I Am a Big Player

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 1 Do push-ups if you don’t agree

Ren He noticed that Yang Xi seemed to be taken aback when he heard this sentence, and Duan Xiaolou first said, “Where did you get the ticket money? Studying is the most important thing now.”

The following sentence is actually very abrupt. It seems to imply something about Ren He. Ren He smiled and said, “Other students can go, but I can’t go?”

Yang Xi suddenly turned around and asked, “You also want to go to Jiang Siyao’s concert?”

also want to see? Ren He wondered what this meant, was she planning to go see it in the first place?

Yang Xi continued with a smile: “Then you don’t need to invite us to see, I invite you, Jiang Siyao’s concert tickets, I have exactly 4 tickets here.”

Duan Xiaolou was surprised: “It’s true, why didn’t you listen to you! How did you get the ticket?”

Yang Xi whispered: “Actually, Jiang Siyao is my cousin and my idol. I have watched her concert since I was a child, and my biggest dream is actually to be able to sing on stage like her one day.”

promised to interrupt: “I rub, you turned out to be Jiang Siyao’s cousin, so let her sing for you. I heard that singing is always making money.”

“It’s not a question of money, it’s just that I want to sing well on the stage to others. I don’t need a dancer or anything, I just sing quietly, nice songs, no noise,” Yang Xi explained, shaking his head.

How did this trouble change from asking someone to listen to the concert to a ticket… Ren He scratched his chin and thought that he likes to sing, so I can help her? But the entertainment industry is a big dyeing vat. I don’t know if Yang Xi can keep his heart.

But it’s too early to say this, Ren He said: “That’s OK, that’s it? Then you will invite us to the concert, and I will invite you to dinner.”

“Okay,” Yang Xi nodded.

Duan Xiaolou glanced at Ren He and then turned around, not knowing what he was thinking. The fact that Yang Xi is Jiang Siyao’s cousin is like a little secret and kept secret only in a small circle of four people. Sometimes, the way to get closer quickly is to share the secret.

In the past few days, in addition to running at night, Ren He also has to practice push-ups. He has to practice until exhausted before he can rest. Up to now, his number of push-ups per minute is 81, and there is still a distance from 90.

I don’t know what kind of animal the person who can get 110 in 1 minute is, Ren He said with emotion.

During this period, because of the high-intensity training, Ren He’s figure is more symmetrical and strong. And he didn’t become a muscular man because the young man’s body possessed the physique of an adult. He still looks thin when he wears clothes. Although the natural punishment system has increased his physical fitness, it has not added any weight to him. The rewards are really hard to guess.

Recently, the performance of the Book of Gods has tended to increase steadily, and there is nothing to worry about. He has to finish the current push-up task before the penalties for the second month of the Book of Gods, otherwise the two tasks will be paid together. Maybe something is causing a moth.

The most important thing about a one-minute push-up is explosive power. It mainly exercises the pectoralis major, triceps, and deltoid anterior bundles. The coordinated muscles are the coracobrachialis, serratus anterior, and pectoralis minor, which can be said to be these six. The muscles supported the whole movement.

Ren He decided to think seriously about the key points of push-ups taught by the Heaven Punishment System. In fact, what the Heaven Punishment System instilled in him is the most correct memory. This kind of memory is magical, just like if it were instilled in Ren He’s diving skills. Then if Ren He’s physical fitness can meet the requirements of the action, then he can do it right away.

But before Ren He felt that something as simple as push-ups was unnecessary, but the facts proved that he was wrong.

He re-adjusted his posture, spread his arms apart, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, push-ups with his arms, touch the toes on the ground, lift his head slightly, and look at the ground. Tuck your abdomen in, keep your back in a natural curvature, and bend your elbows slightly.

The most important thing in the middle is to maintain a straight line between the head and the spine, and to inhale when going down, and exhale when getting up. This breath is probably one of the most important factors.

Ren He glanced at the time again, and then his body quickly rose and fell on the ground. Because he practiced for too long, even the ground was wet with sweat. Push-ups were very physical, so Ren He did almost everything behind him. Just rely on perseverance to support yourself to complete.

One minute, 88!

There are only 2 distances to the 90 goals, so Ren He is finally relieved, at least not so difficult to reach, and this is only two short of the physical exhaustion, waiting for a rest night Maybe it will be done tomorrow morning. It seems that the memory instilled by the Heaven Punishment System is indeed the most correct.

Now we can look forward to what the rewards will be after completing the task…To be honest, the rewards given by the Heaven Punishment system so far are still very satisfactory to Ren He. The knowledge of music theory that I didn’t use before, seems to be useful now. It’s a place of war. As for physical rewards, what is the most important thing if you want to kill your life?

Isn’t that physical fitness is the most important thing? Extreme sports power requires ultra-high physical fitness. Free-hand rock climbing is half dull. Isn’t it fair to say that you die? It must be impossible.

Or reward physical fitness and finally become Superman? Or, like music theory knowledge, let yourself become a versatile genius? It’s all possible.

At night, when running with Duan Xiaolou at night, he smiled from time to time. Duan Xiaolou was a little confused. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com doesn’t understand what happened to Ren He today, but after experiencing the **** of her classmates before, she has deliberately kept the distance between the two parties within the friendship, so she sometimes restrains herself from following as much as possible. Ren He took the initiative to say something.

But when she had such thoughts, she herself felt a bit contradictory, because sometimes she wanted to say something to Ren He.

This is the little girl’s immature mind, Ren He sees it through, but feels that there is no need to say it.

When he got up early the next morning, the first thing for Ren He was to wash up and go out to eat breakfast. He didn’t do the task the first time because it is inevitable that people will appear after everyone has experienced deep sleep. I wake up, but I still have no strength. This is because my body hasn’t reacted to it. Usually, it will be better after a meal.

“Boss, a cage of steamed buns, a bowl of tofu brain!” Ren He said cheerfully. The owner of this body could only eat frozen food in the refrigerator at home in the morning, but now Ren He has money and is A huge sum of money, 40,000! Isn’t that Xiaolongbao eat a cage and throw a cage?

When he finished eating, Ren He was about to go out to do a task. After eating, people had energy and the blood became warm. Of course, he had to strike while the iron was hot.

heard the boss laugh and said: “The young man looks really energetic, hey, his body is strong when he looks at it!”

Don’t say, Ren He’s current spirit is indeed much stronger than his peers in all aspects, and he is particularly energetic.

Then the owner of the breakfast shop watched Ren He go out and lay on the ground in front of him and started doing push-ups frantically… the speed was so fast that he could hardly imagine it!

“Uh… how come this guy is so excited by my praise, what is the push-up when he doesn’t agree with him… OK, I know you are in good health, get up quickly…”

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