I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Lin Yumeng Is a Little Foodie

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Su Chen took Lin Yumeng to her dormitory.

Two girls were already in the dormitory, both brought by their parents, who were helping the girls put away their things.

Lin Yumeng’s mother wanted to go along too, but because Lin Yumeng and Su Chen had promised to meet up, she firmly rejected her mother’s help.

“Hi, everyone, my name is Lin Yumeng. I am staying in this dormitory too.” She smiled and greeted them.

“Hello, my name is Li Jia.” The tall girl responded with a smile.

“Wow, you are the third to arrive. Hello, hello, my name is Qian Manman.” Another girl with a lovely appearance trotted over and grabbed onto Lin Yumeng’s hands in a friendly manner.

The parents of both girls smiled and nodded.

“Hello, Manman.” Lin Yumeng smiled sweetly like a flower. Inside her heart, she heaved a heavy sigh of relief. Her roommates were easy to get along with.

“This…Is this your boyfriend? He is handsome!” Qian Manman looked at Su Chen with envy.

“Oh, no, he isn’t.” Lin Yumeng blushed, and she waved her hand in panic.”He—he is our senior.”.

“Hello, I am Su Chen, Lin Yumeng’s friend, and I am a second-year student from the Department of Finance.” Su Chen smiled and nodded.

Qian Manman raised her small hand and stroked her chin. Her eyesight changed and her face showed the expression of someone who had experienced the same situation.

“I—I—I brought a lot of tasty food.” Lin Yumeng took out the snacks she had brought and began to distribute them to the girls and their parents.

As the three girls got to know each other, the fourth girl, Meng Lu, arrived. She came alone, and a second-year male student walked behind her, carrying her luggage.

The girl was not only good looking but also well dressed and wore makeup. She looked much more mature than the girls just entering the university.

She seemed not so easy to get along with. When Lin Yumeng and Qian Manman greeted her in a friendly manner, she answered with her just her name without any intonation in her voice. Then her sight fell on Su Chen.

“Hello.” Su Chen, who saw she had been staring at him, greeted him with a little embarrassment in his smile.

“You are our senior? Hello, senior. My name is Meng Lu. How may I address you?” Meng Lu smiled and stretched her right hand to Su Chen. Her attitude was completely different from how she had treated the two girls just now.

Lin Yumeng couldn’t help rubbing her hands when she saw this scene.

“Su Chen.”

Su Chen did not shake hands, but just gave a polite answer. He looked at Lin Yumeng and said, “Let’s quickly tidy up your things. then I’ll take you to register, and we’ll buy some daily groceries.”

“Okay.” Lin Yumeng nodded and then ran to make her bed.

Su Chen found a chair, took out his phone, and started playing with it.

When Meng Lu saw this scene, she flashed a sly look. She went to tidy up her things too. Qian Manman and Li Jia thoughtfully watched this scene.

No one was fooled.

The parents of the two girls, in particular, were clear as mirrors, wondering what they would have to remind their children of and who to keep away from.

“Junior, do you need me to take you to sign up and get a card or something?” asked the sweating boy who had brought Meng Lu as he smiled brightly.

“It’s okay, senior, thank you for today,” answered Meng Lu without even raising her head.

“Okay…All right, I’ll leave then.” The boy turned away with a disappointed look.

Su Chen looked up at him sympathetically, then continued to browse some books with his mobile phone.

[Browsing medical books, Medical proficiency +2]

[Browsing medical books. Medical proficiency +2]

When he learned that he could increase his proficiency by reading books, Su Chen downloaded several applications for reading on his phone and purchased many electronic books, books about medicine, music, sports, games, and many other categories.

Whenever he had time, he would take it out to improve his proficiency. The books he read most were medicine; after all, this important skill could save lives at critical times.

His medical skills had reached the intermediate level.

“Senior, I am done with tidying up,” Lin Yumeng’s soft voice sounded.

Su Chen, who concentrated on his reading, looked up. The first thing he saw was her sweet smile. That smile could melt a person’s heart.

“Then let’s go!” Su Chen got up with a grin and walked out of the dormitory.

Lin Yumeng beamed and followed him.

Meng Lu, who was in the dormitory, looked at both of them leaving and a tint of light shone in her eyes.

After taking Lin Yumeng to register for her campus cards, they went to the university’s supermarket to buy daily necessities. It was noon when they were done.

“Are you hungry? I’ll take you to the canteen to have lunch,!” said Su Chen as he tied up the shopping bags and smiled at Lin Yumeng.

“Okay!” Lin Yumeng’s eyes immediately brightened.

The canteen at the University of Magic City was classy. All kinds of delicious foods from around the country could be found here, and the price was much cheaper than outside. The delicious fragrance of food reached your nose as soon as you walked into the canteen.


Lin Yumeng’s mouth watered. and she swallowed her saliva when she saw the various kinds of delicious food.

Su Chen, who accidentally heard that sound, looked at her funny.

“I…I’ll go buy some food.” Lin Yumeng, who realized she had made a fool of herself, blushed and ran away. Su Chen suppressed his laugh and followed.

“Auntie, give me one of these.”

“Uncle, I want this green bean soup.”

“Wow, it seems the pineapple sweet-and-sour pork is delicious. Boss, I want this too.”


Lin Yumeng completely set herself free and paid with her card. Su Chen, who watched from the side, was dumbfounded.

“Don’t buy too much. I would be a waste if you could not finish it.” Su Chen took a look at the variety of food in her hands and reminded her.

“It’s okay. I can eat a lot.”

Lin Yumeng shook her head, then her little hand pointed. “Boss, give me a bowl of these noodles.”

Su Chen subconsciously glanced at her proud upper circle. No wonder they were so well developed.

Su Chen had begun to eat a lot more after he began to keep fit. He ate three times the amount Su Wenshan ate.

Both of them found seats. The food they bought filled up the whole table and attracted a lot of attention. It was indeed easily noticeable when a handsome man and a beautiful woman ate so much.

“Hmm, this is good. This meat is delicious.” Lin Yumeng ate a piece of meat and drank a mouthful of green bean soup. She had a happy smile on her face.

“God, she eats so much and still has such a good figure; that’s not fair!”

Some of the girls showed a deep resentment in their eyes when they looked at Lin Yumeng, who enjoyed her food as she ate with big mouthfuls.

Su Chen looked at her lovely appearance, which filled him with happiness. He felt funny in his heart and at the same time had the sudden thought of cooking a meal for her himself.

Although the food in the canteen was good, it was still not as good as what he made.

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