I Am That Little Fox [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 032 The village tyrant and the little ed


To be honest, Bai Xiaoxi felt that she was wronged. She didn’t even know who the captain’s son was through Huang Pingping’s gossip. How could she be “favored”?

The two were still arguing, and she listened for a while and figured out a clue.

It turned out that Ye Yumei and the captain’s son Liang Zhiqiang had talked about friends in private a long time ago, but the two of them, one was thinking about going back to the city, the other was fond of messing around with flowers, so they haven’t really decided yet.

When the new educated youth came back, and the three little girls were more prettier than the other, Liang Zhiqiang’s mind became alive.

At first, he fancyed the most beautiful Bai Xiaoxi, but Bai Xiaoxi either worked with everyone or stayed at the educated youth spot. He rarely met him alone.

It was that Lu Xiaoyan, who always walked outside, was teased by his lips, and looked like a spring heart. Liang Zhiqiang planned to take her down first.

The two talked for so long, why didn’t Ye Yumei know what he was? If it weren’t for his status as the captain’s son, she could find some convenience for her so that she wouldn’t make false claims with him.

It’s just that she doesn’t look down on Liang Zhiqiang, but she can’t leave him temporarily.

She knew that Lu Xiaoyan had been eyeing her position as a teacher in the village primary school. If she really let the other party hook Liang Zhiqiang, she would not be able to save her eight-point effort. She didn’t want the world to be exposed to the sun like a village girl.

That’s why she pretended to have a very happy conversation with Liang Sheng, and wanted to stimulate Liang Zhiqiang.

Liang Sheng was selected for a reason.

Although Liang Sheng was lonely and widowed, in Yangmeiling, everyone didn’t dare to provoke him. In other people’s words, he was not afraid of death.

When Liang Sheng’s father died, he was only about ten years old. There were no brothers or close elders in the family. There were two orphans and widows. The mother’s health was not good. In the eyes of some people, he was just a piece of fat. You can take a bite.

Often there are second-rate children dangling near his home, even daring to come up, knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

What good things can knock on the widow’s door?

Before long, someone turned over the wall of his house, but he didn’t expect that standing behind the wall was Liang Sheng holding a hatchet.

I don’t know where he was so courageous at his young age to fight with adult men. The scars on his face were left at that time. The blood on his face frightened the villagers who heard the movement.

Erliuzi didn’t fall well either, and his arm was almost cut off.

Since then, no one in Yangmeiling dared to provoke Liang Sheng, because he was ruthless and not afraid of death, but others cherished their lives.

Ye Yumei chose Liang Sheng because other people knew about her relationship with Liang Zhiqiang and didn’t dare to have any dealings with her. Liang Sheng was the only one among Yang Meiling’s younger generation who did not succumb to Liang Zhiqiang.

In her opinion, Liang Sheng has such a fierce reputation and has a bad temper. Almost no girl is willing to talk to him. At this time, as long as she is a little active, he will definitely be flattered, maybe he will fight Liang Zhiqiang for her. on.

Although she looks down on these two men, it does not prevent her from enjoying the superiority of being chased by others.

Bai Xiaoxi glanced at Liang Sheng. This guy was just as unlucky as her and was used as a tool man.

Not far from the threshing ground bursts of cheers, thinking it was the movie’s climax, through the noise, Bai Xiaoxi and Liang Sheng made a careful detour and left the small bamboo forest from the other side.

Out of the woods, she exhaled and said, “These two people are really annoying.”

The thought of Liang Zhiqiang coveting her unexpectedly made her feel as disgusting as a slug on her feet.

There is also that Ye Yumei, even if she is scheming, it is also annoying to count on an innocent person.

“I really want to beat them up,” she said.

Liang Sheng originally frowned, but after hearing this, he subconsciously looked at her small body, a little bit to laugh.

Although she knew that she was working neatly and had a lot of strength, looking at those pink fists, she couldn’t imagine the scene of punching people with fists.

He said: “You go to the movies.”

“Aren’t you going?”

“Well, there’s something else.” After speaking, he walked in the other direction.

Bai Xiaoxi returned to his seat, Huang Pingping turned her head and said, “Xiaoxi, you are late, the scene just now was so exciting!”

Bai Xiaoxi smiled and said, “You can tell me when you go back next time.”

“Okay, okay, I remember it all.”

The movie gradually came to an end, and someone got up and walked around, ready to leave.

“Ah-there are snakes!”

At this time, there was a sharp scream in the direction of Xiaozhulin.

“Where? Where?”

Suddenly, the young people came to their spirits. They all grew up in the country. Few people were afraid of snakes. On the contrary, they were eager to meet them. It was a bowl of meat.

Some people move fast and have already rushed into the small bamboo forest.

A large group of people huffed, flashed the torch with the torch, and carried the oil lamp with the oil lamp.

After breaking in, everyone was surprised to find that they hadn’t seen the snake yet, but saw two people twisted together like snakes.

Raise a light, oh, isn’t this the captain’s son and the village comrade Ye?

Lonely men and widows are blinded by black lights in small bamboo forests, and they are also disheveled.

Oh yo, young people nowadays, the world is getting worse.

There were too many people watching the excitement, and Bai Xiaoxi could not squeeze in. By the next day, no one was talking about movies in Yangmeiling, they were all talking about the good show in Xiaozhulin.

It seems that everyone has seen it with their own eyes. That said, Liang Zhiqiang’s fart is really big, like two big steamed buns. That said, Comrade Ye’s chest is large in front of it, with white flowers and flowers…

Bai Xiaoxi didn’t know what was going on with Liang Zhiqiang, anyway, Ye Yumei hadn’t been out of the room all day, and the three educated youths in the same room with her were approaching Tan Zhili to respond, saying that they wanted to change the room and didn’t want to live with her.

Bai Xiaoxi strolled out and entered the yard of Liang Sheng’s house.

As soon as the courtyard door was closed, she looked at Liang Sheng up and down, and even poked him with her elbow. It seemed that we have a common secret, we are our own voice, “You did it, right?”

“What did I do?” Liang Sheng asked rhetorically, looking particularly calm.

Bai Xiaoxi smiled with his eyes bent and said, “It’s revealed! If it’s the usual you, he must frown and be extremely impatient, saying: ‘Be your father!’”

She frowned vigorously like him, but because of her inexperience, she pulled her entire face into a ball and giggled with joy. “Hahahaha, it won’t be what it is now anyway.”

Her happiness seemed to be contagious, and Liang Sheng’s mouth also let out a smile.

Bai Xiaoxi caught this smile, “Look, see, you also have fun.”

She leaned very curiously, and blinked her eyes and asked him: “How do you do it, tell me about it?”

Liang Sheng looked down at her, because she had just smiled, her white cheeks were fainted pink, the morning light fell on her face, a fluffy halo, and the beautiful eyes seemed to be filled with mist, and the arcs of the eyes. , Like a swallow’s tail, lightly swept across the water, leaving a pond full of spring waves.

Suddenly he was a little embarrassed, coughed slightly, turned his eyes away from her, and deliberately said coarsely: “There is nothing to say, just caught a few snakes and threw it in.”

“How many?” Bai Xiaoxi sighed lightly. In that little time, he could actually catch a few snakes, which is also very powerful.

However, for a while, the two people obviously quarreled at first, and then they…seems to be very powerful in the open air.

Liang Sheng still remembers why Bai Xiaoxi came to him. He tried to show off his usual grumpy face and asked her to follow him into the house.

Bai Xiaoxi entered his room for the first time, and it felt like the whole yard. It was empty, and although spacious, it was too deserted.

Liang Sheng removed the large cabinet against the wall, revealing the blue brick wall, and pulled a brick off the wall, and took out a wooden box from the wall.

Being so mysterious and solemn, Bai Xiaoxi also paid more attention to it.

The wooden box looks small, but it is very important. When it is placed on the table, it makes a muffled noise.

Liang Sheng unlocked the brass lock with the key and opened the lid, revealing the bright yellow items in the box.

It was a wooden box of “little yellow croaker”!

Although gold is tacky, it’s hard for anyone to dislike it. There are 20 little yellow croakers in front of them, one or two.

Bai Xiaoxi blinked her eyes and was a little surprised. Although she knew that Tai Sui was worth a little money, Liang Sheng knew nothing about the thing, but it was not easy to sell it at such a price.

Liang Sheng said: “Too much cash is not easy to store. I ask for a part of it to be traded with gold. Now a tael of gold is almost 80 yuan, and here is 20 taels. Besides these, there are 400 yuan in cash and some tickets.

Bai Xiaoxi counted, gold plus cash, that is to say, the Tai Sui piece sold for two thousand yuan.

She only pays six yuan a month for the family allowance, and the average worker’s salary is forty yuan a month, and the current prices are six cents per catty for rice, one cent for white flour, and seven or eight cents per catty for pork…

She counted it up to come to a conclusion, one. Get rich overnight!

However, I said before that the Tai Sui piece was given to Liang Sheng, so even if the money was in front of her, she was not moved, and looked at him eagerly: “Can you give me how many tickets?”

Last time she sold Polygonum multiflorum, she still had a few dollars left that she didn’t spend, and she couldn’t spend it when she had money. It was uncomfortable!

Liang Sheng said in a bad mood: “If you say that you will split evenly, you won’t give you another ticket, and the sugar and biscuits that you gave you last time will also be confiscated.”

so bad!

Bai Xiaoxi complained, knowing that she had no place to hide and eat, so she could only put him here and threaten people like this.

Liang Sheng was in a good mood and showed her four hundred yuan and tickets.

Bai Xiaoxi stared at the stack of tickets, food tickets, candy tickets, pastry tickets, soap tickets, cloth tickets…

She looked more and more enraged, and gave Liang Sheng a thumbs up, “You are so capable!”

Liang Sheng… Liang Sheng steals beauty in his heart.

However, although the things are good, Bai Xiaoxi can’t take them away. The educated youth are a lot of people, and everyone knows who usually eats an egg.

“Leave me here, and spend your money another day.” Liang Sheng frightened her.

Bai Xiaoxi didn’t care, “You spend, remember to leave a few tickets for me.”

So Liang Sheng has no sense of accomplishment.

Of course he would not spend Bai Xiaoxi’s money, and even to show justice, he even started bookkeeping for the first time.

One night, when he remembered under the light that he bought a few cents of salt and a few cents of pencils today, Liang Sheng suddenly began to reflect on why he, a good man, fell to the point of deducting money for vegetables?

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