I Became Popular After Participating In Escape Games

Chapter 76

Chapter 74: Judge √

S-level side quests

Name: Kingdom of the Dead

Related information: When the rainy night comes and the sea rises, the kingdom of the dead will be drowned. How are you going to live? How are you going to escape?

Quest Objective: To leave the land of the dead alive.

Task progress: 0%

Quest reward: 5000 evolution points.

Song Qingzhou’s task of guarding the forbidden area was due at 1:00 am on August 20th. She was sitting on the fence with an umbrella and a bird on her finger.

The bird’s gaze is also her gaze.

She tried to let the birds hover over the forbidden area, and all she saw was wild vegetation. To get more information, she had to go there in person.

Song Qingzhou waited until one o’clock in the morning, the task was completed, and the evolution point was settled. She got up and jumped off the fence, stepping on the mud soaked by the rain. the umbrella, so there is no splattering.

She released the bird, took two steps in the direction of the prison, and suddenly stopped.

Looking back, Song Qingzhou saw that there was someone in the fence of the forbidden area.

Lu Tingliu smelled the rain, and the cold wave rose in the Asura prison, covering the heat that should belong to August.

She was half asleep and half awake, and gradually she heard the harsh sound of metal friction, like a sawing erhu, sharp and long, but the sound was not loud, and she could not tell whether it was a dream or reality.

Lu Tingliu opened her eyes and saw Kelly leaning on the railing, her dark brown curly hair hanging down her cheeks, and she lowered her head and rubbed the small metal stick finely.


In the pitch-dark cell, Kelly raised her head, nails protruding from under her skin—they turned out to be nails. She opened her mouth and spit out nails mixed with blood and saliva. She made a difficult retching sound, just like the scene in front of Lu Tingliu before she died, trying to spit the nails out of her throat.

She stretched out her hand to Lu Tingliu, and her face became more and more rotten.

Lu Tingliu is ready to fight.

Kelly’s hand passed through Lu Tingliu’s body. After the two of them froze for a while at the same time, Kelly disappeared like a bubble in front of Lu Tingliu.

Lu Tingliu woke up early the next morning.

She came to the cafeteria, and the cafeteria had no food for a long time, only the residue and rancid smell were left.

Many prisoners are also missing.

Prisoner Liam, with a gun and an electric baton around his waist, looked at the few prisoners on the lawn enjoying the sun, stepped forward with his baton clenched, and asked them to show him the card he was holding.

The prisoner expressed resistance, and Liam roared in a gaffe, cursing and doing things at the same time. He took out his death card, which had been silently replaced at some point in time, threw it on the grass, pointed a gun at the prisoner’s head, and shouted, “Die now, or hand over the white card and take this card. Fuck off!”

Lu Tingliu shook his head.

Such riots are still being staged intermittently in Asura Prison, and the prisoners who hide must also be afraid of such things, but hiding is not necessarily safe, because prisons allow people to hide There are not many places, and although the number of people who have drawn the death penalty card is a small number, they are crazy enough to do anything, as long as they can get a white card that represents safety and allows him to live.

At this time, Lu Tingliu’s homemade rice-white card is useless, and she can attract only wicked people with this thing.

She threw the beige card into the trash can, turned around and walked into the largest building of Asura Prison.

Eight AM.

The peeping eye sweeps along.

In order to save time, Lu Tingliu put dozens of peeping eyes to clean the prisoners’ hiding places. After putting away his peeping eyes, Lu Tingliu began to think about which lucky NPC would get her favor.

At this time, there was a loud noise from the library not far away, the chain reaction caused by the collapse of the bookshelves, and the sound of books falling to the ground.

Lu Tingliu walked in and saw that the two prisoners scuffled together—no doubt, for a white card.

She controlled the two with her prying eyes, took away the white card from one of them, patted the dust and said, “I will resolve the conflict for you.”

Two immobile prisoners: ?

The screen is full.

When the two prisoners were able to move and chased out of the library, Lu Tingliu could no longer be found.

It was eleven o’clock in the morning, and the battle for the white card entered the white-hot stage. But this has nothing to do with the players, just like Lu Tingliu can easily take out the white card from the NPC, there are also many other evolutionary six and seven evolutionary methods.

They are now discussing issues surrounding the Prison’s Origin Qi barrier.

For the time being, no one has said that the side quests related to the Origin Qi Barrier have been triggered.

At this moment, Song Qingzhou glanced at Lu Tingliu: “Would you like to take a look at the forbidden area?”

Lu Tingliu said: “Okay.”

In addition to the two of them, the others were also interested in the forbidden area, so they decided to go together.

Lu Tingliu suddenly frowned and said, “Wait, I’m a friend.”

Her headset was given to Bai Huiqiu before she went to bed last night. After Bai Huiqiu fired the last shot yesterday, Lu Tingliu could actually feel that Shen Shaohuan was still breathing, so she was not too worried that Bai Huiqiu would be killed because of the murder. And suffer Clive’s trial.

But she hasn’t seen Bai Huiqiu since she woke up this morning, and she has some doubts in her heart.

Lu Tingliu went to the infirmary, but did not see Bai Huiqiu.

Song Qingzhou asked, “Are you going?”

Lu Tingliu gathered his thoughts and said, “Go.”

The group came to the forbidden area. Compared with the neat lawn in the front yard, the mess in the back yard was eye-popping. The old trees are towering, there are bushes as tall as a person, and the blooming roses smell sweet and **** after the rain.

Guan Nanbei stepped on a ground and said, “The soil here is fresh, it was dug up and turned over not long ago.”

He squatted down with his palms on the ground. After a shock, he stomped lightly, and the soil under his feet collapsed, revealing a row of corpses.

Someone asked: “Is this the basic card ability of Guan Nan Bei?”

“Yes, it seems to be called Yugong Yishan.”

“Isn’t it right? Didn’t you tell the ants to move?”

“Ah? I saw a copy of him before, and he said that the earth shakes the mountain…”

“Why I heard the version is Jingwei Reclamation?”

“The name is not important, just know that it is from the soil type!”

Lu Tingliu looked at the corpses.

Everyone present saw it, these were the few people who were tried yesterday, a rotten head with only bones, a mummified corpse, and the rest were separated from the corpse.

“There are also many buried in other places,” Guan Nanbei said, “I’ll get them all out for you to see.”

He took out all the burial places, and one after another, fresh or decomposed corpses were revealed in front of them.

“Cough,” Clive’s voice suddenly sounded, “there are ten minutes left until eleven-thirty, and this will be the last card exchange time. I forgot a little, everyone. , not all white cards represent peace of mind, there are twenty white cards, which are invitation tickets issued by me on behalf of the death sect, I invite you to dance with the dead!”

Lightning flashed across the sky, in just three seconds, the blazing sun was blocked by dark clouds, and the rain poured down.

The barrage sent a series of question marks, and it didn’t seem to understand the situation.

Xianyu Taoist said: “Twenty, this number is too obvious for players.”

After listening to Clive’s words, Song Qingzhou subconsciously looked at the corpse in the forbidden area.

But they show no sign of getting up, so what this so-called dance with the dead means…

Clive laughed loudly: “Everyone! Welcome to the kingdom of the dead! You have ten minutes to get the white card that symbolizes ‘life’!”

Song Qingzhou only blinked and found that all the corpses in the forbidden area were gone. There were no corpses, only roses in full bloom in the garden, neatly trimmed, and the same as what they saw just now Forbidden Land is not a world at all.

—not a world!

Outside the Forbidden Garden, the ragged and strangely shaped dead looked at them faintly.

In their breast pockets, there was a flawless white card.

Lu Tingliu glanced at it, the progress of the “Kingdom of the Dead” mission is still 0%, but the progress of “Viper’s Game” has become 70%.

In other words, entering the kingdom of the dead this time is the only way to enter the task of “Viper’s Game”.

It is also the difficulty of A-level.

“That’s it?” A player sneered, “I punch this kind of pollution, and I’ll pull out the white card.”

He rushed towards the serial murderer who was sentenced to death yesterday in the pouring rain. When he waved his fist, it attracted lightning from the sky, gathered on his fist, and smashed into the face of the murderer!


Barrage: “Wow, it’s a real punch.”

“Brother Lei is still handsome, I will lick this screen as a respect!”


Lei Ge hummed and bent over to pick up the white card on his chest.

Suddenly, the murderer raised his hand, grabbed his wrist, and twisted it hard.


Under Ray Ge’s shocked gaze, the murderer easily broke his arm.

Guan Nanbei couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Lu Tingliu looked at him, Guan Nanbei took a breath, and said, “Leige is the seventh evolution.”

The rain didn’t stop, the sky was so dark, the smell of blood and pollution in the air became more and more intense.

The murderer moved his neck and his head grew out again. He imitated Lei Ge’s move and punched him.

Leige can be stunned for a second, but not for a second.

He tilted his head to dodge, with an extra sword in his hand, thunder and lightning gathered at the tip of the sword and swung it towards the murderer!

But what if the head was cut off, the waist was cut off, and the limbs were cut off?

In the kingdom of the dead, the dead are resurrected again and again, and the living must die.

The white card is close in front of you and far away.

The cold rain fell on the collar of Lu Tingliu’s hair, and for the first time she felt the bone-chilling cold.

S-class, that’s what it is.

In the rules of “Viper’s Game”, there is also a white card that symbolizes victory to win. In “The Kingdom of the Dead”, will she still give her such an obvious clue? No, if it did, there wouldn’t be that kind of cross-examination in the introduction – how do you survive? How are you going to escape?

“What are you stunned for?” Song Qingzhou’s umbrella poked at the polluting species, “There are more and more polluted species!”

Xu Simian said: “How many corpses did we find in the forbidden area at that time?”

Guan Nanbei said: “More than eighty.”

Another player vented and shouted: “Crazy! This kind of pollution with seven evolutionary strengths is assigned to us to deal with four?? The game wants us to die!”

As he shouted, he jumped backwards, the rain woven into a huge net in his hands to trap the pollution seeds, and then tightened, the rain turned into sharp ice blades to cut the pollution seeds into pieces.

Evolver players have their own magical powers.

Lu Tingliu browsed through the available personalities, hesitated, and chose Zhu Jiu, the sharpshooter.

In a kind of evolution of wind, fire and thunder, Lu Tingliu’s efforts to shoot are extraordinarily thin.

But Zhu Jiu is a character who will not admit defeat. In the worst environment, she will do her best to play a role.

Unwittingly, Lu Tingliu became the one who accurately assisted.

When Song Qingzhou temporarily killed the pollution species in front of her and a new one appeared behind her, it was Lu Tingliu who bought time for her;

Guan Nanbei buried several pollution species underground, but when he was dragged into the soil by his ankle, Lu Tingliu broke the pollution species wrist with two shots;

When Xu Simian’s brainwashing and polluting species failed to kill each other and were attacked, it was Lu Tingliu who shot ten shots to stop their offensive.

Leige exclaimed, “Nice job!”

Lu Tingliu was silent and expressionless, and only kept firing.

Song Qingzhou suddenly shouted: “Be careful!”

Lu Tingliu turned around and saw Kelly pounce on her.

The two fell to the ground and rolled around in the mud.

Kelly’s chest pocket had a white card, Lu Tingliu reached for it, and was caught by the nails born from Kelly’s five fingers, and the five nails staggered into Lu Tingliu’s wrist. His face turned pale for a moment, and he lifted the gun to Kelly’s chin and fired instantly.

Kylie’s head exploded in half, but she grew up quickly.

Lu Tingliu’s expression did not change, and he continued to shoot.

Kelly grinned at Lu Tingliu with her scarlet lips, her head slammed into Lu Tingliu’s forehead, and the nails slammed into Lu Tingliu’s brain. After the blank, Lu Tingliu stopped his sharpshooter personality and said in a hoarse voice, “Do you think you are the only one who can do this?”

[Congratulations to player Lu Tingliu for unlocking the personality “Hedgehog”. 】

[Current split personality: 25/147]

Name: Hedgehog

Introduction: Hedgehogs protect themselves with thorns, and so do you. It’s just that what grows on your body is not a thorn, but a metal blade.

Features: You can grow “thorns” from your body at will.

Side effects: timid, stab at a little bit.

Kelly couldn’t understand Lu Tingliu’s words, she nailed the nail to Lu Tingliu’s neck, to the surprise of all the audience, Lu Tingliu did not hide, but suddenly hugged Kelly . Before the nail could penetrate Lu Tingliu’s aorta, Kelly’s hand was cut off by the steel blade that Lu Tingliu ejected from her shoulder.

Not just hands, this hug is the hug of death.

The blade penetrated Kelly’s body in many places. When Lu Tingliu put away the blade and released her, Kelly’s whole body was like a plastic bag full of water that had been poked countless holes, The blood splashed out recklessly, she was not dead, but her movements stagnated.

Lu Tingliu went to get the white card on her chest again, but a pollution species suddenly grabbed her hair and dragged her back.

The next second, sharp spikes grew out of her hair, penetrating the palm of the Pollution Seed, causing it to lose the strength to hold her hair.

“I got it!” Lei Ge called out, “Everyone, see you in the world.”

His figure disappeared.

One after another, other players gradually got white cards.

“Although it can be resurrected repeatedly,” Guan Nanbei said while holding the white card, “but the power is constantly weakening.”

Lu Tingliu also felt it.

Finally, after Kelly was hugged and killed by her again, her movements were too slow to stop her from taking the card.

Lu Tingliu was relieved when she got the white card.

The next second, the rain stopped and it was dawn.

The forbidden area is still full of corpses, the time is 11:29:45.

Lu Tingliu has 418 health remaining at this time, and her evolution five health is full at 800. In the battle just now, she lost nearly half.


Clive spoke on time: “Time! Please come to the playground, our dear Erin, Jason and Liam will check everyone’s cards.”

Everyone gathered in the playground according to their words, and now Lu Tingliu saw Bai Huiqiu. She was pale and wet.

Lu Tingliu walked over and asked in a low voice, “You also went to the ‘Land of the Dead’?”

Bai Huiqiu nodded, she trembled a little, whether it was cold or frightened: “Not long after I separated from you last night, I received an S-level branch line, but I didn’t pick it up. As soon as I refused, I heard Clive said that because I violated the rules to kill people, I will be judged and judged to enter the kingdom of the dead. I stayed in it for one night… Later, until just now, I heard Clive’s voice again and found the possession of the white card. The polluted seed came out, and my health and spirit values are not much…”

Lu Tingliu patted her back silently.

Bai Huiqiu gave her a smile: “I have died without regrets.”

“Show your cards, please,” said Liam, the guard.

Both took out their white cards.

Lu Tingliu looked up and said in a low voice, “Three players are missing.”

Outside the dungeon, Daoist Xianyu is a pity: “Three players, Shen Shaohuan evolved six, the other two evolved five and one evolved six, and they are all folded into the kingdom of the dead.”

“Okay,” Clive flipped through the document, “then, start today’s trial.”

Lu Tingliu turned around and walked towards the broadcasting room.

Seeing her action, other players were startled.

During the broadcast, Clive was unaware, happily reciting the crime of the accused.

Xu Simian suddenly smiled at Lei Ge beside him: “Did you know that there is a brute force method for Genesis Qi barrier.”

Lei Ge was absent-minded: “Huh?”

Xu Simian said: “Kill the core boss in the dungeon scene.”

Leige said: “I received that mission.”

Xu Simian stunned: “What?”

“The reward is the task of opening the Genesis Qi barrier,” Lei Ge said politely, “If I say it, you will be judged to share the task with me, do you want to listen?”

“Tell me?”

Leige said: “Administrators Erin and Jason are Clive’s accomplices, polluted species, and half of the bodies in the forbidden area are killed by them. What we have to do is to kill them.”

A task box pops up in front of Xu Simian.

Eileen and Jason were far away from them, but they seemed to hear their conversation clearly and looked straight at them.

Lu Tingliu opened the door of the broadcasting room.

A man sat in front of the radio station with his feet crossed, and said leisurely “I will judge you”.

“I will judge you,” Clive said, “head to the ground! Well, today’s trial is over. Time is running out, and I must announce the rules of the new snake game as soon as possible—due to food The supply is very insufficient. This prison is only enough for forty people. I hope there will be only forty people left before sunset tomorrow, otherwise I will randomly select and kill until the number of people alive is no higher than forty. I wish you a happy game. ”

【Congratulations to player Lu Tingliu for completing the A-level side quest “Viper’s Game”. 】

[Your 1500 evolution points have been credited. 】

After finishing speaking, Clive turned off the radio, turned the swivel chair, and looked straight at Lu Tingliu.

He looks ordinary, with a calm smile on his face.

Lu Tingliu walked forward without being humble or arrogant, and stretched out his hand: “Hello.”

Clive said, “Long time no see.”

He stretched out his hand and shook hands with Lu Tingliu.

The moment the two came into contact, Lu Tingliu used personality recovery. As before, she tried to extract her personality from Clive’s body, but the situation changed – Clive was extracting her in reverse!

When the light condensed between the two fingers, the barrage said excitedly: “Does Sister Lu have the ability to judge??”

“Although the judge is very pretending to be X, but thinking about it being used by Sister Lu, it’s still very handsome!”

“Judge, I can!”

The veins on Lu Tingliu’s forehead jumped.

Suddenly, her live room screen went black.

Barrage: “????”

Xianyu Daoist also panicked: “Fuck, what’s wrong?”

Barrage: “Sister Lu has an accident?? No way??”

Xianyu Taoist said: “No, the health value is still 418, but the spirit value… suddenly dropped 40 points, and now it is only 209.”

Lu Tingliu stood in a void and darkness.

In front of her, stood another self.

It was the Judge, she realized.

“I don’t like you,” said the Inquisitor, “I am more qualified to rule this body than you.”

Behind Lu Tingliu, there is more of herself, with different looks and different costumes, from which she can tell who they are.

The judge said: “Give me this body.”

Lu Tingliu had a guess in his heart: “It’s not that Clive has my personality power, but you control Clive’s body?”

“Obviously,” said the Inquisitor, “I know that if I come into contact with you, there will be a possibility of being taken back by you, but it’s better than controlling that body…that piece of garbage, I’ll take it all day. Can’t wait any longer!”

Lu Tingliu: “…”

“Leave it to me,” the judge stepped forward, aggressively, “Leave it to me to take control.”

Lu Tingliu: “If I don’t agree…”

“Then it’s the old rules, let’s fight.”

The judge moved his hand without saying a word. The two of them were going back and forth in this empty space, and the other characters were eating melons and watching the show.

Lu Tingliu has a strange feeling.

Before, she never separated those personalities as separate individuals, but here, they are vivid and distinct, their thoughts she does not know, and their actions she does not control.

It’s… amazing.

“Why don’t you judge me?” Lu Tingliu had the upper hand in the battle, and asked a little too far.

The judge gritted his teeth and said, “Judgment! There must be rules, and the rules must be violated before a judgment can be made!”

“Okay,” Lu Tingliu twisted the judge’s hands behind her and suppressed her tightly. When the judge looked back angrily, Lu Tingliu felt as if she was looking in a mirror, As the judge admired her pretty face, she touched her hair, “Dear, you lost.”

Barrage: “It’s on! Sister Lu’s live broadcast room is on! Although I don’t know what happened, Clive is dead!”

Lu Tingliu looked at Clive who was lying on the swivel chair, and shook her hand.

She looks at her panel.

Base Card: Split (26/147)

Name: Judge

Introduction: The Judge can judge all things in the world if they wish.

Characteristics: Good at establishing rules and giving judgement to others when they violate them.

Note: When using “judgment”, you must say “I judge you”.

Side Effects: Strong desire to control, and always want to establish various rules, if the rules are broken, will be angry.

No pollution, Lu Tingliu thought.

She was in a good mood and walked out of the studio with ease.

I don’t know when, it was dark outside, and the rain seemed to be falling for a long, long time.

A gust of wind swept through, and the smell of rain mixed with blood and pollution hit Lu Tingliu, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

[Welcome to the kingdom of the dead. 】

[The current progress of the S-level branch “Kingdom of the Dead”: 1%]

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