I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 107

Chapter 106

National Highway 446 at the foot of Qilin Mountain—

On the straight section of the road that has always been sparsely populated, several cars with wide-open doors parked on both sides of the road.

There was no one in the car, only the parts of the instruments on the seats could be seen one by one. All the staff of “Spiritual Affairs” and the five contestants rushed to the tree that was hit.

This tree trunk as thick as a person’s arms was embedded in the dent, and it was still in the smoking front of the car, and half of the wood was knocked up.

Several strong young men grabbed the base of the car and tried their best to move the scrapped car back.

Because the car rushed into the woods on the right side of the road quickly, the ground was covered with grass roots, soft land mixed with stone chips, and the tires left two deep marks in the mud.

If you want to push the car out, the friction force is far greater than that on a flat concrete road, so even three or four adult men pushing the car together will be more difficult.

Just when several people blushed and cheered, they suddenly felt that the vehicle they were pushing was lightened, and the slow-moving vehicle was pushed out by more than one meter.

As soon as the surprised staff looked up, they saw Gu Zhisang standing at the back of the car at some point.

Her cuffs were slightly rolled up, revealing a white and slender wrist, and she let go of the hand holding the rear seat of the car as usual, hiding her achievements and fame.

The moment she let go, the vehicle, which had already become ‘light’, became heavy again.


Although shocked by Gu Zhisang’s strength, the more important thing now is the colleagues in the car.

Everyone quickly opened the car door, trying to pull the people out of the car.

“Angkor? Xiao Zhang? Are you all right?!”

“Hurry up, hurry up and lift the car back together. Don’t pull people hard when you open the door. Old Wu’s legs seem to be held down by the deflated front of the car!”


After some rescue, the three staff members in the car were successfully rescued.

Among them, the driver Lao Wu was the most seriously injured.

One of his legs was stuck under the deformed front of the car, and blood gushed out. The pain made him sweat profusely and he couldn’t speak a word, he could only growl meaninglessly in pain.

Fortunately, there is an inhuman spiritual doctor among this group of people: Bai Ci.

Without borrowing any tools, Bai Ci just squatted in front of Old Wu and covered his leg injury with his palms, circling clockwise while hanging in the air.

In less than half a minute, Old Wu’s bleeding leg wound gradually stopped, and the other people around him finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Director Li Chenghe had a very headache and couldn’t help asking: “Master Bai Ci, Xiao Wu…?”

Bai Ci: “Did the ambulance call?”

“It’s called, but it’s too remote here, and it will take more than half an hour for the nearest ambulance to arrive…”

“Well, it’s okay.” Bai Ci nodded, thought for a while and said reassuringly: “Don’t worry, you can keep this leg.”

Hearing this sentence, Lao Wu, who was pale and sweaty, cried and laughed, gasped and kept saying words of gratitude.

Xiao Zhang, who was sitting in the co-pilot—that is, the person talking on the phone with the cameraman—hit the front side when the car turned sharply. A blue-purple swelling bulged on his head, and traces of blood flowed down the skin of his forehead. .

In addition, his shoulders and arms near the car window were also scratched by the shattered glass.

Only the young man in the back seat was the least injured.

To be precise, it was the first time he saw the abnormality around him, and he fainted from fright, and his body fell limply on the back seat of the car.

When the car collided with the tree trunk, his body rolled down to the bottom of the car, his ribs and waist were hit with bruises, and after slowly waking up, he complained of pain.

But after Bai Ci’s inspection, it was confirmed that these were all skin injuries, and no bones or internal organs were injured.

After confirming that everyone’s life was not in danger, everyone was relieved.

Gu Zhisang suddenly said, “What did you encounter just now?”

The others also came back to their senses, and followed up and asked: “Yeah, it really scared us to death!”

The waking young man’s face froze, and the horrifying and terrifying scene couldn’t help appearing in his mind.

He tremblingly told the story of helping a pregnant woman by doing good deeds, but the pregnant woman turned into a ghost object again:

“In short, when I turned my head, I saw that its face was covered with a layer of blood… The clothes on its body could not be seen, but its limbs seemed to be scorched by fire. It was dark and thin, exuding a very strange smell. Stink.”

“And then I just, lost consciousness.”

Just listening to his description, many staff members felt cold on the soles of their feet.

Li Chenghe couldn’t help looking at Gu Zhisang, and asked, “Sangsang, will Xiao Zhang and the others meet…”

The reason why we only asked Gu Zhisang was not only because in Li Chenghe’s opinion, Gu Zhisang was the most capable of all the players;

It was also because she had just discovered something was wrong with Xiao Zhang and the others, and asked her follower to call them.

Gu Zhisang looked around, nodded and said, “It’s something you think about, it’s quite fierce.”

“And it hasn’t gone far, it’s just around here.”

Li Chenghe audience:? !

Gu Zhisang continued: “‘Ghost blocking the car’ is usually a bad omen. It is the ghost who uses his own ability to blind the eyes of the people in the car, making them unable to see clearly the obstacles and the way ahead. Fortunately, we are not in The cars driving on the bridge by the river, otherwise they would not have hit a tree, but rushed directly into the lake.”

“Generally speaking, ‘ghosts blocking cars’ harm people because they want to find a substitute, but this ghost is obviously not. I don’t feel that it wants to use these three people as substitutes. This is the most difficult thing…”

“This shows that it simply wants to harm people.”

The voice paused for a moment, and Gu Zhisang’s eyes turned cold: “It is still nearby and unwilling to leave, which means that its malicious intentions are still alive, and it is still interested in us.”

At this time, the staff members couldn’t help raising their heads to look at the trees on both sides of the road.

Affected by Gu Zhisang’s words, everyone always felt that something was staring at them secretly, and it might jump out at any time, and they felt panicked.

Daisy’s palm was attached to the vehicle, she raised her head and said, “There is indeed a very strong evil force on the vehicle, it is very powerful, and it ranks among the top five dark creatures I have ever seen!”

The other three also nodded, expressing that they had also sensed it, and felt very uncomfortable.

Listening to what the contestants said, the core staff like Li Chenghe, the producer, the host, and the tens of millions of viewers who just watched the pilot video in the live broadcast room all knew that the young boy who died strangely among the people who asked for help was dead. On this road leading to Vata village.

They are more scared and nervous than uninformed staff and players.

All of a sudden #奇事计划集团车恶#, #最火路士麦山国道# and other related entries rushed directly to the front row of hot searches, attracting a lot of attention.

[Everyone in the live broadcast room watched the car crash into a tree. My adrenaline surged while watching, and my heart jumped into my throat! 】

[Help… Just listening to the description makes my scalp numb. Do you want to continue filming this episode? Can the safety of staff and players be guaranteed? 】

[I have to say that all the interests have been raised, it’s so exciting! I hope that the program group can continue filming under the premise of ensuring safety. 】

Many netizens who hadn’t followed the live broadcast were shocked after seeing the screenshots and screen recordings on the Internet, and directly entered the live broadcast room of “Spiritual Affairs” which was still live.

Seeing that the number of people keeps increasing, the bullet screens in the live broadcast room are all asking about the current situation of the staff, the host Liu hurriedly said:

“None of the three staff members are life-threatening and are awaiting the arrival of an ambulance.”

At this time, director Li Chenghe called Gu Zhisang and others, as well as a few follow-up shooters aside, and said:

“Everyone should have guessed in their hearts in this help match, which is to visit the supernatural events in Watuo Village.

I didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen on the way into the village, so I came to ask the opinions of the masters, should I continue to enter the village? “

“As for those of you following the film who don’t want to go, I don’t force it, after all, it’s about personal safety.”

Gu Zhisang nodded slightly: “I don’t care, I can go.”

She herself is quite interested in the grayish place at the foot of Qilin Mountain, as well as the ghostly pregnant woman mentioned by the staff who had the accident just now.

None of the other players wanted to leave.

There were three people who were hesitant in the follow-up shoot. After struggling, two of them decided to leave with the injured staff.

Da Liu, who was instructed to continue to enter the village and explore and shoot, looked at the camera and said:

“After discussing and verifying with the contestants, the program team decided to go deeper into Watuo Village.”

“This decision is a unanimous decision agreed by all players, and we will do our best to ensure the safety of the players.”

The audience appealed to the program group to pay attention to safety in the live broadcast room;

Some people laughed and said, “The contestants and the program group don’t know who is protecting whom.”

After the ambulance arrived and the three injured were taken away, the staff who decided not to follow along with the team in charge of the tow truck left off the national highway.

The rest of the group packed up and continued to drive to the foot of Qilin Mountain.

The young man in charge of following Gu Zhisang did not leave.

At this moment, he was sitting in the front row. Although he hadn’t calmed down from the incident just now, he felt inexplicably at ease when he thought of a super boss sitting behind him.

He couldn’t help asking: “Sister Gu, that was too evil just now! Those things… Can you even control the speed of the car?”

Gu Zhisang raised his eyes: “It’s not about controlling the car, it’s about controlling people.”

“You can understand that everyone just entered the ghost wall, but the car in the front was unlucky and was the focus of attention.”

The affected people were not only the people in Lao Wu’s car, but ordinary people in the entire team.

When the aura of the femininity spread to her whole body, she noticed it immediately, and shrouded the entire car under her protection.

In her eyes, a ghost with such radiation ability can be regarded as ‘pretty fierce’.

Gu Zhisang seemed to have sensed something, raised his eyes and looked ahead, “Here we are.”

At the foot of Qilin Mountain, which is clearly visible outside the window, a patchwork of villages stands on the undulating plain at the foot of the mountain.

After the car arrived at the entrance of the village, it attracted many villagers from the village to watch.

Most of them are elderly, middle-aged and old people and children, all wearing costumes with local ethnic characteristics, looking around the vehicles and people in the program group, and speaking ethnic dialects that Gu Zhisang and others can’t understand.

Most of the younger faces that can be seen in the crowd are women.

There are audiences of the same nationality in the live broadcast room who can understand the ethnic dialect and are translating in real time.

It turned out that the program team was delayed on the way here, so they called the patriarch of Watuo Village who said they would pick them up, and the village cadres in advance, telling them that they would arrive later.

As a result, these villagers all knew that something happened when the outsider came in.

It was the same thing they had been discussing all afternoon.

From the conversations among the villagers, it can be seen that they originally thought that outsiders like Gu Zhisang would die on the national highway and would not be able to reach the village.

Unexpectedly, not only did they come in, but many people came at once!

Out of the crowd came out an old man on crutches and supported by others. This was the highest-ranking old man in the village.

He can’t speak Mandarin, and the middle-aged man next to him acts as the person to chat with the program group.

The man’s name is Ramu, and he is 39 years old this year.

Lamu: “Thank you friends from other places for traveling thousands of miles to help us in Wata Village. I know all the requirements of your program group, and I have made an agreement with the people in the village in advance, so that they will not affect you.”

Li Chenghe shook hands with him politely and said, “Please trouble the old patriarch and brothers and sisters.”

“It’s getting late, so let’s start now? Let a few players take a quick look.”

After Ramu nodded, the host Da Liu said:

“We are now in the village of Watuo Village, Qilin Mountain. The environment here is beautiful and the folk customs are simple, like a paradise. What kind of strange things happened in such a land, which made the whole village panic. No peace?”

“Next, let our five contestants randomly observe in the village and explore the village’s secrets. After all the contestants have investigated, we will reveal the answer together!”

After he finished speaking, Gu Zhisang and others scattered in Watuo Village.

Compared with other people, Gu Zhisang’s side is much quieter.

She hardly said a word as she sauntered about the village, only occasionally pausing to look in certain places for a moment in thought.

What makes people feel a little strange is that since they stepped into the village, most of the people they saw—especially the adults—were wearing masks on their faces.

According to the village official Lamu, this is because people in their village are shy and do not like to deal with outsiders.

Knowing that they were coming to the village to shoot videos, they didn’t even want to show up.

This reason is also reasonable.

But when Gu Zhisang passed by a dilapidated building on stilts, he looked up and saw a six or seven-year-old girl standing by the window secretly looking at herself. She was obviously indoors, and she was also wearing a hand-sewn cotton mask on her face. .

After staring at Gu Zhisang for two or three seconds, the girl was dragged into the room by the cursing elders, and the curtain of the window was drawn from the inside.

She was just so aimless, walking most of the village like a walk.

When I finally returned to the meeting point, everyone else had already arrived, and she was the only one left.

Da Liu: “Sangsang is back! We’re all ready, let’s start.”

The gathering place for the contestants was in an empty wheat field in Watuo Village, where chairs and tables were set up in advance, and the old patriarch sat at the head, smacking his bong with his shriveled mouth.

Surrounded by a group of villagers listening to the excitement.

The first person to play is No. 10 Xi Haihong, who is also the last Taoist in the show.

With a serious face, she said, “I went around your village twice, and I did find some problems.”

“First of all, there are some fragments of remnant souls floating in your village, which were torn apart by a relatively fierce and cruel method. You can understand it as the traces left after the soul was crushed. There are a lot of fragments of remnant souls, which means that the torn souls There is more than one soul.

There should be quite a few people in your village during this time, and they died tragically! “

As soon as Xi Haihong said the words, sitting on both sides of the wheat field, Lamu and the others, who could understand Mandarin, changed their expressions and looked at each other.

They didn’t expect that these outsiders were really capable, and they could see the strange things in the village at a glance!

Ramu nodded and said, “You’re right, there are always accidents in our village these days! And they’re all weird.”

Xi Haihong nodded and said: “Biqi is right, the one who can crush the soul is either a psychic or a mysterious master with certain abilities…

Or an extremely ferocious ghost! “

Hearing this, the expressions of the villagers changed again, and they were a little ugly thinking of something.

Xi Haihong said: “In addition, I also found that there is an enchantment in your village.”

Da Liu asked aloud: “What is the enchantment?”

“It’s like a formation.” Xi Haihong said: “The reason why I’m sure there is an enchantment here is because the broken remnant soul is unconscious, and it’s easy to go with the wind when it’s floating in the air, but I’m in your village When I observed it, I discovered a phenomenon.”

“Those soul fragments at the entrance of the village just keep spinning, but they can’t float outside with the wind direction…”

This naturally shows that Watuo Village is shrouded by an invisible and invisible force.

Xi Haihong said: “But I have never seen this kind of enchantment. I don’t know if it will affect the people in your village after it is set up.”

After a moment of silence, Lamu said coldly: “Yes.”

“One of the strange things in our village is that everyone can’t get out of the village anymore. They are riding bicycles along the road at the entrance of the village to the national highway, but they keep going around in the same place repeatedly, and they can’t get out anyway. The most terrifying thing is that, Some villagers vaguely saw something when they were still spinning around…”

“That’s it. With this level of power, you can’t do without the village.”

Because Xi Haihong’s ability is particularly sensitive to ghosts, after she mentioned these two discoveries, she bluntly said that she had nothing special to discover.

Immediately after that, the second player to play was He Mitu, a Thai head-down master.

As soon as he came up, the audience in the live broadcast room were attracted by the lifelike wooden statue on his shoulder.

I saw that the puppet was covered with gold oil, carved into a smile with an umbilical cord in its mouth, and the details of facial features and limbs were extremely realistic.

Some viewers who were watching the show in the live broadcast room said that Mitu people are becoming more and more evil, and their behavior is becoming more and more their own way.

Some people also said that the idol on his shoulder looked at him, which made people feel creepy.

But some viewers who really understand metaphysics and Thai witchcraft said that the wooden statue on He Mitu’s shoulders is not because he is doing some evil tricks, and it is completely different from the “little ghost” in China.

As long as you look carefully, you will find that this big human idol is exactly the same as the image of the ‘You Guizi’ soaked in golden oily water in the transparent pendant hanging around He Mitu’s neck!

This shows that He Mitu’s ability has improved, and at the same time, the ‘greasy boy’ he raised has become more and more effective.

From Otaru to becoming an independent human idol is a manifestation of the continuous deepening of the ability of this “greasy boy”.

There are rumors that if the soul of the “greasy boy” is fully cultivated and integrated with the human idol, the human idol will be able to “live” and be able to run and move like a real baby.

The reason why some people think that ‘greasy boy’ is scary may be that they have strong inspirations and can sense the souls living in human idols.

After standing still, the first sentence He Mitu said was:

“This village has a strong curse, and there is also a ‘ghost’ with a very strong resentment.”

His slender fingertips touched the smiling golden idol on the shoulder, but his expression was a bit ugly:

“That’s what it tells me: ‘Here’s my kind,’ and it’s impossible to go wrong.

So someone in your village did something utterly unconscionable and raised a big evil spirit! “

Hearing He Mitu’s words, the onlookers were blown away, and shouted that he was talking nonsense, and it was impossible for someone in their own village to do such things.

Da Liu looked at some angry villagers, and hurriedly interrupted: “Ahem, Master He Mitu, you said… the same kind? You mean there is a child ghost in the village?”

He Mitu said every word: “It’s not a ghost, but a ghost. That thing must have a substance.”

“Because I can feel that there is indeed the ‘enchantment’ that Xi Haihong said in this village. To be precise, it is a curse, and that ghost should be the cursed eye of the curse.”

“Someone sacrificed that resentful ghost, at the cost of his own lifetime, and swore that no one in this village would die a good death or be reborn!”

While speaking, he was holding weird formulas with both hands, as if he was doing calculations.

After finishing the calculation, he forcibly swallowed the fishy sweetness in his throat, and his slightly pale face became more serious:

“I read it two or three times to make sure I was right.

This curse has been going on for a while, if someone dies in your village, it must be related to this curse. “

“Ordinary ghosts can’t afford such a powerful and wide-ranging curse. That curse eye must have an entity as a sacrifice!”

It was almost He Mitu who said something, and the faces of the villagers changed a little.

After a while, some emotional villagers began to curse, but they also spoke the language of the minority.

The audience in the live broadcast room also thought of something, and at the same time, the audience of their own nationality is also conscientiously translating:

[Someone in the village raised a ‘ghost boy’? Could it be the one that the program crew crashed on the national highway just now? I can’t believe that they specially got a pregnant woman in order to raise ghosts…]

[The two women in the back are swearing, but they are not swearing at Xiaohe, they are swearing at another person, which should be a woman’s name. The scolding probably means that this woman has done bad things shamelessly, and finally drove the people in the village crazy…]

[Miss Translator has worked hard, this amount of information is a bit large, but what is certain is that the affairs in the village are indeed related to that ghostly pregnant woman! 】

Da Liu asked, “Then I would like to ask Contestant He Mitu, can you lift this curse?”

He Mitu: “I can, but I won’t answer.”

He stroked the human idol on his shoulder with a cold tone.

If you want to break the curse and poison in this village, you must fight against the cursed object ‘Ghost’ and the manipulator behind it.

He Mitu had a hunch that if he fought rashly, the ‘greasy boy’ he had worked so hard to raise would be destroyed in the fight.

Soon the third player: No. 2 Bai Ci entered the stage.

This time he was holding a hedgehog with grayish-black bristles for a long time.

After playing, Bai Ci said: “After entering this village, I smelled a very strong medicinal fragrance, not the astringent and bitter smell of ordinary traditional Chinese medicine.”

“There should be patients in the village who were seriously injured by unnatural forces. A spiritual doctor who understands ‘medicine’ has already prescribed special medicines for these patients.”

Ramu nodded and said:

“There are indeed two grandmothers in our village who can see things. Usually, when people in the village encounter any headaches or strange things, they will go to these two grandmothers to see.”

It was said that some viewers expressed some regrets.

Because Bai Ci’s greatest ability is “medicine”, if there is a mysterious master in the village who can see a doctor, then what he can do in this help match will be greatly reduced.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ci who was holding the hedgehog shook his head slightly, and said:

“It’s a pity that those two seniors can’t see the current illness of the people in your village.”

Amidst the bewilderment of the audience and the shock and panic of the villagers, he finally put on a straight face and stared at the faces of Ramu and other villagers seriously.

Bai Ci stretched out his fingers and touched his cheeks, “The lesions of all of you are on your face.”

“The reason why you wear a mask is not because you don’t want to be on camera, but because your face is rotten, so you can’t be on camera to see people.”

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