I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 52

Chapter 51 The power of emotion and the second gene

Where is the 20-point talent added?

Could it be…

Without waiting for He Mu to think about it, Ling Hanxing next to him said: “What happened to your sudden increase in strength yesterday, I called the principal this morning and he said that you might have triggered some emotion.”

“Trigger a certain emotion?” He Mu puzzled.

“Strengthening peptides have their own personality. If other people’s strengthening peptides get into our body, it is impossible to make us stronger. You also know that.

In fact, in addition to this simplest identification, the enhanced peptide has a real so-called personality.

They will change with the mood of the owner. When your mood matches its character, it will accelerate its growth.

For example, if the strengthening peptide in your body is an optimistic personality, then you laugh every day, and your strength will increase slightly faster.

When you are ecstatic and almost laughing to death, it will breed crazily.

And you may have a certain emotion yesterday that catered to the strengthening peptides in your body extremely, which led to a surge in strength.

Of course, this kind of situation can be met but not desired. After all, how can a person have so many extreme emotions in his life?

Furthermore, if the strengthening peptide breeds wildly, it will give you a dozen or twenty combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

After waiting for you, the combat effectiveness will be high, and the temporary increase of this combat effectiveness will not have much impact on the battle.

So you are just lucky this time, but you don’t know whether the strengthening peptide in your body is a sad or depressive character, and it makes you burst into that state. ”

Ling Hanxing explained patiently. After he saw a strange color on He Mu’s face, he couldn’t help adding: “You’d better not think about actively stimulating the strengthening peptides. This thing is more exciting and will smooth out its personality. , Just as if you watch jokes every day, the jokes must be higher and higher.

Also, don’t rely on your high talents, just think about getting up and making contributions to humanity breaking through the upper limit in the future.

When you have this kind of mind, your emotions will inevitably be affected, and you will also be timid when doing things. If your strengthening peptide is a bold personality, your thinking like this will slow down your strength growth.

This kind of slowing down is usually not obvious, but when you encounter a genetic chain, it is likely to get you stuck there forever.

Moreover, none of the strong people who broke through the genetic chain for us humans are flowers in the greenhouse. After all, breaking the limit is not something that people who are afraid to do.

All in all, just let it go. ”

He Mu took a deep breath after hearing this, and no longer thought about what power is respected, what talent is more important, and said: “I understand, teacher.”

“Just understand, do you have any questions?”

Ling Hanxing looked like he was tempting, if it weren’t for sitting in the bucket at this moment, he would definitely have a demeanor of mentor and friend.

He Mu thought for a while and then asked about the increase in combat power far exceeding the speed of physical enhancement.

Ling Hanxing knows this question very well, and doesn’t need to ask the principal.

“The person in our school actually has this situation. There are two ways to solve this situation.

The first one is to eat as much high-quality food as possible, and then when encountering a halt in genetic chain combat power, wholeheartedly strengthen the body.

The second type… In fact, in addition to some things introduced on the Internet, humans still have some special resources that cannot be mass-produced. This kind of resource is unscientific, or our science has not been thoroughly studied, but no matter what, it is there. effect.

If you have the opportunity to obtain this kind of resource in the future, you can also solve this problem. ”

He Mu nodded, and the doubts in his heart suddenly decreased by half.

I have to say that a college teacher is a college teacher. Even if you are a vocational college teacher, your understanding of the Red Mist Warrior is not comparable to that of someone who has just become a Red Mist Warrior for less than two months.

“Teacher, there is one last question.”

“You ask.”

“Don’t you use weapons? I think almost none of the teachers who came back to school brought weapons, but many students did.”

He Mu asked in doubt.

Since going through the battle yesterday, he has somewhat realized the importance of weapons.

And he is rich now. It is very likely that he does not need to spend money to eat at school, so he has to find a place to spend money.

That’s why I got the idea of ​​getting a weapon.

Ling Hanxing curled his lips when he heard this question: “Of course I have a weapon. My weapon is a second-generation Tiangong long sword named Cheyun. The reason I didn’t bring it back was because it was too heavy.

If we teachers all bring weapons, the train won’t move at all. ”

“It turns out that…what did the second generation of workers mean that day?” He Mu asked again.

Ling Hanxing proudly explained: “Heaven is the most suitable among the three artifacts to build monster bones. Weapons or other things directly created by Tiangong are called the Tiangong generation.

The second generation of Tiangong was created by the first generation of Tiangong.

This weapon is inherited, no matter how many generations of Tiangong, the identity is imprinted on it.

For example, on the hilt of my Cheyun sword, it is inscribed with “Heaven’s work· Er·Qu”

represents the second generation of Tiangong, and the name of the first generation of Tiangong who created it. ”

“Heavenly…two lack?”

He Mu always felt that there was something wrong with this name, but seeing Ling Hanxing’s proud face, he did not say it.

Ling Hanxing’s mouth is slightly tilted, becoming more and more proud.

“You also know that the three artifacts are all meteorite fragments, and their appearance is actually not very regular. Therefore, it takes a long, long time for Tiangong to create a Tiangong generation. The Tiangong generation that has survived so far has only Nine pieces.

is the second generation of Tiangong.

Among the Tiangong generation, I don’t know why, “Qui” changed the name after only creating the cloud of mine.

That is to say, Cheyun is the only “heavenly work·two·deficiency” left in the world, and its value is immeasurable! ”

He Mu’s expression became more and more weird.

Seeing He Mu’s expression, Ling Hanxing thought he hadn’t understood how powerful Che Yun was, and immediately spread his hand and said: “Don’t pretend, showdown, let me tell you, even the eighth generation of Tiangong will have millions, think about it How much is the second generation of Tiangong worth?

Ugh! I have to use this simple and rude way to say it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I really want to keep a low profile. ”

“Uh…this is indeed worth money.”

He Mu suppressed his expression slightly and praised.

According to this calculation, can’t Che Yun, who is lacking in work, be in the hundreds of millions?

Who would have thought that this seemingly unreliable teacher could be so rich.

Seeing He Mu looked at the location of his pocket, Ling Hanxing hurriedly closed his pocket tightly.

“Uh, don’t think of me as a local tyrant. Cheyun was given to me by a good brother of mine, not bought by me, so if you want to borrow money from me, you don’t have to.”

“Don’t worry, Teacher Ling, I don’t like owing money to others.” He Mu smiled.

“Good habit! I like people like you! Then I will tell you about the preciousness of this clear cloud!”

Ling Hanxing was completely relieved, and extended his thumb in praise.

He Mu shook his head: “I know that Cheyun is unique. What I want to ask is, what kind of weapon should a person like me who has a rapid increase in combat power use?”

Ling Hanxing was stunned for a moment, as if thinking.

After a long time, he replied: “He Mu, a weapon represents a way of fighting. If you decide which weapon to use now, then you are accustomed to the way of fighting with this weapon.

After changing the weapon, I will definitely change the weapon of the same type.

But have you ever thought that one day, if there is no change, it will greatly affect your combat effectiveness?

Anyway, as far as I know of the top powerhouses, except for one of them, they are all bare-handed.

Because even the Tiangong generation is too light in their hands.

With your talent no less than mine, I advise you to wait for a day when the bottleneck is reached, and there is no way to enter, and then choose a weapon. Usually, just take anything in your hand. “

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