I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 333

Chapter 333:

Gu Qingan leaned on the jade bed, his long sleeves fell, revealing his slender and translucent forearms, supporting his head.

“After so many years, the Fakh world has finally regained some vitality and gave birth to its own world protagonist?”

“However, the script this world gave to its protagonist is really miserable…” Gu Qingan’s eyes moved slightly, and he laughed a little.

This little guy named Su Xiaoshuang has so much robbery that Gu Qingan has seen in so many years.

Gu Qingan has seen the person with the most robbery luck, and Yuna in Shenmu World has only one-third of her robbery luck.

What is robbery? The people of all calamities are fortunately immortal.

The protagonist of the catastrophe category is that the world is full of hardships and disasters, so he should be born from catastrophe, and he belongs to the kind of person who explodes conflicts and promotes the resolution of conflicts.

After all, this kind of thing is equivalent to exploding sparks from powder kegs, and ordinary people will die if they touch it, so only this kind of strong protagonist can survive.

“Well… Considering that two billion people have died in this world since the Blood Moon, and the contradictions have intensified, and its own world level is not low, it is not unreasonable to have such a protagonist.”

Gu Qing Ansu lightly tapped his lips with a hand, and the light in his eyes turned to think.

Thanks to her, the ‘resurrection’ of this world has been transformed into ‘the end has come to me’.

The originally relatively slow recovery process has been artificially accelerated countless times, making the human beings in this world need to deal with a crisis ten times more severe than the original timeline.

Not just alien beasts, but also a church organization like the Fallen Church that believes in [Fallen Blood].

Therefore, the will of the world instinctively gave birth to such a protagonist who had a profound calamity and had a life-and-death relationship with the fallen church since his debut.

With his knees, Gu Qingan can think of how the protagonist will develop in the future. It is nothing more than brushing the fallen church all the way up, and then solving other problems.

For example, the beastmasters who were driven back to the sea by her, other human forces, or the invaders in the world of Ella…

In a word, Su has inexhaustible enemies, and in the end, most of them have to face her, the ‘Heavenly Evil God’.

However, even so, Gu Qingan has no intention of killing it. The protagonist of the world cannot be killed, so it is better to keep it beside him to facilitate supervision.

If you kill it directly, you don’t know where the next protagonist will be refreshed.

Gu Qingan thought of this, and suddenly felt a little touched, “In this way, Su Xiaoshuang can stay in the safest Qingnan Mansion in the world when she is weak, and don’t have to worry about dying.”

After all, even if the beast tide has eased now, it is not without threat. Every year, many cities suffer heavy losses from the beast tide.

And the fifth-order beastmaster who occasionally travels, arrives in a city without a fifth-order king, which is a **** feast.

Even if the king who arrived later repelled the alien beast, the dead person could not come back.

In other parts of the world, alien beasts are still a sharp blade on the head of human beings, and countless people die in the hands of alien beasts every year.

“It’s amazing…Is this a robbery? Even I have calculated it…”

By accident, Gu Qingan became Su Xiaoshuang’s protective umbrella instead.

After all, with her there, no Beastmaster dared to approach Qingnan Mansion, and the fourth-order city could handle it by itself.

“Fate? It’s really annoying…” Gu Qingan sighed with emotion.

“However, what does it have to do with me? Anyway, I’m just exuding pollution and alleviating madness. With such a protagonist, it’s a useful guy.”

In the past 15 years, mankind has fought hard and eliminated countless beasts, so that the madness in Gu Qingan’s body no longer rises, but begins to decline, and it has been reduced by one tenth.

This is really gratifying.

Gu Qing’an’s body awake time has increased, and she can still find time to go back to Tianyun’s hometown to stick with Senior Sister Wan Bai, which makes her feel good.

“Then… let’s see how far this little guy can go…” Gu Qingan took another look at Su Xiaoshuang who was being carried on a stretcher in the water mirror.

Anyway, no matter how much she grows, if she stands on the opposite side of her one day, she will be nothing more than a slap in the face.

How could I possibly roll over…

It doesn’t matter… Gu Qingan raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly.

Qingnan Hospital.

“Get out of the way! There are patients who need emergency surgery!”

Several doctors and nurses rushed by pushing an operating table. Time was running out. The patient had multiple hemorrhages, fractures, and visceral injuries.

“Hold on, you’ll be fine soon, live.” A nurse kept saying in Su Xiaoshuang’s ear.

Su Xiaoshuang opened her eyes slightly, and saw the dazzling lights on the corridor ceiling.

I don’t want to die… This thought is like a piece of grass on the edge of a cliff. Once it emerges, it is caught by Su Xiaoshuang.

However, her consciousness was very unstable, and she could not stay awake for a long time. Then, after insisting on it for a while, she fell into a coma after being on the operating table.

“I don’t want to die…”


The sound of the vital signs monitor sounded regularly, and the air was filled with the smell of disinfectant. Su Xiaoshuang was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face and many plaster casts fixed on her body.

“Well…it hurts.” After Su Xiaoshuang regained some consciousness, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

On that day, the believer of the fallen church, after being unable to escape, brazenly blew himself up.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood exploded, and a terrifying shock wave came.

Then, severe pain took over Su Xiaoshuang’s consciousness, and when she woke up again, she would be in the hospital.

“Am I being affected by Chiyu, these traitors from the fallen church are really hateful…”

Feeling the injuries all over her body, Su Xiaoshuang’s heart sank. The college entrance examination is approaching, any injury will have a big impact, let alone such a serious injury.

Even if we can recover at the fastest speed, I am afraid there is no way to catch up with this year’s college entrance examination, and…

Even if I catch up, I have been bedridden this month, and even if I have a good foundation, how can I compare to the other classmates who have been sprinting hard for a month.

Moreover, with such a serious injury, can his family that is not wealthy really come up with this money?

Thinking about all kinds of things, a touch of bitterness appeared in Su Xiaoshuang’s heart.

She had a feeling in her heart that her dream of joining the Taishang Dao Sect might be completely shattered, and all her efforts all along were in vain.

“However, I am a student of the Daoyuan class, and my aptitude is not bad, but at the age of sixteen, I have quasi-first-order strength. Even if I don’t enter the Supreme Dao School, there are still organizations that want me…”

“Signing a harsher contract will be more than enough for medical expenses, and you can save some money for your family, and although the wilderness is a little more dangerous, there are opportunities in the wild…”

At this moment, two small conversations sounded outside the door, Su Xiaoshuang calmly listened, and just a few words, her face turned pale.

“The injury is too heavy, the dantian is destroyed, the aptitude is lowered, and the cultivation base dissipates?”

When Su Xiaoshuang heard the words, her face changed drastically, and regardless of her injury, she sank into her dantian.

The next moment, her face showed pain, her cultivation was really gone, and even her physique had regressed a lot.

“No! It’s not true!” Su Xiaoshuang lost control of her emotions and caused her own injuries, which burst open.

Immediately afterwards, a danger alarm was raised, which immediately alerted the doctor and her mother who were talking outside the door.

“Little Cream!”

However, Su Xiaoshuang did not realize that there was a power surging in her heart.

“Tsk tsk, is the protagonist of the classic **** stream starting?”

“The heart was almost crushed. Not only did he not die, but he could also control a part of the power of the fallen blood by chance. This luck will definitely win the lottery.”

“This kind of acquired power, like the witcher, comes from the blood of the corrupt, but it restrains the existence of the corrupt church. It’s really interesting.”

Gu Qingan changed positions on the jade bed, biting the straw and drinking the Coke in his hand, while looking at the water mirror in front of him.

Even at the end of the world, as long as Gu Qingan needs it, Qingnan Prefecture must keep the Coke production line.

Anyway, the cultivation base has reached the point of Gu Qing’an, and the effect of drinking the nectar and jade liquid is gone, so it is better to simply drink some delicious carbonated drinks.

Now she is basically drinking Coke while watching the daily life of the new protagonist to have some fun+.

Even if she created the Taishang Dao Sect and recruited a group of disciples, she basically didn’t care about anything, so she was very free, so she simply paid more attention to this little cutie.

Except for the first batch of disciples she taught some things about Taishangdao, which is a continuation of the Taoist tradition, Gu Qingan basically didn’t care about it.

The following disciples were taught by the first batch of disciples, and she herself was sleeping on the top of Xianju Mountain every day, oh no, practicing.

Even before the big beast tide, the five sea beast kings attacked, if they didn’t want to attack Qingnan Mansion, Gu Qingan would not take action.

And an ordinary Daoist disciple might not even see Gu Qingan once in more than ten years.

This level of decentralization is simply unprecedented.

This is what Gu Qingan can do. Even the rest of the monarchs in this world who hold great powers will be at risk if they dare to delegate power like this.

But Gu Qingan is different. Although she is still only fifth-order at this time, the gap between her fifth-order and those kings is simply immeasurable.

You are fifth-order because you only have this weight, and I am fifth-order, but this world can only carry fifth-order.

As long as the spiritual tide arrives, Gu Qingan can break through the sixth rank in an instant, and even become a true immortal. It can be said that he has secured the position of the first person in the world.

Of course, this was actually because Gu Qingan was too lazy to spend his strength to forcibly raise this avatar’s rank.

“Let me see what step you can do as a protagonist…” Gu Qingan’s face showed a playful smile.

In the water mirror, Su Xiaoshuang’s face changed from despair to confusion, and then became extremely surprised.

Thirty-five days later.

Qingnan Hospital, in Su Xiaoshuang’s ward.

Su Xiaoshuang, wearing a loose hospital gown, stood on the ground, stretched out her hands, and asked the nurse to scan her body with the detector.

After a while, several doctors and nurses exclaimed, “Although it is very strange, Miss Su Xiaoshuang, your injuries are all healed.”

“Just need to review it after a while.”

“It’s incredible, it’s a medical miracle, to recover from such a serious injury in such a short period of time.”

“Also, the aptitude has also recovered and it seems to have improved to a higher level. Although the cultivation base still has to be cultivated slowly, it is already very lucky.”

“Xiaoshuang, although you missed this year’s college entrance examination, you still have a chance next year. Maybe you can rush to the Taishang Dao Sect.”

Several nurses surrounded Su Xiaoshuang and happily told her that they were really happy for her.

In the past month or so, this young girl who is persistent, optimistic and kind, endured the pain and insisted on rehabilitation training, has won the favor of many people.

“Thank you, my sisters, for always encouraging me during this time.” Su Xiaoshuang smiled, revealing her sweet little tiger teeth, looking sunny and cheerful.

The days of gloom and gloom are over. After my qualifications are restored, I will definitely be able to live a better life.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and a middle-aged man in the uniform of the Special Affairs Bureau pushed open the door a little.

“Hello, is this Su Xiaoshuang’s ward?”

“I’m Shi Tairan from the Special Affairs Bureau. I’m here to find Su Xiaoshuang.”

“Please come in.” Su Xiaoshuang blinked, as if thinking of something.

The kind middle-aged uncle opened the door with a smile, walked in, and found a chair to sit down.

“Hello, classmate Su, congratulations on your recovery, have you ever thought about the next life?”

Su Xiaoshuang’s eyes moved slightly, and she also sat on the bed, “Mr. Shi, do you have any suggestions?”

Shi Tairan smiled, pushed out a photo, and put it in front of Su Xiaoshuang.

“This is, that guy!” Su Xiaoshuang’s pupils tightened.

The person in the picture in front of her turned to ashes, she remembered that it was the self-destruction of this fallen person that made her like this, and even nearly died.

“The Fallen Church, this church organization founded by the traitor Lin Simiao of the Special Affairs Bureau, believes in [Fallen Blood], the evil god’s church organization, and has committed countless monstrous evil deeds.”

“Every fallen person has been stained with the blood of countless people, and even, in order to obtain enough ‘divine grace’, he also assisted alien beasts to break through barriers to please the fallen blood…”

“Dunchun Fortress, Jianghuai Fortress… The fall of these fortresses has nothing to do with them. These beasts who have committed crimes against humanity should be slashed with a thousand swords.” Shi Tairan’s tone was solemn and his eyes solemn.

“Student Su, you are also a victim of the fallen church…”

“Do you want to join the special affairs bureau and join us in eradicating these human scum?”

“Of course, it’s not for you to work for nothing, it’s a serious bureau of special affairs, with a generous salary and a reward for spiritual practice.”

“How about it?”

“Sorry, I still want to focus on my studies, I want to enter the Taishang Dao Sect.”

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