I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 313

Chapter 313:

To cultivate a **** is to have complete control over one’s own fleshly body.

But… in the face of so many monsters, what is the use of you being a god, Sun Lao?

But the next moment, something happened that made the officer’s eyeballs fall, only to see Old Sun raise his hand.


In an instant, the air vibrated, and a crescent-like light emerged from his hand, overflowing with brilliance.

“I’m not mistaken… The hand of a person can actually emit light?” The colonel was stunned, and he didn’t respond immediately even when he asked the other end of the radio.

But in the next moment, Old Sun’s eyes narrowed and he let out a low drink.


Chill it!

The light of the crescent moon shot out, expanded in mid-air, and in just a few seconds, it turned into a blade of light that was ten meters long.

Under the sweeping blade of light, no matter what kind of living corpse, they all fell down like reaping wheat.

Sun Shanhe actually relied on one person to block the tide of corpses that wanted to rush into the base.

“Elder Sun, are you awakening some supernatural ability?” the colonel couldn’t help asking.

“Hey, this is not a supernatural ability, but the strength of our martial arts!”

“Gang Jin! But Gang Jin is not considered a fake…” The colonel was stunned for a moment, a little stunned.

After the 40-year war, Shia’s official relationship with the martial arts world has never been closer.

The group of martial artists who had experienced the world war realized that under the development trend of modern technology, martial arts must also keep up with this trend.

Resting on your laurels will only lead to your elimination.

The use of various modern scientific and technological means to promote the development of martial arts more effectively and scientifically has become the consensus of the martial arts community.

In the 12th year of Xia Li, the martial arts world and the official, in the capital of Xia, Shangluo House organized the “First Academic Symposium of the Xia martial arts circle.”

The martial arts masters of the various sects gathered enthusiastically in Shangluo Mansion, wanting to make the martial arts a second spring.

One of the key points of this seminar is to use modern technology to sort out traditional martial arts and introduce new ones.

And this time, it was a bad thing.

Before this seminar, martial arts were divided into five stages: body training, visceral training, marrow training, vigor training, and spiritual training.

Among them, in the stage of entering jin, this ‘jin’ refers to astral jin.

However, after careful examination of 120 recognized martial artists, the following conclusions were drawn.

[The so-called martial artist who claims to have entered the Gang Jin, the physical quality is not actually stronger than the martial artist who practiced the marrow]

[And the so-called Gang Jin did not show any effect under the action of the double-blind experiment]

[There is reason to believe that the so-called Gang Jin is just a kind of hysteria caused by martial artists under the influence of psychology]

[The psychological anxiety symptoms caused by the delay in being unable to advance to the refining spirit after the completion of the cultivation of the marrow]

[It enables them to improve the combat power brought about by the mature training of their power-generating skills after the completion of their training, which is called entering the power]

As soon as this result came out, many martial arts sects were embarrassed, and there was no way to quibble.

Because this is their own strong request to use modern technology to analyze martial arts, and all research is carried out by their own people.

After learning the news, many martial artists exclaimed, “Fuck, what am I practicing?”

For a time, many martial artists could not accept this conclusion.

In the end, only the martial arts masters can come forward and explain.

“There are many martial arts theories that are difficult to understand with modern technology, and so is martial arts training…”

This overshadowed the incident, and the research on Gang Jin was canceled.

However, a few years later, the major sects invariably asked their disciples to begin to try to cultivate gods after they had completed their cultivation.

But… at this moment, it was someone who showed real strength!

How could this make the colonel not be astonished? Gang strength? Is the world really strong?

Looking at the shocked colonel, Sun Shanhe let out a low voice and reached out, “Colonel Li, please organize soldiers to counterattack immediately!”

“Yes! I understand!” Colonel Li reacted, suspending the saturation strike with the radio in his hand, and then began to command the soldiers to counterattack.

And at the same time.

Inside the base, in the research room, Lin Simiao was preparing to leave the place with the rest of the researchers and the captured living Twisted Blood Tree.

The reason why the blood tree was not taken away from this place before was because I was worried that it would have hidden dangers and confidentiality, but now I can’t care about it anymore.

Several researchers panicked and kept asking the soldiers beside them.

“What happened outside?”

“Did those monsters riot?”

The soldier also looked embarrassed and could only explain.

“Please rest assured, we will definitely protect your safety…”

Compared with the rest of the researchers, Lin Simiao’s performance was much calmer. At this time, he even had the mind to continue to observe the Twisted Blood Tree.

This living pig has entered the restless stage. Even though it is constantly corroded by hydrochloric acid, it is still frantically twisting its branches and opening and closing its eyes.

“What an amazing creation…”

Faintly, there are hallucinations.

No longer the vague words, but words that seem to be audible and understandable.

“Fall & *%¥¥…”

Lin Simiao frowned and approached the Twisted Blood Tree, trying to hear it clearly.

But, right now.

With a bang, the door of the research institute was violently slammed open, a three-meter-high fungal corpse roared in the sky, and more than a dozen ordinary living corpses rushed in with him.

“Everyone, please evacuate first, leave it here…” A soldier with his subordinates bravely moved forward to block the corpse tide.

But… it’s like putting out a fire with pay, just for a moment, it was submerged by the corpse tide.

“No! Help us!” someone shouted desperately.

After a few seconds, the cry for help ended, and the living corpses, who were always hungry for flesh and blood, turned their attention to the researchers.

The hideous corpse was rushing towards them, but Lin Simiao seemed to have lost his soul.

Roars, screams, and the breaking of flesh and bones, all these sounds are leaving him.

Only one sentence became clearer and clearer in his ears.

“Blood of the Fallen.”

“Blood of the Fallen!!!”

Chapter 419 Blackening is ten times stronger! 4K

“Blood of the Fallen…”

“Blood of the Fallen!!”

Lin Simiao knelt in front of the glass box, his face was pale, he covered his head, involuntarily followed his hallucinations and repeated these words.

What he said was not any existing human language, but a mysterious language that was extremely tongue-in-cheek and had shocking power.

In ancient times, language had power. The ancient sages in this world researched and concluded a language that could fit the breath of the world and record the mystery.

It is called [Fakh language]

If mortals want to use the power of mystery, they must learn the Fakh language first, because most of the extraordinary things in this world need to be activated in the Fakh language.

And Gu Qingan embedded a part of the power in this world with his own personality, and became the hidden existence of [Blood of the Fallen].

Since it is part of the world, it is naturally expressed in French.

Lin Simiao didn’t know this. In the long era of absolute spirit, all the secrets were buried. Today, the inheritance of the Fakh language has died out, and it is no longer a living language.

Maybe in the future, the spiritual energy will recover, and the human beings in this world will spend a lot of manpower and material resources to be able to deduce this dead language from the few ancient books.

And now, Lin Simiao may be the only human being who masters the Fakh language besides Gu Qingan.

“Blood of the Fall!” Lin Simiao’s face became paler, but there was a bit of fanaticism in his eyes.

As he repeatedly recited the honorable name of the hidden existence in the Fakh language, although the space here remained the same, Lin Simiao felt that something had changed.

The corpse who was about to slaughter a group of soldiers stopped his pace.

In their eyes, there is still a desire for flesh and blood, but looking at the ‘meat’ in front of them, they dare not take a step forward, and instead retreat back timidly.

It’s just that the desire for flesh and blood makes them reluctant to leave completely.

Lin Simiao and the researchers around him watched the living corpses recede, and the space in front of them widened, but they looked at the empty research room.

They have an indescribable sense of weirdness. They feel that this place is very…’crowded’.

as if…

Here, as if there is a certain existence casting his gaze, such existence, even just staring, can bring an amazing sense of presence.

Many researchers, because they rarely participate in exercise on weekdays, have symptoms such as difficulty breathing at this time.

In the void, Gu Qingan watched Lin Simiao in front of him through some kind of secret connection.

There was satisfaction on her face, “Not bad, there are quite a few qualified people in this world…”

Being able to have such a high level of inspiration in the early stages of spiritual qi recovery, and being able to master Fah’s spell, this Lin Simiao is really talented.

“In the future… the Church of the Fallen Blood will be without this person… so… increase the price for him?”

Just do it when she thinks of it, Gu Qingan chuckled lightly, and casually pointed at Lin Simiao.

“This is not to harm you. If you don’t die, you will become an extraordinary person in one step, the first extraordinary person in this world for a short time.”

“How many gods can I find in the heavens and the worlds who care so much about the believers?”

Gu Qingan didn’t feel guilty, finally glanced at Lin Simiao, disconnected the link, and let him see his own creation for the rest.

To this day, with her identity, she doesn’t care so much about a mortal believer. If she can take a look and give something at will, it is already smoke from the mortal’s ancestral grave.

As for whether this mortal wants Gu Qing’an’s gift…

It’s not up to you.

As Gu Qing’an’s backhand began to activate, the illusion that had gradually subsided in Lin Simiao’s mind began to resurface.

Moreover, the whispering voice of the void began to recite another prayer.

An equally strange and powerful words sounded in Lin Simiao’s ears, and even followed the sound.

【Blood of mellow taste, the secret of swallowing】

A strong smell of blood appeared around him, and the smell of blood was equally pungent, but in Lin Simiao’s heart at this time, there was a different kind of sweetness.

“Blood of mellow taste…”

Since ancient times, blood has been considered to be the cohesion of vitality, and drinking the sweet and mellow blood can lead to longevity.

And, at the same time, accompanied by this unusually sweet and tempting **** smell, there was also the sound of clicking.

It was the sound of eating, the flesh was picked off by the tongue, the bones were crushed by the teeth, and the marrow was sucked into it.

The voice was rapid and bursting, reflecting the greed and impatience of the eater.

“The Secret of Devouring…”

A strong physique is built on eating, and only sufficient food can meet the needs of the extraordinary.

A lot of crazy ravings, as well as **** images of various creatures swallowing each other, and even self-feeding came into his mind.

This knowledge began to spontaneously change Lin Simiao’s body that was on the verge of transformation.

His muscles are getting stronger, his bones are getting tougher, the flaws in his body are being made up…

“Roar!” Lin Simiao roared, a burst of white air emerged from his body, and his whole body was red like a boiled shrimp.

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