I Became a Raid Boss

Chapter 117

Liberi, Sedes, Baltora.

Other than the first mention of Ordo, I had to spend time ranging from a few days to a week visiting sizable cities.

Of course, those times weren’t wasted meaninglessly.

In fact, they were times that had to be spent.

But it’s also true that those waits were tedious.

…It might be okay.

So, as soon as I heard Da-eun’s words, I headed toward Justina.

Fortunately, Justina was still working in her office.

I wondered briefly what kind of work she was doing.

A moment of curiosity raised its head, but it was quicker for Justina to ask me why I had come back than for me to ask her about it.

Thus, after Da-eun and I took turns explaining,

Justina, who had been listening quietly, spoke up.

…If I understood correctly, are you saying you want to gather the mana from the demon race to secure the mana needed for the ascension ritual?


I have a lot to say about this…

Justina pressed her eyelids tightly.

She looked more exhausted than when I saw her during the day.

If she had dark circles, I might mistake her for Atysha.

Did you honestly think that was possible?

…Is it not?

Not even close.

Why? Isn’t it feasible?


Justina let out a short sigh.

The idea is good, but do you understand how hard it is to gather that much mana? It would barely be possible if we pooled all the mana from everyone here.

Then we can just do that, can’t we?

Listen to me till the end. How do you think people, who struggle to take care of themselves, can stay sane amid all that mana being unleashed at once?

If we absorb it quickly, maybe it would be okay.

It would be absolutely not okay!

…She’s quite adamant.

Her words gave no room for rebuttal.

Even if, by some miracle, you say it would be okay, there’s another problem. To us, mana is a necessary evil. The mana that drives us to death is also what allows us to continue living. In other words, asking us to empty our mana is akin to asking us to extract our life force completely.

Hmm, I hadn’t thought of that.

…Extracting life force?

Think of it simply as draining all the blood from your body.


No, it’s not that bad.

Mana exhaustion and mana depletion, though different in name, are the same in essence, and it is indeed dangerous.

In severe cases, it could threaten life or cause permanent disabilities.

However, it’s rare to reach a point where one’s life is threatened purely by one’s will.

Can Joanie hold her breath until she dies?

W-What did I do wrong? Why are you suddenly saying such morbid things…?

…I was just going to explain because I thought you didn’t understand.


As I looked at her pitifully, Da-eun awkwardly smiled.

Without using hands or tools?

Yup. Is it possible to just pure breath-holding?

Hmm… I don’t think that would work. If you get to that point, wouldn’t you instinctively breathe? There’s a survival instinct, right?


Even the strongest-willed person wouldn’t be able to do that.

Mana is the same. It is fundamental to life, so trying to deplete it to the limit is never easy.

That’s why regular mana exhaustion is often seen, but extreme mana depletion is quite rare.

Unless one has a will strong enough to defy death, or if someone else’s will comes into play.

It’s not good for the body, either.

Since you seem to know, I won’t explain it further.


Justina closed a thick book and issued a dismissal.

When you’ve said all you need to, you may leave. It’s about time to go to sleep.

Wait a minute. It’s not over yet.

…What else do you want?

Justina’s eyes narrowed sharply.

It’s not necessary to use all the mana to the last drop. If we only use about half, the mana exhaustion you’re worried about shouldn’t happen, right?

Did you listen to what I said earlier? I said it would barely work if we gathered everyone’s mana here. I can’t even guarantee that it would be possible… Or do you not understand the meaning of ‘all’?

We can supplement any lack of mana from elsewhere.

…Supplement mana?

From where?

As Justina asked that, I quietly raised my hand and pointed out the window.

The night sky had already descended, darkening everything.

The moonlight seeping through the mana illuminated the black barrier.

There’s a perfect source right there.

Don’t tell me, are you talking about the barrier?

The barrier? If you’re talking about that black wall, then yes.

Absolutely not!


The barrier serves to keep the mana from the center from leaking out and is a crucial means of protection from external threats! If we remove it and then fail, a great disaster will come…! Such an act is utterly unacceptable!

Justina banged on the table passionately, surprising me with her uncharacteristic excitement.

I quietly listened until her rant cooled down, then opened my mouth.

So, from now on, are you planning to toss in a person each time the mana builds up? When everyone knows they’ll die?


Well, it doesn’t look like you care all that much about preserving lives. Doesn’t it seem like your words and actions are quite contradictory?

…They volunteered.

You’re making it sound noble.

Didn’t you come here intending to perform the ascension ritual too? If what you say is right, I should stop you from doing the ascension, but do you want that?

I wouldn’t dream of it.

Then we have nothing more to discuss. It’s true that I’m offended, but considering the merit of your argument, I will overlook this rudeness this time. However, next…

Your premise was incorrect from the start.

As I cut Justina off, her eyes narrowed slightly.

You mustn’t put me and them on the same level.

They were willing to dedicate their souls to the world even in failure, but I wasn’t.

I will definitely succeed.

If I had thought I might fail, I wouldn’t have come here.

I’m still alive, and there are things I want to do.

Your confidence is quite excessive. But do you know? Excessive confidence is a shortcut to destruction.

Thanks for the concern, but that worry is completely unnecessary.

I’ve never had excessive confidence.

I did what I could and what needed to be done.

I’ve lived like that since childhood, and that hasn’t changed.

I get that you’re uneasy. But how long can we live confined as if we were trapped animals behind walls? I won’t stop you if that’s what you want, but you don’t really want that, do you?

They say as you grow older, your thoughts become rigid…

Could that be the case? Persuading Justina, who was clearly ancient, wasn’t easy.

Seeing her unimpressed countenance made me roll my eyes.

Edel said that if we performed the ascension ritual, we wouldn’t have to worry about the duty binding you anymore. We could live as we please.


Justina’s eyes widened like lanterns.

Lady Edel said something like that…?

I don’t lie about things like this.

That we wouldn’t have to care about our duty… Are you sure she said that?

Yup. She even apologized for having caused us trouble until now.

Did she really say that?

How many times do I need to say it? Yes!

Justina kept asking me the same question repeatedly.

Honestly, it would be a lie to say I wasn’t a bit annoyed by having to repeat the same answer over and over.

But I didn’t mind answering her each time she asked, as I understood why she was reacting like that.

Yeah. I’m kind like that.

With her body raised in question, Justina leaned back into her chair.

I’ve never thought poorly of the duty given by Lady Edel. However, there have been times when it felt overwhelming…

When she sensed the weakening of her purification power.

When her body changed to adapt to the mana.

At the moment when she had to perform the ascension ritual as a last resort.

There were countless moments when she felt the weight on her shoulders, Justina said.

So, do you feel light?

Isn’t it too early to ask that? I haven’t even succeeded in the ascension ritual yet, nor have I prepared for it.

Besides, asking such a thing so brazenly…

Atysha grumbled.

You don’t have a shred of sensitivity, do you…?

I grew up in such an environment.

There it comes…! Kana’s harshness…!

…What harshness?

I wondered why Da-eun was silent, only for her to start rambling absurdities as soon as the mood lightened a bit.

After giving Da-eun a nudge to quiet her down, I waited for Justina’s answer.

It didn’t take long for Justina to shake her head.

The idea of living without a duty… I still can’t truly feel that way yet.

At this point, I began to wonder if Edel had cast some kind of spell on her.

Just when I was having such thoughts…

But I will accept your proposal. As you said, we can’t live locked behind that barrier forever.

Excellent choice!

Justina, who seemed so firm before, was clearly swayed the moment Edel’s name came up.

If I had known this would be the case, I would have brought up Edel from the beginning.

What a waste of time rambling on about other things!

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