I Became Popular After Participating In Escape Games

Chapter 44

Chapter 42: Spring Bamboo Shoots Letter

B-level side quests

Name: Curse of the Siren

Related information: There has always been a legend of a siren in Portage Island. It is said that she has a fish-tailed body and a bewitching beauty. It is said that she was born with a curse and has a sad past. When the sea is stormy, the fishermen of Portgay will pray to the Banshee, and when you make a wish to her, she will respond—a curse-filled answer.

Quest Objective: Explore the truth behind the banshee’s curse.

Task progress: 0%

Quest Tip: Siren Banshee is related to Maitee.

Quest reward: 500 evolution points, 1 chance to draw.

Luo Fengci squatted under a dirt wall, with a cigarette in his mouth, turning the desert eagle with a bright silver shell in his hand.

At this time, a soldier in a rough uniform came out, Luo Feng looked up, and the soldier had huge words on his head: “The new Captain Luo is really stupid. .”

Luo Feng’s word: “…”

The barrage in his live broadcast room also laughed silly.

Luo Fengci’s basic card [Thinking Manifestation], when used by the player, only he can see the “thought”, but when it is used by the NPC, the mind manifesting will be displayed to him live From the audience’s perspective, this is an important reason why Luo Fengci couldn’t hide his card ability.

The soldier suddenly saw Luo Feng’s words smoking in the corner, and he was startled, and immediately saluted: “Hello captain!”

Luo Fengci is amiable: “Have you eaten yet?”

The soldier was flattered: “Eat.”

Luo Fengci said: “I think you’re a little too strong to eat, so run around this wall three times.”

Minion: ?

Luo Feng’s words: “Prepare, run!”

Minion: “…”

He blushed: “Yes!”

Luo Fengci dusted off the soot, stood up, and walked to the temporary camp.

This camp is ostensibly organized by lizards, but currently one-third of Luo Fengci’s subordinates are from the imperial army.

The powers on Potegai Island are crisscrossed, and the lizard organization is not the largest, but the head has a lot of ambition. They originally started out in the arms business, but after accumulating capital, they began to pay attention to the small fish business. Compared with arms, the risk of small dried fish is small and the profit is large, which is very eye-catching.

But now the small dried fish on Potegai Island is almost monopolized by Green Water Organization – before Green Water came, whoever has the strength to fish the raw fish in the waters around Potgay Island, Green Water After coming here, other forces on Potgai Island found that they were evil. Except for the land of the green water circle, the raw fish disappeared!

When Luo Fengci entered the game, it was not long before he brought a few soldiers under his command to Portuge Island, and he was worrying about how to cover up his identity and integrate into it.

When he carefully read the background information of his character, he found that he had saved his life for the current boss of the Lizard Organization. Therefore, Luo Feng word went to the meeting, sneaked into the Lizard Organization, and proposed a deal— The Lizard Organization gave them a cover, they were responsible for killing the green water and freed up the opportunity for the Lizard Organization to engage in the small fish business. Of course, the premise was that the small fish business of the Lizard Organization did not set foot in the Lingyun Empire.

The lizard boss agreed.

In the temporary camp, the lizard people are drinking and bragging, and most of the military people are not there. They should seize the time to collect information about the movement of the Green Water Organization, especially the habit of Maiti’s movement trajectory, so as to make Find an opportunity.

The information gathered so far has:

1, Maitee is not good for women, beauty pass;

2, Maitee lives on the west coast of Putegai, but there are people with green water there, and the security is very strong, more afraid of death than a president of a country, and a tough raid pass;

3, Maitee likes the Golden Rose Hotel very much and often goes to eat, but I haven’t found a regular pattern for now, it needs to be further observed;

4, Maitee goes out to sea every day to a mini-island west of Potgai, and an assassination plan can be made for this.

But… Luo Fengci is really not a fighting player. He intuition that Mai Ti, as a dungeon’s big boss, can’t be killed with guns and ammunition alone.

Thinking of this section, he sighed deeply.

Hope that the background information has an introduction, but the teammates he hasn’t found can help.

Luo Fengci stayed in the hall for a while, and couldn’t stand the various unnutritious words on the foreheads of the lizards. With no intelligence available, the result is all spam.

He turned around and went upstairs, returned to his office, and prepared to change into casual clothes and go to a few places where Mai Ti often went to step on the spot.

Suddenly, Luo Fengci’s eyes fell on the table, where there was a stack of documents, all black and white on A4 paper, but now, there was a faint line of yellow on the edge.

He stepped forward, opened the document, and saw the pure yellow envelope.

In the envelope was only a thin piece of paper with a string of numbers written on it.

This is the contact password of the Imperial Army, and the password book is the most popular **** novel in Portuge.

Luo Fengci opened the novel and translated it word by word:

“The situation has changed, speed up the action, tomorrow at the latest, if the action fails, you must retreat.”

The person who commented is—


On the 2nd of X, at 8:00 in the morning, Lu Tingliu brought three smuggled children to see Mai Ti: “Boss, how do you think these three children are qualified? Seirt is dead. , I am also very sad, without the right-hand man of willingness, I will consider to cultivate these children as my confidants.”

Maiti smiled and said, “Yes, Lushui has lost too many people recently, so it needs some fresh blood.”

He looked around the three children, suddenly pointed at the little girl and said, “Leave her to me.”

“Oh?” Lu Tingliu said, “The boss is short of people? She’s not good enough for such a big girl.”

Matty is noncommittal: “I have my use.”

With one look, his subordinates came over to take the little girl. The little girl was unwilling to leave, crying and screaming. The two brothers chased after him, and the three staged a good brother-sister relationship.

Maiti frowned, reached out and rubbed his temples, and said coldly, “Then let’s take them away together.”

Lu Tingliu: “…”

Maiti smiled at her: “These qualifications are not good. When there is a chance, I will choose a good batch for you.”

He moved his finger, received a signal, and several bodyguards jumped out of the dark room, dragging the three children away together.

Lu Tingliu did not show any objection, but worried: “Boss, do you have a headache again?”

Matti has a long-standing problem with headaches, and when she has a headache, she is in a bad mood.

“Willow,” said Maitee, closing his eyes, “the green water has encountered some difficulties recently, and the production of raw fish is decreasing. I was looking for a new sea area, but after inspecting the raw fish you brought back from Province M, I realized…”

He was silent for a long time.

Lu Tingliu’s heart moved: “Is there anything I can help?”

Maiti opened her eyes and looked at Lu Tingliu: “Can I trust you?”

Lu Tingliu did not hesitate: “Of course!”

Mati said: “Then, come with me, after all, you brought these three little guys, and I will give you an explanation.”

[The current progress of The Curse of the Siren: 5%]

Meidi took this Lu Tingliu to their office building. The office building has three floors above the ground and three floors below the ground. The first and second floors are the arsenal and the prison. Lu Tingliu on the third underground floor did not know what it was, she had no authority.

There are only three people who have authority, Maitty, Otto and Eugene.

Eugene died some time ago, and it was Willow’s turn to become the third-in-command and start to be in charge of some important business of Lushui. And now, the mystery of the third underground floor will also be revealed to her.

The elevator door opened, Mai Ti, Lu Tingliu and the two bodyguards went out together.

It is a hot and humid summer in Portage Island, but there is an extremely cold atmosphere here, and a faint fishy smell.

Go forward and continue down a step, the heavy metal gate slowly opened after verifying Maiti’s identity, Lu Tingliu followed behind him, the sight in front of her made her pupils shrink for a moment.

There are nine pools in front of you, each with a pillar in the center, and a person is tied to the pillar—or, it can no longer be called a person.

They were alive, alive in pain, breathing weakly, the heaving of their chests barely visible, and the blood drained endlessly.

On the left and right sides of the pool, there is a laboratory with a huge water tank inside which is a dead mermaid.

The lab worker in white took the little girl into the lab on the left, and the two boys went to the right.

However, they are treated the same.

The staff on both sides took out the mermaid from the water tank, used a syringe to draw out a tube of dark green blood, and then smeared transparent glue on the wound of the mermaid to prevent the blood from spilling after it entered the water .

The staff put a syringe of blood into the girl’s arm.

The girl screamed, her expression was painful and distorted, and her body gradually changed.

Maeti said: “Girls receive the best siren blood.”

[“The Curse of the Siren” quest progress: 10%]

Lu Tingliu’s handling of the three children on the cargo ship originally wanted to save a few people, but now it seems that it has pushed them into a more terrifying abyss. Although they are just NPCs in a dungeon, or even just tools that the “game” wants to promote the plot of the “Siren Banshee”, Lu Tingliu still sullen.

“Unhappy?” Maitty looked at her, “Do you know how much green water has been made from nothing, how much have these beautiful girls contributed?”

“Where’s Selt?” Lu Tingliu suddenly asked, “Is he here too?”

Matty said, “He’s useless.”

“What’s the matter with the curse of the siren on the island? Does it have something to do with it?”

Maeti shook his head: “Sirens are legends for a long time, and I didn’t believe in their existence before I caught them. Regarding the curse on Potgay, I think it came from other Wild, wild sirens, they are evil species that take pleasure in bewitching human beings into depravity. Their blood is the best nutrient for raising raw fish, and the way I invent can turn these two sirens into millions Ten thousand and a half sirens…just the blood is a little less effective. And now, Willow, as you can see, we have almost drained the blood of these two sirens.”

Maiti said sadly: “The Green Water Empire is falling down, and no one knows about it except you and me.”

Lu Tingliu is thinking about one thing.

There are only two bodyguards here, can she kill Maiti alone?

“Big Brother!” Suddenly, Otto appeared angrily, “How can you let an outsider know our secret…”

“We need people,” Matt said calmly. “Willow is the best option right now.”


“Enough is enough, let’s go up first, it will be noisy here and affect the quality of blood.”

When Lu Tingliu returned to his residence, Chen Shutang was watching TV in the living room.

She glanced at it, and found that it was the same as in Apat, and it was showing old movies and TV.

“Are you free?” Lu Tingliu asked.

“It’s really free,” Chen Shutang winked at her, “After all, my role here is to be your lover.”

“…get on with it.”

Chen Shutang suddenly raised his hand: “Did you eat small fish?”

What he was holding in his hand was the spicy dried fish from Green Aquatic Products, Chen Shutang held his head and said, “You have one of your subordinates who knocked on the dried fish and fainted, so I took him. Try the half-packed package, it tastes similar to the real dried fish, it’s delicious, do you want to try it?”

Barrage: “After watching the scene just now, I can’t look directly at the dried fish…”

“It’s okay, I even feel more fragrant if I’m perverted, slut~”

“I don’t know for a while whether Chen Shutang knows the truth is more pitiful, or not knowing is more pitiful.”

“Beware of poison.”

Lu Tingliu sighed softly and went straight upstairs.

She went into the bathroom to wash her face, her eyes suddenly narrowed, and she found a letter in the mask box on her dresser.

The letter was written in garbled numbers, but Lu Tingliu knew that it was the password of the imperial military.

She found the codebook, closed the door of the bathroom, and found the words in the letter one by one, and finally pieced together a complete sentence.

“Find out which ship Maitee uses to go out to sea every night, the detailed information of the ship, and put it into the mailbox in front of Room 05, Gabriel Street before twelve noon. – Bamboo shoots.”

Lu Tingliu glanced at the current time, 9:08.

Most of the ships of Green Water are berthed in Westport, and there are special people who are responsible for maintenance and making travel plans.

It’s not difficult for Lu Tingliu to ask about the ship’s information, but what’s difficult is that if she asks for this information, Mattie will know for sure, and if something happens to this ship later, she can almost count it Done.

But Lu Tingliu doesn’t care anymore, Xu and Weishe are too tired, she wants to kill more now.

“You guys,” seeing the green water guards patrolling in front of a row of boats, Lu Tingliu smiled calmly and addressed the two of them, “Take me to the boss’s boat.”

The guard was stunned: “Boss’s ship? Isn’t it all here…”

Lu Tingliu jumped up: “Silly, I mean the boss’s boat every night!”

The guard said with sincerity: “That’s Jeff’s responsibility.”

Lu Tingliu slowly took out a box of chewing gum from his trouser pocket, opened one and put it in his mouth, and asked, “Where is Jeff?”

“On top of the Golden Mairon.”

When Maitty learned that Willow had probed his ship, she immediately called someone to watch her.

Stalker reports in real time: “It’s 11:40 PM Portgate time, Willow takes Gal Chen out.”

“It’s twelve o’clock at noon, and Willow took Gar Chen to the rotisserie on Gabriel Street for a big meal.”

“It’s half past twelve at noon, and Willow took Gal Chen to the hotel to open a room.”

“It’s 11:10 at noon, Willow and Gal Chen came out. Gee, Gal Chen isn’t very good.”

“It’s 1:20 at noon, Willow bought dried fish, my God! Boss! Willow bought dried fish! The highest grade sweet dried fish! Green Water Organization Members forbid eating dried fish… oh, she gave it to the homeless on the roadside.”

Lu Tingliu squatted in front of the obviously thin and abnormally thin, blue-eyed homeless looking at the small dried fish in her hand, and put the sweet dried fish in her hand. hand it to him.

The homeless man took it impatiently, tore open the plastic bag, and devoured it.

Lu Tingliu stared at him and said to Chen Shutang: “I just shared my main quest with you in the hotel, do you really not disclose any of your information to me? I so sad.”

Chen Shutang smiled: “Main quest… Curse of the Siren Banshee?”

Lu Tingliu: “Yeah.”

Chen Shutang said: “But you clearly asked me to give you an idea, and suggested that we go out to sea and take risks to find Siren.”

“But also information isn’t it?”

“Okay, then I’ll reveal a message too.”

Lu Tingliu listened.

Chen Shutang: “There is a **** in this world.”

Lu Tingliu: “…?”

Chen Shutang sipped a harmless smile.

In a few words, the homeless man had eaten a whole bag of sweet dried fish, and even licked the sauce on the bag.

He was full of happiness and ecstasy, his hands clasped, tears streaming down his face, and his hazy eyes looked up at the sky: “Holy Lord, great God, thank you for your gift, thank you for the world Bringing such good food, I, Cedric, will always be your faithful believer.”

Lu Tingliu: … No, this little dried fish was clearly bought by me!

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