I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 44

Page 44

If the corpse driver loses the corpse halfway, and the corpse turns into a corpse and runs away, this method can be used to find the trace of the zombie.

His eyes lit up, and Jiang Lin looked around.

Footprints appeared on the road, belonging to Ren Tiantang.

Following the footprints, Jiang Lin walked for two hours and heard the bell of the Soul Destroyer Bell and Ah Hao’s voice in the distance.

“Don’t approach strangers, the immortals will return.”

“Please go faster, okay! Oh! Why are they all zombies too, you are walking very slowly!”

“It’s so useless! Alas! Please go quickly, please!”

Ahao complained to Ren Tiantang.

“This guy thinks that the corpse jumps slowly, you won’t carry the corpse.”

Jiang Lin listened to Ah Hao’s complaints from behind, and couldn’t stand it anymore.It is impossible for zombies to jump fast in this kind of road conditions, and even if the road is a little harder, the speed of carrying a corpse is faster than driving a corpse.

To be able to complain all the way to a corpse is truly a talent.

Ren Tiantang jumped and jumped, and then fell into the pit.

Jiang Lin watched from thirty meters away, when three thieves appeared.

These three are also talents, and one of them threw a fist-sized stone in his hand.

The result is three non-stick.

Jiang Lin almost laughed.

However, the three stooges still have one Zhuge Liang. Although these three little thieves are stupid, the trap has been set.

Ah Hao didn’t have much brains, he was knocked unconscious by the flying wooden stake, fell into the fishing net, and was hung up.

The three little thieves happily carried Ren Tiantang and ran away.

Jiang Lin came to the place where Ah Hao was hanged and shook his head.

This is worse than Wencai, at least Wencai won’t complain all day, and because he is a little afraid of things, he is more cautious.

Jiang Lin followed the three thieves from a distance to the place where they delivered the goods – Adolf’s laboratory.

Although he probably knew the next plot, Jiang Lin had no intention to rescue these unfortunate people.

He is not the Virgin, and does not need Cihang Pudu.

Stealing a corpse, if a corpse thief encounters it, it will be considered light not to kill the corpse thief.

Jiang Lin listened intently to the sound outside Adolf’s laboratory.

“Thank you.”

The corpse thief San thanked Adolf in broken English.

“There doesn’t seem to be any deviation.”

Hearing the conversation between Xiao San and Adolf in the laboratory, Jiang Lin felt that Ren Tiantang’s corpse had changed, and it was tonight.

Sure enough, Adolf in the lab later said that he was studying mummies in Egypt, vampires in America, and zombies in China.

Also fantasized about winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

“Although it has its own selfishness, the content it does contributes to the entire human race.”

Jiang Lin felt a pity, this Adolf had no idea how scary zombies were.

Then he took a breath-holding talisman and put it on himself. Ren Tiantang in the laboratory was injected with many hormones and drugs, and his brain was pumped.

Jiang Lin felt pain just thinking about it.

Within a few minutes, screams came from the laboratory.

Ren Tiantang’s corpse has changed!

Chapter [-]: Weak Chicken Vampires

Adolf bore the brunt of the attack, and then one of the three little thieves died.

Jiang Lin checked the situation in the laboratory through the crack of the door. Ren Tiantang was full of blood, with his hands open, and ran to chase the other two thieves.

“The speed of this running is much faster than that of Mrs. Ren.”

Jiang Lin held his breath, he didn’t want to face Ren Tiantang now.

In the movie, almost all the Taoist techniques of Uncle Jiu are useless to Ren Tiantang, so he should be careful.

After Ren Tiantang left the laboratory, Jiang Lin entered Adolf’s laboratory.

There are all kinds of instruments, microscopes, scalpels and the like.The anatomical drawings of the human body are hung on the walls. In this day and age, these materials are really unavailable to ordinary people.

Jiang Lin had no intention of visiting and went directly to Adolf’s workbench.

There is a manual on it, which records the types and doses of Ren Tiantang’s drugs.

Jiang Lin put it away without hesitation, and then rummaged through the box under the operating table.

He also needed access to Adolf’s research on mummies and vampires.

Flipping through the two thick black notebooks in his hand, Jiang Lin also admired Adolf very much.


The notebook contains almost all of Adolf’s life’s research, as well as various conjectures.

This is the part that Jiang Lin understood only after he minored in French.

“Never mind, it’s not mine, just leave it to the system.”

Jiang Lin was about to leave when Adolf, who was lying on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes.

“Fuck! The corpse is changing so fast?”

Jiang Lin’s eyes widened, even the old man’s corpse poison wouldn’t make people turn into zombies so quickly.

“Rest in peace, you will see God.”

Jiang Lin didn’t wait for Adolf to get up, he stretched his finger a little, and the Yang Finger Sword pierced through Adolf’s heart.

“Crack! Kill the zombies and get [-] points of malice.”


After hearing the system’s prompt, Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. Will anyone bitten by Ren Tiantang turn into a zombie?

But after thinking about it, Jiang Lin was relieved.

Maoshan Taoism has little effect on Ren Tiantang. He was mutated from Western medicine, and strictly speaking, he is not a zombie in the traditional sense.

“There are two more outside.”

Jiang Lin was about to go out to deal with the two little thieves who were bitten, but a chill came from behind him.

Turning his face, Jiang Lin’s eyes fell on a door.

He frowned and approached the door in the laboratory little by little.

Pushing the door in, Jiang Lin saw another laboratory.

There are two operating tables inside, on which lies a vampire – a Western zombie and an Egyptian mummy.

Jiang Lin could see what was lying on it without getting close.

One was wearing a cloak like bat wings, and his face was pale; the other was wrapped in yellowed bandages, revealing the color of black iron.

Like Ren Tiantang, they are being injected with hormones and drugs.


Is this in the movie?

Although unexpected, but within reason.

Adolf originally studied these three creatures.

Seeing that the vampire on the operating table showed signs of moving, Jiang Lin grabbed it with a stride and came directly to the operating table.

The vampire on the stage suddenly opened his eyes, and after seeing a living person in Jiang Lin, he laughed, revealing two fangs.

“Panyang Palm!”

Jiang Lin didn’t dare to hesitate, and called directly to his face.

Otherwise, after this vampire goes out, the trouble will be big.

Ren Tiantang can control it with a musical pocket watch, but what about vampires?

Vampire: “mmp!”

Should people run away when they see me?

What do you mean by slapping two palms?Although I am a foreigner, I know that hitting people is not a face.

And is this a human hand?


The vampire screamed, and Jiang Lin slapped one of his face on it, as if it had been scalded by a large iron.


Jiang Lin immediately took out a silver dollar, and after throwing it out, he picked up a leather hammer and rammed it down.

Although he had never encountered a vampire, he also knew that Taoism such as talisman and talisman paper was useless against Western zombies. These things were afraid of silver objects, garlic and the like.

Jiang Lin could not have any garlic on hand, so he could only resort to this.

Before you get up and develop well, you will be killed at a great price.

How powerful is Jiang Lin’s punch now?

More powerful than any Hercules in the world.

A silver dollar stood directly embedded in the vampire’s heart and did not go in.

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