I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 317

Chapter 317:

The radio on Liu Qiyan’s waist rang.

“Hey, Major Liu, what happened to you? What is this ghostly tornado?!”

Liu Qiyan knelt on the ground and felt a little thirsty in her mouth. Looking at Gu Qingan in midair, she picked up the radio tremblingly.

“I saw… God…”

Request for leave, touched on July 1

@@@@ Finally finished the exam, I will go home tomorrow, let’s relax today, I can’t write.

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Chapter 422 The enemy country is within easy reach 4K

On the outskirts of Qingnan Prefecture, a military base.

Countless soldiers with guns and live ammunition walked around, the total number would probably not be less than 3,000. At the same time, nearly 100 armored vehicles were parked on the periphery of the base. If you look closely, you can also find that the paint on them is worn.

This is one of the three armored regiments under the Shia Fourth Armored Division “Storm” transferred from Fufeng Prefecture.

When the border is rubbed, so many troops can still be squeezed out, and the upper class of Shia is really moving.

And, more than that, at this time, Fufeng, Xingyue and neighboring provinces have all started reserve mobilization.

The mobilized soldiers, in addition to the front line of support, and a total of one infantry division, will come to Qingnan Prefecture to maintain the blood tree blockade.

At the same time, the air force base and satellites in Tongchang Province are also monitoring the Blood Mist Mountains around the clock to ensure the timely transmission of information.

Some time ago, the living corpse under the control of the blood tree counterattack, has touched the sensitive nerves of the upper layers of Shia, and the infectiousness and threat of the living fungus corpse have made them nervous.

And in this case, even if it is possible to thin the front line, it is impossible to relax the siege of the blood tree.

And in this case, when a large number of satellites are all activated, any troubles will be detected at the fastest speed.

Not to mention, it was a giant cyclone like a natural disaster.

At the core of the military base, Lu Wenyuan with white temples furrowed his brows. On the screen in front of him that looked like a giant screen in a movie theater, there was a bright red color that was extremely dazzling.

This is a remote sensing image from a meteorological satellite, which is used to detect the weather.

“What’s going on, there is no warning, but this kind of giant tornado suddenly appeared…”

Lu Wenyuan’s eyes showed solemnity, his brows furrowed, forming a Sichuan character.

He is 67 years old this year. He is a veteran who has experienced the end of the Great Patriotic War forty years ago and several wars since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

It can be said that he is old and strong, and has a pivotal position in the Shia military.

Although in recent years due to physical discomfort, he has retreated to the second line and recuperated in Tongchang Province, but because this place needs a significant person to preside over, he still stood up resolutely.

And after learning about the changes in Qingnan Prefecture in detail, knowing the existence of the twisted blood tree, and after reappearing in the world, he had a vague sense of worry.

The world is about to change…

The world perceived by human beings is like a shallow layer on the iceberg, but human beings arrogantly believe that this small iceberg is the whole picture of the whole world.

And the huge shadow under the sea floor is indifferently peeping at the complacent mortals.

Now, when these ancient shadows are rising…

Lu Wenyuan shook his head and dispelled the thoughts in his mind.

At this time, these elites of the Shia military have also collected and analyzed information.

“There was nothing unusual about the place where the cyclone appeared before. It was the villa of a new martial artist who appeared in Qingnan Prefecture.”

Immediately afterwards, Gu Qing’an’s photo and intelligence records appeared on the big screen.

“Records… Kill the local martial arts sect master Feishamen and his sons, practitioners of marrow martial arts.”

“In Shia’s martial artist database, there has never been such a young female martial artist named Gu Qing’an.”

“The specific time when she appeared in Qingnan Mansion…about ten days ago…”

“This time…” Lu Wenyuan’s pupils shrank. According to their military’s inference, the appearance time of the twisted blood tree is roughly this time period.

“At such a sensitive time, there is something wrong with this person who calls himself Gu Qing’an when he appears here.” Lu Wenyuan made a judgment without any hesitation.

As an old man who had come during the war, he had almost blind confidence in his intuition.

“Why is there such a suspicious person, you have no action?”

“Report to General Lu, this morning, we sent a major from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to sign the warrior.”

“That’s good, give me the fastest speed to connect this major.” Lu Wenyuan was resolute and ordered immediately.


After a wave of current, there was a beep, a signal that the radio was on.

“Hey, Major Liu, what happened to you? What happened to this ghostly tornado?!”

The moment the radio was connected, the operator immediately asked loudly.

But just a moment later, on the other end of the radio, Liu Qiyan’s answer sounded.

“I saw… God…”

Liu Qiyan’s tone was full of panic and shock, as if her whole person had lost her soul.

“God?” Lu Wenyuan’s eyes narrowed, and the expression on his face was a little horrified.

Liu Qiyan is an elite agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who knows about the supernatural existence of the twisted blood tree, even though Lu Wenyuan doesn’t know her.

But according to the average level of the agents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, her personal psychological quality is definitely not bad, then…

Lu Wenyuan took a deep breath, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

“Order the satellite to operate at full power, you don’t need to worry about damage, I want to see what that ‘God’ is!”

Although his heart sank, Lu Wenyuan did not show it, but said calmly.

“Follow the order.” Several technicians pressed a few buttons, and an order went straight to the sky along the signal transmitter in the base.


Under the full power output of the satellite, the scene where the cyclone was located was rapidly enlarged and presented on the screen.

And this time, everyone in the entire command hall lost their voices.

Someone’s eyes were about to fall, and he stammered, “How is this possible…she…what…”

“God…” A complex color flashed across Lu Wenyuan’s face.

Is there really a **** in this world? !

They couldn’t help but have no delusions. On the screen at this time, what appeared was Gu Qingan standing proudly in the cyclone, like a fairy in the Moon Palace, overlooking all living beings with her cold and arrogant eyes.

The beauty of the country and the city is shocking to the people of the world!

However, this is not the most shocking, I saw Gu Qingan on the screen, suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

Her beautiful face clearly appeared on the big screen.

“Oh?” A smile appeared on Gu Qing’an’s mouth.

Above the distant sky, there was a faint sense of peeping, and it was keenly perceived by it.

Gu Qingan is also considered a modern person, so he naturally understands what this is.

“Satellites! Maybe, and missiles!”

Crack clap.

Gu Qingan moved her shoulders and neck, making a crunching sound of bones, and the sound of cluck cluck sounded on her body.

“Exactly, check the actual combat level of the Great Grandmaster of the Manifestation.”


The next moment, Gu Qingan’s figure flashed, and the strong wind was tamed by him, surrounding Gu Qingan, offsetting the frictional force of the air.


In an instant, Gu Qing’an’s body moved extremely fast, bringing out a long afterimage in the air, often her figure appeared for a few seconds, and then a sonic boom sounded.

With Gu Qing’an’s departure, the original giant cyclone quickly calmed down, and a large amount of stone sand that was thrown into the sky fell down, making Liu Qiyan and her group disgraced.

However, they did not have the slightest anger. On the contrary, Liu Qiyan looked at the cyclone that was gradually disappearing in front of her.

On her pretty face stained with dust, she lost her mind, “This is… God?”

Although the spiritual energy of this world has been cut off for a long time, the human beings in this world have deeply imprinted the pursuit of their own great power in their DNA in the long high spirit era.

And it is this instinctive yearning for one’s own great power that makes the martial arts in this world still extremely prosperous, and the style of martial arts is almost ten times that of Gu Qing’an’s previous life, Blue Star.

This pursuit of individual strength makes people extremely worship the strong.

In the age of absolute spirit, this kind of worship was transferred to powerful countries and powers, such as the Shia Empire, which nearly unified the Eastern Continent in ancient times, and the Star Ring Alliance, which now dominates the Western Continent.

These two hegemons, in their respective eras, had huge crowds all over the world. The ancient Shia Empire spread its own culture to the entire Eastern Continent.

The upper classes of the ancient Eastern Continent countries were all proud of their lifestyles like those of the Shia nobles.

Even to this day, among the two enemy countries of Sia and Sloja, many of Sia’s cultural characteristics have been preserved.

But now, Liu Qiyan was shocked to find that she began to admire Gu Qingan.

This person who can stir the power of heaven and earth, like a **** in the world, has deeply imprinted his figure into Liu Qiyan’s heart.

“God…” After a long time after Gu Qingan left, the female agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs still had her eyes wandering and muttered to herself.

At the same time, there was a panic in the military base, and Gu Qing’an’s change caused everyone to panic.

“She moved? She glanced in the direction of the satellite? Is this still a human? Can you find the satellite directly?” A technician’s face was full of horror.

They had never experienced Gu Qing’an’s power in a positive way, and although they were shocked, they did not directly become a brainless fan.

It’s like watching a concert on the spot, and video is two different experiences after all.

Looking at the crowd that looked like headless flies, Lu Wenyuan frowned and said in a deep voice.

“Quiet! In a panic, what kind of decency? You are the elite of the Shia military!”

Lu Wenyuan’s calm and confident tone, as well as his extraordinary prestige, allowed these people inside the base to restore the mentality of being an elite, and began to calm down quickly.

He went on to ask, “Are you sure where she’s aiming?”

“Let’s see…” A technician immediately started to operate, using satellites to track Gu Qing’an’s movements.

“Her coordinates at the beginning are here… ten seconds later here… twenty seconds later…”

The technician locked the coordinates of Gu Qing’an’s figure captured by various satellites and marked it on the map, but he suddenly screamed.

“Ah! Her goal is…”

“It’s here…” Lu Wenyuan frowned, watching the coordinates on the big screen in front of him form a straight line, heading towards the military base.

“Can a missile saturation strike be used?” Lu Wenyuan asked.

“I’m afraid…no…” Someone smiled bitterly.

At this time, more technicians exclaimed, “The speed of the target has reached three times the speed of sound. With this speed, it has caught up with the most advanced missiles in China.”

“More than that, the missile has to be locked. According to the insight of the other party’s perception of satellite snooping at a glance, it is estimated that once the missile is locked, the target will be discovered.”

“At that time, by the time the missile fell, she would have fled long ago. Even with nuclear weapons, she would at most be wiped to the edge.”

“Even if the target doesn’t have specific data on defense and regeneration, I personally don’t think it’s much lower. The nuclear explosion at the edge cannot kill the target.”

“With the conventional strength we have at hand, it is very difficult for us to kill the target, and even if we repel the target with the strength here, it is very difficult to keep her.”


Listening to the technical analysis of his subordinates, Lu Wenyuan’s expression is even more ugly. Does this mean that they have nothing to do with this ‘Gu Qingan’?

This made him sigh inwardly.

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