I Became a Villain's Hero

Chapter 84: Birthday Date (7)

Chapter 84: Birthday Date (7)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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It was my birthday.

I can't recall the last time I had actually celebrated it.

Before my return, in the distant past, I remember buying a cake for myself, lighting the candles, singing alone, and then eating the dry cake.

Laughing at myself afterwards, feeling so full yet so empty.

The emptiness I felt then was still vivid.

Such an unpleasant memory made me stop celebrating birthdays altogether.

...But compared to that memory, today seems to be etching itself even more deeply into my mind.

Despite Solace celebrating with me, I couldn't find peace in my heart.

The guilt over Song Soo-yeon.

The tension over the villain's name.

Worries and anxieties mingled together.


I had made peace with Song Soo-yeon.

I apologized to her once she calmed down and returned.

She listened to me more calmly than when she had left.

...Thinking back, it still stung.

How angry she must have been to leave the room like that...and how lonely she must have felt to come back.

After that, she never mentioned my birthday again, acting as if she had forgotten it.

She didn't ask about Min-Bom, what we were doing, or where it was.

Naturally, I also didn't mention my birthday.

We just ate together, took a walk... and time passed by.

And so, we reached today.

The clock pointed to 12.

With a 2 o'clock appointment, I started getting ready to leave.


Song Soo-yeon didn't show herself today, which felt odd.

Whether at the restaurant or my studio apartment, she always came to find me.

But not today.

She acted as if she had forgotten...but surely she must be holding onto the birthday thing in her heart.

It couldn't be otherwise.

After having lunch alone for the first time in a while, I headed to the bathroom to wash up.


A text arrived.

It was from Song Soo-yeon.

[Happy Birthday.]

Short and simple.

I smiled at the text, but for some reason, it felt all the more bitter.



"...Solace is mine."

Tryno couldn't hide his excitement.

Aside from the day he failed to defeat Solace, Tryno had since been unusually good at controlling his emotions.

But now, he had thrown off all restraints, breathing heavily and trembling.

Adrenaline was already coursing through him, a sinister smile on his lips.


Song Soo-yeon felt a mix of emotions seeing him like this.

She knew it had to be done.

Solace and Jung-gyeom's date had to be interrupted at all costs.

She couldn't bear the thought of Solace confessing.

...And them having s*x is even more out of the question.

Just imagining Jung-gyeom embracing Min-Bom, whispering love in bed, was enough to drive her mad with rage.

This is something that needs to be done...

But she couldn't understand why looking at Tryno filled her with this heavy feeling.

Tryno, who had been doping himself with drugs for days, was visibly more dangerous.

Song Soo-yeon had never felt guilt before, but the thought of throwing Min-Bom to Tryno made her uneasy.

Of course, Tryno would have attacked Solace regardless of Song Soo-yeon's involvement.

There shouldn't be any guilt associated with it.

But still, she didn't know why she felt this way.


Song Soo-yeon closed her eyes, recalling what happened a few days ago.

'And if I end up dating oppa, I hope you'll keep your distance. You know that, right?'

She remembered Min-Bom's brazen words, demanding she stay away from Jung-gyeom, and even her laughter.

The guilt started to fade, replaced by rising anger.

Stella approached Song Soo-yeon.

"...Luna, are you sure you won't make an appearance?"


According to the plan, Song Soo-yeon was supposed to reveal herself.

The Hero Association had decided to keep Luna hidden until the end, but the plan included her reveal.

Considering the benefits, it made sense.

Other criminal organizations would fall in line under Luna, and it could increase the notoriety of the villain alliance.

Moreover, if there were any mentally weakened heroes, they too could potentially be manipulated.

But Luna was firm.

"...I will operate from the shadows."

"As long as you do your job, there won't be any issues."

Tryno murmured.

"...We need to create a disturbance, attract attention. You know this, right?"

Luna nodded.

Her gaze then shifted to Liquid and Riem.

"So, will it work?"

"Yes. I'll ensure Solace will fight a one-on-one."

Tryno nodded.

Then Liquid spoke up.

"...It only means something if you win."

Tryno looked down at Liquid coldly, veins in his eyes starting to show.

"...Are you doubting me?"

"Just win," Liquid replied.


Before the tension could escalate, Stella clapped her hands to refocus everyone's attention.

"...Right. Today will be a fierce battle. I trust everyone remembers the plan."

Luna checked the time.

1 PM.

She swallowed, hoping Jung-gyeom and Solace hadn't met yet.

...A slight delay might even be preferable.

Min-Bom wouldn't confess right after meeting.

Today had one objective.

To incapacitate Solace by any means necessary.

She couldn't allow her to return home unscathed.

Jung-gyeom must not meet her.

All she could do was hope Tryno would fulfill his role.

Stella said,

"But if today goes well, it will be an opportunity to reaffirm our position. Especially if we defeat Solace, who is ranked first. It could also sow distrust towards the Hero Association."


Stella looked at Tryno.

"...Tryno, this is your last chance. If you can't defeat Solace now... it's going to be tough moving forward."

Tryno did not get angry at Stella's words. He simply nodded at her.

Song Soo-yeon could roughly guess why.

Tryno, too, was becoming addicted to Stella's dreams.

Stella took one last look around.

"...Let's go."



1:30 PM.

Just as I was about to leave my studio apartment, I froze in place.

Disaster alerts exploded on my phone, followed by a flood of news articles.

Reports of the Villain Alliance appearing in Gyeonggi Province.

My hands started to tremble as I read the articles.

There is no reason for this.

It's unrelated to me, so why am I reacting like this?

Song Soo-yeon wouldn't be there.

The controlling villain wouldn't be Luna.

Then, a call came in.

It was Solace.


I took a deep breath and answered.



Solace's voice was as devoid of energy as mine.

Neither of us could bring ourselves to speak first.

"...You saw the news?"

She asked.



She struggled to continue for a while.

Finally, she said, "I don't want to go."


I nodded.

I'm always a bit surprised by this side of her.

The more I get to know her, the less I see her as the hero Solace, and more as someone else.

It's not unpleasant or disappointing.

It was just a realization that she was also just a regular person.

But such statements make me wonder.

...Who was it that cried for me...?

Was it the righteous and strong Solace?

Or was it Min-Bom, the tender and tormented one?

Acknowledging her human side, I've come to realize that the persona of Solace might be somewhat of an act.

Not that it's a bad thing.

In fact, her standing as a symbol of unwavering justice to the public was admirable.

However, I have personal reasons.

I'm still grateful to her for saving me before my regression... but I hope the tears she shed then weren't just an act.

...Because wouldn't that be kind of stupid?

If my entire value system was shaken by tears that were faked.

If it was all an act.

Perhaps Solace, my archenemy, was secretly mocking me as I was dying.

...Really, that would be too miserable.

It's complicated. Too complicated.

I don't even understand my own feelings.

I keep swaying like a reed in the wind.

One moment, I feel okay with everything being a facade... but then, emptiness creeps up on me the next.

It might be because of Song Soo-yeon that my heart feels so weak.


However, now was not the time to think about such issues.

I spoke, my voice carrying my complicated feelings.

"...What will you do?"

At my question, Solace burst into laughter.

After giggling for a while, she said,

"Oppa, you're really funny. Always thinking about me. Do you know how many people will get hurt if I don't go?"


"This is the time when you should tell me to go, Oppa."

A smile slowly spread across my stiff face.

Her sense of justice melted away my reservations.

"Ah, or were you worried because it's your birthday?"

I took her words as a joke.

"That might've been it."


Solace fell silent, then said,

...Now that Oppa says it like that, I really dont want to go.

A long sigh echoed.

Then came a voice that was resolved.

"...Ill win quickly and come back, Oppa."

I felt slightly relieved.

Indeed, her resolve is firm.

No matter what anyone says, this fact is undeniable.

The date might be delayed, but I'll definitely come back to celebrate.

"...Ill wait."



The call ended.

The question I had been holding back remained unasked.

What is the name of the controlling villain?

I wanted to ask, but the words just wouldnt come out.

Maybe I'm not ready to hear the answer yet.


I prayed.


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