I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 355 Sounds the horn of counterattack

Chapter 355 Sounds the horn of counterattack

After the first attempt failed, Mei Lin looked gloomy, and found Lu Yue directly on the body.

"What about your counterattack plan? So far I have only seen Dracula constantly trying to attack, we can only defend passively, what about the initiative? Don't tell me that defense is the best attack!"

Merlin behaved very badly. Mephisto and Dracula were entangled. He couldn't find Dumbledore under the care of these two guys, let alone bring Dumbledore back.

"Eliminate the fire, extinguish the fire, the counterattack is about to begin." Lu Yue waved someone to bring a small bottle and put it in front of Mei Lin, "Teaching the barbarians to master their skills to control the barbarians, we are not just for nothing, this is the counterattack the first horn of the

"What?" Merlin glanced at the bottle. The material of the outer shell is not ordinary, and spiritual power cannot pass through the material, but there doesn't seem to be anything inside.

"Memetic virus-werewolf." Lu Yue said.

"In all kinds of stories, werewolves and vampires are like twin brothers, often appearing in teams, but in the case of meme viruses, which rely on information, this connection is even closer, and only a small Reversing the code of the virus can turn the memevirus-vampire into a memevirus-werewolf."

"So?" Merlin moved his eyes away from the small bottle, "This bottle of yours can give birth to a legendary werewolf? Otherwise, why confront the vampire head-on, or, you have already found a protector? Protect the werewolf through the worst The early stage of collapse? But I must remind you that we don't have that much time."

Lu Yue shook his head. Of course he wouldn't be that stupid. Let the werewolf develop on its own. By the time it can threaten the current Dracula, Dumbledore probably died countless times.

"Dracula's biggest problem is that he is alone. As long as the quality of all his blood is guaranteed, the split clones are not enough to form a single race." Lu Yue explained.

This is actually caused by Dracula himself. During the many years of being imprisoned by Gu Yi, the death and expansion of vampires were rare condiments for Dracula. s reason.

He would only intervene when there was a big problem with the vampire or when someone who attracted Dracula, such as Van Helsing, appeared, but that was just in the mood of watching a drama.

The so-called vampire dukes on the earth are the products of this kind of drama. The real power is held by Dracula himself. It is for this reason that the number of vampires is becoming increasingly scarce. There are even fewer vampires on one side.

"I hope you haven't forgotten the existence of Mephisto." Merlin emphasized.

Dracula has few people, but hell is the place where there is no shortage of people. Mephisto can easily pull out an army of hundreds of millions of demons every minute. The newly developed werewolf is absolutely unbearable in front of this army One blow, and the consciousness of hell might be able to distort the werewolf virus into something.

"Hell we also have people." Lu Yue said and handed Merlin a document, which contained a list of support from the People's Federation to the Holy Lord and other demons as well as the Queen of Blades for so long.

"When they took things, they signed a treaty, and now it's time for them to show their own value." Lu Yue said lightly, "It's unrealistic to expect them to directly pull Mephisto from power, but to muddy the muddy waters of hell." There is no problem."

Merlin: "So?"

"So, the counterattack has officially begun. What you have to do is to keep Dumbledore until everything is done." Lu Yue took two steps to the side and gave way.

Merlin: "Us?"

Arturia came out from the side, nodded to Merlin, naturally it was us.

Dumbledore belongs to Artoria's subordinate in terms of jurisdiction, and Artoria is naturally more impatient than Merlin. When Merlin went to try, Artoria had already come over.

After Mei Lin left, Lu Yue flicked his finger, and the small bottle containing the concept of the memetic virus disappeared from the table.

Falling, falling continuously, the vial passed through layers of space and fell directly into hell.

The Lord reached out and caught the falling bottle, then turned around and looked at the others, "Let's get started, it's time for us to come out."

Hell, on the edge of Mephisto's main control area, a variety of aliens crawled out of the ground, and then attacked all the demons in the predetermined direction.

"Lord Balrog, those bugs have started attacking again."

snort!A Barlow flame demon lord stood up, and the flames on his body shook and fell to the ground in between movements, billowing up wisps of blue smoke, "I'm really using this place as a breakthrough, it's unreasonable!"

On the edge of Mephisto's domain, there are demon armies of various races. After the Queen of Blades was taken away from that area by the Holy Lord and other demons, she was arranged near here. They are harassed by Zerg almost every day.

Every time the Zerg attack, you can earn more or less. After all, the Zerg can eat anything, and the corpses of demons are also one of the best foods. Taking away most of the corpses produced by the war, the number of Zerg can quickly recover.

Moreover, the energy and genes in the Balrog's body also allowed the corresponding abilities of the Zerg to continue to evolve, causing them to become more and more disadvantaged in combat. They used to be able to exchange ten for one, but now they can only exchange two or three for one in many cases.

It's not that the Balrog doesn't want to do it once and for all, but as long as the large army moves, the Zerg will immediately cut off their tails to survive, and if they chase deeper, the army of the Holy Lord and other demons will emerge and start cutting the battlefield.

With the Queen of Blades relying on support, and only the devil "teammates" standing aside and laughing, Balrog's every large-scale attack ended in failure.

On the battlefield, violent explosions can be heard endlessly, including the sound of the Balrog launching an attack, and the sound of a part of the Balrog being surrounded by groups, and finally blew up unwillingly.

In a huge explosion, an adjutant of Lord Barlow's flame demon chose to self-destruct after being besieged and dismembered by several high-level Zerg, and the huge shock wave sent the Zerg flying.

Several high-level Zerg fell to the ground one by one, then shook their heads and got up. After fighting the Balrog for so long, their targeting ability has been developed to the extreme. The thick fireproof scales on the surface and The special structure of skin and fat can easily resist the self-explosion of Balrog of the same level.


A storm of pure flames rolled up around the few Zerg who had just escaped danger, and the extremely high temperature made their surface scales burn.

Immediately afterwards, Barlow, who broke into the battlefield through the teleportation technique, waved the flame whip in his hand, rolled it forward, and rolled a Zerg to his side.

Swish, the beheading sword flashed across the air like lightning, and the captured Zerg was directly divided into two. In front of the beheading sword, the Zerg's physical defense seemed to be completely non-existent.

"Bastards! Die!" Barlow yelled, waving the weapon in his hand continuously.

The suppression of the ranks was vividly displayed at this moment, as long as the Zerg touched by that weapon, it would be destroyed even if it did not die.

cluck cluck
A strange sound attracted the attention of Lord Barlow's Flame Demon. With a pinch of his right hand, he crushed the death-defying bug into a ball of powder, and then turned his head to look in the direction from which the sound came out.

Several jets of water spewed out from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, the number of jets of water suddenly increased, and it became a piece directly.

Soon, a monstrous huge wave formed out of thin air shot down directly in the direction of the Balrog army, and just one surge directly extinguished the core flames of thousands of Balrogs.

"What the hell!" Barlow the Balrog Lord was extremely upset, he hated water, let alone so much water.

After the giant wave entered the attack range of Lord Balor, he opened his mouth, and the swirling orange flame condensed in his mouth.

At the moment when it was about to spray out, an arm suddenly stretched out from the ground, and an uppercut accurately hit Lord Barlow's jaw, causing him to swallow his attack back.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body of the Holy Master rose from the ground, and with the strength of the rushing up, the Holy Lord actually lifted the Lord Barlow directly.


After being controlled, Lord Barlow's flame demon subconsciously used a set of combos that he was usually most familiar with.

Stunning is used to keep the enemy in check and to increase the chances of success of the implosion, which is responsible for completely burning the enemy from the inside.

However, his set of combos has been figured out after the Queen of Blades paid the lives of several high-level Zerg.

The Holy Master's spirit must be, directly immune to the deterrent effect, as for the implosion technique, I am a flame demon, playing this in front of me is a bit tricky!
Forced Teleportation!

Seeing that the counterattack was invalid, Lord Barlow used the life-saving spell at the bottom of the box. This is a special spell bestowed on him by Mephisto and the consciousness of hell. It can only be used once in a period of time. This restriction brings extremely high priority.

Even if it was the Holy Lord, even if the Holy Lord had already captured Lord Barlow, he still let him break free by relying on this spell.

Roar!After Barlow the Flame Demon Lord got away, he roared loudly at the Holy Lord through the huge waves, and launched a sneak attack!You little trash!
Just when he was mad, a figure suddenly jumped out from the top of the waves. The Queen of Blades brandished two long-bladed weapons and threw herself directly at Lord Barlow's body. This huge wave was not to eliminate the Balrog on the battlefield, but to provide a hiding place for the Queen of Blades.

Swish Swish Swish, the incomparably sharp hairs pierced directly into Lord Barlow's body like nails, and at the same time provided a point of strength for the Queen of Blades.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of cold light flashed, and the right arm of Lord Barlow, which was used to block the knife, was cut off. Before he could feel the pain, the Queen of Blades twisted her waist, and the rest of her scattered hair was strangled like a steel wire. The other hand of Lord Barlow's Flame Demon.

Following the strength of twisting her waist, a long knife lifted up and passed over Lord Barlow's jaw, and after making a huge cut, the Queen of Blades thrust forward with her other hand.

Puff, I felt chilled directly, the tip of the knife pierced through the back neck of Lord Barlow's flame demon. After the tip of the knife pierced out, it was still twisting constantly. It is to directly destroy this important area.

Under the sneak attack of several sub-legendaries, the lord of the Ballow flame demon still did not die, and he really deserved the level of a sub-legendary demon.

The entangled flames turned into a rope and bound the Queen of Blades. Lord Barlow's flame demon firmly grasped the long flame rope with his remaining hand, then pulled it violently, and threw it out forcefully.

The Queen of Blades and the hair pierced into Lord Barlow's body flew out backwards with burning blood and various internal organ fragments. When spinning in the air, the Queen of Blades waved her right hand and threw the long knife out.

The blade pierced the air, and the speed brought by the full throw made it seem like a ray of light, directly piercing the heart of Lord Barlow.

"Insects! You can't kill me!" Lord Barlow the Flame Demon stepped back with one leg, firmly supporting his reclined body, and said vaguely in his mouth.

Afterwards, Lord Barlow's flame demon resolutely activated the self-destruction. After the self-destruction, he might be reborn in the barracks behind. If he continued to fight, the only possibility would be death.

Lord Barlow is not stupid either. Bazaar, Holy Master, and Queen of Blades, there are three sub-legends on the surface, and these three guys, even if they are one-on-one, he can't beat any One, if you have a chance to run now, if you don't run, when will you wait? !
This demon can make such a decision beyond the expectations of the Lord and the others. They came here this time to "capture" the Ballow flame demon lord alive. Normally speaking, in the sub-legendary, no matter how bad the situation is, they will not give up directly. Ah, this self-destruction and rebirth basically cut off the possibility of re-entering the sub-legendary.

Lord Barlow's body continued to expand like a balloon.

Seeing this, the Queen of Blades retreated resolutely. She didn't want to suffer from a sub-legendary self-destruction.

Suddenly, there was a sound of something leaking, and Lord Barlow, who had swelled to the extreme and was about to burst, shriveled up.

"Second Sister, Sixth Brother, your mobility is almost meaningless." Ximu walked out from behind the Barlow Flame Demon Lord with waving sharp claws, and flapped his wings twice.

After Ximu appeared, a crack of a cross appeared on Baro's body. It was this attack that completely destroyed Baro's self-destruct process.

The Holy Master didn't pay attention to Ximu, he usually called him by his full name, but now he began to call his seniority in a weird way, what does that mean?Doesn't it mean that we are older than you and are not as useful as you?

Even if this is true, the Holy Master doesn't want to flatter Ximu, and this kid's speed is indeed exaggerated. None of the three sub-legends noticed when this kid came.

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(End of this chapter)

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