I, as my video game character in our world.

Chapter 18: Another new student.

Hey everyone,

Finally, I am free to talk. I held myself back with Author notes, but we reached the final chapter of the year. #Fck2020(It's a song with the same name as the hashtag. Unfortunately is the moderation(first 16sec) in german.)

So, I invite every one of you to discuss about the story. I added all facts at the end of this chapter of what we all know. It's hard for an author to answer some comments because every little information could be read as a spoiler or hint. So, I will only involve myself only as a reader.


=== Desmond's house, POV Siana ===



Desmond's voice sounded a little lost in thought.

"What's wrong?"

“Those glasses… everything appears through them as if it were a video game. Status bar, area scan with radar... It's... cool."

“It's good if you like them, but this attack… you should always carry the glasses with you from now on. We cannot be sure that there will be no further attacks on you.”

Desmond looked a little worried, but he took it calmly. It seemed like he was prepared for everything.

“Even if you have the glasses. You cannot protect yourself 24/7 on your own. We should see that we take care of each other as much as possible."

I turned to my smartphone.

"Look here."

I put out my smartphone and demonstratively showed him the article by the eSports team.

"We should take part in the tournament?"

Desmond looked at me, confused.

"Correctly. I live alone, and I need the money, so why not. You and Sam both have experience in this game. I know Sam is good at it, but what about you?"

Desmond looked dejected.

"I play it, but my rank is... well... lower mediocre."

“I would like to see that for myself. But unfortunately, that has to wait. I will fly home now. It's late, and I'm worried that something might have happened at home."

I said, and laughed.

I was about to head towards the door when I remembered something.

"Oh, yes! Sam is worried, get in touch with him."

With these words, I said goodbye and left him alone. There was no one at the front door, so I spread my wings and took off with fast wing flaps.


=== A little later


I landed in front of the door and opened it. A small black shadow jumped towards me. With a quick reaction, I caught it and looked down at it in my arms.

"Hey Fen, I'm back."

Fen rubbed his cheek against mine. He looked a little more affectionate than usual.

"Did something happen, Avila?"

She gave me a slight look but was reluctant to look directly at me.

"We were attacked."

She answered briefly.


"Fen and I didn't give them a chance, we destroyed the shadows, but their mastermind was nowhere to be found."

Just like with Desmond and me... But why us? Why us, when Avila is the goal?

Something didn't match, but I couldn't tell what it was.


=== During the break at school on the next school day


Sam approached from behind and cut off Nicole and my conversation.

“Nicole, I still have something to do. I'll be right there."

I turned and looked at him, blankly.

"Sam, to what circumstances do I owe the honor?"

I gave him an emotionless smile that I didn't want to worry about anything else after yesterday's event.

“Siana… that day, you and the dog… that huge lizard. I can remember everything."

Should I downplay it? Maybe I can convince him that it was just a dream. That would at least save me a lot of time.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I tried my luck.

“Siana, I know what I've seen. So, please!?”

Damn it!

I clicked my tongue.

"Well, and now?"

He looked relieved.

"What's going on here? Why did this lizard appear out of nowhere!?”

Hmm... I don't know... Sure, I could say what I know, but that wouldn't help get rid of him.

"They are following me, I think."

The answer was not a lie if I combine yesterday's incidents with what happened then.

"Are dark forces trying to kill you?"

Is that a superhero story?

I shrugged and replied.

"I don't know."

I checked my phone watch, the break was almost over, so I took my chance.

“The break will be over soon. Sam, can you handle your life? You worry about things that are none of your business."

I hope my point made it clear what I felt about his interference, but... I think my reaction fueled him even more.

I left Sam behind and made my way to the classroom.


As I was turning into the hallway of the classroom, I crashed into someone. When I looked down, I was staring at a girl lying on the floor, disoriented.


"Hey, are you okay?"

I tapped her shoulders carefully. Her hair was almost the same color as mine.

“Huh? ...Yes, thank you."

I helped her stand up, and she started to brush the dust and dirt off her t-shirt and shorts.

"Well, then. I have to go."

I said goodbye and was about to leave when she spoke to me from behind.

"Uhm... can you tell me your name?"

I turned my head and looked over my shoulder at her.


I answered briefly before turning away and keep walking.

"Glad to meet you... Siana... I'm Savia."

Her voice got quieter and quieter, and in my opinion, her Siana was too soft for a human to hear. For this reason, I didn't react to it and left her behind.


=== POV Savia ===


"Glad to meet you... Siana... I'm Savia."

Is that just a coincidence? ...Her name is the same ...And ...she looks like father and me...

"There you are!? Miss Savia, come to your new class."

"Very well, sir teacher?"


=== POV Siana ===


I stood in front of the classroom with the others and waited for the teacher.

"And what did Sam want from you?"

Yasemin made fun of me by hinting at Sam's interest in me.

"Hm? Oh, nothing, nothing important."

"But he won't leave you alone either."

Michelle threw in her opinion.

"Well, I don't think he's bad. Actually, he's kind of cute."

Tanya, the smallest of them all, thought big Sam was cute. I couldn't help but laugh in my mind because it was just too weird at that moment.

"The teacher!"

Nicole nudged us. We turned together in the direction in which she was looking, only to see our teacher with Savia in tow.

“Huh? Is that your sister too, Siana? "

Michelle’s question stopped me.

Hmmm... maybe?

I couldn't tell because of Siana's unknown past, but... why should another sister show up here?

"So, kids up into the classroom with all of you."

The teacher opened the room but stayed behind with Savia. As I took my seat, the girls from the class gathered around my and Nicole's table.

"Hey, Siana, is that your sister?"

"Yes, exactly! She looks almost like you!?"

"Are you twins?"

The twins Sina and Tina couldn't hold back their questions and decided for themselves that we are related.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't know her. And I don't think we're related."

I denied everything and wanted them not to pay so much attention to me.

“Oh, come on! The similarity cannot be denied!?”

"Is that a joke of yours?"

Before I could answer the new questions from these two, the teacher came in with Savia.

“So, from today on, you will have another new student. Do you introduce yourself?"

Savia nodded and turned to us.


Her eyes stayed on me.

"Hello, I'm Savia Jormundóttir."

Her voice was monotonous, which irritated everyone in the room when Sina suddenly shouted out loud.

"Like right now!? Sure that the name is Jormundóttir and not Von Tyrn!?"



Welcome back to these, that want to read all of this. All that is written here are facts. But I still want to warn everyone that it is possible that you missed some facts.

*WARNING* May contain spoilers. *WARNING*

Firstly, what do we know about Siana (not Sam)?

She is the daughter of a goddess and a dragon. Her parents weren't together when Siana was born. Why? We don't know. So, until Siana's got around three, she was raised by her mother alone. Later on from her father alone because already at this time was her life in danger. It's not clear, but at the current knowledge, is she the youngest daughter of her mother.
She inherited her mother's power of Time Dream.

Next, Siana's family.

Her Mother, Tyrania. We don't know much about her, but she can travel through different worlds as she wishes. The time when she met Desmond Sr. and the time of Siana's birth are too far apart. It doesn't fit that both worlds flow with the same timeline.

Her Father, Jormun. Well, we know less of him than Siana's mother. The only information is that he is currently imprisoned inside a crystal.

Her older sister, Avila. Ha? What do we know about her? She is clumsy and likes to discover new things. We don't have evidence, but it is likely to say that she is Siana's sister because of the resemblance. Fen doesn't like her.

Her other sister, Savia. Even Savia's name resembles Siana's name, but who said no one else is called the same? But the letter and Savia's reaction have shown that it is true that these two are siblings. She appears to be at the same age as Siana, but we can't say younger or older. Her objectives are unclear.

The last family member, please! Never forget Fen! The cute Fenriswolf. He's not full-grown, and we know from his race that they could talk/communicate with other races. So, I expect of him that he starts to speak in the future. Tyrania sent him.

Now, let us talk about the Shadows. I'm not talking about the creatures, but the master behind them. An enemy was mentioned in Siana's dream. Who? It's Unknown. The lizard, was it sent by someone? The next enemy appeared in chapter 14. With the current development, could we think that this was Savia, but...
The evil glowing red-eyes of the master turned to the servant.
And in chapter 17 by Savia...
Her gray eyes, which were visible under a hood, looked down at him emotionless.
She might get angry, but she didn't lose her composure.
BUT! Both of them are going after Avila and not after Siana!

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