I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 1


Chapter 1 Lu Family defectors

How could there be a Crown Prince for thirty years?

Lu Zhong’s answer is yes.

In fact, more than thirty years.

After the Jiashen Rebellion in 1944, Lu Ci became the patriarch of the Lu Family, and within two years, the first wife’s eldest son Lu Zhong was born.

If you count at this point in time, then he has been sitting on the “Crown Prince” position of the Lu Family for nearly seventy years.

Even from the time he awakened Bright Soul Technique, it has been nearly 60 years.

At that time, at the age of ten years old, he became the only person in the Lu Family who was both Innate’s Bright Soul Technique and acquired Ruyi Vigor. He is the next-generation successor of the Lu Family who is not just in name only, but also in reality.

But more than 60 years have passed, and he is still the successor.

In the years of several decades, he was conscientious and cautious under father Lu Ci, never took a wrong step, but the status of under one person was not always very stable. The challenge is from Second Brother Lu Xiao.

There is no other reason, but because Second Brother Lu Xiaotai can give birth, the quality of the younger generation is too high.

The next generation of the four siblings, that is, the grandchildren of Lu Ci, there are not many people in the whole generation who can awaken the Bright Soul Technique, but there are many seedlings of Qi refining.

It’s just that the aptitude of Qi Lianqi can’t be compared with that of Lu Zhong’s generation, so no one can get Lu Ci’s eyes, and naturally it has no influence on the distribution of rights of Lu Family.

Who would have thought that the fourth generation under Lu Ci, the Lu Family had an awakening explosion, many people awakened Bright Soul Technique, and the level is not low, especially Lu Xiao’s Grandchildren are the most prominent.

Lu Xiao has a son and a daughter. The son has Lu Gong and Lu Liang brother. One of Bright Soul Technique is better than the other, especially Lu Liang. Bright Soul Technique innate talent is rare among his peers. .

It is inaccurate to say that few people can match it. In fact, the only person who can surpass Lu Liang in Bright Soul Technique is Lu Huan, the granddaughter of Lu Xiao’s daughter Lu Feng.

Although he is still young, Lu Huan has become the strongest user of Bright Soul Technique in the whole family, and his acquired aptitude is also very high.

Lu Ci even made an exception to pass on Ruyi Vigor, who passed down the Lu Family to her.

Because of the three, Lu Xiao, the second child who was originally unremarkable, was elevated in the Lu Family.

Lu Xiao also replaced Lu Zhong as the Number One Person under Lu Ci.

Even Lu Ping, who has no aptitude for qi refinement, can speak in front of Lu Ci just because he is the father of Lu Gong’s two brothers.

Lu Zhong once thought he had missed out on that position, and he was naturally replaced by the much-anticipated Second Brother Lu Xiao.

No one could have imagined that Lu Huan died in an unfathomable mystery in one day, and the biggest suspect was Lu Liang.

After that, Lu Liang escaped, leaving only a Bright Soul Technique decent Lu Gong, so that the status of the second child, Lu Xiao, dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, and he had no face in the family.

As for who is the biggest beneficiary, Lu Zhong does not know, but there is no doubt that he Lu Zhong is definitely one of the beneficiaries of this tragedy.

Family-first education by father Lu Ci since he was sensible, while Lu Zhong regrets the death of Lu Huan, who has always been regarded as a symbol of family prosperity, he cannot control the deep in One’s heart surged with joy.

In any case, after the unfathomable mystery, he is now the undisputed “Crown Prince” of the Lu Family, and no one else in the clan can compete with him for that position.

You only need to wait for the opportunity to reach the top of the family and become Peak, one of the Four Great Families overlooking the Inhuman world.

An alien person is not the same as an ordinary person.

For an ordinary person, seventy is already rare, but the other person is still alive and kicking in seventy or eighty. On the contrary, as he grows, his skills become stronger. Lu Ci, the pillar of the Lu Family, is the representative. .

Although he looks senile, he has accumulated power for decades and is dressed in Ruyi Vigor deep and unmeasurable. No one knows how many years he can rule the Lu Family with one word.

Nevertheless, Lu Ci also began to hand over some affairs to him Lu Zhong in recent years, making a gesture of gradually transferring power.

For Lu Zhong, this is something to be excited about, having been eyeing that position for several decades, but at the same time something to be wary of.

There are so many eyes up and down that are watching his every move, as long as there is a slight error or omission, it will magnify to the extent that it affects his prestige and cause unnecessary twists and turns. Therefore, we must handle everything with extreme caution.

When he was young, he could still have relationships with other siblings, but after several decades, he now represents more than just him.

It is more about the demands of the descendants, the demands of a Surnamed Lu that grew out of him, among which interests are tangled and complicated, where can we talk about feelings?

Looking at the file in his hand, the shrewdness of the city is deep, and the old face of Lu Zhong, who has always been indifferent to emotions, also has doubts that have not appeared in a long time, and it is rare for a moment.

Two days ago, there was a rumor from the Inhuman Realm that everyone could not ignore. It was said that the descendant of the origin of the qi body, one of the eight wonders, had already appeared in the world.

Things were a bit abrupt, and there was no way to tell the truth from the fake, but the Lu Family, like other major forces, responded quickly.

After patriarch Lu Ci temporarily handed over the family affairs to Lu Zhong’s agent, he took people out of the Lu Family Village.

Lu Zhong knows the meaning of the origin of the qi body, which is a miracle that can make the family rise rapidly, so Lu Ci is so cautious.

Before leaving, he also specially explained that he should keep a low profile until the matter of the origin of the qi body has come to an end, and everything is about the origin of the qi body.

Lu Ci rarely makes such a prudent entrustment, so Lu Zhong does not dare to be careless and is more careful when handling family affairs.

It’s just didn’t expect. At this moment, there is a flaw in the family – Lu Ci just left on the front foot, and clansman on the back foot left the family in the execution of the mission, suspected of defecting.

For Lu Family, this is a very serious accident that has never happened in several decades.

In order to maintain the Surnamed Lu bloodline and population, the Lu Family Village is isolated from the world, extremely xenophobic, and rarely interacts with outsiders. Most marriages are combined with Surnamed Lu from the same village. mother’s surname.

In the past, some people tried to break away from the control of the Lu Family Village, but it was the first time that they suddenly broke away while they were out of the village to do family tasks, ignoring the family’s reaction.

What’s more serious is that the reason why this junior made this choice could not be found at all.

So how to explain to Lu Ci?

Lu Zhong felt nodded pain.

At this time, Lu Zhong had the file of that junior in his hands, and he had detailed records of every major event.

I didn’t miss a skirmish with someone in a certain place, but no matter how I analyzed it, I couldn’t see any doubts, and I couldn’t analyze his motives.

No matter how many times I look at it, the information on the file is mediocre.

Its name is Lu Zhen, from the line of Old Fourth Lu Yi.

Lu Yi has not cultivated Qi aptitude since he was a child, and later failed to awaken Bright Soul Technique. He is the most low-key among Lu Ci’s four children.

This Lu Zhen is the grandson of the little transparent Lu Yi. Although, like Lu Yi, he cannot awaken the Bright Soul Technique, his aptitude is not weak, and he was once called the prodigy of the Lu Family when he was a child.

While others were still wearing diapers and being held in the arms of his parents, he had already shown quite an independent character, exploring the village all day long.

While others were forced to practice the basic skills while crying, he practiced silently and hard, never complaining or crying.

Speaking of which, this Lu Zhen has never shed tears since he was born, which is barely an oddity.

Because of his precocious personality, Lu Zhen was able to practice basic skills earlier and more seriously. In the early days, he was the most prominent person above Ruyi Vigor’s practice. At one time, like Lu Huan, he fell into the eyes of Lu Ci. , praised by Lu Ci.

However, as the years grow and others realize that they have worked hard, Lu Zhen’s advantage is gone, so he will disappear and gradually be surpassed by peers with better aptitude.

Later, I was unable to awaken Bright Soul Technique, so I was no longer concerned by others.

To say that there is no suspicious place at all, Lu Zhong took the file and analyzed it over and over again, and still found what he thought was the most likely motive for Lu Zhen’s defection.

Lu Zhen is precocious and has an independent personality. He has not made many friends since he was a child. Perhaps because of the same excellence, he only made friends with the three Lu Huan siblings.

On the day of Lu Huan’s death, Lu Zhen was frightened, locked himself in the room, and went out after three days and three nights.

After that, he became more reticent and became a transparent person on the edge of the village.

Perhaps it was because of stimulation that they wanted to leave the village?

Lu Zhen grew up in the village since he was a child, and has almost never had contact with outsiders. This is also the first time he has left the village. The probability of being tempted by others and defecting is small, so this is the reason?

But there are some unfathomable mystery. If he wants to escape from the village, why did Lu Zhen choose this critical moment and defect in such a decisive way?

apart from this, what else could cause a Lu Family who had lived in the village for nearly twenty years to suddenly flee?

The more Lu Zhong thought about it, the more suspicious he became.

(End of this chapter)

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