I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 30

Chapter 29 Lead the snake out of the hole

watched the special operations team member leave the safe room. Not long after, the dead woman was also carried out on a stretcher.

He Mu came to the balcony. Next to him, Wei Lan had stopped crying, but was still a little choked.

“What do you look at? Haven’t seen a woman cry?”

Before He Mu spoke, Wei Lan said first.

“No, I want to ask how much are these two sickle ferrets worth?”

Wei Lan turned his head when he heard the words, and glanced at He Mu in surprise with tearful eyes.

“The claws and sickles of the Sickle Itachi… are more valuable, and can be made into a short blade by just processing it. A claw is about 100,000 yuan, and other places are very ordinary.”

“Then the sickle ferret who died first can help me change it into money and donate it to the orphanage. You have one broken paw left for your brother. I will pay him for the knife. The corpse will help me deal with it, and the money will be put on my card. .”

He Mu took out his mobile phone while talking and opened a certain communication software.

“This is my contact information.”

“Why don’t you deal with it yourself?”

Wei Lan picked up the phone at the same time and asked while adding He Mu’s contact information.

“I want to be quiet.” He Mu replied.

After adding the contact information, he informed Wei Lan of his own card number. He Mu jumped down from the balcony on the second floor and disappeared into the darkness before long.

There is only this he can do now.

The sky is getting brighter.

The residence of the guardians of the South City.

Early in the morning, Sun Wei, the captain of the Nancheng Special Operations Team, came here.

At this time, the guardian of the South City, Wu An, was practicing in the morning. Although there was no equipment, every time he punched, there would be a thunderous roar in the air.

“go in.”

Seeing Sun Wei’s arrival, Wu An retracted his fist and led Sun Wei into his study.

“Old Wu, the man who escaped last time was found and he was thrown into the sewer. I don’t know if it was gnawed by a monster. Only the bones are left. If it weren’t for DNA testing and some surrounding rags. It’s true that the person’s dress is indistinguishable.”

As soon as Wei Sun sat down, he whispered to report.

Wu An nodded slightly: “It should have been killed by someone from the New Moon League.”

Sun Wei listened to this and hesitated.

Wu An smiled and said, “Is it for the countermeasure I said last time?”

“Yes, you told me ten days after you said it last time. Twelve days have passed.”

Sun Wei is a little expectant.

Wu An looked out the window after hearing the words, and said softly: “Now there is no other way, only to lead the snake out of the hole.”

“Let…lead the snake out of the hole?”

Sun Wei heard this answer, he was stunned, and after a while, he understood the meaning of Wu Lao in front of him.

“You mean… let the army on the other side of the lair put some monsters into the southern city to create a false impression for the New Moon League that the city is about to be destroyed, and then lead them to jump out by themselves?”

Sun Wei’s tone is a bit complicated. He knows what this so-called “snake out of the hole” means.

That is simply taking chestnuts out of the fire, and if you are not careful, it is likely to cause a lot of casualties.

When the time comes, neither the Guardian nor the captain of his special operations team can shirk the blame.

“This is also no way. The lair near Nancheng is likely to erupt completely within a year or two, and the strength of my Nancheng is already very weak. If the New Moon Alliance does tricks inside again, then we are likely to be in Lincheng. Follow in the footsteps.

Moreover, this time is not only to lead the snake out of the hole, it can also be regarded as an exercise, so that even if the city breaks down in the future, both we and ordinary people will have some experience in dealing with it. ”

Wu An speaks slowly but firmly.

Obviously, this answer is the result of his deliberation.

Sun Wei is still puzzled. He doesn’t understand why the Guardian only told him the plan to draw the snake out of the cave today.

I told myself twelve days ago that I could prepare early, right?

It seemed that he could see what Sun Wei was thinking, and Wu An said helplessly: “This is a helpless move. In fact, before this, I had another plan, but now this plan has been rejected.”

“Uh, what plan?”

“Yu Chao returned to Nancheng yesterday. Before returning to Nancheng, he passed the examination of Kyoto University and became the new student president of Kyoto University.”

“Ah? You are talking about… He Feng’s cousin? He is almost in his junior year? Kyoto University, president of the student union?”

Sun Wei grew up with a big mouth, his expression was shocked!

The president of the student council of Kyoto University has always been held by students who are about to finish their sophomore year.

And Kyoto University is the strongest university in China, and there is no one. Becoming the president of the student union of Kyoto University means self-evident.

“Yes, it was him. More than ten days ago, he killed a giant monster with a combat power of more than 600. When the news came out, many people speculated that he had accepted the school assessment.

Now it seems that it is so. ”

“Then he is likely to become…the Lord of Hope in the future? There is such a person in my South City!”

Sun Wei was surprised, and his expression was a little excited.

After a while, I realized something, and my face gradually became ugly.

“Old Wu, did you go to beg him?”

Wu An smiled sadly: “Well, his current mentor is a big figure in the military, and he himself may become the Lord of Hope in the future. If he is willing to come forward and say a few good things in front of his mentor, the military may send more troops. Stationed in a lair near South City.”

“He… refused?”

When Sun Wei asked, he actually knew the answer in his heart.

If it weren’t for rejection, would Mr. Wu use the method of drawing a snake out of the hole?

“He cherishes feathers. This is normal. If he just becomes the president of the student council, he is thinking of doing good for his hometown. Who can trust him to ascend to a high position in the future?

not to mention…”

At this point, Mr. Wu sighed.

“What’s more, he still has a bit of hatred for me in his heart. After all, Nancheng Tengyun Fund chose He Feng at the beginning, but he didn’t choose him later.”

“Uh… but Nancheng is his hometown after all, where he was born and raised.

If I hate my hometown without the support of Tengyun Fund, wouldn’t it be time for me, a foreigner, to run away? ”

Sun Wei is rather uncomfortable.

After   , he couldn’t help but be curious: “Then why didn’t you choose him in the first place?”

Wu An turned his head, looked straight into Sun Wei’s eyes, and whispered softly: “Some teenagers have light in their eyes, light, do you know?”

“I don’t know.” Sun Wei shook his head dumbfounded.

“Forget it if I don’t know, I can only tell you that I have seen a lot of teenagers, and some teenagers have a kind of light in their eyes, and He Feng has it, so I chose him at the beginning.

Yu Chao didn’t have one, so I didn’t choose him. ”

Hearing that the guardian mentioned He Feng again, Sun Wei’s eyes were gloomy.

If it weren’t for He Feng, where would they worry so much now?

Although He Feng’s combat effectiveness is almost the same as Wu Lao, the two thousand wars and the seventy-year-old Qian Zhan are not a concept at all.

It can be said clearly that as long as He Fengneng returns to Nancheng to become a guardian, Nancheng will be worry-free for at least ten years.

“Elder Wu, He Feng’s death must be strange, I don’t understand why it is like that…”

The more Sun Wei thought about it, the more unwilling he became, and he couldn’t help but hammer down the table again.

The desk that had been changed for a few days suddenly cracked again.

Wu An looked very helpless, and decided in his heart that he would never take this captain into the study again.

glanced at the desk regretfully, and he explained:

“The height of the station is different, and the things you see are different. It is normal for you not to understand them.

just talked about the plan to draw the snake out of the cave. If it caused casualties, would the relatives of those casualties understand us?

But what can we do?

If you are alone, you can act emotionally, and you can do it knowingly.

But when we have a city on our backs, every step must be calculated carefully. It is best to be like a machine, only knowing to weigh the pros and cons.

We are only carrying the city on our backs. The people above are carrying the country on our backs. Every step we take is trembling, like walking on thin ice.

Some choices seem unkind, but they are all helpless.

Just like ten years ago, China had to use nuclear weapons once to destroy a nest.

As a result, he was retaliated by monsters. Many relatives of the big men died in that retaliation.

What can they do? Assemble the army for revenge?

No, UU reading www. uukanshu.com not only couldn’t, but had to swallow it, and ordered the news to be blocked.

Because this kind of extremely negative news is not blocked, the fertility rate and the number of soldiers in the army may drop by a large margin next year.

At that time, we humans will become more and more dangerous. If we return to the situation that was decades ago, who is worthy of the people who sacrificed at Tianchi Pass? ”

Hearing Wu Lao’s words, Sun Wei could only sigh.

After a while, he suddenly thought of something and raised his head and said: “I remember He Feng has a paralyzed brother. He Feng privately funded Yu Chao a lot of money and resources. Otherwise, Yu Chao would not be able to go to Kyoto. the University.

How about we start with He Feng’s younger brother and let him ask Yu Chao? After all, Yu Chao owes the He family a love…

After waiting, we will find a way to compensate He Feng’s younger brother. What do you think? ”

Wu Lao glanced at Sun Wei, and said indifferently: “I think Yu Chao’s heart has been decided, and this will only destroy the relationship between other cousins.”

“But how do you know if you don’t try? Even if there is only one in a million chance, should you try?”

“I don’t want to count a paralyzed child, let alone Hejia has done enough.”

“Uh, but you just said that you want to be a emotionless machine…”

“So I am just the guardian of Nancheng, not the guardian of China.”

Sun Wei: “…”

“Then Mr. Wu, when will the plan to lead the snake out of the cave be implemented?”

“Before the students and teachers return to school, this time is the strongest time in the South City, so I can avoid casualties as much as possible.”

“In other words, within twenty days?”


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