I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 15

Page 15

“The dragonfly touches the water, touch it a little bit again, it will definitely not touch the same place again, this hole is useless.”

“What should I do?”

Ninth Uncle looked at Mrs. Ren in the coffin and suggested, “It’s better to cremate on the spot.”

When Jiang Lin heard this, there was actually nothing in his heart.His stay here is actually because of the corpse in the mouth of Mrs. Ren, but now because Ren Tingting has become his favorite, Jiang Lin has no special desire.

After all, according to the development of the plot, Mr. Ren will die.

let it go.

If Master Ren accepts cremation, it’s a big deal to find corpse gas and corpse poison.

But then Master Ren’s reaction is still in accordance with the plot trend.

He is a dutiful son, and cremating the bodies of his ancestors in this era is a great unfilial act.

“Cremation, no! My father was most afraid of fire when he was alive. The body must not be burned. I can’t do this.”

“Master Ren, there will be trouble if you don’t cremate.”

Ninth Uncle had already seen that something was wrong with Mr. Ren. If he didn’t burn it, he would have a high chance of turning into a corpse, but there were many people present, so he didn’t say it out, for fear of causing panic.

Master Ren’s attitude was very firm, saying that anything would do, except that he couldn’t be cremated, so Uncle Ninth would find another way.

After all, Mr. Ren is the guest of the ninth uncle. The ninth uncle pondered for a moment before saying, “Okay, let’s put it in Yizhuang for the time being. I will find a tomb as soon as possible tomorrow so that Mr. Ren can rest in peace.”

Seeing that the matter was settled, Awei instructed the workers: “Okay, cover the coffin and carry it to Yizhuang.”

“Ninth Uncle will be troubled by the matter of the tomb. Ninth Uncle will order a coffin for my late father, and I will let the servants send it over as the reward.”

After Master Ren asked Ninth Uncle, he went back with Ren Tingting and Ren’s family.

When Ren Tingting passed by Jiang Lin, she looked up at Jiang Lin and Jiang Lin nodded politely.

“Stupid, hum.” She secretly wrinkled her nose at Jiang Lin, and Ren Tingting got into the sedan chair.

“Isn’t anyone seeing it? I’ll draw it for you when I go back.” Jiang Lin felt a little wicked, thinking about Ren Tingting’s reaction when she saw her expression in the painting.

Ninth Uncle looked at the coffin being carried away, frowning.

Honestly, he couldn’t help it.

Qiusheng and Wencai were instructed to make a plum blossom incense array around the cemetery, and Jiu Shu and Jiang Lin went down the hillside.

Seeing Jiang Lin staring at the coffin with a serious expression, Ninth Uncle lamented in his heart that his apprentice was inferior to others.

“Jiang Lin, did you find it too?”

Jiang Lin thought for a while and responded, “That yin qi makes me very uncomfortable. There is probably something wrong with the corpse of Mrs. Ren.”

It was impossible for him to tell that he could feel the zombies.

“Yes, it’s easy to go wrong.”

“Uncle, the matter has come to this point. Master Ren insists that we have to take more precautionary measures.”

“It can only be this way.”

Shan Slope Wencai and Qiusheng ordered a plum blossom incense array. Qiusheng saw a portrait of a woman on a tombstone in front of a grave, and he put incense sticks for her with many hands.

The romantic debt caused by many hands.

After descending the hillside, Uncle Ninth went to the town’s coffin shop to find coffins, watching Jiang Lin as the workers carried Master Ren’s coffin back to Yizhuang.

In the evening, Ninth Uncle and his apprentice came back. The matter about the coffin was not settled. Ninth Uncle was worried that there would be a problem with the coffin alone in Jianglin, so he came back first.

“People are most afraid of three long and two short, and incense should not be two short and one long. It just burns like this.” Jiu Shu looked at the incense that Qiusheng brought back.

“Then what will happen if it burns like this?”

Wen Cai asks if he doesn’t understand, even if he asks, he doesn’t understand.

“If this incense comes out of the house, someone must be mourned.”

“Is it Master Ren’s house?” Wen Cai continued to ask.

“Could it be here?” Jiang Lin patted Wen Cai.

When Wen Cai heard that it had nothing to do with Yi Zhuang, he quickly patted his chest.

“It’s none of your business, don’t worry about it.”

“Will there be something wrong with the daughter of Master Ren?” Qiu Sheng was worried about Ren Tingting and hurriedly asked Uncle Ninth.

“Anyway, the surname Ren will be difficult.” Wen Cai, who had a relatively slow reflex arc, hurriedly replied.

After he finished speaking, he reacted: Tingting!

Thinking of Ren Tingting, Wen Cai would go over and ask Jiu Shu how to prevent it.

Qiu Sheng grabbed him and said, “You said it’s none of your business, you don’t have to worry about it.”

“You can’t say that. If you can save your sweetheart’s life, getting married will not be a problem.”

“Fair competition.”

Jiang Lin sat aside and looked at the two brothers.

compete?Ren Tingting’s heart is here with me.

Qiusheng and Wencai didn’t know about his relationship with Ren Tingting.

Being well behaved, this can win the girl’s heart, Jiang Lin actually… admires himself quite a bit.

Qiusheng also specifically asked the Ren family if Jiang Lin had pursued Ren Tingting, such as dating or something.

The answer was: no.

It is impossible to chase, and it is impossible to chase for a lifetime.

If Jiang Lin could chase him, would he still be good at twenty-eight years old and still eat single dog food?

All love that is not for the purpose of marriage is a hooligan.

But Jianglin wouldn’t be a hooligan.

“Master, think of a way.”

“Yes, Master.”

Because of their concern about their sweethearts, the two Huobao brothers have become more active.

“I’ve thought about it for a long time, otherwise why bring the coffin over?” Uncle Jiu glared at the two of them, and now he knew he was positive.

“There’s something wrong with this coffin.” Wen Cai’s observation power seemed to have improved by several orders of magnitude after he got up.

“There’s nothing wrong with the coffin, it’s the dead body that’s wrong.”

“Uncle Shi, I feel very uncomfortable.” Jiang Lin looked at the coffin and said to Uncle Ninth.

He could sense that the corpse gas in the coffin was getting stronger and stronger, and maybe Master Ren would break the coffin in a while.

If Qiusheng and Wencai were not on the same side as the plot, the fun would be great.

When it comes to the induction of Yin Qi, Uncle Ninth believes that he is not as good as the body of Heaven and Yang. After Jiang Lin opened his mouth, Uncle Ninth came to the coffin.

Qiusheng and Wencai pushed the coffin lid.

“Wow! I am blessed.”

The old man’s skin in the coffin gradually wrinkled, and the nails of his fingers grew out.

“Cover up.”

Ninth Uncle frowned, and then ordered Qiusheng and Wencai to take cinnabar pens, yellow paper, ink fountains and other objects.

“Jiang Lin, let a drop of your blood come in.”

Jiu Shu did what he did, poured the ink into the chicken blood, and borrowed a drop of Jiang Lin’s blood.

After handing over the cured ink bucket to Qiusheng and Wencai, Jiu Shu called Jiang Lin over.

“Has the lights in Ren’s house been repaired?”

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, wondering why Jiu Shu asked this, and he deliberately didn’t let Qiu Shengwen hear it.

“No, it’s almost time, the Ren family is doing errands these days, and it’s not convenient for me to go there.”

“Tomorrow I’ll go to Ren’s house to talk to Mr. Ren about the coffin. You go there too, and then stay at Ren’s house.”


“I guess there may be an accident in the Ren family, you should pay more attention.”

Looking at Jiang Lin, Uncle Jiu coughed lightly and said in his ear, “You child, you are too well behaved.”

Seeing Ninth Uncle’s half-smile expression, Jiang Lin’s face suddenly turned red.

It turned out that he and Ren Tingting had mutual affection, Jiu Shu had already seen it.

Uncle Jiu, your eyesight is very high!

In fact, it is not that Ninth Uncle is outgoing and does not leave opportunities for Qiusheng and Wencai.When he was young, it was because he was too disciplined and missed out on what he loved.

Ren Tingting and Jiang Lin already had a good impression of each other, and he didn’t want Jiang Lin to be the same as he was back then.

Encourage the encouragement, don’t pierce the window paper, how confident are you in yourself?

Uncle Jiu, you are my uncle!

Now that honest people like Uncle Jiu had encouraged him, Jiang Lin felt that he might be able to play a hooligan.

Chapter [*] Accident at Ren’s Family

Qiusheng and Wencai flicked ink lines on the coffin. Finally, Uncle Ninth checked it again, and the bottom of the coffin did not fall.

The night was very quiet, and there was no such thing as Mr. Ren reaching out and touching the coffin. Jiang Lin guessed that maybe because of his appearance, the plot was slightly off.

In fact, the specific reason was that Jiang Lin’s drop of Yang Qi was so heavy that the old man couldn’t move.

Jiang Lin is not a celestial body, but a ruthless yang body. The yang energy in his body is no worse than that of the tianyang body, but likewise, there is also ruthless qi hidden in a drop of his blood.

This is another big tonic for zombies.

As long as Grandpa Ren can withstand the suppression of Yang Qi, he will become more fierce.

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