I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 14

Chapter 13

In the early morning of the next day, the stadium in the Jiangcheng Stadium was already extremely lively. Coaches from the city and provinces were sitting in the viewing areas on both sides, and the players who had changed their uniforms and shoes were warming up and chatting on the sidelines.

“See if there are any hot searches this morning. The young master of the Gaoshi Group has been arrested by the police for being involved in the explosion!”

“It’s very unlucky, I bought their company’s stock, and now it’s falling so badly!”

At this time, a young player entered the field and attracted the attention of the audience. His teammate was stunned for a moment and then burst into laughter: “Fuck Song Tang, what kind of dress are you wearing? There is no need to work so hard to attract the attention of the coaches! “

I saw him wearing a blue jersey, but his exposed arms and legs were wrapped in red long johns and long johns. The sneakers on his feet were also bright red, and there were stickers of cartoon bears on his face and clothes. The pitches are unique.

Song Tang’s face turned red, and he opened the hand extended by his teammate: “Go, go, what do you know, I’m trying to ward off evil spirits! The master counted it for me to save my life!”

“You’re not dazed, are you? Wearing a red autumn jacket and long johns can ward off evil spirits? If I say you’ve been fooled, it’s been said on the Internet that the female star is there to market people, so you’re just stupid, right? Seriously! “

After Gu Zhisang joined the second issue of “Spiritual Affairs”, it immediately exploded in the circle, and even the interactive audience who appeared in the show also received a lot of attention. After Song Tang appeared, the class, relatives and friends all came to bombard him, basically It’s all about telling him not to take what Gu Zhisang said.

But as the person involved, he really had a premonition that Gu Zhisang was not a fake magician!

It’s just that after he heard the method of changing luck, he began to doubt his own judgment again.

Time went back to last night, and Song Tang, who was full of anxiety, sat in front of the device, “Master, should I buy an amulet early tomorrow morning, or should you recite a spell for me through the network cable?”

Gu Zhisang at the other end said: “These are useless. I said that the point of calamity cannot be avoided. It can only improve your overall fortune tomorrow to the best. Now you find an open place or a high place, put the equipment Aim for the sky.”

Song Tang did as he did, it was nine o’clock in the evening, and the sky was twinkling with stars, “Then what about Master Gu?”

“Just leave it still, I will astrology according to your situation.”

“Astrology?!” Song Tang was stunned, “Is it something like the constellation Tarot? Isn’t that a foreign saying?”

“Who told you that?” Gu Zhisang was a little dissatisfied, “Astrology is something left over from our ancestors, a school of fortune telling, based on the strength and changes of the constellation list, it can be regarded as an exhaustive strategy.”

Astrology is the most complicated and profound branch of numerology. There are many factions according to the main star and the way of deduction, among which the most familiar ones are “Ziwei Doushu” and “Northern Magic”.

In addition, the astrology of each region varies somewhat due to different geography and circumstances. Only by comparing the specific astrology of the party’s location can the astrology be deduced to the extreme.

Songtang is in Jiangcheng, there are a little cumulus clouds tonight, the giant gate among the seven stars of the North Pole, and the Wuqu are dim. Deduction.

She started with the four pillars and horoscopes first, and then arranged Songtang’s natal chart in comparison with the 12 stars in the sky, and then matched it with the stars in the 28 constellations;

Soon, black and white chess pieces were used to form a simple and mysterious constellation map on the table.

Song Tang didn’t know if it was his own illusion. Looking through the screen, he felt that those chess pieces really looked like stars, which were bright and dark at first glance.

Gu Zhisang finally opened his mouth and said: “I deduced your horoscope with Antarctic magic, and I can see that the seven constellations in the south of you are the weakest during this period, especially the two main stars of ‘Ghost’ and ‘Wing’, which are completely overwhelmed. Engulfed. The southern stars manifested as Suzaku, and a bird without feathers is tantamount to having its wings broken, no wonder your tribulation point is disabled.”

Although Song Tang didn’t understand, he became very nervous when he heard the word “disability”, and asked quickly, “Then what should I do?”

“It’s also easy to make up for the night. Suzaku’s five elements belong to fire, and its color is red.” Gu Zhisang said, “Tomorrow morning, you can find something and burn it with fire. Remember to roast your palms and wear red clothes to fill your body.” “Ghost” and “Wing” two stars, in layman’s terms, red is your lucky color for tomorrow.”

“By the way, the Greedy Wolf star in your Big Dipper Palace is extremely bright, even brighter than the main star. It symbolizes the apex of your recent fortune. If you can amplify its influence, it will be more helpful to you…”

While talking, Gu Zhisang took out her mobile phone to search, and after a while she chuckled lightly:

“Look for something related to bears, dolls and stickers are all you need. Tomorrow ‘bears’ will be your lucky item.”

I saw the content on her phone page: Greedy Wolf, that is, Alpha Ursa Major.

The constellations from abroad can still be used for reference.

After the astrology, there was a picture of Song Tang today in a festive outfit, with cute bear stickers on it. When he passed by the supermarket in the morning, he bought a big bag of gummy bears.

Soon the provincial team trials began.

On the court, Song Tang was surprised to find that he was in exceptionally good condition today, and his pitching was very accurate. When he jumped up, it seemed that the wind was helping him.

In the first half alone, he scored several goals. The provincial team coach in the audience circled his name, “Although this kid is flashy, he has a good sense of the ball.”

He was also far ahead in the second half, which made Song Tang more energetic and relaxed for a while.

Just as he was about to layup again, an opponent player suddenly rushed towards him. It stands to reason that people would not be able to react at this time, but Song Tang turned his body sideways to relieve part of the impact.

He fell to the ground in a whirl, and his teammates and the referee coach next to him shouted, “Song Tang, are you okay?!”

“My leg…” Feeling the dull pain in his right foot, Song Tang turned pale, “Is my leg broken?!”

At this moment, he panicked and regretted, and was carried to the infirmary by his teammates.

After some examinations, his right ankle was already swollen, but fortunately the doctor said no bone was injured.

“You are quite lucky. There is no bone problem, but the tendon sprain is more serious. If you take good care of it for two months, there will be no sequelae. You young people who play sports should pay attention!”

Song Tang’s hanging heart finally relaxed. After sweating on his forehead for a while, he was afraid, pulled up his clothes and kissed the bear stickers on it, and then called his family with shaking hands.

“Mom, my son was almost disabled just now…”

When he was talking, his fortune-telling was changing silently, and a wisp of gray air spread from his nasal bone and eyebrows.

Three days later, Gu Zhisang came to the Banshan Villa again.

After the fierce formation was broken, the feng shui flow inside the mansion became much more comfortable. She came this time to save Gao Lin, and Gao Zhi had been waiting here early.

“Master Gu, you are here.”

Gu Zhisang looked at him, “He’s in good shape, his luck is almost back together.”

Different from the sad face a few days ago, today’s Gao Zhi has a peaceful face and a steady breath, and his gestures have the air of a superior. Gu Zhisang can see a circle of white air lingering around him.

This is because Gao Zhi always thought that his father had committed a crime. He donated all the money he earned over the years, and did a lot of good deeds. When the evil formation was not broken, those merits were absorbed to Gao Shuo. Now that the formation is broken, it is natural It returned to his body.

Gao Zhi said gratefully: “I still want to thank the master for breaking the evil formation. You really have a clever plan. Gao Shuo’s only son did a lot of evil, and was caught by the police on the night when the formation was broken. He was busy trying to clear up the relationship, but he just got out of the detention center. He was hit by someone, and he is still lying in the hospital now!”

He admired the young master in front of him completely.

“Before, I felt ashamed. I voluntarily withdrew from the Gaoshi Group for so many years. In fact, my grandfather still has my shares in the will left by my grandfather. This time I will not let Gaoshuo go, and I want to get back my grandfather’s family business. Now I have returned to the board of directors.” Gao Zhi said coldly.

“It’s the feng shui master from Hong Kong…Master Gu, you must be careful of his revenge.”

Thinking of Gao Shuo’s mad look, Gao Zhi was a little worried.

Gu Zhisang nodded, “I’ll pay attention, did you bring the Soul Cultivation Talisman?”

“Brought it.” Gao Zhi took out the Soul Cultivation Talisman from his arms, and Gao Lin’s soul floated out from it, looking much more solid.

“It’s much better than before, but it’s still a little weak. You’ve been wasted in the formation for more than 20 years, and the lost soul power cannot be made up by talismans.” Gu Zhisang said: “The most important thing is that you died unnaturally. He is a rootless ghost, so he will not receive the protection of his ancestors. If he walks through the gate of **** again, even if he is not torn to pieces by the evil ghosts in the chaos, he will be congenitally deficient after reincarnation ,Sickly.”

Gao Zhi was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: “Master, do you have a solution? Do you need to buy some magical artifacts to nourish?”

“No need.” Gu Zhisang shook his head, “I’ll go there myself and send your father to hell.”

The father and son of the Gao family burst into tears of gratitude when they heard the words.

Gu Zhisang, who had expected this situation long ago, prepared some things before coming here. She sat cross-legged on the sofa in the main hall, and there was a candle on the table. After lighting it, she dripped two drops of wax oil in her palm.

Gu Zhisang said to Gao Lin’s soul: “Next, I will go out of my body. When a ghost walker leads you into the underworld, I will use a candle in front of me to act as a soul lamp to guide the way. You just need to stare at the candle and listen to it. Do not respond to any sound or movement, I will guarantee you nothing will happen.”

Gao Lin bowed: “Thank you, Master Gu.”

She said to Gao Zhi on the side: “During the period when I am out of the body, you must ensure that the candle is not extinguished. It will not affect me if it is extinguished, but your father’s soul is too weak. Once there is no guiding light, it is very likely to get lost in chaos.” .”

“What?!” Gao Zhi stood up and rubbed his palm anxiously, “Okay, I will definitely protect it.”

“Don’t be overly nervous. Once the black candle is lit, it will not go out as long as it is not intentionally splashed with water.”

After finishing speaking, Gu Zhisang didn’t leave any palm prints dripping with wax oil. She sat cross-legged on the sofa and breathed steadily. The next moment, her soul separated from her body.

Because the Sky Eye Talisman has not expired, Gao Zhi can still see ghosts. When he and Gao Lin saw Gu Zhisang’s soul, they were stunned for a moment.

There is no other reason. Although the ordinary Master Gu is unpredictable, he will not be like this now. Just letting them take a look at it will make them feel…imposing, like a ghost!

Especially Gao Lin, both soul and body felt a sense of fear of being threatened.

Holding a ghostly candle in her left palm, she stamped her feet and appeared inside the villa in a dark ghost gate: “Let’s go.”

Gao Lin nodded, and hurriedly followed her into the ghost gate.

Gu Zhisang: “Follow me and Soul Lamp closely, if you get lost in the chaos, I won’t try to find you.”

As soon as you enter the gate of ghosts, the dark energy sweeps in. There are countless evil ghosts who are lost here hidden in the dark and chaotic land. They are eager to pull Gu Zhisang and Gao Lin into the abyss together, tear them apart and devour them. The creepy screams came and went.

The so-called ghost walking refers to the soul of a living person coming out of the body, inviting ghosts to perform errands, or going to the underworld to help the client visit dead relatives and friends. All in all, it is a very dangerous spiritual occupation.

The folks also call it the lower yin, and people who pass the yin are essentially different from those who walk through impermanence.

Generally, people who walk in the shadows have to kill chickens and sheep to serve rice, prepare paper money, etc. before their souls leave their bodies, so that they can be enshrined when encountering evil spirits at the gate of ghosts, so that they can pass through the gate of ghosts safely.

But Gu Zhisang was empty-handed, in her own words: I’m used to it.

Do evil if you don’t give food?

Then just beat them out of their wits, and dare not come closer!

She snorted coldly, and the golden light flashed on the fingertips holding the seal, and the thick gray fog all over her body suddenly dissipated.

Gao Lin was dumbfounded, his awe of Gu Zhisang reached its peak.

Ferocious, too ferocious!

After stepping through the gate of ghosts safely, Gu Zhisang said: “Once you enter the gate of ghosts, you will be in hell.”

She looked at the long dark bridge in front of her eyes, submerged in the thick fog, feeling a little dazed for a moment, how long had it been since she had seen the scenery of the underworld…

Suddenly, a rough voice came, making her look terrified.

“You…you are Gu Zhisang?!”

Gu Zhisang turned his head to look, and the first thing that caught his eye was a group of little ghosts and yin officials, hiding in the fog of the long bridge in the underworld and whispering, countless inquiring eyes were looming, and they all fell on him.

She was on the alert;

How is this going? I don’t seem to have offended the bad guys here, right?

When she finally saw the yin organ that had called her in a rough voice, she was speechless for a moment.

I saw the yin official with a horse face and muscular muscles, carrying a three-pronged steel hairpin, and a pair of horse eyes staring straight at him;

Not very nice anyway.

Gu Zhisang had already started to think about whether it would be against the rules in this world to beat the yin official, but his eyes were caught off guard and saw the top of Ma Mian’s head.

Gu Zhisang: …

What the **** is that pink eye that is still shining with fluorescence? ?

Little did they know that Ma Mian was gasping for breath with his eyes wide open because of the excitement, and he kept murmuring in his heart:

save! How should I strike up a conversation with a living idol? !

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