I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 15


Chapter 15 Murder

When the jet-black spikes that made hair stand on end had pierced into Lu Zhen’s skin, suddenly there was no The omen stopped, as if time stood still in this brief moment, permanently freezing Spirit Physique’s actions in time and space.

The completely unexpected scene made Wang Xu’s twisted and struggling soul also freeze in the air, staring blankly at Lu Zhen and Spirit Physique behind him.

The wind continued to blow, the leaves fluttered, and the shouts of the man in sunglasses continued to spread.

It turns out that Time Freeze is just an illusion, everything is normal in the world, but the Spirit Physique is still motionless.

Blood kept coming out of his mouth, Lu Zhen suddenly clenched his fist and blinked away the blue Qi wrapped by Wang Xu like a squirming bubble.

The soul in the air seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction and fell down into Wang Xu’s body.

While Wang Xu was sluggish, a fist landed on Wang Xu’s chest.

spurt a large mouthful of blood, Wang Xu’s entire body slid backwards, and before it stopped, a palm pressed on his chest.

A small muffled sound came from Wang Xu’s body, like a slight explosion.

Wang Xu let out a “wow” and spewed out a larger blood mist. When he fell backwards to the ground, he was bleeding from the seven orifices, which was extremely miserable.

Lu Zhen didn’t look at Wang Xu again, his body quickly turned back, he turned around and almost crashed into the arms of the anxious black robed man, his right hand came out of the hole in the black robed man’s chest. Probe in the middle and grab the next one.

A mournful scream uttered, the loose black robe exploded in vain, and a deformed dwarf the size of a few years old jumped up with the scattered clothes and various parts, ten-fingered very sharp fingernails. Ruthless stabbed Lu Zhen’s face.

And Lu Zhen’s right hand was grabbing the other dwarf’s head.

The two dwarfs look and dress exactly the same, and they seem to be copied from a template, but the situation they face is completely different, one jumps in the air as an attacker, and The other was struggling under Lu Zhen’s hands with a full face of resentment, and there was not much life left in sight.

Lu Zhen lifted the dwarf in his hand and swung it out like a stick.

The dwarf in the air sent out a groan, was smashed and flew out, and before it landed, the belly made another heavy blow and crashed back into the mist.

Lu Zhen followed the dwarf, jumped into the mist through the gap that the dwarf made, and stepped on the neck of the dwarf who had turned blue with a blank expression.

The dwarf struggled for a moment before making a sound.

Lu Zhen looked towards the man in sunglasses who saw that the situation was not right and had already hid in the fog.

The man in sunglasses moved back and smiled bitterly: “You showed so many things, you didn’t plan to stay alive, right? Didn’t expect my Wang Family to come, but in the end it was So an ending…”

“Since you have awakened Bright Soul Technique long ago, and your talent in refining Qi is also excellent, it is no worse than Lu Huan of your Lu Family, why did you hide it for so long? “

“Oh, I’m confused. If you were exposed on the surface like Lu Huan, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be alive now.”

“Cough…I’m curious, Are you a hidden backer arranged by the Lu Family, or is the Lu Family not aware of your situation?”

“I originally agreed with Master Xu’s inference, but now I doubt it. Lu Huan wants to terrifying a hundred times a thousand times, anyone trying to control you is delusional…”

Lu Zhen kicked his right foot forward, a small stone flew out, and hit the man in the sunglasses. On the right arm in the dress.

The man in sunglasses sighed, took out his right hand, and dropped the phone in his hand.

“Since you know Bright Soul Technique, then you capture Wang Bing for the purpose of his arrest? I don’t know where you got the news that Wang Bing will arrest him?”

“This is also a secret that few people know about in my Wang Family, and even if you get the memory of detaining spirits from Wang Bing, it will only take a day to affect the yin of Master Xu’s men. Spirit, really… a talent for terrifying, I have to admit, I’m a little worried about the future of the Wang Family.”

Using eight magic tricks to restrain Spirit’s control over Spirit Physique, if you want to control Spirit Physique Interference can only be achieved by fellow practitioners who are detaining their spirits.

Seeing the Spirit Physique’s actions behind Lu Zhen and the Bright Soul Technique performed by Lu Zhen, the man in sunglasses naturally came up with this logical conjecture.

However, considering the time it took for Lu Zhen to acquire the Spirit Physique, the ability to train the Spirit Physique in one day would interfere with Wang Xu’s control of Spirit Physique, which is indeed a scary aptitude.

Lu Zhen walked up to the man with sunglasses without saying a word, and looked down at the man with sunglasses condescendingly.

Sunglasses shook the head, took off the sunglasses on his face, revealing two dead gray eyeballs, sighed: “My Wang He accidentally trained these eyes to look like this when he was young, and he suffered a lot. The ridicule of the few people, and later I put a face…”

“Ai, for these eyes and this face, I have killed a lot of people, and I also thought that I would die too. One day, it’s just that I don’t want to die at the hands of others, I choose to…die…die at…”

Blood flowed from the corners of the man’s mouth, and the brown on his face quickly deepened, becoming lifeless of rotting bark, giving off a faintly discernable rancid odor.

The last bit of luster in the gray eyes that was slowly closed also disappeared, and the last glance at Lu Zhen with a faintly discernable mockery seemed to say that he eventually died by his own hands .

Lu Zhen raised her foot and stepped down on the chest of the man with sunglasses.

The man in sunglasses opened his eyes in vain, put his arms on his chest, and Lu Zhen stepped on his chest with both arms.

“You…how…how do you…know…”

Blood bubbles kept coming out of his mouth, feeling the vitality of the body was dissipating little by little, the eyes of the man with sunglasses There is only unwillingness left.

When the man in sunglasses closed his eyes, the surrounding fog had already dissipated.

Lu Zhen coughed out a mouthful of blood and turned to walk towards Wang Xu, who was still struggling on the ground.

“I am…the king…revenge…”

Like a crawling reptile, Wang Xu crawled on the ground with difficulty, leaving a trail of blood on the ground. However, he could only crawl two meters, and he had lost his strength. He just kept making vague and weak sounds along with the blood flowing out of his mouth.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Wang Xu struggled to turn over, his eyes fixed on Lu Zhen’s face, and a bubble-like “gu lu” came out of his mouth. “Voice.

He raised his right hand with difficulty, as if to point at Lu Zhen, but only halfway up, he fell down weakly, his wide eyes filled with the same unwillingness as the man with sunglasses.

The Wang Family people who came this time are by no means mediocre. If they put their strength on the surface, they may not fail. Even if they fail, they will definitely retreat safely, but they never thought of one One can hide so long, so deeply…

The two Spirit Physiques have long since dissipated, and only Lu Zhen is standing.

After taking a breath, Lu Zhen crouched down beside Wang Xu’s body and pointed his right index finger on Wang Xu’s eyebrows.

When he closed his eyes and opened them again, a thumb-sized golden ball appeared on his index finger.

Each force has more or less control over secrets that they don’t want others to know.

Wang Family core figures like Wang Xu must know far more secrets than others, but Lu Zhen is not interested in those secrets, he only cares about Wang Xu’s mind about arresting spirits and dispatching generals. things are interesting.

With Wang Xu’s identity and cultivation base, it is very likely that he has come into contact with Feng Tianyang’s original cultivation technique, and he must know more than Wang Bing.

The reason why he didn’t kill the old man three before and took a risk here is to attract the older generation of Wang Family, in order to get this more than what he got from Wang Bing. Is there a deeper understanding of arresting spirits and sending generals?

I got what I wanted, Lu Zhen looked towards the sky and put out a breath for a long time.

The origin of the qi body is in the world. Wang Ai, the most terrifying member of the Wang Family, and Lu Ci went out together to find trouble with Zhang Chulan. There are not many characters left in the Wang Family who can cause mortal danger to him.

But such a challenge to a Great Family in the Inhuman world is an adventure after all.

Fortunately, things worked out.

He finally got what he asked for…

Thanks for the reward of 20200422222340547, and today’s Buccino Tao, 20200619133615397, 1421358622373826560, thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendations With the support of the ticket, I was very surprised when I opened the writer’s assistant, and I was deeply motivated!

(End of this chapter)

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