Husband of the Goblin Tribe

[v2] Chapter Nine – In which the Great Protector appears, asks a few questions, shows Ark who’s boss, then enjoys a hot bath before taking off.

~~** Interlude | Glace **~~


By gods and galaxies is my Papa something else. I might be a bratty runt of a goblin right now, but hot damn was my little gob-guzzler leaking so much grool being around him in his goblin form, I’m going to have to secretly clean the backpack Button was carrying me around in, to the point I was almost made to swim. I admit to having been avoiding Papa since the whole Diana Artemis wants a daddy-dicking thing, but I’m the tribe’s Shaman, and I am doing my job as best I can. Diana needed a release like that, whether Papa was going to consent to it or not, and while I’m a tad bit sorry I hurt him emotionally by locking him down, it really was for the best.

I’ve already learned from Old One that my sisters and I aren’t going to be naturally fertile until we’re like fifteen moons old or whatever. I still have no idea how many days are in a lunar cycle in this world. I think it’s around thirty or so, but I can’t be bothered to keep track of that kind of worthless information after having hopped through countless worlds. I was curious if undergoing one of these Blood Fury things would affect that, but it seems like it doesn’t.

We, being me and all the other goblins who would be going out on this orc-hunt, had already come to the consensus that if Papa was able to do to any female orcs we might come across as he did to Stella—changing her into a goblin—it might be a good idea to capture any of them we come across. If it doesn’t work, we can always kill them, but if it does, there’s nothing wrong with adding more Bloodmaw to our tribe.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve been in such a fun world. I dearly love each and every one of my goblin sisters. Button especially, but she’s also a special case. I’m actually looking forward to a bit of cuckoldry, anticipating watching my precious Button make sloppy O-faces as Papa steals her irreplaceable virginity from me and turns her into a woman with desperate sexual needs in the way that I, biologically, cannot ever fulfill.

Of course, if Papa wants something a little more Lolita in nature, I certainly won’t complain.

Yes, I know I’m fucked up. But anything is better than being bored.

While Button, me, Figurine, Magpie, Lumi, Ruby, Jade, and Nova all watched the four female Orcs we captured, a figure of importance descended from the sky, landing near the fire pit. A tall being, with ashen black skin, horns jutting out of its head, and leathery wings on its back. It was the one known as the Great Protector, who I had used some magic dust Old One kept in her room to summon before we set out on the hunt.

I can’t say the current view was doing anyone any favors in explaining what was going on.

Prima, Mama, Jewel, Doll, Stella, and Diana Artemis were all fucked to hell and back, while the rest of us kiddos were looking after four tied up orcs and two black-claw wolves. There was a lot to take in for all of us, I admit.

<<Button, are you ready to explain it all to the Great Protector?>>

Button nodded. We approached the Great Protector and Button spoke for me… sort of.

“Ah, the Shaman and the little Mushroom-goblin. Old One usually waits for me, so shall I assume it was you who summoned me tonight?”

I nodded. The Great Protector glanced around the area for a while, listening to Button repeat my words while also taking stock of everything of everything it could see, from the newly formed opening above Goblinhome, to the four tied up Orcs next to the fire-pit. Even the bodies of Prima and the rest of the adults, including Diana Artemis, strewn about the place.

It held up a hand, stopping Button from speaking any further.

“Where is your Husband?”

“Tricky Husband went inside. He said not to bother him since he has strong-ones to make with Berry, Ivory, Truffle, and Pepper.”

“Hoh? I assume this was his handiwork as well?”

The Great Protector pointed to the scene of carnage my Gob-papa committed with enthusiasm. It walked around the area, nodding with approval at seeing each of the adult females of the tribe properly run through with ridiculous amounts of life-essence spilling out onto the ground from between their legs.

The destination of the Great Protector was, in the end, Lumi.

“Saintess, Knight Goblin. Is there anything I need to be concerned about?”

“Why are you asking us… Abomination!”

“Because you have just the tiniest taint on you right now. Usually, it’s only a subtle bit of divinity from Elara. Yet… there’s a faint scent of… something else. To be clear, I don’t mean the Creator, yet I also mean exactly that.”

“It’s probably our father.”


Lumi nodded.

“Is that all you care to tell me?”

“As much as I despise you and would prefer to tell you nothing, I don’t even know where to begin with all that has happened tonight.”

Nova stepped in front of Lumi, bowing her head politely.

“Great Protector. Our… father. He’s taken on a new form.”

“A new form?”

“One of a Bloodmaw.”

“Hoh? Ark has?”


“How curious.”

The Great Protector walked away from them and over to Magpie.

“Since these orcs are alive, I presume their use has already been decided?”

“Yes, Protectorate. The elders have decided to see if what was done to Stella can be done to them.”

The Great Protector crossed its arms.

“Very well. I heard the last time that it took a few days for the human to change. I expect to be informed should the same happen with these orcs.”

Magpie put an arm across her chest, attesting that it would be so.

Figurine, Ruby, and Jade along with Ebony (who was occupied with getting Beastie to let her pet the two Black-claws) were spared any further interrogation.  The Great Protector bid that Button and I follow them into Goblinhome, where it intended to see Papa in his current state. We led the way, until we came to our destination—Papa’s room.

It… wasn’t pretty. I really don’t want to describe it, but there were no survivors. Ivory was at the bottom of the pile, having taken more bone than she’d likely expected to. Truffle was laying on top of her in the opposite direction, leaking tremendous amounts of semen from her smashed cunt onto Ivory’s face. Pepper’s body was laid on top of those two, face-down perpendicular over Truffle’s back, with a few scratches on her butt, streams of white trailing down her thighs to form a puddle on the floor.

And Berry…


She’s… probably not going to be walking for a day or two from the way he’s… still…

“Amazing. What caused this to happen?” The Great Protector asked us.

“Mint.” Button answered at my instruction.

“Mint… the Bloody Druid? There are so many of you now, I tend to forget the human names he likes to give you all.”

“Yes. She was trying to get Husband to accept the goblin way…”

“And so, it seems she’s succeeded… to a point. I can feel a tremendous increase in his mana.”

“Tricky Husband Ark has been hiding his true strength!” Button complained on her own.

No sooner than Button said that, did Papa finish with Berry and set her down gently on her back. He then turned his gaze towards us, and I instantly screamed at Button mentally to back away. I was glad Button trusted me without question, because if she hadn’t, we might be stains on the floor.

Papa had somehow shadow-stepped to the Great Protector in a single second, a massive number of Runes manifested from both of them at the same time, colliding with each other and shaking the whole damn cavern. Fearing the worst, I manifested some Runes of my own, creating a field to try and contain as much of their misdirected mana as possible. None of us needed Goblinhome crashing down on our heads, and I doubt even the Great Protector would get out of that situation unscathed.

“Hoh, while I’m flattered you think that I’m interested, you are a thousand years too early to ask such a thing of me with that level of insincerity… whelp!”

The two of them began to engage in a physical fight, with Papa unaware that he was in a bit over his head, from what I could see.

Button was transfixed on Papa the entire time, her body making subtle movements as her mind recorded every step and movement he made. She was complaining earlier that Papa was hiding some kind of martial secrets from her. Well, what those two weirdos do isn’t any of my business. I know how to use the swirly-whirly too, only it involves my tongue after secretly slipping her some color-spin-think powder. I’m training her body in my own way, because no one is allowed to corrupt my Button without my permission.

Gwee hee hee!

I’ll give it to Papa. He tried.

But the reality is, there has to be an upper limit to mortal stamina. Papa raw dogged the entire adult population in the cave. Add to the fact that he’s a guy and well…

I let the Runes comprising the barrier I had made to contain the stray mana fizzle. Papa had been clocked by a one-two gut-cheek combo by the Great Protector and was now lying face-down on the floor with his face a bit further into the floor than his respiratory system would have preferred.

As a courtesy, the Great Protector used its magic to lift his face up enough so that he wouldn’t asphyxiate.

“Well, that was certainly interesting.” The Great Protector said, wiping a bit of blood from the corner of its mouth.

The three of us looked on as Papa’s green coloration began to recede into his usual human pigmentation. His body shrank a bit accordingly, and my little slitty began to cool down at long last. Just being in his presence as a goblin was massively taxing to my body. While I want to be horny, there’s a fucking limit. I’m a runt! I wouldn’t even be able to take half of what he has without it being a serious medical incident!

The Great Protector walked over to the stone bath and activated the panel to heat it up, then stepped inside.

“At least this is one Human thing I can appreciate in this cave.”

Button and I checked on Papa, and found that he was breathing fine, just unconscious. We checked on the other goblins and they were all fine too. If they weren’t already knocked up, they sure as hell would be before they woke up.

We joined the Great Protector in the bath and waited patiently while it appeared to be resting with its head tilted back against the coping of the pool-like bath. While there wasn’t anything definitive about its appearance, I had pressured Button into asking anyway.

“Great Protector… Glace wants to know if you are a female like us.”

A rumbling laugh from its chest came in reply.

“I’ll leave it to your imagination, Shaman. But being aroused when close to someone strong is a perfectly normal thing the whole world over.”

In the end, I wouldn’t be given a direct answer. It would be interesting to see those two go at it, though. Since, in the end, you only really need one hole to get it done.

“I’ll visit Goblinhome again in a few days unless you call on me sooner with news of a goblin transformation from any of those Orcs. Since they crossed into the Bloodmaw domain without permission, knowing full well that I would punish any who would do so, their ultimate fate is entirely left to your tribe.”

The Great Protector soaked in the bath for a bit longer before leaving. I decided that before we rejoined our sisters outside, it might be fun to play with Papa just a little bit. Button and I walked over to him and using magic, I carefully spun his body over in the air before setting him down gently on the ground.

As expected of this magnificent specimen, he was still sporting wood.

<<Button, my lovely life partner… want to have a little fun with me?>>

“What kind of fun?”

<<Just watch me and do as I do…>>

I knelt down by Papa’s waist and stuck my tongue out. I’m sure I don’t need to explain what it was that I was doing. All that mattered was that for all the hard work my lovely mushroom-goblin put in for his sake, she should be entitled to at least this much of a reward…

The rest of it would come later, in due course.

Gwee hee hee~

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