I am Tyson

Chapter 231 - Critical moment

Adams hesitated for a while and smiled bitterly: “Except for the inward fight, you have no chance to strike Mike Tyson accurately. His speed is too fast!”

   “Then fight hard!”

  Ridick Bow said without hesitation.

Adams’s face was a little ugly, he said: “We have tried it in the last round, the tactical attack in the position is not good, Mike Tyson’s punch is too heavy, you can’t take it with him. It’s cheap.”

   “No, I’ve made up my mind! Mike Tyson thought it was a very comprehensive boxing champion. He has almost no technical flaws, and it will be extremely difficult to beat him! I need to bet!”

   At this time, the sound of the third round preliminaries sounded.

   The field referee has started to shove people.

  Adams picked up the stool and still turned his head to Lidick Bow said: “You should hold on for another round, I will think of a way…”

  Ridick Bow did not look back, nor did he answer Adams, he looked at Mike Tyson’s direction.

   Mike Tyson is also watching him.

  The field referee confirmed the status of the two boxing champions, and then waved his hand and said, “Start.”

   The third round begins!

  Ridick Bow launched a continuous attack on Tyson in the way he had imagined in his mind.

  Tyson evaded his punching and came to the distance of the inside. The opponent used his head and body to control Tyson by virtue of his body.

   The two began to exchange punches frequently.

   After about a minute of boxing and boxing, Ridic Bau was repelled.

   Mike Tyson’s explosive power is very strong.

   This made him very uncomfortable.

   As the opponent retreated, Tyson immediately pursued, using a continuous forehand jab to test the reaction of Lidick Bow, and then immediately hit a right-hand backhand punch.

  Ridick Bow adjusted the center of gravity of his body while constantly countering the counterattack while continuing to control the distance.

  His defense is very good, Tyson can not break through the opponent’s defense for a while.

   If the average person would choose to pause, then wait for the opportunity to attack.

   But he is Mike Tyson.

  Instead of retreating, Tyson changed his offensive more violently.

  Tyson’s continued efforts put Rick Bau under greater pressure.

  Every time he counterattacks, Tyson can easily escape, and then instantaneously counterattack him.

   Tyson’s attack location mainly includes the soft rib, chin and temple, these three places.

   No matter how perfect the defense is, it will eventually be flawed.

   Redick Bow’s defense largely prevented him from being spiked, but this situation did not last long.

  Tyson pushed the opponent to the corner of the rope with a continuous forehand and a large backhand.

   Adams shouted nervously at Lidick Bow on the stage.

   “Don’t stand in that position, it’s too dangerous.”

   Many of Mike Tyson’s opponents slept in this position.

  Ridick Bow immediately moved sideways.

   He managed to escape from the edge of the rope.

  After the opponent escaped from this position, Tyson still quickly pressed up again.

  Under strong pressure, Rick Bauer deployed several quick counterattacks.

   They launched their first frontal punch.

   Overall, Rick Dick Bower is better than Mike Tyson in terms of overall physical fitness.

  His defense is very good, and the strength of boxing is also great, but compared with Tyson it is simply pediatric.

In the first wave of punches, Tyson hit Riddick Bow’s temple with a backhand swing, and chased with a continuous parallel hook, accurately hitting his soft rib position and his chin.

   Tyson’s explosive power is absolutely rapid, especially his flat hook, which directly knocked down Rick Bau once.

  After completing this knockdown, Tyson turned around and left.

   The field referee quickly came to him and began to stretch his finger to count down.

When    counted to seven, Rick Bau already stood up.

   took a few deep breaths and put his gloves on his chin.

  At the same time he told the referee that he can continue the game without problems.

   He can indeed continue the game.

   After the field referee checked his condition, the game was resumed with a wave of his hand.

  Tyson has been observing the status of Riddick Bow.

   He can observe that although the opponent can stand up quickly, his state has been affected.

   This influence is not only physical, but also psychological and spiritual.

   He believes that his strength has deterred the opponent and made his fighting spirit less intense.

   Opportunity is here!

   After the referee waved again, Tyson quickly pressed up without hesitation.

   He gave full play to his speed and heavy punches, and continued to carry out a full range of three-dimensional strikes.

  Before the continued pressure, Rick Bau continued to retreat with his gloves, and he was forced to the corner of the rope again.

   Tyson used a continuous and fast attack in the same direction, constantly attacking the left position of Riddick Bow.

  Everyone knows that Mike Tyson’s punching is not only fast, but also powerful.

  Ridick Bow is undefeated. He can only encourage his head to be protected, but his weakness is hit several times.

What    boxers fear most is the cumulative damage of powerful forces.

  When the same place was hit several times or even dozens of times, even the most powerful people could not bear the pain.

  Although Ricky Bow was tough, he had to put his elbow down a bit to protect his weaknesses while looking for opportunities to fight back.

  After he hit a continuous counterattack, Tyson evaded with a relaxed rocker arm, and then launched a violent attack again.

   It is impossible to arrange a perfect defense in front of Tyson.

   He can always find the loophole of defense in an instant.

  Whether the hole is in the liver or underbelly, or the temple of the forehead, Mike Tyson’s fist will always hit there in the next second.

  Ridick Bow was constantly hit by Tyson’s heavy punch. He wanted to escape from the rope corner, but he couldn’t do it at all.

   Mike Tyson’s bravery aroused the cheers of everyone on the scene.

   Mike Tyson is too strong!

  In the middle half of the third round, Tyson relied on consecutive flat hooks to hit Riddick Bow’s key points several times.

  After Mike Tyson once again hit the opponent’s liver and temple, Ridic Bower finally found a chance to escape from the rope angle.

  He did not hesitate to move the pace, stumbled and moved to the side.

   The current state of Lydick Bau is not as good as before. When he first started to move, Tyson’s attack came instantly.

  Tyson struck Lidick Bau’s cheek with a big punch and also fixed his body in place.

   immediately deployed subsequent attacks.

   A very fast flat hook, once again fell to the soft underbelly position of Riddick Bow.

  Tyson continued to attack, he hit the same position with three consecutive flat hooks.

  Ridick Bow had a feeling of disappointment and was very uncomfortable. He had to bend slightly, and at the same time, he leaned over to perform a tactical retreat.

  Mike Tyson rushed again, using a semi-stretching uppercut to accurately point on Lidick Bow’s chin.

Lidick Bow, who was already in a state of decay, was slammed, snorted, swayed a few times along the rope, and walked a few steps. On the ground.

   Tyson’s stretched uppercut hit him hard.

  The court referee started the countdown again, and this time Ridic Bower stood up at the last minute.

   “Are you sure you have no problem?”

   “Of course, I can continue to play.”

  He wants to win, he must persevere.

  If you persevere, although the opportunities are slim, there is always a chance, but if you don’t, then there is no chance.

  After Rick Bauer answered, the field referee pulled his glove and tested his physical response.

“Game start!”

   He has been knocked down twice. If Mike Tyson knocks him down again, he will lose the game.

  Ridick Bow’s condition is very poor.

  Tyson mastered the rhythm of the third round, constantly using extremely high-density punches.

   Especially after his second countdown, the whole person became more fierce.

  Everyone who saw them felt that Mike Tyson was indeed a beast out of the cage.

   He moved quickly, striking Lidick Bow continuously.

   When the fierce fist fell on the Rick Baud frame, his body uncontrollably shook with the punching force.

  Ridick Bow retreated while using his gradually blurred head to think about the way to get out.

   His occasional counterattack became even more powerless, and Tyson could easily escape!

   Can’t go on like this!

   He feels that if he goes on like this, he will probably lose this game.

   “Hug him!”

   Adams yelled at Lydick Bow on the stage.

  He wanted to let Rick Bau through the third round.

   Then confirm whether Baud can still play.

  Bao’s consciousness was no longer clear. When he heard the familiar voice, he unconsciously opened his arms and wanted to hug him before Tyson’s blow came.

   This is his only way to support the past.

   Facing Riddick Bow’s active floor hug, Tyson shook his body quickly, made a U-shaped dive move, and came to Bao’s right side.

   While moving, Tyson’s flat uppercut punched again.

   A very clean and clear uppercut hit the opponent’s heart.

  After Mike Tyson hit, Ridic Bower subconsciously lowered his defensive center of gravity a little, and the arm he used to embrace also went back to defend.

  Mike Tyson has been waiting for such an opportunity, he did not hesitate to hit with a strong flat hook accurately on Bao’s chin.

   broke through Bao’s defense with a punch.

  Mike Tyson is a good combination boxer, he rarely has a single boxing technique, so at the moment of the hit of the flat hook, he is a well-connected left hand hook.

   At this time, Rick Bau had broken his defense. He opened his gloves and tried to protect his chin on both sides.

   Tyson’s upper hook hit his glove, bringing his body closer.

  Tyson did not stop, again forehand straight fist plus swing fist plus flat hook continuous fast combination punch.

   forehandedly punched in the position of Riddick Baoxin, completely disrupting the opponent’s defense.

   His pendulum punch accurately hit the opponent’s chin, and the subsequent Ping enough punch also fiercely hit the chin on the other side of Ridic.

   was continuously hit hard, so that Ricky Bow completely lost his ability to resist.

   softened his legs and fell to the ground.

  The court referee hurriedly terminated the game and went to help Lidick Bow.

  Bao obviously didn’t want the game to end like this. He stood up hard, but couldn’t control the center of gravity of his body, and the whole person leaned to one side.

   The quick-sighted field referee immediately hugged Ridic Bau and let him rest on his shoulders.

   “It’s over! Bao, your performance is already amazing!”

  The court referee told Ridic Bau.

   Bao’s eyes were significantly dimmed, and he did not respond to the field clerk.

  The court referee supported the opponent with one hand and lifted the other with the white gloves, shaking constantly, signaling to everyone that today’s game is over.

   Mike Tyson won again!

   His third round suddenly showed great strength, making everyone feel the power of Mike Tyson while stunning.

  He has mastered the rhythm of the whole game. When he wants to end, he can end at any time. He is the master of violence control in the boxing ring.

   No one can do better than Mike Tyson.

   They believe that Mike Tyson, the most powerful heavyweight super champion in the world, can really occupy the entire boxing world for more than fifteen years.

   The cheers on the scene flooded the stadium.

   Many people stood up and clapped Tyson hard, and some people kept whistling.

   Many team members rushed to the boxing ring to celebrate Mike Tyson’s victory.

  The people Tyson pushed away came to Ridic Bow.

   He stretched out his gloves and embraced the other party.

   But he said nothing, but patted the opponent’s back with his gloves.

  Ridick Bow also did not speak.

  The big screen on the game field started playing Mike Tyson in the third round, how did the whole game end.

  The continuous heavy punch can cause the audience’s exclamation after each appearance.

   They once again witnessed Mike Tyson’s power.

  The senior members of the four major boxing organizations soon hung the four super boxer gold belts on Tyson.

  Ridick Bow was the first to be interviewed as a challenge loser.

  Although his condition is frustrating, he has eased from the previous blow.

   host Ekman asked: “Mr. Bao, how did you face the defeat of this game? Is there anything you want to tell everyone?”

  Ridick Bow pondered for a few seconds, then took the microphone.

   “Mike Tyson is very powerful. His power is beyond my imagination. I used to feel that he was strong, but this time when I stood opposite him, I only knew how strong he was.”

   “I finally know the secret of his ability to defeat the enemy, that is the strong physical strength ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and his unique boxing style!”

   “He repressed me for two rounds with a full range of advantages, and suddenly defeated me in the third round.”

   “I can accept failure without fail, but I need to tell everyone one thing.”

   “Before accepting this game, my body was already in a state of health. The doctor told me that my brain was damaged. Sometimes when I spoke, the other party would not understand what I said.”

   “This is terrible!”

   “I am very young, I am only 26 years old, but my physical condition has problems, I do not want to make my condition worse, so I need to give up what I like.”

   “I choose to retire!”

   “I will spend more time on my body’s healing, if possible, I will come back here because I like this.”

  Ridick Bao’s remarks were just finished, and various exclamations were continually made on the scene. All the cameras were pointed at him, and the reporters took pictures continuously.


   Mike Tyson retired one more!

  As Ridic Bau said, he had appeared in a physical condition before.

   Tonight’s game, he came at risk.

  Under Tyson’s devastation, his physical condition may become worse.

   He had to quit professional boxing.

  :. :

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