I Am That Little Fox [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 036 Village Bully and Little Educated Yo


Liang Sheng suffered from insomnia and turned over and over again. He didn’t fall asleep at night, and finally closed his eyes, the fragrant and soft figure in his dreams.

The next day, I took the boys up the mountain, and almost hit the tree several times. The young ones wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh, and they trembled.

Going up the mountain before dawn, and going down after dark. The gate of the school for educated youth has been closed. Liang Sheng stared at the closed wooden door for a long time. He was insomnia again when he went back.

Early in the morning of the third day, with two dark circles under his eyes, he squatted at the door of his house to eat breakfast, take a bite, take a look at the educated youth spot not far away, take another bite, take another look, as if holding a meal.

Several female educated youths looked at him frequently, and looked at his fierce face, and did not dare to speak loudly.

Bai Xiaoxi came out of the yard with a wooden basin, planning to go to the river to wash his clothes. When he saw Liang Sheng, he turned around and walked towards him.

Liang Sheng didn’t look at her anymore. He lowered his head and drank the porridge, looking very attentive, but accidentally choked, covering his mouth and coughing, his face and neck were red.

“Who will **** it from you?” Bai Xiaoxi laughed at him.

Liang Sheng didn’t speak, and grabbed the porridge fiercely while holding a bowl. He swiped his chopsticks a few times, and found nothing in his mouth, only to find that the porridge was finished.

He stood up abruptly, and if nothing had happened, he turned around and entered the door. He lifted his foot and was knocked on the threshold, almost staggering.


Okay, today’s face has been lost, and the face is gone.

Bai Xiaoxi was behind him with a staggering smile.

“When did you sleep last night? Didn’t you wake up yet?” She rubbed her eyes and laughed with tears.

Liang Sheng stretched his face and looked particularly fierce, but his ears were red. He asked roughly, “Are you going to wash your clothes?”

After speaking, he kicked himself in his heart, asking what bullshit! Do you want to make offerings to the river **** without washing your clothes?

Bai Xiaoxi bent her eyes and said, “Yes, do you have any clothes, do you want to wash them together?”

A few minutes later, Liang Sheng carried a bucket of dirty clothes and went out with Bai Xiaoxi.

When he walked quickly to the river, he remembered that there was a well in the yard, why did he run out?

Moreover, he was a big man, caught between a group of women, squatting by the river to wash and scrub, that scene…

Liang Sheng felt that he must have forgotten his mind on the mountain when he went up the mountain yesterday, otherwise he would not be able to do so many stupid things today.

Bai Xiaoxi was very happy, walking briskly all the way, “Did you come back late yesterday? When you closed the courtyard, I think your house was still dark.”

Liang Sheng gave a hum, looked down at her, her face was smiling, and her white cheeks looked full and soft, like fluffy clouds in the sky.

She was in such a good mood that he felt that going to the river to wash clothes seemed not so unacceptable.

Bai Xiaoxi took care of his face and found a place away from the crowd.

However, it was really surprising that the two of them appeared together. As long as one person saw it, the others knew immediately.

Suddenly, a small wave of discussion was set off by the river.

“That’s a creek, right? I remember the little girl worked very neatly. Why is she with Liang Sheng?”

“It’s her who picked up a large piece of Polygonum multiflorum on the mountain last time, so lucky.”

“Are Liang Sheng and her talking about friends?”

“real or fake?”

“I wanted to say it before. In Xiaoyang Meiling a few days ago, I saw an educated youth sitting on a tree reading a book, and Liang Sheng playing music under the tree. Oh, it’s the same as in the movie!”

“Tsk tusk, the young man now, it’s incredible. It’s like us back then, I don’t understand anything, my eyes are blackened, it’s all about my parents.”

“I don’t think there is anything wrong, as long as you don’t be like that.” The speaker said in the direction of the captain’s house.

The others immediately realized that they all laughed.

“Liang Sheng looked at people who weren’t so lighthearted.”

“Bai Zhiqing is also different from that. I heard that she also taught Liang Sheng to write, and the two of them were reading in the courtyard, and the courtyard door was not closed, unlike those concealed.”

“Unfortunately there are no elders…”

“By the way, is Liang Zhiqiang cured?”

“No, it’s not weird that you were surprised. It was very good at the time. In the afternoon, I said that I was dizzy and heavy. I went to see it yesterday. Now it is so warm, he is still shivering under the quilt.”

“It won’t be something dirty…” someone whispered.

Others also lowered their voices, “At my parents’ house, those who fall into the pit need to ask for Baijiami to make porridge and drink. They say that they can suppress evil. Now, if you don’t like that, otherwise it will work. .”

“Shhh…don’t talk about this.”

In the early years, the “breaking of the four olds” was violent. In a small place like Yangmeiling, the only temple was harassed, and even the homes of those who played great gods and fortune-tellers were smashed.

Until now, no one dared to speak up about ghosts and gods.

It was quiet by the river for a while, until someone said that the team was going to collect potatoes in the near future.

Bai Xiaoxi and Liang Sheng also washed and chatted, the river gurgling, not afraid of being heard.

“How much did you gain yesterday, are you going to the county again?”

Liang Sheng stood barefoot in the water, smashing his dirty clothes against a big rock, and the water splashed with his movements.

The materials are scarce, soap is a rarity, the villagers are reluctant to wash clothes for work, and most of the dirty clothes rely on this to be beaten and beaten.

“If I won’t go recently, the medicinal materials I picked will have to be dried for a few days.” Liang Sheng said.

Bai Xiaoxi said, “I want to go too. I bought a book last time. I’m almost finished reading it. I have to pick some books for you.”

Hearing that he was going to buy a book for him, Liang Sheng subconsciously got a headache, but quickly remembered that she said that he would give him a reward when he learned well.

If you buy a few more books, will you just…

“Cough cough!” Liang Sheng suddenly coughed hard, his feet slipped abruptly, and he almost fell into the water.

Bai Xiaoxi calmly wiped the drops of water splashed on his face. He felt that Liang Sheng seemed to particularly want to be in love with the ground today, and there were several situations in the morning.

After washing the clothes, the two returned the same way.

There were so many people on the road at this moment. When I saw them two, I couldn’t help but open my eyes for a few moments.

Back to the educated youth point, Huang Pingping came over to talk to her.

She said very carefully: “Xiaoxi, I saw you and Liang Sheng went to wash clothes together, are you talking about friends?”

“Yes.” Bai Xiaoxi admitted generously.

She kissed Liang Sheng, and he didn’t object, it was her boyfriend.

Huang Pingping was relieved instead.

Before Bai Xiaoxi ran to Liang Sheng’s house, it can be said that it was to teach him to read. Now the two are going to the river in pairs. Everyone has seen it. If they are not talking about friends, they will definitely gossip.

“Very good.” Huang Pingping said with a smile, wanting to say a few good things about Liang Sheng, but after thinking about it, she found it was not easy, and finally said with difficulty, “Liang Sheng…he is strong and must be able to work. ”

Bai Xiaoxi chuckled, “He’s fine, don’t you think he is fierce, he hasn’t lost his temper, and he hasn’t touched anyone. It’s all other people talking nonsense.”

Huang Pingping thought about it and found that it was really the case. It seemed that Liang Sheng hadn’t seen any swear words before. Some villagers looked honestly in front of them and beat their wives and children in private.

It’s just that everyone says Liang Sheng is fierce and has a bad temper. When most people see his appearance, they are immediately preconceived. She is the only person who can still approach him without looking at the surface like Xiaoxi.

Huang Pingping was ashamed of her previous words and deeds, “I used to say that he was not easy to get along with…”

Bai Xiaoxi waved his hand, “He won’t mind.”

So many people say that Liang Sheng is fierce, but he is alone. If he is not fierce, how can he be today?

He never cared about other people’s eyes.

When other educated youths learned of this, they said congratulations to Bai Xiaoxi. One or two were active and smiled and asked her to send a happy candy.

No matter what you think, at least on the surface, everyone is happy to see her and Liang Sheng as a couple.

As for Lu Xiaoyan, few people have responded to what she said now. She and Ye Yumei disliked each other, but unconsciously, they became marginal figures in the educated youth spot.

After lunch, Bai Xiaoxi went to read Liang Sheng.

Liang Sheng was a little restless, as if a needle was stuck in the chair, he was less attentive than the first day.

But the problem that has bothered him for two nights, if it is not solved today, he will still be unable to sleep at night.

He cleared his throat, “That…”

“Huh?” Bai Xiaoxi looked up.

To those eyes, Liang Sheng’s head was empty.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“…It’s nothing.”

A few minutes later.

“I mean…” He started again.

Bai Xiaoxi waited for a while, not seeing below, looked up at him, and found that the roots of his ears were red.

She closed the book, a little worried, “Are you not feeling well?”

He glanced down again, and seeing this person who couldn’t sit still, wouldn’t there be any unspeakable concealment?

The little fox looked concerned and whispered softly: “If you have any physical problems, you should see a doctor. You can’t avoid doctors. You are an adult. You can’t be afraid of injections and medicine.”

Liang Sheng: “???”

A few seconds later, he understood the meaning of her words, and immediately a rush of heat rushed to the heavenly spirit cover, and he almost died on the spot.

He stopped persuading her, and squeezed her chin, eye-to-eye, and said in a fierce tone: “You kissed me that day, do you want to talk to me about your partner?”

“That’s right.” Bai Xiaoxi blinked, like a fan of eyelashes, and answered quickly and generously, and said, “I don’t just love my loved ones, I only kiss the ones I like.”

“…” Liang Sheng’s words were stuffed, he squatted and blushed.

Silently loosened her chin and stood up the book quietly. After a long time, a muffled sound came from behind the pages of the book.

“me too.”

He probably found that there was no momentum at all in these words, and he immediately added fiercely, “You will be my target from today. You can’t break up like that!”

Bai Xiaoxi didn’t answer, only stretched out his little finger and hooked his little finger.

The two sat facing each other, each stretched out one hand, and hooked each other’s hand on the table. Only one hand was left to flip through the book with difficulty, and they enjoyed it.

Due to the low learning efficiency, Liang Sheng was not rewarded today.

But he was in a good mood.

The only trouble is that insomnia seems worse at night.

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