I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 56

Chapter 55 confusing

“Teacher, I’m sorry, I’m tired of you.”

After the soldier entered the military office, He Mu looked at Ling Hanxing in the driver’s seat apologetically.

He doesn’t know what the military merits are, but he knows the role of the contribution value of the Red Mist Alliance.

The teacher’s city contribution value is cleared, which means that the teacher will be reduced to an entry-level member of the Red Mist Alliance.

With the strength of the teacher, he was at least a senior member before.

Senior members and entry-level members, it is not just a question of title.

Is talking about discounts on purchased materials. There is no discount for entry-level members, while senior members enjoy a 30% discount, and then the amount of discount is determined according to the city’s contribution value.

A senior member of the Red Mist Alliance, even if one day he does not practice, he can use his status as a senior member to serve as a “shopping agent” for junior and intermediate members, and he can earn millions of dollars a year.

In other words, if the teacher is punished in this way, the economic loss cannot be estimated.

Not to mention that the Red Mist Alliance has some specific things that can only be purchased if they reach a certain level.


“No, no, no…what’s a big problem, isn’t it just practiced…have my account been blocked for more than ten years? I will practice again…that’s it.”

Ling Hanxing squeezed out an ugly smile, shaking a little while speaking.

He Mu saw that the steering wheel was shaking constantly by him, took a deep breath, and said in a very serious tone: “Teacher, I may not understand your loss now, but this matter is caused by me after all. I promise, as long as I I’m still alive, and I will slowly make up for your loss.”

Ling Hanxing smiled more and more ugly. The next second, he got out of the car and closed the door.

bang bang bang…

There was a thumping sound outside.

A minute later, Ling Hanxing returned to the car with a calm expression, with some traces of dirt on his forehead.

“He Mu, you look down on me too much, so what is the punishment for me?

Haha, it’s not worth mentioning, don’t think about it afterwards, let’s go. ”

The voice fell, and the car roared suddenly and drove to the distance at great speed.


more than ten minutes later.

Ling Hanxing took He Mu to a villa complex, and finally stopped in front of the door of a villa.

This villa is close to the guardian’s residence, and the surrounding environment is excellent. The value of the house inside can be imagined.

Entering the villa, He Mu saw two vigorous and powerful characters hanging on the wall behind the sofa in the living room at a glance.

“The God of Cookery”

Besides, there is a photo hanging on the side wall.

In the photo, a middle-aged man wearing a chef’s clothes holds a bone-colored kitchen knife high, his face is full of joy.

Below the photo is a brown wooden table full of various trophies.

Judging from these things, the owner of the villa should be a top chef.

“This is the home of the professional chef of the school. He went to participate in the chef competition, and he won’t be back in two days. We can live in his home first.”

Ling Hanxing walked into the bedroom as he spoke, and before long he took a laptop out of the bedroom and put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Turned on the computer, plugged in the USB flash drive, Ling Hanxing gave up his position.

“He Mu, see for yourself, I’ll see if there is anything to eat at his house.”

After that, he turned and ran into the kitchen.


He Mu sat in front of the computer, ignored some folders called learning materials, and opened the newly created folder.

contains the archives of his brother He Feng and documents related to the attack in Tianmen District.

Seeing these two small folders, He Mu took a deep breath, double-clicked the mouse lightly, and started to browse the information inside.


half an hour later.

He Mu finished reading all the documents, closed his eyes, and leaned on the sofa.

At this moment, he just felt a blank in his mind.

At this time, Ling Hanxing walked out of the kitchen and brought a bottle of iced drink to his hand.

“Are there some nouns that you can’t understand?”

“Yes, teachers, such as the New Moon League, what kind of power is that? There are also super monsters, what is that?”

He Mu opened his eyes and took the drink and asked.

According to the data, before the day of the accident, Professor Liu Zhen from the Institute of Biology had completed a strategic scientific research result.

The information on this scientific research result was transmitted to Kyoto on the spot, and the experimental samples were also sealed in place. After the arrival of Kyoto, the samples were sent to Kyoto.

As a result, Tianmen District was attacked the next day, and Professor Liu Zhen died.

More importantly, the experimental sample was also lost.

You must know that the container for sealing the experimental samples is extremely sturdy, not to mention the giant clamp beast, even a more powerful monster can’t break the container.

What’s more, the container also has a positioning system.

The only explanation is that there is a shadow of an intelligent creature behind the giant pincers attack.

There are two suspects listed in the official information.

One is the New Moon League, and the other is a super monster.

He Mu has not seen these two terms in the information on the Internet.

Ling Hanxing smiled, and sat on the sofa and began to talk about what the New Moon Alliance is.

It wasn’t until ten minutes later that he clarified the origin of the New Moon League.

“The New Moon League is now an evil and extreme organization. Almost every city has a branch of the New Moon League, but the goals of the New Moon League are different in different cities.

For example, the New Moon League in Nancheng, their main goal is to destroy the city and kill ordinary people as much as possible.

And Lingzhou is powerful, with the strength of the New Moon Alliance, it is impossible to accomplish such a goal.

So in a big city like Lingzhou City, the main goal of the New Moon League is to assassinate some important people or destroy some important official actions.

The experimental sample was stolen, and the first suspected above was naturally the New Moon League.

As for the super-class monsters, they are monsters with no inferior human intelligence. In the first battle at Tianhouguan, a super-class monster commanded the monster group.

This kind of monster is extremely rare. It hasn’t appeared several times in decades. Every time it appears, it means that a major event is about to happen. ”

After listening to the explanation, He Mu finally had some clues in his mind, and at the same time he began to think about the relationship between this matter and his brother.

At this time, Ling Hanxing said again: “The reason why the above is suspicious, but there is no confirmation, it is because there is something very strange in this matter.”

“What’s the strange place?”

He Mu asked modestly.

He is self-aware. In contrast, the teacher knows the world better than him, and also knows more secrets, so the teacher should be able to see more things in this matter.

Ling Hanxing glanced at He Mu and stretched out a finger.

“First, although the New Moon Alliance has some tricks to attract monsters, it is impossible to control a type of monster giant clamp beast. How to explain the sudden arrival of the giant clamp beast?”

After that, he stretched out a second finger.

“Second, although super-class monsters are wise and can also control the giant clamp beasts, they do not have much in-depth communication with us humans. At most they know which ones are powerful. They know very little about science and technology. Let alone destroy important scientific research results.

Thinking about it this way, if it is not accidental, there is only one possibility. ”

“Teacher, you mean, the New Moon League is united with super monsters?”

He Mu blurted out and made his debut.

Ling Hanxing nodded and shook his head again.

“The problem is here, this possibility, its possibility is not very big, or that sentence, super monsters and humans do not have in-depth exchanges, the people of the New Moon Alliance are also humans, they are unlikely to interact with the new Cooperated by Yuemeng.

Put this possibility aside, it can only be accidental.

Just as the giant clamp beast came, the New Moon Alliance took this opportunity to steal the experimental sample. ”

He Mu shook his head again and again.

“It’s also impossible. If it’s accidental, my brother leads the Giant Pincers to the Institute of Biology, doesn’t it mean that my brother is a member of the New Moon League?

I know him, it is impossible for him to join this kind of force.

Not to mention the fact that his files showed that not long after he had just become the guardian of Tianmen District more than a year ago, Professor Liu Zhen was assassinated.

It was he who was struggling with serious injuries to rescue Professor Liu Zhen.

After   , Professor Liu Zhen regarded him as a year-end acquaintance, and even used internal channels to buy him an extremely precious genetic medicine that has not yet been on the market. ”

At this point, He Mu’s expression was a little sad, and the genetic medicine might be the one that healed herself.

“Huh… In short, the file shows that Professor Liu Zhen trusts my brother very much, and my brother trusts Professor Liu Zhen very much. The two often have contact with each other. If my brother is a member of the New Moon League, he wants to assassinate silently. Professor Liu Zhen has too many ways to get the experimental samples, so he can’t catch up with himself.”

Ling Hanxing nodded slightly, and sighed: “Yes, it’s a dead end here. This is the reason why the truth has not been found out yet.”

He Mu was still a little unwilling to hear this, turned his head and looked at the computer screen, and clicked on a video file.

“I will take a closer look at the monitoring of the military’s special channels.”

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