I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 28

Gently shaking his head, Gan Quanyou also exerted a little force on the palm that was dragging the spine of the book, and closed the calendar with a snap, and then fastened the book to death with the watch chain.

"Really... But for now, you guys should focus on the current task first, and it doesn't matter if you think about other things later. The first shelter has arrived, and we should go down to pick up people."

While speaking, the speed of the armored vehicle began to slow down, and finally stopped with a slightly stronger shaking.

Kakine Teitoku subconsciously stretched out his foot and kicked towards the car door, but with his legs stretched out half way, he realized that this did not seem to meet their setting of "kind big brother and big sister who volunteer to help".

Kakine Teito, who still had some professional ethics, clicked his tongue in displeasure, retracted his legs, got up, pushed open the door with his hands and jumped out of the car.Gan Quanyou also jumped out of the car door with the book in his arms.

Returning to the outside from the compartment that was a bit dark due to the sealing, Gan Quanyou had to narrow his eyes slightly due to the sudden change of light, and gave his eyes a few seconds of reaction time before he could see the containment mechanism in front of him clearly again.

If I have to describe it, it is somewhat similar to the orphanage or kindergarten that Gan Quanyou knew, not a high-end shelter like the Advanced Education Bureau.

From this point of view, it is likely that this shelter does not have much official capital injection, and it should be established by well-meaning people and volunteers from the people.

Or to be precise, it is also possible to call it a foster institution.

A few other armored vehicles also parked around. Those Hound members who were used to doing black work on weekdays took off their heads and showed their faces. They didn't know if they were sincere, but at least they looked gentle on the surface.

By the way, there should be quite a few ex-guards in the Hound Unit, so those people must be very experienced in showing a "like" teacher-like smile.

Kakine Teito took the lead, followed by Kanizumi Yu, and the two entered the shelter one by one, where there was already a gentle-looking female college student waiting for them.

Chapter 54 The soldiers are divided into two groups

As I said before, Academy City officials have issued corresponding policies on keeping the fine and discarding the rough, and there are many shelters in operation.But, on the other hand, it would be remiss to simply think that this is the end.

Keeping the fine and discarding the rough has become a social phenomenon. Pay attention to the words "social phenomenon".

Official shelters have their limits, and on this basis, there are still many abandoned children who have no place to stay.

Therefore, there are many volunteers or philanthropists who have established private foster institutions in Academy City to adopt abandoned children.If compared with the outside world, it is a place similar to an orphanage.

The first stop that Kakine Teito and Kanizumi Yu came to was such a place.The scale of the entire foster care institution is not very large.However, it feels very warm.

She was not very old, so she should be a female college student who came to help and was waiting there for Kakine Teitoku and Kanizumi Yu, presumably she got the news at the same time.

And beside her, there were many children chattering around her, and the female college student faced the group of children with a helpless smile on her face.

Kakine Teitoku, who was walking in front, frowned slightly, and stopped abruptly.

Yuu Kanizumi, who was following behind, stopped because of this, and looked at Teito Kakine who stopped suddenly with some doubts.

As for the members of the camouflaged hound troops, they didn't come together. They were well-trained and dispersed to different places around them for vigilance.

While acting efficiently, it didn't create a tense atmosphere. Instead, it disappeared quickly like a drop of water falling into the sea.

From this point of view, it can be seen that their combat effectiveness is not as simple as the "garbage" in Kakine Teitoku's mouth.

Being able to make such a comment by Kakine Teito can only show that the "monster" Kakine Teito has stood in another dimension from the beginning, not that the hound unit is a real rookie.

"team leader?"

"Tsk, that kind of place is not suitable for a guy like me to go there. I'll leave it to you to deal with it here."

Saying that, Kakine Teitoku directly turned around and walked back towards the armored vehicle, and returned to the side of the armored vehicle, leaning on the armored vehicle and hugging his chest, looking at this side silently with gloomy eyes.

Although he was looking at this side, his eyes were slightly distracted, as if he was caught in some kind of memory, thinking of someone.

Kakine Teitoku's move to turn around and leave surprised the female college student waiting there, and then obvious panic appeared on the female college student's face.She didn't quite understand why Kakine Teitoku went back without even stepping in the door.

Kanizumi Yu expressed his understanding of the panic of female college students.After all, who knows why Kakine Teitoku suddenly made such a decision.

You don't understand this, and I don't understand it very well.

"Well, well, don't worry, don't worry, he is just a little unwell, and then I will take over the affairs here."

A friendly smile appeared on his face, and Gan Quanyou hurried forward, opened the door and walked into the nursing facility, comforting the panicked female college student.

Just as the orphanages in the outside world hope that the orphans in their own orphanages can be adopted by well-meaning people, it is not just the humanistic feelings that hope that the abandoned orphans can have a complete family.

It is also because there is a limit to the number of orphanages. Only when orphans are adopted one after another can the orphanage continue to operate within a healthy range.

The same is true for the fostering institutions in Academy City. There are abandoned children abandoned by their parents in Academy City every day. However, these are the only private fostering institutions, and there are even occasional fostering institutions that go bankrupt.

If they stay in the foster care institution all the time, then the foster care institution must face bankruptcy beyond the tolerance limit.

But Academy City is a city of students, and there are not many parents here, let alone the nonsense of asking students to adopt abandoned children.So where is the way out?

Capability development...

There is not one way out, but this is the easiest one in front of you.As long as the ability can be developed, even if it is at the level of LV2 or LV3, there will be schools willing to take over such students.

Once a school is willing to take over, the place to live will be changed to a student dormitory, with monthly subsidies.From elementary school to junior high school, to high school and university.

As long as you can set foot on that road, it means that your life is guaranteed.This is the easiest way out.

This is also the reason why non-governmental foster care institutions are willing to reach experimental cooperation intentions with laboratories.

Of course there are some malicious guys who won't tell the truth to these foster institutions.But more so is the reality of fostering institutions having to send children to experiments to develop abilities.

Taking the present as an example, if Teito Kakine leaves with Yu Kanizumi and the hound unit, it will be a few experimental materials missing for Kihara Shuta, but for the foster care institution here, it will be one less time to let the children chance to find a way out.

After receiving a clear reply from Gan Quanyou, the female college student who works part-time as a teacher in the foster care institution was relieved. From this point of view, she had indeed bet on these abandoned children.

"Are these the children who were selected for the experiment?"

Gan Quanyou's eyes fell on the children behind her.There are bigger ones and smaller ones.

Before Gan Quanyou came in, they were still chattering around the female college student, but after Gan Quanyou came in, they hid behind the female college student a little uneasy, and looked at Gan Quanyou carefully.

After all, even if Gan Quanyou showed a gentle attitude, he was still a stranger.

And Gan Quanyou's age is only around the second grade of junior high school, which can be said to be too young compared to female college students.This will also make them wonder whether "this stinky guy can count on what he says".

"No, there are only four of them. The other children came here to see them off because they were reluctant."

The female college students are more aware of the fact that in this academy city, truly capable people cannot be judged simply by their age.Gan Quanyou's attitude is very polite.

She beckoned, and from the group of children behind, four children came to the front, and two on her left and two on the right hugged her shoulders.Two boys and two girls, Gan Quanyou paid a little more attention, not "familiar" people.

When talking about four, the expression on her face is a mixture of reluctance and determination.

The reason why these four children are reluctant to leave this big family is definitely because she knows that they have to leave for the long-term operation of this foster institution.

In her heart, there may still be blessings for the future of these four children.

Footsteps came from behind, and Kanizumi Yu looked behind him, and it was not Kakine Teitoku who came, but a member of the hound unit, with a friendly face.

The team member handed a tablet to Gan Quanyou. There were photos of four people on the tablet. Click on the photos to see detailed information.

The information of these four people has been registered in the experiment.In the upper left corner, there should have been the code name of the experiment, but unfortunately it has been processed in advance, and only distorted colors can be seen, but the name of the experiment cannot be seen.

He took the tablet and corresponded one by one. After confirming that it was indeed these four people, Gan Quanyou handed the tablet back.The members of the hound unit waiting behind Gan Quanyou took the tablet and walked out of the foster care institution.

"After confirmation, they are indeed right."

Clapping his hands, he attracted everyone's attention. Yu Ganquan, with his friendly smile unchanged, looked directly into the eyes of the female college student.

"Well, let's say good-bye at last, we should go."

Gan Quanyou didn't say some nonsense that he knew to be false and impossible to realize.The last tenderness he can have for them is probably only here to make room for them to say goodbye.

Academy City isn't very big, but it's definitely not small either. After parting from here, we don't know when we will meet next time.

Maybe... never see you again.

Yuu Kanizumi, who came out of the foster care institution, returned to Kakine Teitoku, and Kakine Teitoku snapped the phone together and put it in his pocket.Slightly dissatisfied, he said to Gan Quanyou who came back.

"too slow……"

"Although efficiency is indeed the priority, but within the scope of ability, I still want to give some humanistic care as much as possible."

Kakine Teitoku looked into the foster care facility, where the female college student whose name was not even asked by Yuu Kanizumi gave hugs to the four children one by one.Those children who were not selected also sent encouragement and blessings to the "lucky ones".

Wordlessly curled his lips, Kakine Teitoku who looked away turned even more gloomy.

"From here we are divided into two teams to work. I have divided the rest of the shelters, and we are each responsible for a part. I will contact those official shelters, and you will deal with this kind of private care institutions."

Chapter 55 Move in secret

There were a total of four armored vehicles, two of which were taken away by Teito Kakine, and two left by Yuu Kanizumi, which is quite egalitarian in terms of numbers alone.

There are really not many shelters in the second school district, or to put it a little exaggeratedly, the few are pitiful.

However, this is not a place where shelters and foster care institutions can take root. It is normal that the number is scarce.

The interior space of the armored vehicle is not particularly large, so in order to free up space, some members of the Hound Force disappeared somewhere.

Of course, don't worry about these members of the Hound Unit just pat their butts and go home to finish their work.They probably changed other vehicles and lurked in the dark to follow the team.

After being separated from Kakine Teito, the situation of riding in the car changed subtly. An armored car was emptied to accommodate the children who were taken in.Another armored vehicle was filled with members of the Hound Force, including Gan Quanyou.

This operation is a cooperative operation between the School and the Hound Force, and the School is superior to the Hound Force in the determination of the action authority.

After being separated from Kakine Teito, Kanizumi Yu had to get in close contact with the hound troops to suppress them with authority to ensure the normal progress of the mission.

Even for the hound troops, they didn't dare to disobey orders, but it's still the same sentence, what should be done must be done, and a corresponding attitude should be shown.

Holding a tablet computer in his hand, he checked the upcoming itinerary. On the distribution map of the shelter institutions in the entire second school district, he could see two action lines, one red and one basket. It was the one that Kakine Teitoku acted on.

There are occasional intersections between the two lines, but that is a normal intersection in the road arrangement, and does not involve the division of shelters.

Looking at the red route arranged and the few scattered foster care facilities, Gan Quanyou's mouth slowly curled up into a smile.

Thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and opened the map of the distribution of laboratories and cooperating agencies of a certain laboratory in the second school district that he had obtained after spending a lot of money.The distribution map on the mobile phone has a lot of green and red marked points.

Shake the phone slightly towards the tablet, as if throwing something from the phone to the tablet.

Putting the phone away with his backhand, Gan Quanyou looked at the tablet again, and on the original route map displayed on the tablet, those green and red marked points had been quietly synchronized.And the red route "coincidentally" passed as many green dots as possible.

Sitting about 50 centimeters away from Gan Quanyou, members of the hound unit sat upright, not daring to take a second look at Gan Quanyou.

It is precisely because they are the kind of troops that do dirty work that they know that if they see something they shouldn't see, they will die without knowing how to die.

Although Kakine Teitoku talked about doing the least work and getting the same money, but there were so many school districts in Academy City, he chose the second school district.

Although it is said that they are not good at dealing with unofficial foster care institutions, the soldiers are divided into two ways to deal with official shelter institutions.But this itinerary says it all.

Kakine Teitoku is not as cold and ruthless as he was two years later.

From the very beginning, what was hidden in this task was to use this task to avoid the attention of the talent workshop, so that Gan Quanyou could enter the second school district with a suitable reason to carry out the actions he wanted to carry out.

Even though the boy's arrogance is really disgusting, he accepted this love.Not much else to say, when Kakine Teitoku and Ichigo Accelerator fought each other in the street, he celebrated vigorously on the side and it was over.

Putting aside the recording of the coming of the devil, Gan Quanyou raised his legs and clicked on the screen of the tablet as if playing a game.

It can be seen that on top of the original route arrangement, Gan Quanyou did not know what to do, there are more thin white lines like flight routes all over the green light spots around the red forward route.

These white threads are intertwined, and at first glance it would appear to be an inexplicable pattern or a mess of wool.

"Give me that thing, you should bring it here?"

In the silent carriage, Gan Quanyou spoke suddenly, and all the members of the hunting dog unit looked at each other, not knowing what Gan Quanyou said, only one member stood up, went to Gan Quanyou's side and took out a lunch box A similar black box was handed over to Gan Quanyou.


After thanking him casually, Gan Quanyou took the black box.

It may be that he did not expect Gan Quanyou to be so polite. He was different from other members of the Anbu organization that he usually came into contact with. After being stunned for two seconds, the Anbu member tentatively replied "No thanks" and returned to his original seat to sit down.

Gan Quanyou put the tablet on the black box, and an animation appeared on the tablet that seemed to pack the entire picture into an envelope.And the black box under the tablet was also opened with a thin, muffled sound.

Taking the tablet away, you can see that the top of the box moves toward the four corners as if it was cut into two equal parts horizontally and vertically. The black box is fully opened, and the contents inside appear in front of Gan Quanyu.

To put it simply, it is similar to the small spy device he used when he was alone in the second school district.It's just that here is the more advanced "Anbu Special Edition".

The appearance is similar to that of a bee.Code-named "TheBee", it is a robot that imitates the shape and size of a bee. Because of its small size, it is generally not easy to be noticed by people.

It has a camera and a microphone inside, so it can be used as a surveillance device.The needle-type device at the tail can penetrate into the optical cable or related lines to complete operations such as hacking into the system to take over the monitor.

It is said that among the products of the same model, there are also products based on insects such as dragonflies, unicorns, stag beetles, and scorpions.

However, Gan Quanyou chose a bee-shaped robot that is relatively small in size and can be used flexibly because it can fly.

Looking at the unactivated bee-shaped robot in the box, Gan Quanyou always felt something strange.

Bees...bees...little bees buzzing?


Bees...Second School District...Talent Workshop...Shokuhou Misaki...

knock!There is an end to association.

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