I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Widow Sister Calls (For Collection)

Ten minutes later, the severe pain finally disappeared.

“Well, it stinks.”

As soon as Chu Feng lowered his head, he saw that there was a layer of black things on his body, and the stench was emitted by those black things.

Chu Feng hurriedly ran into the bathroom and washed himself from the inside out, which made him feel much better.

Chu Feng checked the system again, and a change appeared.

Host: Chu Feng (male)

Identity: Taoist priest

Physique: Innate Thunder Spirit Body

Level: Three-star Taoist.

Exercises: One Qi Returns to the Primordial (First Level)

Body Refinement: none

Combat skills: none

Other skills: none

Merit value: 0 points

His rank has changed from the original incompetent to a three-star Taoist.

One Qi Returning Yuan Jue has also become the first level.

However, the upgrade button has turned gray, indicating that there is no merit value and can no longer be upgraded.

Chu Feng closed his eyes and felt it, there seemed to be a lot of air in his body.

Chu Feng knew through the art of returning to Yuan Qi, this is Yuan Qi.

Vitality, now is the era of the end of the law, and the vitality between heaven and earth is pitiful.

And now he actually has vitality in his body.

“However, it’s useless if you have vitality and no fighting skills.”

Vitality is like bullets, and fighting techniques are like guns.

With bullets alone, without guns, bullets are not very useful.

Chu Feng thought about it, as if his predecessor, the dead father, had left a room full of books.

“I don’t know if there are any fighting skills in there.”

Chu Feng hurriedly went to a small room next to him.

This room was the study room of the original owner’s father during his lifetime.

After the person died, the original owner never came in again, because the original owner hated learning everything, he just wanted to drink and hang out with girls.

These books, the original owner had a big head when he read them.

If it weren’t for the fact that the money had been spent recently, there was really no other way, and the original owner would not have picked up the job tonight.

Chu Feng turned on the light and found it in the room full of books.

“Analysis of I Ching Vernacular, no.”

“On the Sixty-Four Trigrams of King Wen, no.”

“Overview of the Eighteen Techniques of Maoshan”, no.”

“Well, “Swords of Conquering Demons”, found it.”

Chu Feng searched for a while, and finally pulled out a yellowed brochure from a corner.

The booklet was so old that it almost fell apart. Chu Feng opened it and saw that it was full of human figures.

On the picture, there are various coins.

Chu Feng was a little confused, he couldn’t understand it at all.

Chu Feng patiently flipped through the booklet from beginning to end.

Just after reading it, Chu Feng realized something.

He quickly turned on the system, and sure enough, he noticed a change.

There was originally nothing in the combat skills.

But it’s different now.

Combat Skills: Demon-bending Swordsmanship (not entry yet)

Seeing this change, Chu Feng was instantly overjoyed.

“It turns out that as long as I read the relevant exercises from the beginning, the system will automatically record them.

In the future, you only need to use the merit value to upgrade. ”

“Unfortunately, I have no merit value now, otherwise I really want to upgrade and try.”

Just when Chu Feng felt a little regretful, suddenly, the phone rang in the house.

“It’s so late, who is it?”

Chu Feng answered the phone: “Which one?”

An eager female voice came from the phone: “Excuse me, is this the Chu Tianshi from Baopuzhai?”

You can hear the female voice very well.

But the words “Baopuzhai” and “Chu Tianshi” have no English translation, only pronunciation.

Therefore, the other party said something awkward.

Chu Feng heard that the owner of the voice should be young, and asked, “It’s me, what’s the matter with you?”

“That’s great, Master Chu Tian, I’ve been hit by a ghost in my house. I heard from Mary that you’re very good. Can you help me?” asked the other side of the phone.


Chu Feng recalled for a while and then remembered that Mary was the daughter of the previous middle-aged woman.

In this way, this girl should be Mary’s friend.

It just so happened that Chu Feng was just trying to earn some merit points so that he could upgrade his magic-fighting swordsmanship.

This person sent the merit value to the door.

Although Chu Feng still doesn’t know how to fight, but he is a congenital thunder spirit body. If an ordinary ghost touches him, his soul will be dissipated. Therefore, Chu Feng is not too worried.

“Okay, what’s your name, what’s your address, I’ll go over now.”

“Very good, thank you Chu Tianshi, my name is Scarlett-John, my address is…”

“Wait, what did you say your name was?” Chu Feng doubted that he had heard it wrong.

“My name is Scarlett-John, have you heard my name, I’m an actor.”

It’s really her.

future widow.

Thinking of Sister Widow’s devilish figure, Chu Feng couldn’t help swallowing.

“Well, I heard about you, what’s your address?”

Chu Feng took a lot of effort to stop himself from thinking wildly.

“It’s 98 years now, and the widow sister is only 13 or 14 years old, sin, sin.”

Scarlett-Johnson said the address again, and Chu Feng wrote it down: “Wait a minute, I’ll be there soon.”

Chu Feng packed up his things, and then drove out the small Volkswagen car.

Westerners live in the suburbs and work in urban areas.

The same goes for the Scarlett family, who live in a high-end villa complex in the suburbs.

It took Chu Feng a little over an hour to get here.

After ringing the doorbell, a familiar but very young face appeared in front of Chu Feng.

This person is Scarlett Johansson, but compared to later generations, this face is too young now.

He looks like he’s only 13 or 14 years old.

However, her figure development has far exceeded that of ordinary peers, no wonder she will be so devilish in the future.

“Are you Chu Tianshi?” Scarlet looked a little tired at the moment, and there was still residual fear on her face.

“Yes, I am Chu Feng.” Chu Feng nodded.

“Great.” Scarlet finally showed a hint of joy on her face: “Come in.”

Chu Feng walked into Scarlett’s house and asked, “Are you the only one in your house?”*

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