I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 330

Chapter 330:

The next moment, the golden-red stellar arm appeared outside the hourglass crystal wall system. Gu Qingan estimated the position and influence.

Then… she stretched out her hand and inserted her five fingers into the crystal wall system, as if her hands were inserted into a cream cake.

Within the hourglass crystal wall system, in the mighty tide of aura, when it was in the middle of the road, a big golden-red hand that covered the sky and the sun crossed into the tide of aura.

However, Gu Qingan had no idea of blocking the tide of spiritual energy. Then, the golden-red flames burned violently, carrying Gu Qingan’s own power into this boundless spiritual energy.

It is equivalent to Gu Qing’an adding strength to this spiritual energy tide, making the spiritual energy content in it to a higher level.

As for the addition of spiritual energy, what else was added?


What else could there be? Gu Qing smiled in relief.

Don’t ask, just ask is to add good things, probably, Gu Qing’an’s body, 1% crazy pollution…

Then, Gu Qingan’s eyes moved suddenly, he sensed something, and looked towards the other end of the hourglass.

For her movements, the superhuman of Fah Star is too weak, and the technology is also affected by the power of the aura tide, so it is impossible to observe at all.

However, the world at the other end of the hourglass, the world where the spiritual energy is prosperous, may not be observed by anyone with good luck.

Well, ‘good luck’.

Without any precautions, what would happen if you directly saw a part of Gu Qing’an’s body?

The other end of the hourglass crystal wall system, the world of Ella.

The three-wheeled moon hangs high in the sky, and more than ten big stars twinkle, which is the constellation that the gods hold high in the sky.

In the very center of the Counties of Clentieu, a six-storey luxurious Mage Tower stands.

The ability to build a six-story Mage Tower means that the owner of this Mage Tower, the Count of Clentieu, has reached the sixth realm of the magic path – a demigod!

The so-called demigods are people who ignite the fire of God, shape the body of God, and can reach the top of the gods in just one step.

Converted to the Fahe star, that is a major repair that has reached the realm of the law body.

However, it is very difficult for Count Clentieu to become a god. This world already has more than a dozen gods, and they will not want someone to dilute their authority.

Not to mention, the magical concentration of Ella’s world is declining. If it is a few decades later, there may even be gods who can’t support their own thrones, fall from the sky, and become saints.

Becoming a **** at this juncture is not a good idea no matter how you look at it.

“The magic tide will recede, and the stars will rise and fall…” On the top floor of the Mage Tower, Count Clentieu’s eyes were solemn.

He looked attentively at the huge crystal floating in front of him, all the divine energy flowing out of his body, supporting the presentation of the picture in the crystal.

Unlike other transcendents whose magic power declines and is in a constant state of panic, as a dragon among people who can start from scratch, from a commoner to where they are today.

Count Clentieu is by no means a weak-willed person, and he also has his own ideas.

“The magic of Ella’s world has receded, and it will be difficult to support the existence of the throne in the future. Then, I can go to another world to become a god.”

“It’s like the ancestors of the sinners…” The handsome count, his eyes narrowed, flashed solemnly.

The world of Ella is not ignorant of the star of Fah, not to mention the records left by the hourglass and the circulation of the two worlds before ancient times.

Just three thousand years ago, those foreign people who called themselves “Yan Han” and the foreign gods they believed in, raised their teachings to the world of Ella, and it was enough for all the high-level extraordinary people in the world of Ella to deeply remember this.

The entry of the exotic gods of Fah Star naturally caused a rebound from the local forces, but at that time, the strength of the world of Ella was far less powerful than it is today.

However, the rules of Ella’s world exclude immortality, and the latecomers of “Yan Han” cannot become immortals, making their successors weak.

In addition, countless native heroes of the world of Ella have risen in the war, writing an epic full of blood, tears and glory.

With the support of the world, the surviving mortal heroes were lucky enough to ascend to the gods, increasing the high-end combat power of the world of Ella.

In the end, seven hundred years later, under the rebound of Ella’s world, the exotic real fairy who became the water of no source was finally defeated.

Of the seven true immortals from other realms, only one of them survived and hid at the edge of the world with the rest of the people of the “Yan Han”.

But together with the true gods of Ella, the number of ten fingers has also fallen in seven hundred years. Today’s gods are mostly filled by newcomers later.

Immortals and gods are fighting so fiercely, not to mention the existence below.

Not to mention anything else, the reason why Count Clentieu was able to rise is because he got a broken half-artifact when he was young.

And the owner of this semi-artifact fell into the hands of a ‘dharma body’ in a foreign land.

In fact, to this day, the people of the “Yan Han” still make the gods fearful.

There are rumors that they have developed a method to become immortal in this world, and are planning a counterattack on the dark side of the world…

In this regard, Count Clentieu can prove that this is not a rumor, because he obtained this method in the sea of consciousness of a strange demigod that he killed decades ago.

“With this method, coupled with my decades of deductions, it is not hopeless to go to the world of Fah to become a god…” The Count secretly said in his heart.

“As long as I can be the first to locate the world of Fah in this magic tide…”

Count Clentieu increased the outflow of divine power and fully supported the magic crystal that had become a little blurry in front of him.

“Damn… consume so much? Some miscalculations…” Sweat dripped from his forehead.

“Should I give up… or… just hold on…”

But, right now.

The magic crystal in front of him suddenly became clear.

“But… what is this…?” Count Clentieu was stunned for a moment. Did he… see a hand?

The next moment, a blood-colored symbol suddenly appeared in his mind, followed by terrifying pain.


I saw this handsome, well-proportioned earl fell to the ground in pain the next moment, countless blood blisters bulged on his body, and bone spurs penetrated the skin and gave birth in a twisted way.

“This is… a godhead fragment?”

“Blood of the Fall?!”

In the midst of this extreme pain, the demigod earl still had some reason left, and he worked hard to absorb the information in the fragments of the godhead.

After a while, the pain on his face turned into joy…

“Godhead! Godhead!”

“How can I get such a supreme treasure?! Although it is only a fragment, but… that is a godhead…”

The earl, who had deformed bone spurs all over his body, sat quietly on the ground, feeling the information in the godhead.

“Other godhead fragments, in the Fah world? It seems that I really have to go there…”

At the same time, the influence of the tide of spiritual energy finally arrived in the Fakh world.

Dongzhou, Shia.

Countless people raised their heads, only to see that the moon in the sky that had been dyed red became brighter and brighter, and the bright red seemed to drip blood.

At this time, the senior officials of the Hiat Special Affairs Bureau held a meeting with a projection in the Shangluo Mansion, and the projection meeting was also to avoid being wiped out.

At this time, the high-level officials of these special affairs bureaus are all in major cities across the country, leading some extraordinary people to sit in town.

“Big disaster… big disaster… what is the big disaster that Daozi said about?” Someone asked with a gloomy expression.

“I’m not sure about Daozi. We can only respond to changes with the same thing. Are the extraordinary people all over the place ready?”

“Six hundred and seventy extraordinary people in the country are scattered in three places in the country and can be quickly supported by planes.”

“Other conventional forces have already been arranged, so there is no need to worry…”

“That’s right, good.”

But, right now.

In the Shangluo Mansion, a long howl suddenly sounded!

Chapter 434 The Outside of the Wall…is the Monster 4K

“what’s the situation?!”

“Come on, go and confirm!” Several senior officials of the Shangluo House Special Affairs Bureau who were present immediately made a decision.

Shangluo House is the capital of Shia, and its importance is unquestionable. Any disturbance here can affect the entire Shia.

In fact, there is no need for a high-level order to go to check this matter.

That long whistle spread to a huge range, and the extraordinary people and military people who had heard it a long time ago went to investigate.

And Xia’s most trusted superhuman, Xu Zhou, an elite of the special affairs bureau who personally sits in Shangluo Mansion, set off for the target location as soon as he heard the roar.

However, it’s still a bit late.

three minutes ago.


A man in a patrol uniform held a pistol calmly, and the smoke of gunpowder was still on the muzzle.

A few meters behind him, several terrified citizens were discussing.

“I don’t know where the dog came from and it wasn’t tied properly. It scared me to death.”

“This dog suddenly went mad, so fierce…”

“And it’s too big…”

In front of them, a thin dog more than two meters long was lying on the ground, with a blood hole showing on its forehead.

Affected by the resurgent Aura, many animals and plants have grown in size, wildly, and aggressively.

Although so far, most of these beasts have appeared in the wild, but they are not absent in cities.

However, despite being affected by the spiritual energy, these animals are still mortal, unable to stop the bullet’s attack.

The inspections are not panicked. Shia has conducted similar training on them to deal with the appearance of possible beasts, and the special large-caliber firearms and penetrating bullets in his hands are to deal with these.

He looked at the small dog with no signs of life, and he was relieved, put down the gun and turned to speak to several citizens.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, you are all safe, please go back…”


Before the inspection was finished, a violent roar sounded behind him.

“Be careful!” Several citizens exclaimed.

At the same time, the patrol felt a foul-smelling wind rushing towards him.

“What…?” The inspector’s heart was beating wildly, he turned his head quickly, and saw that the small dog was biting at him with its mouth wide open.


There was a sharp pain in the throat, blood splattered, and the terrifying impact was transmitted through his body, as if he had hit a truck head-on.

The next moment, the consciousness of the inspection fell into darkness.

I saw that small dog, under the strange **** moonlight, the muscles of the whole body continued to swell and bulge, and the figure rose wildly. In just a few seconds, it grew to a terrifying seven or eight meters long and three or four meters high. appearance.

At the same time, a bullet was squeezed out of a blood hole in the middle of its forehead, and then quickly healed.

In its eyes, there was a terrifying scarlet light, and there seemed to be a layer of red light on the fur.

“Ah!! Run!” The citizens looked terrified and ran without thinking.

It’s just, how can their ridiculous speed be faster than this freshly-baked beast?

A few screams, a few bloodstains, and then disappeared. After the blood moon transformation was completed, this alien beast had fallen into extreme hunger.

After all, although the occult is manifested, the growth of the creature’s size still requires some substances.

Fortunately, there are many weak prey around it.

This strange beast turned his attention to the buildings nearby.


Just a single collision was enough to destroy the balance of a small building. The screams of countless people sounded, and the whole city fell into panic.

This alien beast, in the ruins of the building, devoured life one by one, and the nourishment of flesh and blood was also accelerating its mutation.

After the fourth building was torn down, it seemed to have reached a certain limit, and this strange beast roared, shaking the entire city!

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