I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Upgrade And Continue To Upgrade (For Collection)

Again, apart from these two, nothing else has changed.

But Chu Feng knew that his strength and physical abilities in all aspects were several times stronger than before.

Such as speed, such as reaction ability, such as the ability in that respect.

If you change to now and meet Winona Reed again, Chu Feng believes that he can make her cry.

With 1,200 merit points left, Chu Feng is not going to upgrade his body-refinement tactics any more. Only by improving his abilities in all aspects can his combat effectiveness be improved.

After thinking for a while, Chu Feng is ready to upgrade the magic sword technique.

“Swordsmanship, upgrade!”

Finally, this time the upgrade does not have the pain of upgrading the cultivation techniques and body training techniques.

Chu Feng completed the upgrade easily.

Demon Demon Sword Technique: Double.

Merit value: 1000 points.

Once again, Chu Feng had a lot of experience in his mind.

Chu Feng knew that if he was going to use the Demon Slayer Sword Technique again, his sword intent would be more rounded and there would be fewer flaws.

“Continue to upgrade!”


Demonic Swordsmanship: Triple.

Merit value: 600 points.

Chu Feng stood up, grabbed the peach wood sword next to him, and unfolded the magic sword technique in his hand.

Immediately, there was a gust of wind in the bathroom, and some toiletries were swept away by Sword Intent, and they were directly broken into two pieces and dropped on the ground.

Finally, Chu Feng stabbed out with a sword.

I saw a small orange-red sword shadow disappearing into the wall in a flash.

Chu Feng walked over to take a look and saw that the wall was actually pierced directly.

“I go……”

Chu Feng opened his mouth, and after a while, he spit out these two words.

Chu Feng believed that if he were to meet the director of the mental hospital again, he could be tortured to death with a single sword.

“There are 600 points left, let’s upgrade your spell drawing skills.

Otherwise, a Taoist priest, or a Taoist priest at the master level, would not be able to draw talismans, and people would not die of laughter if they spread it out. ”

“Soul talisman, upgrade!”

Immediately, the soul-suppressing talisman became a heavy one, but his merit value was only 50 points less.

“Huh!” Chu Feng was greatly surprised: “It turns out that to upgrade the first level of Talisman, you only need 50 merit points. Haha, come again.”

“Corpse Suppression Talisman, upgrade!”

“Pure Heart Talisman, upgrade!”

“Evil talisman, upgrade!”

After upgrading four kinds of runes in a row, Chu Feng’s merit value was only 200 points less, leaving 400 points.

“Royal Thunder Talisman, upgrade!”

Chu Feng continued to upgrade, but this time, he deducted 100 merit points.

“Hey, why does this Thunder Talisman cost 100 points?”

Soon, Chu Feng knew what was going on.

Because, after he upgraded these talismans, he naturally understood what these talismans were used for.

The Royal Lightning Talisman can actually attract thunder and lightning to attack the enemy, no wonder it is so expensive.

It goes without saying how powerful the thunderbolt is.

What kind of effect does thunder and lightning attack the enemy have?

100 merit points is not expensive at all.

“Well, let’s upgrade the ordinary combat skills. Otherwise, how can we fight with ordinary people in the future?”

“Tai Chi, upgrade.”

In an instant, Tai Chi became a heavy one.

But the merit value was only 10 points less.

This surprised Chu Feng again: “Upgrading ordinary combat skills is actually so cheap.

Haha, upgrade… give me an upgrade…”

Chu Feng upgraded Taijiquan again and again, and soon, he rose to the third level, but only used 70 merit points.

Following the same method, Chu Feng upgraded the Tai Chi Sword and Tai Chi Steps to the triple level, and shared a total of 210 merit points.

Let Chu Feng’s merit value still have 190 points left.

Chu Feng thought about it for a while, and then upgraded the Tai Chi step again, deducting 80 points.

I upgraded the evil spirit again, and deducted 100 points.

As a result, Chu Feng only had 10 merit points left, and he couldn’t do anything.

After using up the merit value, Chu Feng is in a good mood.

Now, Chu Feng’s attributes are:

Host: Chu Feng (male)

Identity: Taoist priest

Physique: Innate Thunder Spirit Body

Level: 2 star teacher

Exercises: One Qi Returns to the Yuan (five levels)

Body Refinement Technique: Thunder Prison Refinement Technique (Triple Level)

Combat Skills: Demon-bending Swordsmanship (Triple)

Tai Chi (Triple)

Tai Chi Sword (Triple)

Tai Chi Steps (Quad)

other skills:

Soul Amulet (1st Layer)

Corpse Suppression Talisman (1st level)

Clear Heart Talisman (Double)

Amulet of warding off evil (1st level)

Thunder Talisman (1st level)

Merit: 10 points

His strength is more than 10 times higher than before.

Now, let alone one dean, there are ten, and he was killed directly like chopping melons and vegetables.

“Well, it stinks!”

Smelling the stench again, Chu Feng couldn’t help but smile when he saw himself.

He was actually covered with a thick layer of black mud, and a layer was piled up on the ground.

Chu Feng quickly turned on the shower and washed.

“Fortunately, I had the foresight to upgrade directly in the bathroom.

Otherwise, the whole house is now full of stench, and it is impossible to live here. ”

After taking a shower and looking in the mirror, Chu Feng realized that his body had changed a lot.

Originally, he was a little thin.

It turned out that when the Thunder Prison Body Refinement Art was at the first level, there was only a little muscle line on his body.

But now, the muscles are fully bulged and chunky, full of masculine beauty.

Chu Feng looked in the mirror and was very satisfied with his current figure.

“Sure enough, men still look better if they have muscles. Like those sluts and pseudo-girls in previous lives, I really can’t stand it.

Well, especially the one who plays basketball, it’s terrible. ”

Chu Feng spit out a bad word, found out the clothes to put on, and went out the door.


I saw that I was slow to update, but I couldn’t help it, I was originally slow to write. If it is too soon, it will be too watery and lacking in quality. I can’t accept it myself, and you will definitely not accept it.

In addition, this is a new book, with tens of thousands of words all at once, and the results of the book are not good.

Besides, during the new book period, there are 4 updates a day, so it shouldn’t be too slow, huh…*

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