I Am That Little Fox [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 039 The village tyrant and the little ed


The temperature is rising day by day, the wild lotus pavilions bloom in the pond, and Bai Xiaoxi often sees children running across the road with lotus leaves on their heads.

Whenever this happens, you can hear the woman scolding the child, because the lotus leaf juice is particularly difficult to clean when it gets on the clothes, and adults always don’t let the children play.

When Bai Xiaoxi passes by the pond, he will stop and admire it for a while.

At first Liang Sheng thought she wanted to eat lotus seeds, but later realized that she was looking at flowers, so he went down to the pond, stepped on the silt, broke a few flowers, and put them in a glass bottle for her.

Seeing her crookedly smiling while holding lotus, Liang Sheng said something to the child in his heart.

He washed his feet by the drain, “The first time I saw you, you were also picking flowers.”

Bai Xiaoxi lowered his head and smelled the scent of flowers, “When?”

Liang Sheng raised his head and gestured, “On the day you first came, you squatted on the side of the road.”

After squatting in the grass, she looks small, with a bouquet of wild flowers in her hand, leaning against her cheeks, feeling that people are more beautiful than flowers.

Just a glance at that time, Liang Sheng didn’t expect that he would remember so clearly, even what she was wearing and what she looked like when she smiled.

“You made a mistake,” Bai Xiaoxi laughed. “That was not the first time we met.”

“No?” Liang Sheng raised his eyebrows suspiciously, thought about it for a while, and had a firm tone. “That’s the first time I met.”

If he had seen her before, he couldn’t be unimpressed.

Bai Xiaoxi shook his head and said with a smile: “I have to go a little bit further. You were carrying a big log and was blocked by a few educated youths. You asked us to get out of the way, don’t you remember?”

She lifted one hand up and compared it to the action of a strong man, “The wood is really big, and it shocked us.”

Liang Sheng twisted his eyebrows and recalled, and finally got the impression that she was among those people at the time, but he was in a hurry and didn’t pay attention.

Who would have thought that the two people who had passed by at that time would eventually come together.

He can’t help but feel a little bit emotional.

Bai Xiaoxi returned to the educated youth spot holding the lotus, and several female educated youths gathered around.

“What a beautiful flower!”

“It’s from the pond in the north? I’ve noticed it a long time ago, but it’s a bit far from the shore. The pond is full of silt, so I can’t pick it.”

“How did the creek get it?”

“I have to ask, Liang Sheng must have picked it for her, right?”

Bai Xiaoxi said with a big smile: “He picked it. You can take a few and insert it in the room.”

“Forget it, the flowers your partner gave you, how embarrassed we are.” The female educated youth joked.

“That’s right, if you want, you can find someone yourself, right?”

“Wow, I didn’t even talk about you, you even talked about me, who asked me the other day, that—”

“Don’t tell me!” The other person covered her mouth hurriedly, blushing.

Others came to join in the fun, “What do you say, who is that?”

“Who else is that?”

“You hate it!” The teased female educated youth stamped her feet.

“It’s because we hate it, but who doesn’t hate it.” Everyone laughed and made a noise.

I have to say that confession Xiaoxi talked with Liang Sheng, and several female educated youths looked at them with a little envy in their hearts.

It is said that Liang Sheng is fierce, and looks unreasonable. Who would have thought that he was so good to the subject?

Give food and play, help bring food during the days at work, stay with me all day when not at work, go to the theater together, he will peel the melon seeds to his mouth, they haven’t seen any man like that. Thoughtful and considerate.

Some female educated youth moved their minds, thinking that after so many years of going to the countryside, the days of returning to the city are far away, it is better to find one, and the two can take care of each other.

But it seems that they look more handsome and do not work well; those who earn a lot of work points are very rude; it is easy to have a good life, and there are elders in the family who are not easy to get along with…

In short, if Bai Xiaoxi and Liang Sheng are compared, they feel that no one is inappropriate.

Not to mention the female educated youth picking, the parents of the young male Yangmeiling are also worried.

In the countryside in June, summer farming slack is a good time for men and women of the right age to meet each other. If this time is missed, the fields are busy in autumn and can only wait for winter.

In previous summers, I could always make a few pairs, but this year, when my parents asked, several young people shyly expressed that they wanted to find a white educated youth like that.

But the elders are so worried, and you like the white educated youth, you said earlier that people have become Liang Sheng’s objects, and you have come to express your opinion that eating **** can’t keep up with the heat!

They don’t know that Bai Zhiqing is okay? The people in the city are knowledgeable, beautiful, and have a good temper. The key is to earn ten work points.

But they are Liang Sheng’s target.

So Liang Sheng is good at talking? People who dare to covet him, he dares to come to the door with a hatchet!

The young people were reprimanded by their parents, and some were beaten, and were quickly sent off for a blind date.

In fact, young people are also wronged in their hearts. Not long ago, their parents also said that it is good to be an educated youth, just to spend money and not a good person to live.

Why are they too slow now…

Bai Xiaoxi and Liang Sheng still showed their affection unconsciously in the envy of everyone.

Last time I went up the mountain, Liang Sheng found that in the valley between Yangmeiling and Yangmeiling, there was a wild peach tree bearing a lot of fruit. Counting the time, the peaches should be ripe. He and Bai Xiaoxi had a morning when they were not working. The bamboo basket goes up the mountain.

Along the way, Bai Xiaoxi thought about the delicacies that peaches can make, “You can make canned food, dry peaches, make jam, and fruit tea!”

Liang Sheng opened the road ahead, cutting away the vines and weeds with a hatchet from time to time, “How do you boil the jam? Is there the same way as bayberry?”

“Actually, it’s almost the same, add sugar and cook, that is, the peaches must be marinated first. Then we will make them together. You are not allowed to secretly start to hear?”

Liang Sheng was said to be thinking about it. He really planned to make the food she said by himself. The stove was sultry in summer and didn’t want her to suffer in it.

But Bai Xiaoxi had the same thoughts as him, the stove was so hot, two people would always work faster, besides, someone said it was interesting to talk.

Seeing Liang Sheng’s silence, Bai Xiaoxi poked his back with his finger, “Have you heard… Didn’t you hear me angry.”

“I heard it.” Liang Sheng’s back was itchy softly by her, and he had to agree.

Walking past a sloping field overgrown with weeds, he stopped, “Here.”

Bai Xiaoxi looked up and exclaimed: “Wow…”

This is an old tree with a sturdy trunk, curved branches and leaves, and the cracked bark is full of vicissitudes of life.

There are not many peaches on the tree, but all of them are the size of an adult man’s fist. The green and white leather belt is full and attractive.

“Have you ever thinned the fruit?” she asked Liang Sheng, if it grows naturally, it is not easy for wild peaches to grow so big.

Liang Sheng picked off a peach, washed it with the water in the kettle, and handed it to her, “I missed it once.”


Bai Xiaoxi took it and took it with one bite. The flesh was crisp and cracked, and the peach juice splashed.

“It’s delicious!” She narrowed her eyes contentedly, and brought the peach to his mouth, “You eat too.”

After so long, Liang Sheng finally felt more at ease with her feeding.

He took a big bite of the fruit, waved his hand, motioned to the rest of her to eat by herself, and started picking the peaches with the basket.

Bai Xiaoxi quickly finished eating, and came to pick it together.

Liang Sheng stood under the tree and picked the lower ones. She climbed the tree and picked the ones on the branches.

Originally Liang Sheng refused to let her do it and planned to climb the tree by herself. Bai Xiaoxi disagreed. Old Taoshu was too old to bear his weight.

When the two went out, it was still in the sun. Not long after they arrived under the peach tree, a few dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, and the sky became darker.

“It’s not going to rain anymore.” Bai Xiaoxi looked up at the sky.

The summer thunderstorms are the most unreasonable, they come just as they say.

Liang Sheng looked at the half basket of peaches, and made a decisive decision: “Go home, and the rest will come another day.”

“Good.” Bai Xiaoxi jumped down from the tree.

Liang Shengzheng was going to help her, but he had already landed, and he raised his eyebrows in disapproval, “So high, what should I do if my feet are cramped?”

Bai Xiaoxi stuck his tongue out, “No way.”

Seeing Liang Sheng still frowning, she stood on tiptoe, rubbed his eyebrows, and said coquettishly: “Don’t frown, let you help next time.”

Liang Sheng sighed helplessly while holding her. Since he knew her, he felt that he had a tendency to develop into an old mother. He was worried that he would worry about it.

He is a man, alas.

“Go, go, it’s going to rain.” Bai Xiaoxi leaned in and kissed him on the lips, took his hand and left.

“…” There was still a soft touch and the sweetness of peach juice on his lips, Liang Sheng was only fortunate that she was walking in front, but he didn’t see him almost stumbled on his left foot and right foot.

When I reached the foot of the mountain, the sky was getting darker, the heavy rain could come down at any time, and many people working on the road were about to rush home. When they saw Liang Sheng’s basket, they exclaimed, “Where did you pick such big peaches!”

Because I was anxious to avoid the rain, I didn’t want to talk more, so I hurriedly separated, but I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart that Bai Zhiqing and Liang Sheng are really capable people.

A few tens of meters away from Liang Sheng’s home, the raindrops finally fell, and the heavy raindrops hit the body, hurting and cold.

“Oh, run!” Bai Xiaoxi took Liang Sheng and ran wildly.

As soon as they stepped into the gate of his house, the originally sparse rain poured down with a crash, and if they were one step later, they would be a dead man.

There were drops of water on their faces and their hair was disheveled. Liang Sheng’s shoes almost ran away, and they pulled back all the way. Bai Xiaoxi’s hairpin also fell to the end of the hair without falling, following her movements. Shaking back and forth.

They haven’t seen the other person so embarrassed, you look at me, I look at you, there was silence for a while, and finally burst into laughter.


Bai Xiaoxi smiled staggeringly, tears streaming out, Liang Sheng showed two pointed tiger teeth, where there was a bit of a fierce look.

“It’s so interesting, we will go up the mountain to pick fruit in the future!”

Bai Xiaoxi announced that the grapes in late summer, hawthorn in late autumn, persimmon in early winter, and wild fruits on the mountain were all contracted by them!

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