang was frightened out of her wits, and she managed to stabilize her emotions. The body of the young woman who was holding the edge of the swimming circle suddenly sank.

She only had time to scream before the water covered her head, almost toppled the swimming ring and Yao Fang in the ring.

It’s like… like there’s something tugging at her underwater, pulling her down.

‘Save…’ The woman kept struggling, and the only fulcrum was the edge of the swimming ring she was holding onto tightly.

During the slapping, her hand grabbed Yao Fang’s collar, and the little girl who was completely frightened could only cry and tear her hand away;

During the struggle, Yao Fang’s feet kicked her chest and abdomen several times, which made the situation of the girl who was already exhausted worse.

Soon the girl with too much water in her lungs was unable to struggle.

Her five fingers stretched out tightly, and on her distorted and painful face due to suffocation, a pair of bloodshot eyes stared at Yao Fang. How much she wished that Yao Fang could grab her hand and give her a hand…

The accident appeared suddenly and ended quickly.

In two or three minutes, the water surface gradually returned to calm.

The girl disappeared completely.

Yao Fang remembered the last scene very clearly. The girl’s face was submerged in water, and countless bubbles rolled up from the bottom of the water, blurring the woman’s bloodshot eyes.

She was so frightened that she was trembling all over, and she cried and swam to the bank. The aunt’s family on the bank realized that the niece had disappeared and were anxiously looking for her. They saw her swim back with water all over her face and a pale face.

The aunt breathed a sigh of relief: ‘Where did you go, you **** girl, you scared us all to death! ‘

Yao Fang was sobbing, and wanted to tell her aunt’s family what had just happened, but she turned her head to look at the calm lake, her eyes full of horror.

She knew very well that the sister must have drowned.

To save himself from drowning.

If you say it yourself, you will definitely be scolded to death by your family and neighbors, and you will become a murderer, and you will lose money and go to jail.

Based on all kinds of hesitation and panic, she didn’t say anything at that moment, but chose to conceal it.

After returning home, Yao Fang had a persistent high fever, was sent to the hospital to be given water, and fell asleep in a daze for a day.

Her dream was full of pain and despair in the eyes of that sister when she looked at her for the last time.

After waking up, Yao Fang heard her parents chatting next to the hospital bed, saying that something happened to the “Goddess Lake” yesterday, a female student drowned in the lake, and the body was swollen and floating on the lake when it was found.

Mother peeled an apple and said regretfully: “What a poor girl. I heard that she is a high-achieving student who was admitted to a university in another province. When I went to practice swimming, the swimming ring I rented leaked air…”

‘See if you can force Fangfang to learn swimming in the future, how scary, she is afraid of water, so don’t push her away! ‘

Dad looked at the newspaper and said in a low voice, “You don’t know the inside story. It is said that the drowned woman had several black handprints on her legs and ankles!” It was rumored that she was caught by a water ghost as a substitute! ‘

Yao Fang, who was secretly listening on the bed, opened her eyes wide and trembled uncontrollably.

For the past few days, she has been thinking about what to do if she is caught by the police and goes to jail…

But because there were no eyewitnesses to see the scene of the female student rescuing people that day, and she did rent a swim ring on the shore, the police officers fished up the body with a shriveled swim ring, which was identified as indeed Natural damage, air leakage.

Since the rented styles were all the same, no one thought that this swimming ring was not a girl’s at all;

She had given it to someone else before.

No one would have thought that this matter would be related to a little girl.

After learning that the case was characterized as drowning, Yao Fang, who was already hesitant, seemed to have more reasons to escape.

In the end, she chose to conceal, keep silent, and rotted the matter in her heart.

Since then, she never dared to go to the “Goddess Lake”, let alone go swimming.

The rapid passage of time gradually healed Yao Fang’s guilt and anxiety. She has her own life and family, and she has long forgotten what happened when she was a child.

until three months ago

Yao Fang curled up and hugged her arms, her voice trembling: “That night I closed the store and went home, washed up and went to bed, and in a daze, I felt that the top of my chest was very heavy, as if I was being pressed by something. I can’t breathe, and my clothes and body are also soaked with cold and sticky water stains…”

She recalled the scene of that night with a painful expression.

At first Yao Fang thought she was having a nightmare, but when she had difficulty breathing, she suddenly woke up from the dream and found that she was covered in cold sweat as if she had been fished out of the water, and her body was shaking uncontrollably.

“It’s very cold in the room, I want to use my mobile phone to call my family, but, but…”

Yao Fang shuddered, “When I tilted my head, I saw a vague shadow ‘standing’ beside the bed, its hair was dripping wet, and it fell on the edge of my pillow! My, my I can’t move my fingers, and I can’t close my eyelids…”

Seeing that Yao Fang was about to collapse from the fright of his own memories, Gu Zhisang got up and walked to her side, saying, “Don’t resist me.”

Through the sympathy of power, Gu Zhisang went back to Yao Fang’s memory and ‘saw’ the vague ghost image of that night.

Everything was as she said, she was ‘pressed by ghosts’ and couldn’t move at all.

He could only open his eyes wide in horror, watching the shadow get closer and closer to his face, and finally ‘saw’ a slightly familiar face in the distorted fog.

The female ghost’s face was swollen, and her wet hair was dragging on Yao Fang’s neck, which felt very real to the touch.

‘Why don’t you save me? ‘

‘Why not tell everyone the truth? ! ‘

Yao Fang sobbed and burst into tears.

She finally remembered why the female ghost’s outfit looked so familiar. Isn’t this the big sister who rescued her when she was a child, but was captured by the water ghost as a substitute and drowned? !

Just when she thought she was going to suffocate to death, the door was turned from the outside, and it was her boyfriend who came back.

The boyfriend was also frightened after turning on the light, but he was frightened by Yao Fang.

She twitched upright on the bed like a stranded fish, the sheets under her body were soaked in water, her face and head were wet, and she couldn’t tell whether it was sweat or tears.

Such terrifying scenes appeared several times in the past three months, and Yao Fang was terrified.

She began to be afraid of the night, unwilling to sleep, for fear that she would be killed by a ghost.

Later, when her father was fishing for fish and shrimp in the center of the lake, he lost his footing and tripped over the rope, and fell directly into the water.

Although he immediately climbed up again with the help of his companions, in Yao Fang’s view, it was also the female ghost who was causing trouble.

Just when she was about to collapse, she saw a plausible post on a local forum. In it, a post owner said that she had encountered a strange thing about “Goddess Lake”. She thought it was similar to her own situation, so she sent a private message Poster.

Unexpectedly, they were not the only ones in the same situation, and a few people came to them, and they formed a small group.

Yao Fang said in a low voice:

“Actually, we all know in our hearts that everyone is more or less guilty about the great lake. Every day, people in the group ask what to do, saying that they need to find the master to collect all the dirty things in the lake… until the last few days. On that day, another child drowned in the lake, but the body was nowhere to be found, and the group leader heard that the adult wanted to do something, so he mobilized us to participate.”

“After that, you all know.”

The pen tip of the policeman’s record has not stopped, and he is deeply moved.

And the police officers who heard Yao Fang’s words outside also went to investigate the 23-year-old files, but they didn’t expect them to find the file of the female college student’s drowning.

At that time, this incident was even published in the local newspaper, but the girl was regarded as a slightly negative example, and was used as a warning to remind the common people not to go to the deep water area at will.

Gu Zhisang said in a flat tone: “You can also investigate the other three people in this direction. They must have been related to someone who drowned in the Goddess Lake in the past, and they were even the key reason for the drowning death of the other party.”

Maybe if you dig deep, you can find the hidden murder case!

“it is good!”

Yao Fang asked anxiously, “If I recruit everything you said, you can help me solve this matter.”

Gu Zhisang pulled the corner of his lower lip, and said in a cold tone: “Don’t worry about this, that ghost is a good person who accumulated virtue and did good deeds during his lifetime. its.”

Yao Fang looked embarrassed, and said, “But I didn’t do it on purpose. I didn’t let the water ghost catch her and drown her. I was also a child at the time. I can’t swim. How can I save her?”

Gu Zhisang sneered, “You really don’t understand where its resentment comes from?”

“It has never regretted sacrificing itself to save others, and it is not resentful because you did not save it. What it is angry with is your timidity, selfishness, and wolfish heart. Until its death, its parents and the world did not know that it was alive. A brave hero who should have been the pride of his parents.”

“Instead of the negative teaching materials in the newspapers and neighbors’ mouths about being greedy for cold and drowning in water.”

After speaking, she got up and left the room.

The room where Yao Fang was left alone returned to silence. She felt ashamed with mixed feelings and burst into tears.

After walking out of the room door, Ge Liaochan was full of admiration: “Sangsang, you are so awesome, you just figured out the cause and effect! No wonder these people are so guilty that they pay for sacrifices. I’m afraid they did something wrong and were killed by ghosts.” Knock on the door!”

Gu Zhisang shook his head lightly and said, “It’s not a ghost.”

“Ah?” Ge Liaochan was stunned.

“Yao Fang was not really haunted by ghosts. I lied to her. The ‘ghost press’ she encountered at night was not real.” Gu Zhisang said: “From the beginning to the end, she was invaded by nightmares. In her dream, the life-threatening ghost she saw was not actually the ghost’s soul body, but a ‘nightmare’ formed by the condensed resentment of the ghost.”

“I’m afraid it’s the same for several other people, because the nightmare is so real that I can’t tell the real from the fake.”

Ge Liaochan didn’t expect Gu Zhisang to say that, so she stopped in her tracks.

Gu Zhisang said: “In addition, Yao Fang said that the reason why she is so afraid is because the dead soul will incite her emotions. She has repeatedly committed suicide by going to the ‘Goddess Lake’, and she was completely relieved once and for all. idea.”

“I think that’s the reason for the aunt who hanged herself in the lake the night before yesterday. These four people must not be the only ones affected by the nightmare, but many people didn’t speak out.”

Ge Liaochan had a headache, “So this case is even more confusing…”

“That’s right.” Gu Zhisang said: “First of all, most of the people who drowned in the ‘Goddess Lake’ will become water ghosts, and it is impossible to affect the people on land. If they have such a powerful ability, they can affect people It’s already happened, there’s no need to wait until three months ago.”

Ge Liaochan immediately understood, and took over the topic: “So something must have happened in the ‘Goddess Lake’ three months ago, which caused the water ghosts at the bottom of the lake to greatly increase their abilities, and they can turn resentment into nightmares to seek revenge and claim their lives !”

Gu Zhisang nodded: “Secondly, the case of the boy’s dead body probably has other secrets behind it, and it cannot be lumped together with other cases.”

“In short, this case involves many things. If we want to find the key point of the problem, we have to go to the ‘Goddess Lake’ to take a look.”

After thinking about it, Ge Liaochan nodded and said, “Yes, I will arrange this matter.”

About an hour later, Gu Zhisang and Ge Liaochan came out of the police station to the lake again.

This time, colleagues from the local spirit group rented a speedboat for them.

One of the team members looked at them with melancholy faces, and asked in a low voice, “Boss, are you and Director Gu really going to the lake? The senior was seriously injured and is still not awake. I’m worried.” There’s really something in the water…”

Ge Liaochan said: “Don’t worry, we just have a look, and we don’t do anything unless we open the altar.”

Under the worried and nervous gaze of the team members, Gu Zhisang and Ge Liaochan boarded the speedboat and drove towards the center of the lake.

The farther you go into the lake, the wider your vision will be.

Gu Zhisang looked around, a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes, and said: “This place is a treasured place of geomantic omen, the lake shape is narrow on the outside and wide on the inside to gather wind and energy. There are tall buildings in the northwest where people can gather, and mountains in the southeast. It can block the fate formed by people and land from repeatedly swallowing in the lake, but it can be called an ‘outstanding man’.”

“There must be spiritual things under such a Fengshui lake.”

Ge Liaochan was a little surprised, and asked: “Sangsang, you mean that the ‘river god’ that the people nearby said and saw should be real?! Would it be like what my colleagues said before? that way…”

“This will not.”

Gu Zhisang shook his head slowly, “If this kind of feng shui lake naturally forms spiritual things, usually Ruize will not go astray easily, unless the things conceived under the lake are never spiritual things, but evil things!”

As she said, this “Goddess Lake” is able to swallow the energy of the earth and people’s luck. It is a treasure land for any person, beast, or ghost who has the Tao and stepped into the line of submerged cultivation.

Luckily, Ruize said, if there are evil things hiding in the bottom of the lake and constantly breeding, they may quietly breed a big and evil thing!

After the speedboat made two laps, it came to the lake pavilion built in the center of the “Goddess Lake”.

From a distance, Gu Zhisang saw a patch of green aquatic plants floating near the lake pavilion, mostly duckweed, lotus and other things.

It’s just that the closer she got to the pavilion in the middle of the lake, the more she felt that the temperature on the lake was colder and lower.

Although the green plants and the water can cool down, Gu Zhisang still frowned faintly, feeling that something was wrong.

There are a lot of iron rings and chains melted on the edge walls of the pavilion, which are convenient for tourists who rent boats to row to the pavilion to dock and go ashore.

Every ship has a chain attached to an iron ring. As long as the hook of the chain is hung into the ring, the ship will not drift with the current.

After landing on the shore, Gu Zhisang could more clearly see the lotus, duckweed, and other lush grass leaves around the pavilion.

She didn’t know what she saw, she paused for a moment, walked to one of the grass leaves and squatted down, and gathered those long leaf stems into her hands.

Ge Liaochan also came over upon seeing this, “What’s the matter, Sangsang? What did you find?”

“What kind of grass is this?”

“Rush, it’s a plant that often grows on the banks of the river, but…how could it grow in the lake?”

Ge Liaochan also squatted down, stretched out his hand to touch the slightly turbid water, and touched a thick layer of mud on the wall of the pavilion.

Gu Zhisang’s face darkened, he pulled out the straw in his hand with a sneer, and handed it to Ge Liaochan:

“Look at the top.”

I saw that the top stems and leaves of the rush grass were artificially cut off a small section, exposing a small hollow in the stem, as if connecting the world above the water surface and the world below the water surface through this small hole.

And the strangest thing is that this grass is not the only one like this.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the various aquatic plants spreading around the Huxin Pavilion in all directions are actually several types of plants with hollow rhizomes.

They are more or less pruned to reveal hollow stems.

Before Gu Zhisang didn’t remind her, Ge Liaochan couldn’t find these details at all, but when she noticed, she would find that the whole lake center was like a sieve filled with it, which was a bit weird no matter how you looked at it.

Ge Liaochan faintly sensed the aura of conspiracy, and knew that this must be abnormal, but she didn’t understand the purpose of these hollow plants.

“Sangsang, what’s going on?”

“This is why the water ghosts in the ‘Goddess Lake’ can transmit the condensed resentment to the land, affecting the people around the lake.”

Gu Zhisang walked along the corridor to the center of the pavilion, and finally couldn’t help scolding: “It’s really a clever and vicious method!”

I saw a lot of hollow aquatic vines wrapped around the fence of the arc-shaped lake pavilion, and the layers on the water surface spread to the bottom of the water.

It is like a ‘ladder’ made of plant rhizomes, connecting the water surface and the pavilion.

Gu Zhisang said: “These vines should have been carefully designed.”

“The drowned water ghost, like the earth-bound spirit, cannot leave the place of death easily, and cannot be reincarnated. The easiest way is to find a substitute. Some people use this pavilion as the connection point between the lake and the land. These hollow Plants and ‘ladders’ are the best tools for water ghosts to climb onto land!”

This kind of “ladder to heaven” is similar to the connection between Yin and Yang through the gate of ghosts.

With it, the resentment of water ghosts can take shape on land, turning into nightmares and entering people’s dreams, constantly intimidating and bewitching.

Once that kind of unlucky guy with an unstable mind is entangled, not only will his energy be exhausted within a few days, he will fall into depression and panic;

After a little longer, it is easy to be affected by resentment and have the idea of committing suicide.

Then he went to the “Goddess Lake” and threw himself into the lake.

At that time, the person blinded by resentment will realize after death that this is not a relief at all, but has been taken as a stand-in;

Become a new water ghost and be locked in the lake.

At this moment, Gu Zhisang also finally understood why the closer to the Huxin Pavilion, the lower the temperature.

That’s because the gloomy aura that has been buried for thousands of years under the water’s surface is transpiring to the surface of the lake through these ‘ladders’!

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