I am succubus’ favorite food

7. just run

[1.5 kilometers-23.7 kilometers Remaining]

I was running in the middle of the biggest trail in my city.

It was 2.2 kilometers; I had to remake the trail over 10 times.

"Ah, my legs"

Standing with both hands on my knees with heavy breathing and barely keeping me standing.

"Short 23.7 kilometers yet... I want to die"

I spoke with a despondency that frightened a child who passed by me.

Holding himself in his mother's hand and not letting go until he disappears from my sight.

"She didn't even call me a stranger..."

[5.5 kl of 19.2 kl Remaining]

I was already running for several hours my body had already sweated more in these last hours, than in my almost 20 years of life, with the air hitting my body as I ran making the' odor ' of my body spread all over the place making the women who were running at that moment felt articulate.

"I think, I must stop for today" spoke a female runner with heavy breathing and with the body moving with sweat.

being with the body more than usual was leaving extremely tired.

"More like that? Ha? I don't think so. What would I just stop when I need to?"

She spoke to the other female runner, putting her hand on her shoulder, feeling a heat wave making her lose all the strength of her leg falling to the ground, jumping a light moan "hm"

going exactly next to the girls being less than ten meters from them, making the effect increase several times, leaving them streaked on the floor with the face flushed, heavy breathing, if no force in the body.

"Ahhhhh! " the two girls screamed with pleasure, calling my attention that I was until the moment

focused completely on solo fulfill the third daily mission.

"Wow, is that my fault? " Spoke surprised, looking at the girls

< Harmful substances detected>

< Breeding Resistance>

< Failure-unnecessary, exhaled substance, by the user himself>

Feeling my smell, I felt a slight dizziness that in a few seconds disappeared.

"Ahhhhh" the girls lying on the floor ran their hands over each other's bodies, kissing until the memento that their bodies shuddered, making her faint.

A message from the system appeared in front of me, showing something that practically punched me in the stomach.

Very weak targets, protect you!]

< Inhibiting sweat creation's ability to avoid similar incidents>

"What is it now that you see a baba?"

"One, two, three, come on in this personal we're almost finishing"

He heard from afar a male voice, and from the phrase he had spoken.

he was accompanied by at least two people.

"Why does the world hate me?" spoke, looking for a girl.

In the light of the best option at the moment, I think that two men have left me with a trio of trees, hiding our three, the group that would have seventeen people being eight men and nine women.

Sighing relief, looking at the two faints girls on the ground, wondering why this happens, will open the system hunting the message that had received telling them to protect, being able to see again the minuscule phrase in a different color, below the main message.

<Read more about>

"It is convenient, then I show that I have to do it. " I sat on the floor in front of the two girls, tapping on the Read-More option that would open a new system window, closing the previous one.

[Their two targets, are going through a phase where their emotions are completely confused emerging in situations that they should not and amplifying to a level that frighten their partners, this along with the damage that their body receives randomly during the thirty-day period, leaving them vulnerable to any influence of an incubus]

"Wow, that scary description, just to say that they are menstruating..."

Felt a huge weight fall on my Coast, because it is my fault that the girls are in this deplorable state, same that I do not know the reason for this to have happened, because the system spoke a lot at the same time that said nothing

Five minutes passed, and the girls remained unconscious. " will they stay asleep until when? I need to run over 19 kilometers"

Seven minutes later, nothing had moved

"I can't leave them alone here, but I can't stand standing here at this hour. I would have finished the mission"

A dream arose in my head, giving a surprise, lowered the sleeve of my shirt, with demonic eyes looked at the girls, giving a powerful slap on the face of each of them

"Wake up! You are late to school," I screamed, tuning my voice.

'Slap and scream in the face of the two girls. Ran away, I hid inside a dense thicket, making a small gap between the leaves. Just to get to see the two girls, who got up scared.

"I can't believe it worked," I thought, looking at the girls

"Me!! Why didn't you remember me, but I give in?" The girl talking and looking at all sides.

"Late? Impossible. I never missed a single class." The other girl stood up talking, disappointed with herself.

The two girls is among confused looked

"Where are we?"

"Were we abused?" the girl who screamed, stretched her denim shorts and her panties sighing relieved" no... nothing happened"

"I think we drink again..."

"Let's ask, for the owner of the bar we ban, that way we can never go back, not even if we want to"

The two laughed, forgetting everything that had happened and intertwining their arms, walked, smiling back to the track

"I don't believe it, these two are very inconsequential..."I spoke incredulously looking at what had to wake up to happen, as two people wake up in the middle of a forest and simply completely ignore the reason for being thrown into the forest in disagreement, being just a short time running on the trail

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